EDD in July?


Nickname_EDD Date_Baby #_Gender_Hospital_ Staying_Age

1. Alilock_5-Jul-11_#1_ Princess_TMC
2. Kungfumummy_7-Jul-11_#1_ Princess
3. Bella_7-Jul-11_#1_ Princess
4. Newbie2009_8-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Prince_KKH_North-East
5. Pommesfrites_8-Jul-11_#1_ Princess_Mt A_West_28
6. Tiggee_12-Jul-11_ #1_Prince_Mt A/TMC_East_21
7. Usagibb_13-Jul-11_#2_ Princess_TMC_West_32
8. Fizafifi_13-Jul_11_#1
9. Mixue84_15-Jul-11_#1_Secret Gender_Raffles Hospital_27
10. Boredmtb_18-Jul-11_#1_Prince
11. Intrick_18-Jul-11_#2_Secret Gender_TMC_Central_34
12. 26JMC_19-Jul-11_#1_Princess_Most likely Mt A_Tiong Bahru_29
13. Jennifer Kee_20-Jul-11_#3_ Prince_TMC_31_Yes
14. Raindrop_23-Jul-11_#1_Prince_TMC_West_32
15. Crankywomen_24-Jul-11_31
16. Kuromi_25-Jul-11_#1_Prince_Gleneagles Hospital_North East_29
17. UKSportgal_28-Jul-11_#1_Prince_PEH_East_30
18. Hana_28-Jul-11_#1_ Princess _Most likely TMC_West_24
19. Boys_30-Jul-11_#4_Prince_ Gleneagles Hospital_Central_37
20. Eejess_#1
my stomach cant take chilli like how it used to. now if eat too spicy will get stomach ache and diarrhea.
for the first few month ok for me.. but now same as u... stomach ach, diarrhea and below have 1 big pimple omg.... n have call my gynae clinic.. nurse ask me to stop eat heaty food liao... hai... i can't take cold food too due to asthma hai


for the first few month ok for me.. but now same as u... stomach ach, diarrhea and below have 1 big pimple omg.... n have call my gynae clinic.. nurse ask me to stop eat heaty food liao... hai... i can't take cold food too due to asthma hai
i also lei....tink mine is not pimples but bacteria attack, so pain lor


haha i need to check mummy here again... this few day i notice than my below near the urinal part have a big big pimple.. n is pain... it is i too heaty inside my body... now i apply cream... last time b4 pregnant i also have but not very big lor haha... but this time very big.. and when i dairrhea yesterday also have blood.. hubby say i too heaty liao... omg
My pimples is on my face.. big one at chin area painful also.. Think preg is very heaty, i just apply aloe vera gel every night lo..
Everytime i go toilet for 'business', i notice i always have yellowish discharge which i was told is my body too heaty.. Then lately i realise my yellow turn a bit brown.. is it because too stress at work?? I been busy lately too..


to add on, i find myself unable to sleep well for a couple of days.. every time wake up in the middle of the night for toilet then after that i cannot sleep anymore.. its bothered me and i start having headache too.. haiz..


to add on, i find myself unable to sleep well for a couple of days.. every time wake up in the middle of the night for toilet then after that i cannot sleep anymore.. its bothered me and i start having headache too.. haiz..
same here! headache and difficulty in sleeping!


New Member
Hi Everyone,

My name is Bella. Im new to this forum. My EDD will be on 7 July 2011, one day before my birthday. Hopefully, my little princess can be out to celebrate with me together.
Hi Bella! My EDD is the same as yours. I'm also having a princess. Welcome!
My pimples is on my face.. big one at chin area painful also.. Think preg is very heaty, i just apply aloe vera gel every night lo..
Everytime i go toilet for 'business', i notice i always have yellowish discharge which i was told is my body too heaty.. Then lately i realise my yellow turn a bit brown.. is it because too stress at work?? I been busy lately too..
ya having brown discharge is too stress which i got it on my T1... but must see doctor if u still having brown discharge....

to add on, i find myself unable to sleep well for a couple of days.. every time wake up in the middle of the night for toilet then after that i cannot sleep anymore.. its bothered me and i start having headache too.. haiz..
me too can't slp well at night and keep going toilet...


you also below??? near the urinal part.. beside your leg??? haha me also dont't know is it pimple or not.. just very pain when walk hai...
Did you see doctor???
ya...below.....and somemore abit bleeding from the skin....i didnt see doc cos my #1 also happen e same thing...i just wash with those feminine wash and then will change panty liner more often

i suspect or rather noe its bacteria attack cos i got alot of discharges....


My pimples is on my face.. big one at chin area painful also.. Think preg is very heaty, i just apply aloe vera gel every night lo..
Everytime i go toilet for 'business', i notice i always have yellowish discharge which i was told is my body too heaty.. Then lately i realise my yellow turn a bit brown.. is it because too stress at work?? I been busy lately too..
dun be too stress....if continue, u better bed rest more....
ya...below.....and somemore abit bleeding from the skin....i didnt see doc cos my #1 also happen e same thing...i just wash with those feminine wash and then will change panty liner more often

i suspect or rather noe its bacteria attack cos i got alot of discharges....
yes me too alot discharges and u know when sometime we cought/etc urinal will come out a bit too... so i suspect this too... so i did not see doctor too... wait for a few more day first.. btw u wash wif??? when i can get it???