EDD in Sept 2011

Charlotte, don't worry... my elder girl was less than 1.2kg at 32 weeks!! Even tinier than your bb right now. She didn't gain much over the subsequent weeks so in the end my gynae gave me hospitalisation leave 1mth before due date to rest at home and let bb grow fatter. True enough it worked, by the time i reached 40 weeks she was 2.7kg. On the small side for EDD baby but still healthy and ok lah...

Right now this current baby is also underweight and behind the weeks in terms of growth. I'm not very worried as the sister came out fine... more worried right now that she hasn't turned head down, don't want to have 2 wounds!! Episiotomy from the 1st pregnancy and c-section this time... =(

Are you drinking those maternal milk like Anmum, Similacmum etc? Those really help to pile on the weight. That time with my elder girl, i drank only fresh milk until gynae said bb is too small, then i switched over to drinking Anmum 2x daily. Think it really helped!

Thanks for reassuring.=DI dun like to drink those milk=( I will feel like vomiting .... yah.... u dun worry... my first girl turn her head down only on 34 week like tt.... =) still got time.... slowly....=D


I going to faint Liao ... Bb only 1390gram @ 30 weeks... Underweight ttm Liao....:(((
!!! Severely underweight!!! D:

carisella: through u are busy, but for the sake of baby u need to do extra effort le. Water is very important, i went thru website. They says that drinking enough water, helps to renew and expel the current water(old de) in the water bag. Its good for yr baby and yr water level. Sleeping and eating as well. Dont skip meal. Now at this stage, wadever u take in, baby is takig too. If u dont eat, means u dont let baby eat also... So must jiayou! No time or busy or no appetite also must eat.
If you understand the things i go through everyday, you'll feel that it's the people around me that's not understanding towards me that's making me too busy to even take a sip of water or even eat .. :( haiz.. will try harder .. just argued with my hubby today abt this and he said let others help me.. and the others is also including him and he also don't understand that point.. haiz.. faint.. :( .. i think the only time i drank like 3 litres of water was on Sunday 3rd July.. I was alone at home, no worries and everything!! :D daddy and husband went out mahjong, mom working.. felt so shiok lo!! ZOMG!!!

and today.. almost forget to take lunch.. i thot i ate already actually.. then i realised.. =-=" i haven't eat at all..


Healthy weight:) envy:) my bb at 1390 at 30 weeks....
Dont worry. now is only 30weeks. slowly yr bb will gain weigh soon.

=( thro my bb is 1.6kg now. but i myself seriously gain alot of weight as well. i will have a hard time to slim back after birth. theres pro and cons ba...
!!! Severely underweight!!! D:

If you understand the things i go through everyday, you'll feel that it's the people around me that's not understanding towards me that's making me too busy to even take a sip of water or even eat .. :( haiz.. will try harder .. just argued with my hubby today abt this and he said let others help me.. and the others is also including him and he also don't understand that point.. haiz.. faint.. :( .. i think the only time i drank like 3 litres of water was on Sunday 3rd July.. I was alone at home, no worries and everything!! :D daddy and husband went out mahjong, mom working.. felt so shiok lo!! ZOMG!!!

and today.. almost forget to take lunch.. i thot i ate already actually.. then i realised.. =-=" i haven't eat at all..
yeah underweight ttm..=( from now on.... have to start taking more liao... but jus duno y i dun have the appetite to eat alot... as compared to my first pregnancy...
Dont worry. now is only 30weeks. slowly yr bb will gain weigh soon.

=( thro my bb is 1.6kg now. but i myself seriously gain alot of weight as well. i will have a hard time to slim back after birth. theres pro and cons ba...
like i say... breastfeeding helps alot in losing weight....i lose 17 to 18 kg in 3 months by breastfeeding=) can de=D


charlottetan - Yes, must quickly go and take now, otherwise no chance liao... Even got scretch mark, they will photoshop ba I guess.
Rabbitmummy - Why got to do with ugly le? 3D scan of BB wor.. I will be doing at parkway east hospital, coz cost cheaper. $58.90 only. But has to get a ref letter from your gynae ya. I check with Thomson and it cost $189 for 3D, $279 for 4D.. so exp.. :(

This coming sat got to visit my gynae again.. again need to check with him my BB weight.. Haha.. I still eat durian recently.. Hopefully BB weigh fine. :)

Oh ya, I think I will get sweetest Moments for BB full month celebration. As this yr they hav a new "Rabbit" layout for the box. Limited Edition, quite nice.. Reasonable price too.. :)

My leg swollen too.. :( Could be walk too long already.. Tummy more and more huge, me more and more slow movement.. :(


I believe u are working in yr family business right? No matter wad, stay cheerful and a beautiful mood ok? Take care kk
Nope.. due to my dad's recuperation from his amputation, need extra care, especially since he's diabetic, no one else in the family knows how to "properly" take insulin for him :( .. thus i have to take for him in the mornings and i have to cook for him in the morning and also at night for his lunch the next day and i still have to go to work :(
charlottetan - Yes, must quickly go and take now, otherwise no chance liao... Even got scretch mark, they will photoshop ba I guess.
Rabbitmummy - Why got to do with ugly le? 3D scan of BB wor.. I will be doing at parkway east hospital, coz cost cheaper. $58.90 only. But has to get a ref letter from your gynae ya. I check with Thomson and it cost $189 for 3D, $279 for 4D.. so exp.. :(

This coming sat got to visit my gynae again.. again need to check with him my BB weight.. Haha.. I still eat durian recently.. Hopefully BB weigh fine. :)

Oh ya, I think I will get sweetest Moments for BB full month celebration. As this yr they hav a new "Rabbit" layout for the box. Limited Edition, quite nice.. Reasonable price too.. :)

My leg swollen too.. :( Could be walk too long already.. Tummy more and more huge, me more and more slow movement.. :(
i mean me too ugly n fat to take photo shoot..

dont want to spend the money on 3D / 4D scan.. yeah T M C is ex so just keep the money for other things.. lazy to get referral letter from gyne.. too busy man...
Nope.. due to my dad's recuperation from his amputation, need extra care, especially since he's diabetic, no one else in the family knows how to "properly" take insulin for him :( .. thus i have to take for him in the mornings and i have to cook for him in the morning and also at night for his lunch the next day and i still have to go to work :(
take care and rest more.. its tiring to be pregnant and you have to take care of your dad too.. its not easy...

i am already feeling so lazy to work now being 3rd trim...
charlottetan - Yes, must quickly go and take now, otherwise no chance liao... Even got scretch mark, they will photoshop ba I guess.
Rabbitmummy - Why got to do with ugly le? 3D scan of BB wor.. I will be doing at parkway east hospital, coz cost cheaper. $58.90 only. But has to get a ref letter from your gynae ya. I check with Thomson and it cost $189 for 3D, $279 for 4D.. so exp.. :(

This coming sat got to visit my gynae again.. again need to check with him my BB weight.. Haha.. I still eat durian recently.. Hopefully BB weigh fine. :)

Oh ya, I think I will get sweetest Moments for BB full month celebration. As this yr they hav a new "Rabbit" layout for the box. Limited Edition, quite nice.. Reasonable price too.. :)

My leg swollen too.. :( Could be walk too long already.. Tummy more and more huge, me more and more slow movement.. :(

last pregnancy i jus take photos of my tummy before i go to the hospital for induce birth. hahaah
yeah I LOVE SWEETEST MOMENT CAKES! their package is so sweet n nice n their price is so affordable=D i like!


New Member
Any mummies at week 30 now? May I know is 1.6kg ok for the weigh of the bb?

And I think I haven't yet heard my bb hiccups leh?