**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **


me too... no feel to makeup, doing mask or scrub etc.. everyday was like very chin cai went for work..
my immed dept ppl know im preggy b4 3 months.. as sometimes i really feel very sick and my boss allow me to work from home la, i got a few mc since den.. haiz..
I got no strength to walk long.. even after work, i just wanna quickly lie down on bed when I reach home.. sound like very old hor.. :p
** Im turning 3 months this sat.. yuppi!!


Active Member
I really want to announce to my colleagues about my pregnancy because they are like thinking I'm so weak or suspecting I have some terminal illness. I look and feel really tired nowadays. Not easy to maintain alert if u feel nauseous, vomit and feel feverish. I have fever almost everyday around 5pm. Very pek chek with the MS already! Somemore, I'm having cough and runny nose, sometimes, the runny nose got bad and I get headache. Everyday after work, I just lie down on bed and couldn't move. At times I almost couldn't survive the taxi ride home. Had to vomit and giddy. Ok enough of my complaints. Being pregnant is so not easy! Kudos to all mummies!

1 more week to 3 mths. Do u announce at 3 mths or after 3 mths? Coz I dunno whether I can wait until 4th mth to tell everyone...
I start telling some people (closer frens or relatives) when i'm 3 months. As for now, I still havent really announce unless they notice my tummy and congratulates me.

Make a pregnancy ticker
Did you have craving when you had #1 which is why you put on 40kg-61kg? One of my friend is also around your weight...

Ya, I think its too early for 3-6 mths to buy any baby stuff. I have not't even pack the baby's room yet. Feel that it's too early and the other reason is I am tooo lazy. Hahaha.:001_302::001_302::001_302:
Hmm I only have strong craving for really spicy stuff n mango hahaa no chilli Padi no appetite. My fren put on 30 kg!


Do you still have the energy to makeup in the morning? I find myself too tired to do anything anymore like doing mask, doing scrub which I religiously do every alt days before.
My bestie say after week 14 is then consider end of 1st trimester.
I think one of the reasons why my colleagues think I'm ill is because of the lack of make up. I spent so much energy trying to wake up, vomiting and stuffing in breakfast, and trying to force myself to go to work haha. I used to doll up nicely, change earrings frequently and choose pretty clothes. Now I just rotate the same clothes and wear same earrings. No energy left for details.

Strangely, I also realised I am not enjoying my fav computer game and read my fav book genre anymore. No energy left. Brain just cannot function as normal. Wish I can return to my pre-preg energetic and motivated self again!


Active Member
lyra, just tahan for a few more weeks and i believe you will feel much better!

pinkymummy, i wanted to announce my pregnancy when i'm less than 3 months too! but after i found out the gender and that my baby is stable, im not anxious to announce since its about 3 months time before my boy is out. :)
Not good, there is blood inside. Gynae say any discharge is not normal. I had a injection, was so painful, and some medicine to eat. :(
Getting pregnant is really so stressful
u must make urself happy and relax.. this may cos by stress.. cos when i juz confirm i was pregnant (4wks).. the next day, brown discharge... went to see nearby clinic at my office.. haha tell me i was not pregnant.. and ask me to go KKH for blood test cos doctor say afraid miscarriage omg... have done 2 to 3 times blood test... don't know whether the nurse/doctor don't know or wat... can't confirm and do a scanning say nothing inside my tummy give me more and more stress.. as my hubby juz went oversea training...

too stress than discharge keep coming.. than i think of going back to see my previse gynae (which she have her own clinic now at TMC - though not to go TMC give birth as afraid will be expensive but after check... TMC is not very expensive)... when i meet her.. first she do a scanning for me... and she ask me: they say don't have??? can't see anything??? ... to double confirm wat she see... ask me go for detail scanning (which use a tube to go in from our below)... confirm i was already pregnant and 5 wks plus... she give me medicine.. and ask me to rest well.. but discharge on and off.. until T2...

i have ask my gynae y there is brown discharge or sometime like bleeding... this may be our last menses which was not clear or too stress.. so she juz ask me to rest at home... and don't think too much.. must relax ourself...


Active Member
u must make urself happy and relax.. this may cos by stress.. cos when i juz confirm i was pregnant (4wks).. the next day, brown discharge... went to see nearby clinic at my office.. haha tell me i was not pregnant.. and ask me to go KKH for blood test cos doctor say afraid miscarriage omg... have done 2 to 3 times blood test... don't know whether the nurse/doctor don't know or wat... can't confirm and do a scanning say nothing inside my tummy give me more and more stress.. as my hubby juz went oversea training...

too stress than discharge keep coming.. than i think of going back to see my previse gynae (which she have her own clinic now at TMC - though not to go TMC give birth as afraid will be expensive but after check... TMC is not very expensive)... when i meet her.. first she do a scanning for me... and she ask me: they say don't have??? can't see anything??? ... to double confirm wat she see... ask me go for detail scanning (which use a tube to go in from our below)... confirm i was already pregnant and 5 wks plus... she give me medicine.. and ask me to rest well.. but discharge on and off.. until T2...

i have ask my gynae y there is brown discharge or sometime like bleeding... this may be our last menses which was not clear or too stress.. so she juz ask me to rest at home... and don't think too much.. must relax ourself...
Wow...you must be real stress when you found out that you're preg and then not. the drs are blur.
so r u expecting a prince or princess?
Wow...you must be real stress when you found out that you're preg and then not. the drs are blur.
so r u expecting a prince or princess?
i m very happy to find our preg... but cos juz 2nd day my hubby go oversea reservice when i found tat i was pregnant.. i know he will be back but we have marry about 9 years he have never leave me alone in singapore kekek... and somemore working place is too stress now.. cos rushing payroll every 2 wk... and still have to teach new colleague...

the A&E drs are not blur, they r super super blur... and is not cheap to do the blood test.. and they keep on ask me to go back after 48 hrs... and my gynae which i m see now only ask me to go back 1 mth later after i seen her tat day... is boy again... this will be my 3rd boy hahahah... it have been 6 years after my 2nd son was born... hope to have a girl so try again... omg... boy boy boy... but he is healthy which make me happy cos which i mentioned i have discharge on and off.. i don't have this problem when i have my first 2 kids... kekek


I think one of the reasons why my colleagues think I'm ill is because of the lack of make up. I spent so much energy trying to wake up, vomiting and stuffing in breakfast, and trying to force myself to go to work haha. I used to doll up nicely, change earrings frequently and choose pretty clothes. Now I just rotate the same clothes and wear same earrings. No energy left for details.

Strangely, I also realised I am not enjoying my fav computer game and read my fav book genre anymore. No energy left. Brain just cannot function as normal. Wish I can return to my pre-preg energetic and motivated self again!
Jia you! very fast u will be reaching 2nd trimester already. this is just the beginning for me. i dont feel like doing anything at all, not even reading books or anything. worse is my exam will be still in my 1st trimester :( very sian


i m very happy to find our preg... but cos juz 2nd day my hubby go oversea reservice when i found tat i was pregnant.. i know he will be back but we have marry about 9 years he have never leave me alone in singapore kekek... and somemore working place is too stress now.. cos rushing payroll every 2 wk... and still have to teach new colleague...

the A&E drs are not blur, they r super super blur... and is not cheap to do the blood test.. and they keep on ask me to go back after 48 hrs... and my gynae which i m see now only ask me to go back 1 mth later after i seen her tat day... is boy again... this will be my 3rd boy hahahah... it have been 6 years after my 2nd son was born... hope to have a girl so try again... omg... boy boy boy... but he is healthy which make me happy cos which i mentioned i have discharge on and off.. i don't have this problem when i have my first 2 kids... kekek
:) congrats! the pregnancy book i bought wrote that if the first 2 of the kids are of the same gender, 75% the 3rd will be the same. seems a bit true!
but then again, this kind of thing cannot predict. i am always a one-child policy , but my husband want 3 - and must be boy-boy-girl. how to control! anyway after see me suffer so much now, he say 1 is enough liao lah.


Active Member
:) congrats! the pregnancy book i bought wrote that if the first 2 of the kids are of the same gender, 75% the 3rd will be the same. seems a bit true!
but then again, this kind of thing cannot predict. i am always a one-child policy , but my husband want 3 - and must be boy-boy-girl. how to control! anyway after see me suffer so much now, he say 1 is enough liao lah.
My husband din c me suffer at all, and he wants one more. But really alot of expenses. i hope its a boy and a girl next time.
me too... no feel to makeup, doing mask or scrub etc.. everyday was like very chin cai went for work..
my immed dept ppl know im preggy before 3 months.. as sometimes i really feel very sick and my boss allow me to work from home , i got a few mc since then.. sigh..
I got no strength to walk long.. even after work, i just wanna quickly lie down on bed when I reach home.. sound like very old .. :p
** Im turning 3 months this sat.. yuppi!!
I'm the kinda ppl who won't leave home without makeup hahaa unless go dwnstairs !oh no I just signed up for facial package. So ex somemore! How to go do facial with big tummy..
Jennifer kee, jiayou! Just relax u be fine . Happened to me n bb was good still . Bleeding a little now too but can only rest n relax . Takecare gal!


I'm the kinda ppl who won't leave home without makeup hahaa unless go dwnstairs !oh no I just signed up for facial package. So ex somemore! How to go do facial with big tummy..
me too... i go sheng siong also will put fake eye lashes! but now forget it .... the only time i leave the house is go gynae...and now i totally lost interest in everything. but i scare i become auntie, but yet i force myself to wear what also useless, the tummy so bloated, all cannot fit !


Active Member
ahhhh...you also like a boy-boy-girl combination ?
now is boy. hopefully nxt one is girl.
i also use to wear contact lens to work everyday. but now, i have been wearing spectacles since i got married. Comb hair also never use the mirror. Guess i'm becoming auntie liao.


me too... i go sheng siong also will put fake eye lashes! but now forget it .... the only time i leave the house is go gynae...and now i totally lost interest in everything. but i scare i become auntie, but yet i force myself to wear what also useless, the tummy so bloated, all cannot fit !
alamak! go shengsiong no need put fake eyelashes lah! so funny u all.. true lost quite abit interest in most stuff and only wish to lie down and nua... i'm gg into 2nd tri soon, end of this mth can find out gender, so excited! plus i'll be hving my last trip of the yr end of this month too.. so happy.. was thinkin of a short session to meet up after my trip, but seems that u ladies all feeling v lazy huh! lol~