EDD in July?


usagibb: I also stay in west leh! We have alot of similarities! =)

Can ask if any of you attending any exercise classes? I want to attend but have not found. And also any clues about antenatal lessons? I should be registering for thomson classes in March but have not enquired.

Sorry I'm first time, so quite excited to find people I can talk to about all these! :p

hahaha....ya, we got so many similarities...hehe....i went for the class for my #1 le, so wun be gg for this #2, i register for mrs wong boi boi class at AMK hub...hahaha

come and chat with us over here...

or msn or fb...im now trying to consolidate fb and msn, then would be easier...hehe


*wave* *wave*.....raindrop....west kahkis...haha...yoga arh...no wor...dun think got the time, i still got #1 to look after...wahaha...but my aim is by end 2012 to start gg gym for exercise...haha...we can jio and go together...hehe
*wave back*

ya hor, you already have 1 kid to look after. 1st is boy or girl?

I used to go gym regularly before preg. member of true fitness. Now have to stop but need to stretch my bones else all harden oredi. haha.. You can join me if you wan to gym in 2012. I hope to start again late this year leh, is that realistic? haha..


Hmm...cuz it's my #1. I'm not sure about detail scan. I think you might be referring to the one at week 20 is it? hee... Got it scheduled on 4 Mar.

Referring to the previous topics in the thread:
- My bb is listening to Mozart at nite before sleeping. My hubby insist. and he will talk to bb before he sleep also. quite cute!
- I have not felt movement from bb yet. Can I know more about this? hubby should hear bubbles? gynae say should be able to feel around wk18. now almost wk17 and quite excited that can feel the movement soon!
Hi raindrop, ya my hubby does that too.. insist me listening to music and before he sleep will say goodnight to BB. Then at times, teach BB ABC.. very cute and touching..

surface movement you may not feel it so fast. Like what Jennifer mention onli around 20 weeks. Bubbles feeling is when listen. Like i am resting at home now and surfing the net, i do hear some bubbles.. then also at times around my belly button area, i will feel abit of crampy so wondering is it BB moving and growing inside..

do anyone feel it?


I don't have leh. 32, only #1....lose out oredi! =þ Younger should be easier right? How has your pregnancy been?
raindrop...dun think this way...i also got gf same age as us, just gv birth in jan and one more just pregnant, so u not lose out hor...


I don't have leh. 32, only #1....lose out oredi! =þ Younger should be easier right? How has your pregnancy been?
so far i am okay. first trimester, i do have morning sickness but not that serious as i think. I took at most 3 days MC during that period.
I came to know i am preg only when BB already 6weeks old cause my menses always delay so didnt take note of it. I came to feel stomach very bloated and keep running toilet then i decides to test. Then also feeling very exhausted everyday even i have more than 8 hrs of sleeping time. I slept at 9 everyday during the 1st trimester but still feel tired.

Now second trimester, i feel my energy coming back. My pace of walking is back to normal as times fast then feel easier while working.

how abt u guys?


so far i am okay. first trimester, i do have morning sickness but not that serious as i think. I took at most 3 days MC during that period.
I came to know i am preg only when BB already 6weeks old cause my menses always delay so didnt take note of it. I came to feel stomach very bloated and keep running toilet then i decides to test. Then also feeling very exhausted everyday even i have more than 8 hrs of sleeping time. I slept at 9 everyday during the 1st trimester but still feel tired.

Now second trimester, i feel my energy coming back. My pace of walking is back to normal as times fast then feel easier while working.

how abt u guys?
mine about same as yours....the only difference is this time round i never puke until 5th mth compare to my #1, i only puke few times but then feel nauseas everyday...hehe


so far i am okay. first trimester, i do have morning sickness but not that serious as i think. I took at most 3 days MC during that period.
I came to know i am preg only when BB already 6weeks old cause my menses always delay so didnt take note of it. I came to feel stomach very bloated and keep running toilet then i decides to test. Then also feeling very exhausted everyday even i have more than 8 hrs of sleeping time. I slept at 9 everyday during the 1st trimester but still feel tired.

Now second trimester, i feel my energy coming back. My pace of walking is back to normal as times fast then feel easier while working.

how abt u guys?
I think I was lucky. 1st trimester was smooth. only felt very tired and sleepy all the time. and hungry too! hee...Oh...and breakout on my face. :)

now 2nd trimester still tired leh, maybe I sleep too little. hee..


I think I was lucky. 1st trimester was smooth. only felt very tired and sleepy all the time. and hungry too! hee...Oh...and breakout on my face. :)

now 2nd trimester still tired leh, maybe I sleep too little. hee..
ya i forget to mention i had outbreak too.. my skin as usual oily then the chin area keep popping pimples. haizz.. sad..
I used to put makeup everyday to work, now preg i feel so lazy till i stop. only put my first makeup on the first day of CNY. LOL..


ya i forget to mention i had outbreak too.. my skin as usual oily then the chin area keep popping pimples. haizz.. sad..
I used to put makeup everyday to work, now preg i feel so lazy till i stop. only put my first makeup on the first day of CNY. LOL..
I dunno if it would work for you. I use aloe vera gel to help calm the skin down. Makes the skin slightly dry, but at least breakout was much much better! you can buy a small bottle and try if you want. buy those pure aloe vera gel hor. I checked with my gynae, he say it's ok to use aloe vera gel. I still wear makeup to work everyday leh.

The aloe vera gel worked very well with my rashes also, had some on my chest during wk12 till ard 1 wk ago. Now also much better. =)

Got people tell me - most prob is baby boy if you get breakout when preg. Dunno how true though. True for my case and another of my colleague. Then if baby girl then mother will look very radiant with a glow. What do the more experienced mothers think?


I dunno if it would work for you. I use aloe vera gel to help calm the skin down. Makes the skin slightly dry, but at least breakout was much much better! you can buy a small bottle and try if you want. buy those pure aloe vera gel hor. I checked with my gynae, he say it's ok to use aloe vera gel. I still wear makeup to work everyday leh.

The aloe vera gel worked very well with my rashes also, had some on my chest during wk12 till ard 1 wk ago. Now also much better. =)

Got people tell me - most prob is baby boy if you get breakout when preg. Dunno how true though. True for my case and another of my colleague. Then if baby girl then mother will look very radiant with a glow. What do the more experienced mothers think?
Okay i will try some aloe vera and see if it suits me.

hmmm.. besides i have outbreak, my nose also seems bigger and always appear redness. My colleague actually state the opposite as you, she mention i am having a gal because of a slight change on my features. not sure if its true also.
Then my mum, when she was carrying me, she appeared ugly but when with my bro my dad said she was very pretty.. so i also dun know..


I dunno if it would work for you. I use aloe vera gel to help calm the skin down. Makes the skin slightly dry, but at least breakout was much much better! you can buy a small bottle and try if you want. buy those pure aloe vera gel hor. I checked with my gynae, he say it's ok to use aloe vera gel. I still wear makeup to work everyday leh.

The aloe vera gel worked very well with my rashes also, had some on my chest during wk12 till ard 1 wk ago. Now also much better. =)

Got people tell me - most prob is baby boy if you get breakout when preg. Dunno how true though. True for my case and another of my colleague. Then if baby girl then mother will look very radiant with a glow. What do the more experienced mothers think?
can be true and can be false ....i got an ex-collg, she got big reddness nose and she got a ger....

my lst one ger, i got very good complexion...but this one i go a few outbreak, but now is likely to be ger...so i also duno lei how true...haha....


can be true and can be false ....i got an ex-collg, she got big reddness nose and she got a ger....

my lst one ger, i got very good complexion...but this one i go a few outbreak, but now is likely to be ger...so i also duno lei how true...haha....
then maybe it's a myth...although, looking back, i think my sisters who had boys also had not-so-good complexion and red nose. My nose looks normal to me at the moment... haha..


then maybe it's a myth...although, looking back, i think my sisters who had boys also had not-so-good complexion and red nose. My nose looks normal to me at the moment... haha..
then elderly say if bth times pregnancy the symptom is different, then sure bth gender is different, but my neighbour now pregnant, bth times symptoms different, but still 2nd one boy...haha....