EDD in July?

haha...me kind of planning to take leave every month to rest at home or do my own stuffs...haha...before gg for 4 mths ML

every one will be taking full 4 months?
me no.. manager have plan to ask me take 3mths but still not confirm... have to see the new staff first... if she can't make it than i can onli take 2 mth lor... sad


New Member
Good morning ladies, the irony is we are free to chat only when we are in the ofc :001_302:

Going to collect my amnio test report later . . .


New Member
So happy to be back in forum! I had my amnio test on Thur and really rested in
bed for 3 days (never rested so much before, getting old so kiasi).

So sad to miss the Mothercare fair, anyone knows whether is it still on? I was a Mothercare fan, my fav brand becos of the texture.

Anyone going Gleneagles for amnio? The bill was a bomb! Cost me $2483 before medisave deduction of $750!
the mothercare fair is still on... however its only at harbourfront...
haha i need to check mummy here again... this few day i notice than my below near the urinal part have a big big pimple.. n is pain... it is i too heaty inside my body... now i apply cream... last time b4 pregnant i also have but not very big lor haha... but this time very big.. and when i dairrhea yesterday also have blood.. hubby say i too heaty liao... omg


New Member
Hi, I am keen too. but not sure how to register? any phone no. to call? :err:
call this number, 6251 4090 but v hard to get thru. Those going for detailed scan at TMC can go enroll with them directly lor then no need to call.

going with my wife next sat. :D


New Member
Hi Everyone,

My name is Bella. Im new to this forum. My EDD will be on 7 July 2011, one day before my birthday. Hopefully, my little princess can be out to celebrate with me together.


Hi Everyone,

My name is Bella. Im new to this forum. My EDD will be on 7 July 2011, one day before my birthday. Hopefully, my little princess can be out to celebrate with me together.
Welcome Bella, to our Jul 11 family...hehe....see you frequent here...