EDD March 2011


hey mtbs :D

recently, I have been experiencing sudden stabbing pain in my vagina... :( no blood or spotting though.
This happens on and off since I was 32 weeks, but it is getting a bit more frequent...
Does it happen to any of you??

Hey evie, for me, it feels as tho my baby is trying to punch a hole tru my waterbag to get out! but i do feel it low down like at the top of the vagina and it started ard 32wks too. weird feeling...


u know it almost makes me wanna opt for a c-section coz at least it doesnt mess with 'down there'...sigh
I wouldn't want a c-section... as a kid, I saw my mum's stitches burst due to infection after she had my sister... took her a long time to heal ... :(


I wouldn't want a c-section... as a kid, I saw my mum's stitches burst due to infection after she had my sister... took her a long time to heal ... :(
man...i guess anything with stitches have chance of infection. my mum had 3 of us by c-sect but luckily ok. nowadays tho, c-sects are smaller compared to our mum's time.

for natural birth, wat if "down there" doesnt go back to normal and becomes loose? also...how about peeing/pooping...won't it sting?


New Member
i been experiencing some sharp pain around my tummy. Is like needles poking it. But it's still able to tahan. just uncomfortable. wonder if anyones having it as well? :x


i been experiencing some sharp pain around my tummy. Is like needles poking it. But it's still able to tahan. just uncomfortable. wonder if anyones having it as well? :x
hmmm... sharp pains no, but I have been having occasional cramps... :(


man...i guess anything with stitches have chance of infection. my mum had 3 of us by c-sect but luckily ok. nowadays tho, c-sects are smaller compared to our mum's time.

for natural birth, wat if "down there" doesnt go back to normal and becomes loose? also...how about peeing/pooping...won't it sting?
my colleagues who had episotomy, say that the wound heals quite quickly ard 10 days to 2 weeks...
But I AM still quite scared... :(
man...i guess anything with stitches have chance of infection. my mum had 3 of us by c-sect but luckily ok. nowadays tho, c-sects are smaller compared to our mum's time.

for natural birth, wat if "down there" doesnt go back to normal and becomes loose? also...how about peeing/pooping...won't it sting?
no need to be paranoid. i don't think episiotomy is invented and will be practiced by doctors if it'll cause us more harm. And if you're doing your research, our vagina heals & will not become loose. There's even a medical procedure/surgery to make the vagina tighter.

Any mummies had their maternity portraits done? :)


hey mtbs :D

recently, I have been experiencing sudden stabbing pain in my vagina... :( no blood or spotting though.
This happens on and off since I was 32 weeks, but it is getting a bit more frequent...
Does it happen to any of you??
Hey evie, for me, it feels as tho my baby is trying to punch a hole tru my waterbag to get out! but i do feel it low down like at the top of the vagina and it started ard 32wks too. weird feeling...
Dear mummies

are you all feeling such discomforts because your babies are engaged in position for the big day? Have you all checked with the gynea?

I'm also observing these days whether my baby has been engaged head down on the pelvis, but seem like mine's not yet..

Those pelvis pain or discomforts are a good sign that your baby is in position for the natural birth ... so nothing to worry...

As for loose vagina after birth, you can make it more tight with more pelvic floor exercises after birth.


Dear mtbs,

Just went for my 35 th week check-up today... Baby is doing fine and weighs 2.8kgs now, according to Gynae is of a good size :)
Baby is 4/5 engaged... :D
Apparently the sharp pains that I experienced at my vaginal area indicated that Baby's head was getting engaged...

Gynae says baby may be ready to be out in end Feb...

When will the rest of you be starting your maternity leave?
For myself, this is my last week at work :)
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Dear mtbs,

Just went for my 35 th week check-up today... Baby is doing fine and weighs 2.8kgs now, according to Gynae is of a good size :)
Baby is 4/5 engaged... :D
Apparently the sharp pains that I experienced at my vaginal area indicated that Baby's head was getting engaged...

Gynae says baby may be ready to be out in end Feb...

When will the rest of you be starting your maternity leave?
For myself, this is my last week at work :)

Wow end Feb is fast! Is this ur 1st baby? I'm also into 35wks +, but still don't feel baby engaging down there... I plan my maternity leave starting end of feb lor.. as my EDD is 12 Mar, don dare take too early to rest, later wasted the maternity leave.

Jia you to you and baby ya! rest well :)


Wow end Feb is fast! Is this ur 1st baby? I'm also into 35wks +, but still don't feel baby engaging down there... I plan my maternity leave starting end of feb lor.. as my EDD is 12 Mar, don dare take too early to rest, later wasted the maternity leave.

Jia you to you and baby ya! rest well :)
Hi Jinny
yup... it's my #1...
I guess it's the nature of my job that causes me to want to take my maternity leave earlier. I have to stand and walk around quite a lot daily and even need to lug unfinished work home... In fact, I suspect that the standing during my work, causes my aches to escalate... :(
With fatigue setting in, and very bad water retention convinces me to get rest soon too...
In fact abt a couple of weeks ago, I had an accident that frightened me a little, nearly causing me to suffer a fall... My hubby was actually a little angry with me for not taking my ML early and exposing myself to the hazards at work...

Now my problem is that though I submitted my ML to my superior, she seemed very reluctant to approve my leave... and wanted to see me tmr , regarding why I need to start my leave early when my initial due date was 16 march...


The way my gynae said--- we'll discuss your delivery date at ur 37th week appt, makes me think that he might induce me...
Actually, I dun really mind cos my water retention is so terrible I cant even bend my fingers and knees after a long day at work and my ankles are "non-existent"!!!

recently my contractions are getting quite uncomfortable and giving me goosebumps :(


New Member
hi mummies..

care to share which brand of breast pump, manual or electric you all get??
btw my edd is 6th march..it's time to get one soon...

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My colleague gave me a medela electric dual breast pump, my hubby bought me a pigeon electric single breast pump, so easier to bring out or to work as more compact... :)


Hi evie, ya u deserve a longer break since ur job so demanding, still must see boss face to let u off earlier. But if ur boss so unhappy, shd suggest lighten ur workload so u still can help out till nearer yr due date ma.. How can make a pregnant woman stand and walk so much.. I sit in office whole day also swell like a pig from the water retention, dont say walking and standing, it's worst! U must take care at all times so just go take ur leave soon.


hi mummies..

care to share which brand of breast pump, manual or electric you all get??
btw my edd is 6th march..it's time to get one soon...

Medela freestyle. If u haf ferns in US who can buy for u, it's only abt usd300+in amazon which is half the price of those sold in sg. It works here, just use the travel adaptor.