**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **

ha ha ha....you very capable! i dont think i can handle like this. are you working pinky?
I stopped wrk since my first pregnancy. Tot will have better life at home but no! Hahaa being a stay home mum is really very very tiring. No time for anything. Whole day seems to evolve around baby n housework only.

Wanted to go out wrk then suddenly pop #2! go out wrk can wear nice nice stay home cAn only wear pajamas.. Kaoz...

Anyone not wrking too?
omg... i m 31 this years.. and this will be my 3rd pregnant ... haha already 2 boys at home... now Detail Scanning done and say this is baby boy again... keke... will close shop after this unless accident hahahah
Wah 3 boys! If my no 2 also boy I close shop liaoz.. But r your 2 boys easy to handle ?


I stopped wrk since my first pregnancy. Tot will have better life at home but no! Hahaa being a stay home mum is really very very tiring. No time for anything. Whole day seems to evolve around baby n housework only.

Wanted to go out wrk then suddenly pop #2! go out wrk can wear nice nice stay home cAn only wear pajamas.. Kaoz...

Anyone not wrking too?
me lor...damn free and bored and cannot go out yet . sigh


Hi pinkymummy.
i follow one of the threads on next year age, so i say 32. :) i'm 27 weeks now.

hotmilktea, y don't you try watching some HK or jap dramas to past your time?
i m actually not big fan of watching tv, but now bo bian, my friends they all passing me some soon coz i call for help !


Active Member
i m actually not big fan of watching tv, but now bo bian, my friends they all passing me some soon coz i call for help !

For me, I wish i can stay at home and sleep till late everyday. But i have to force myself to wake up at 6am every morning and sleep latest 11pm at night. So tired..


For me, I wish i can stay at home and sleep till late everyday. But i have to force myself to wake up at 6am every morning and sleep latest 11pm at night. So tired..
after a while is very bored. i stopped work for 3 months already... dec is to prepare for my wedding in Jan. then find a part time job in feb and plan for our honeymoon in apr. now cannot plan anything and stay home nothing to do


oh god! my hubby just came back from his reservist say his mate's wife is having her number 5 now in her 7th weeks!
power right ! my hubby ask why my wife so xing ku, ur wife ok ? he say just show her more care lah, after few months she forget all the xing ku then will wanna get preg again :|
possible meh ????


Active Member
oh god! my hubby just came back from his reservist say his mate's wife is having her number 5 now in her 7th weeks!
power right ! my hubby ask why my wife so xing ku, ur wife ok ? he say just show her more care lah, after few months she forget all the xing ku then will wanna get preg again :|
possible meh ????
True, if hubby show more concern to the wife, she will appreciate it. Wow...number 5. Power!


True, if hubby show more concern to the wife, she will appreciate it. Wow...number 5. Power!
haha..he also tell my hubby there is nothing much he can do, except to show more care. she wants u , u be there, she dun wanna see u, u get out of her sight.

i feel siong for them...but they rich lah, well to do. but still 5 kids leh! go eat macdonald also expensive lor. she got girl-boy-boy-boy-?
Wah 3 boys! If my no 2 also boy I close shop liaoz.. But r your 2 boys easy to handle ?
hm... not very easy lor... cos my kid is 8 and 6 this yr... i wish to have a girl too.. so i try after 6 years cos many people say rabbit will have girl... omg.. boy again lor... so next time my house will have 4 : 1 = 4 boys : 1 girl hahaha
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Active Member
hm... not very easy ... cos my kid is 8 and 6 this yr... i wish to have a girl too.. so i try after 6 years cos many people say rabbit will have girl... omg.. boy again ... so next time my house will have 4 : 1 = 4 boys : 1 girl hahaha
Haha! Ya...later all bully the mother.
after a while is very bored. i stopped work for 3 months already... dec is to prepare for my wedding in Jan. then find a part time job in feb and plan for our honeymoon in apr. now cannot plan anything and stay home nothing to do
Hahaa so we same same loh, married 1-2 mths preggie Liao. No more freedom! Seriously hor if u intend to look after bb yourself really no freedom but it's always gd to look after your bb at least fir the first couple of yrs. If hubby treats u very nice when preggie of coz dun mind always preg loh hahaa

But I'm very hiao one , so hate to look swollen so always vent anger on hubby.

His attitude chAnged 360 degrees when test kit shows positive. So 现实。 ..


Active Member
Hahaa so we same same loh, married 1-2 mths preggie Liao. No more freedom! Seriously hor if u intend to look after bb yourself really no freedom but it's always gd to look after your bb at least fir the first couple of yrs. If hubby treats u very nice when preggie of coz dun mind always preg loh hahaa

But I'm very hiao one , so hate to look swollen so always vent anger on hubby.

His attitude chAnged 360 degrees when test kit shows positive. So 现实。 ..
Me also bunny boy! I was already 1 mth preg when i customary that day. Its a good timing cuz tummy hasn't show. Still can wear gown. I will hire a maid and let my mum look after the baby, while the maid do hse work.

What do you mean by his attitude change? issit for the better?


pinkymummy: shld be 180 degree lah.. 360 degree = back to square 1.

maneo0302: his attitude must be changed to better loh! all hubby are like that. hahah..

i was supposed to go for co. trip end this mth to japan, HENG AR! just received notice that its cancelled.. else the radiation kenna my bb i jialat.. so envious u ladies already know the gender.. i still must wait for nxt sat.. getting out of shape too, so depressed today when i go buy evening gown for friday's co dinner.. cant fit into my usual type of dresses..

btw.. the news said some scientific facts that long term breast feeding to bb will cause them to affect their blood pressure in future or something like that.. anyone knows? dunno true anot.. zzz.. i still hoping to breastfeed for 1yr. sigh