EDD in July?


I'm a 1st time mummy. I suppose I got lots to buy! So excited yet I feel so broke! $.$
hahaha...ya...lst time mummy sure 'broke'...thats what happen to me 3 yrs ago....everything must buy....but some things u can dun buy lst like pram, can be a baby shower gift...hehe....

btw, u all can msn??? we can msn to chat
Hey all,

do u'll start listening to music like 儿歌, or others??? if yes, do u feel ur baby is moving when u listening to the music????

cos when my sis pregnant she listen to music and she told me, her baby move when she listen... n now i try too and i have same feeling... or juz me thinking too much hahahah ^_^


Hey all,

do u'll start listening to music like 儿歌, or others??? if yes, do u feel ur baby is moving when u listening to the music????

cos when my sis pregnant she listen to music and she told me, her baby move when she listen... n now i try too and i have same feeling... or juz me thinking too much hahahah ^_^
I am told to talk and sing to my baby, but it seems so weird to talk to my tummy much less sing!


hahaha...ya...lst time mummy sure 'broke'...thats what happen to me 3 yrs ago....everything must buy....but some things u can dun buy lst like pram, can be a baby shower gift...hehe....

btw, u all can msn??? we can msn to chat
Send me ur msn, I add you.


Hey all,

do u'll start listening to music like 儿歌, or others??? if yes, do u feel ur baby is moving when u listening to the music????

cos when my sis pregnant she listen to music and she told me, her baby move when she listen... n now i try too and i have same feeling... or juz me thinking too much hahahah ^_^
yes yes.. my sis told me to listen too and she bought me a cd of music for happy baby.. heard that we should start listening to some so that when BB will calm down when they start crying next time.. so far i only listen once and yes, its nice:) but i dont feel BB move back then as it was still small ba.. it was back in early January..


yes yes.. my sis told me to listen too and she bought me a cd of music for happy baby.. heard that we should start listening to some so that when BB will calm down when they start crying next time.. so far i only listen once and yes, its nice:) but i dont feel BB move back then as it was still small ba.. it was back in early January..
for my lst one, i listen...but this 2nd one, u can say im a bad mummy lar....i didnt listen only to YES 933 everyday in office...haha
Hey Tiggee,

i do agree that talking or singing to our tummy is weird but due to the discharge i have on T1... i do talk to my baby.. ask him/her to be strong and healthy...:001_302: and now everything is fine from T2 onward... so i do talk to my baby whenever i feel it keke :Dancing_tongue::Dancing_wub:


yes yes.. my sis told me to listen too and she bought me a cd of music for happy baby.. heard that we should start listening to some so that when BB will calm down when they start crying next time.. so far i only listen once and yes, its nice:) but i dont feel BB move back then as it was still small ba.. it was back in early January..
What kind of CD is it? Specially for baby to listen or just some soothing music?


Hey Tiggee,

i do agree that talking or singing to our tummy is weird but due to the discharge i have on T1... i do talk to my baby.. ask him/her to be strong and healthy...:001_302: and now everything is fine from T2 onward... so i do talk to my baby whenever i feel it keke :Dancing_tongue::Dancing_wub:
I do try to spend at least 5 mins a day talking to him. I'm trying to force my hubby to sing to my tummy! Lols!


What kind of CD is it? Specially for baby to listen or just some soothing music?
i cant remb whr i got the CD liao...its music with heartbeat sound inside....heard its good for bb lor...haha...but now i duno whr i place the CD...chiam...think need to go and dig out again...hehe