Shld i induce??


Oh yes!!! Their papaya soup is superb...really good...definitely must must drink!!! So nice I crave for it after discharge from hospital n when know the cafeteria at level 1 sells the same soup, I always go makan there when visit clinic...but so sad always no more when I order...sigh...

A piece of advice: If you deliver already but they have not't push you to ward (Thomson Medical Center always have no room situation so may delay pushing you to ward), n you see it's close to lunch or dinner time, make sure you tell the nurse to reserve confinement food (or western/malay/normal Chinese food if you prefer) in the menu for you so you get the food when you go to your ward.

Otherwise may end up like me, waited 2 hours in delivery ward cos no room n by the time go ward, most dinners are served and left with choices that no one wants 
Thanks for Tat advice but hw we know wat time they served? N can we wear a watch if the room gt no clock? Heee
Oh yes!!! Their papaya soup is superb...really good...definitely must must drink!!! So nice I crave for it after discharge from hospital n when know the cafeteria at level 1 sells the same soup, I always go makan there when visit clinic...but so sad always no more when I order...sigh...

A piece of advice: If you deliver already but they have not't push you to ward (Thomson Medical Center always have no room situation so may delay pushing you to ward), n you see it's close to lunch or dinner time, make sure you tell the nurse to reserve confinement food (or western/malay/normal Chinese food if you prefer) in the menu for you so you get the food when you go to your ward.

Otherwise may end up like me, waited 2 hours in delivery ward cos no room n by the time go ward, most dinners are served and left with choices that no one wants 
Wow...noted...thks! :001_302:
Thanks for that advice but hw we know what time they served? N can we wear a watch if the room gt no clock? Heee
U can always ask the nurse in the hospital which u r admitting in...& dun worry, normally they do hv a clock in the ward...dun kan cheong k? :tlaugh:


Thanks for that advice but hw we know what time they served? N can we wear a watch if the room gt no clock? Heee
I didn't wear a fact better not to as once you delivered, baby will be placed on your chest n by wearing a watch may brush against their delicate skin. dont't worry... your hubby can wear a watch n there's also a clock in the room...make sure your hubby gets ready for the phototaking session of the time when your baby is born for memory purposes 

I delivered at 5pm n was wheeled only to the ward at 7pm. All dinner served already at 6pm so I was only left with normal Chinese menu...honestly that first meal was lousy. Subsequent meals on confinement food taste much much was the papaya fish soup...slurpP  lunch is served around 12 noon


I didn't wear a fact better not to as once you delivered, baby will be placed on your chest n by wearing a watch may brush against their delicate skin. dont't worry... your hubby can wear a watch n there's also a clock in the room...make sure your hubby gets ready for the phototaking session of the time when your baby is born for memory purposes 

I delivered at 5pm n was wheeled only to the ward at 7pm. All dinner served already at 6pm so I was only left with normal Chinese menu...honestly that first meal was lousy. Subsequent meals on confinement food taste much much was the papaya fish soup...slurpP  lunch is served around 12 noon

Heee ya the papaya soup is a highly recommended dish in tmc! Heee icic so 12pm for lunch n 6pm for dinner...noted...I'm still eagerly waiting for my bb's arrival...I think I need to find natural ways to induce my labour soon...:(
Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that advice but hw we know what time they served? N can we wear a watch if the room gt no clock? Heee

When i deliver that time.. the clock is just right infront of me hanging at the wall.. so no worries.. & also don't wear anything on ur hand..


Well-Known Member
I didn't wear a fact better not to as once you delivered, baby will be placed on your chest n by wearing a watch may brush against their delicate skin. dont't worry... your hubby can wear a watch n there's also a clock in the room...make sure your hubby gets ready for the phototaking session of the time when your baby is born for memory purposes 

I delivered at 5pm n was wheeled only to the ward at 7pm. All dinner served already at 6pm so I was only left with normal Chinese menu...honestly that first meal was lousy. Subsequent meals on confinement food taste much much was the papaya fish soup...slurpP  lunch is served around 12 noon
on the 2nd day, i forgot to take of my watch and the METAL watch brushed across ds's forehead!!!!!!!!!! eversince, I dont wear watch anymore.. *guilty* haha..


Well-Known Member
Oh yes!!! Their papaya soup is superb...really good...definitely must must drink!!! So nice I crave for it after discharge from hospital n when know the cafeteria at level 1 sells the same soup, I always go makan there when visit clinic...but so sad always no more when I order...sigh...

A piece of advice: If you deliver already but they have not't push you to ward (Thomson Medical Center always have no room situation so may delay pushing you to ward), n you see it's close to lunch or dinner time, make sure you tell the nurse to reserve confinement food (or western/malay/normal Chinese food if you prefer) in the menu for you so you get the food when you go to your ward.

Otherwise may end up like me, waited 2 hours in delivery ward cos no room n by the time go ward, most dinners are served and left with choices that no one wants 

REALLY??????!!!!! AIYAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I didnt know!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tot the cafe always bolang go eat, tot the food not nice...


on the 2nd day, i forgot to take of my watch and the METAL watch brushed across dear son's forehead!!!!!!!!!! eversince, I dont wear watch anymore.. *guilty* haha..
Wah u wore a watch to delivery?? I oso tot we need to time our contractions?? Lol


Well-Known Member
just got back from gynae... i likely need to induce at 37-38wks cos the rate baby is grow is too fast and he shld be big by then and if i dont induce it will be C sect but i dont want to waste time inducing leh :p
but gynae point of view is induce better healing is faster than C sect
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just got back from gynae... i likely need to induce at 37-38wks cos the rate baby is grow is too fast and he shld be big by then and if i dont induce it will be C sect but i dont want to waste time inducing :p
but gynae point of view is induce better healing is faster than C sect
Oh, wat did u eat to make bb grow fast?? Durians?? Heee at least u Noe 37-38 wks u will be out of pregnancy le...sigh I wish I'm out by then too....:(


Well-Known Member
Oh, what did you eat to make baby grow fast?? Durians?? Heee at least you know 37-38 wks you will be out of pregnancy ...sigh I wish I'm out by then too....:(
i din eat any durian at all... guess likely generic ... or maybe also because my OGTT result at 28wks showed Impacted Glucose Tolerance level of 142 though not even considered close to mild diabetes bah...but then i have control carbo and sugar liao..that can be eliminated. so i can only blames on genes :tlaugh: cos BB's daddy is tall and big BB also bigger than average and taller than average :tlaugh:

but like i said i not keen to induce lor cos when i asked gynae she tell me assuming check in at 9am induce by next day the bb should be out... it's NEXT day !!!! and there is no guarantee the cervix will dilate lor...then might still need C sect after all the pain... ...even though gynae said so far her patients all will dilate but... everyone is diff one mah ...anyway will see next visit...


Well-Known Member
Wah you wore a watch to delivery?? I also thought we need to time our contractions?? Lol
no, i put on my watch AFTER delivery, mine was c-sect, cannot wear wear when my gynae cut me. time ur contraction is when u're at home. when u reach hospital, u dun nd to time, they will do the job.


i did not eat any durian at all... guess likely generic ... or maybe also because my OGTT result at 28wks showed Impacted Glucose Tolerance level of 142 though not even considered close to mild diabetes bah...but then i have control carbo and sugar ..that can be eliminated. so i can only blames on genes :tlaugh: cos baby's daddy is tall and big baby also bigger than average and taller than average :tlaugh:

but like i said i not keen to induce cos when i asked gynae she tell me assuming check in at 9am induce by next day the baby should be out... it's NEXT day !!!! and there is no guarantee the cervix will dilate ...then might still need C sect after all the pain... ...even though gynae said so far her patients all will dilate but... everyone is diff one mah ...anyway will see next visit...
LOL...the 'NEXT DAY' part very funny...I agree with you may take 1 day or more for induction and may not succeed too.
My hubby not tall so i guess baby wont be very big or long by then...sigh...anyway now i just wish for baby to keep moving until that day...dun make me worry too much...and one more...dun come out later than EDD! :p


no, i put on my watch AFTER delivery, mine was c-sect, cannot wear wear when my gynae cut me. time your contraction is when you're at home. when you reach hospital, you dont need to time, they will do the job.
LOL ya sorry i juz re-read yr msg then realise that.
Gosh then i better keep my watch away for my stay and confinement...thanks again for the point... :)


Heee ya the papaya soup is a highly recommended dish in Thomson Medical Center! Heee icic so 12pm for lunch n 6pm for dinner...noted...I'm still eagerly waiting for my baby's arrival...I think I need to find natural ways to induce my labour soon...:(
Thanks again!!
Ya man...even my confinement lady can't cook the papaya soup as good as Thomson Medical Center haha...

Walk more, do squat exercises, try stimulating nipples (you can put nipple cream to stimulate) n try having sex haha....hope these can help you induce birth naturally 


REALLY??????!!!!! AIYAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I didnt know!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tot the cafe always bolang go eat, tot the food not nice... u know...but dun put your hopes too high, they always have no more when order. If demand too high for this soup at the wards, they will not be available to sell at cafeteria!

Btw not cheap hor...$6.50 each 


Ya man...even my confinement lady can't cook the papaya soup as good as Thomson Medical Center haha...

Walk more, do squat exercises, try stimulating nipples (you can put nipple cream to stimulate) n try having sex haha....hope these can help you induce birth naturally 
LOL...ok :)


Went gynae appt Juz nw!!
So happy bb's head engaged le n he is healthy! Heartbeat n hearing test checked. Since it's 38 week, baby is safe for delivery nw really waiting for 'things to happen'. I guess I will leave bb's fate to his hands I will wait. Felt so touched when I see his heartbeat on my heart to induce him out. :) hope he will take care of himself in my tummy until delivery... :)