Shld i induce??


Was told by my massage lady that...if we pregnant for 10 mths, our body needs 10 mths to go back to normal...if 9 mths, then needs 9 mths...
Wah serious? Averagely I gained 3kgs per month so I guess it's not so diff to lose 3kg a mth?? Heeee
Wah serious? Averagely I gained 3kgs per month so I guess it's not so diff to lose 3kg a month?? Heeee
Emmm...u wan the truth?? I heard alot of ppls stop at the 3rd or 4th kilo...den very hard to lose liao... =( But i guess if u really hv the determination, sure can lose de lah..!

Ps: notice tat u're another night owl like me..hee...! :p


:eek: that's alot...:err:
Ya n my bb till date only 3.3kg n the rest of the weight on me. My tummy so big until wherever I go, ALL the ppl comment my tummy damn big n they tot I'm having twins! It's Tat bad...n they tot I'm delivering soon when I'm only 6 mths Tat time... -.-"


Member want the truth?? I heard alot of ppls stop at the 3rd or 4th kilo...then very hard to lose ... =( But i guess if you really have the determination, sure can lose ..!

Ps: notice that you're another night owl like me..hee...! :p

Lol ya I seen cases where their pregnancy weight still there after 1 year.. Sigh I'm dead!! :(

I'm tired but dun dare to sleep cos I will wake up at 2.30am to 3am go might as well sleep later pray I dun wake up later lor...trying out my new strategy lolol
Ya n my baby till date only 3.3kg n the rest of the weight on me. My tummy so big until wherever I go, ALL the ppl comment my tummy damn big n they thought I'm having twins! It's that bad...n they thought I'm delivering soon when I'm only 6 mths that time... -.-"
Omg...i'm jus the opposite...i'm not the very slim type, but during my every check up, i lost 1 kg...until my 7th mth, den started to gain tummy can only be seen until i was 5 or 6mth... :p Baby weigh 2.7kg when after giving birth, can say tat i never gained any weight...i noe, dun envy of me k... :shyxxx::001_302:
Lol ya I seen cases where their pregnancy weight still there after 1 year.. Sigh I'm dead!! :(

I'm tired but dont dare to sleep cos I will wake up at 2.30am to 3am go might as well sleep later pray I dont wake up later ...trying out my new strategy lolol
New strategy! {-.-}|||

It's normal to go toilet very frequently at your this stage...but u really needs to get enough rest as your due date is very near now...


Well-Known Member
Lol ya I seen cases where their pregnancy weight still there after 1 year.. Sigh I'm dead!! :(

I'm tired but dont dare to sleep cos I will wake up at 2.30am to 3am go might as well sleep later pray I dont wake up later ...trying out my new strategy lolol
huh? that's not the right way lah...i also wake up midnight , 2-3am for toilet break but at least we still get some rest...


Omg...i'm just the opposite...i'm not the very slim type, but during my every check up, i lost 1 kg...until my 7th month, then started to gain tummy can only be seen until i was 5 or 6mth... :p Baby weigh 2.7kg when after giving birth, can say that i never gained any weight...i know, dont envy of me k... :shyxxx::001_302:


New strategy! {-.-}|||

It's normal to go toilet very frequently at your this stage...but you really needs to get enough rest as your due date is very near now...
Lol it work! I slept at 2am..n undisturbed sleep till 9.30am lol
Everyone say muz rest well nw cos bb come le no time to rest...I so understand wat they meant but I Juz can't sleep well Ma... :,(
Got ! I slept frm 2-9.30am...undisturbed heee
if u can have undisturbed slp, thats v good liao. shld slp more oso.. Im not that lucky, always get woken up by my first boy calling mummy mummy, take at least half an hour in the middle of the night to listen to him telling me about his different coloured cars, which unit in the opposite block still has their lights on, before he is willing to go bk to slp...
if you can have undisturbed sleep, thats very good . shld sleep more also.. Im not that lucky, always get woken up by my first boy calling mummy mummy, take at least half an hour in the middle of the night to listen to him telling me about his different coloured cars, which unit in the opposite block still has their lights on, before he is willing to go back to sleep...
:tkaboom:Wahahaha...! Sounds cute, but suffering if it happens every nite! =(


if you can have undisturbed sleep, thats very good . shld sleep more also.. Im not that lucky, always get woken up by my first boy calling mummy mummy, take at least half an hour in the middle of the night to listen to him telling me about his different coloured cars, which unit in the opposite block still has their lights on, before he is willing to go back to sleep...
Gosh din noe kids do Tat in the middle of the nite...will educate them work? Like tis is sleeping time, etc??


Well-Known Member
if you can have undisturbed sleep, thats very good . shld sleep more also.. Im not that lucky, always get woken up by my first boy calling mummy mummy, take at least half an hour in the middle of the night to listen to him telling me about his different coloured cars, which unit in the opposite block still has their lights on, before he is willing to go back to sleep...
that's why when i am not working i will sleep until as late as possible and take as much nap as possible cos i know i dun have such luxury when the little one is born :tlaugh: