EDD March 2011


New Member
hi mummies to be

I just went for my 32nd week check-up today. Great news is that my placenta is no longer low-lying and my baby has turned head down, ideal for natural birth! YAY!
And my baby has gained 1 kg over the past 4 weeks, now weighing 2.3kgs :)

how much do ur babies weigh now?
Congrats to you evie! :D
my baby now weighing 1.7kg. according to my gynae is just nice.. hees!


Congrats to you evie! :D
my baby now weighing 1.7kg. according to my gynae is just nice.. hees!
Thanks Kaitokane :)
Seems like my boy is on the heavy side...
I am just praying hard that he wouldnt be a 5kg baby (like myself when I was born)... :D


New Member
Thanks Kaitokane :)
Seems like my boy is on the heavy side...
I am just praying hard that he wouldnt be a 5kg baby (like myself when I was born)... :D
Welcome! Omg, are you serious? 5kg baby.. waooo ..
i dunno, im am shock as the heaviest i know is like 3.2kg or 3.5kg.. LOL.


my uncle who is a retired gynae offered me coconut juice with the meat when i went to his house and i said no, i can't take it. and he says...'who says so?!' like almost scolding me. the gynaes i know dun seem to care much about such things. so weird.
but anyway i think theres also this thing where you should drink raspberry tea leaves closer to delivery right?


dear mummies,

are any of you experiencing any contractions yet?
today, I had a minor accident... my student bumped into my tummy quite hard and after which I experienced contractions that was slightly painful and made me very uncomfortable... :(


dear mummies,

are any of you experiencing any contractions yet?
today, I had a minor accident... my student bumped into my tummy quite hard and after which I experienced contractions that was slightly painful and made me very uncomfortable... :(
hi evie, ive been having braxton hicks on and off...like maybe once every week.
recently ive been very stressed coz of work ..late nights, etc. but last nite i got contractions that came and went throughout the 4hrs of my most stressful time. it was so scary feeling my tummy keep hardening every so often, i kept telling my baby that now is not the time! i went to gynae today and he had wanted to hook me up to machines to monitor but since the contractions have stopped he just told me to rest at home. he said anytime ur worried, don't wait for your next appt. go see ur gynae immediately.
I'm due on march 10 but for some weird reason I have a gut feeling I'm giving birth earlier. Now I'm struggling to move arounfd already even just to get up on bed as I can feel my tummy's weight. Worse, even sleeping is also affected! :(

Kaido Tay

New Member
Hi Sunshine Sheens,

I am having the same feeling too... My EDD is on 1 Mar, however I am schedule for my Caesarean on the 17 Feb. I eat lesser and find moving around is very challenging.
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^and the weather's totally NOT helping at all :( I swim atleast once a week but with the nonstop rains, can't even do walking outside :( Now I've been sick with flu for 3 days already so energy is really down, same with appetite. Sigh.

Kaido Tay

New Member
Hi Sunshine Sheens...
Which hospital will you be delivery and who will be assisting you during you during your confinement?


I m due on 9 March. My baby's head is facing down. So I asked my doctor if there any chances that my girl will arrive earlier, she said when I m 38 wks then she will see if the baby is engaged and check if my cervix is dilated, only then she will be able to tell if my girl will arrive earlier or not. And I saw from other threads, if your baby's head is engaged or ur cervix is dilated, then u may feel abit painful when u urine and may hv some discharges as well.

N honestly I really afraid and hate it when they need to check my cervix, is so painful. Does any gals hv same feeling as me??
Hi Sunshine Sheens...
Which hospital will you be delivery and who will be assisting you during you during your confinement?
I'm not so sure if my mom will be able to assist me during my confinement as I just found out that my grandmother won't be able to fly over here in Singapore due to some family matters :( So sad when I found out about this as I'm leaning more on my grandma and I grew up with her. Will be delivering at KKH. how bout you? :)


I m due on 9 March. My baby's head is facing down. So I asked my doctor if there any chances that my girl will arrive earlier, she said when I m 38 wks then she will see if the baby is engaged and check if my cervix is dilated, only then she will be able to tell if my girl will arrive earlier or not. And I saw from other threads, if your baby's head is engaged or ur cervix is dilated, then u may feel abit painful when u urine and may hv some discharges as well.

N honestly I really afraid and hate it when they need to check my cervix, is so painful. Does any gals hv same feeling as me??

my colleagues did mentally prepare me that the checking of cervix dilation will be quite painful :(
I am actually more fearful of an episotomy.... :(

Kaido Tay

New Member
I'm not so sure if my mom will be able to assist me during my confinement as I just found out that my grandmother won't be able to fly over here in Singapore due to some family matters :( So sad when I found out about this as I'm leaning more on my grandma and I grew up with her. Will be delivering at KKH. how bout you? :)
IC, you may want to arrange for a nanny now if your mom is not able to help you. Initially I plan to deliver in KK like you... But some unhappy encounters there and I changed it to Thomson Medical. Gladly I am happy with the change.


New Member
I m due on 9 March. My baby's head is facing down. So I asked my doctor if there any chances that my girl will arrive earlier, she said when I m 38 wks then she will see if the baby is engaged and check if my cervix is dilated, only then she will be able to tell if my girl will arrive earlier or not. And I saw from other threads, if your baby's head is engaged or ur cervix is dilated, then u may feel abit painful when u urine and may hv some discharges as well.

N honestly I really afraid and hate it when they need to check my cervix, is so painful. Does any gals hv same feeling as me??
Same! im actually feeling scare of my gynae checking it -.- very paiseh lehs! my edd 10march, so 2 more weeks i need to go check up again and the nurse told me next check up will be my cervix checkup :(


my colleagues did mentally prepare me that the checking of cervix dilation will be quite painful :(
I am actually more fearful of an episotomy.... :(
i am also more fearful of episiotomy. in fact, more fearful than contractions or c-sect. i told doc dun do it unless absolutely necessary but i think he is quite pro-episiotomy. at least he says he will numb the area or pain killers b4 cutting but i am still turned off by it. my friend says that her colleague had to be restitched twice coz the gynae screwed up and she got infection from it which took awhile to heal.


i am also more fearful of episiotomy. in fact, more fearful than contractions or c-sect. i told doc dun do it unless absolutely necessary but i think he is quite pro-episiotomy. at least he says he will numb the area or pain killers b4 cutting but i am still turned off by it. my friend says that her colleague had to be restitched twice coz the gynae screwed up and she got infection from it which took awhile to heal.
hi mummyhu

seems like we got exactly the same fear... :(


hey mtbs :D

recently, I have been experiencing sudden stabbing pain in my vagina... :( no blood or spotting though.
This happens on and off since I was 32 weeks, but it is getting a bit more frequent...
Does it happen to any of you??