EDD in Sept 2011


Rabbitmummy - actually not much difference for baby party between my side & hubby side. Just that they usually have a baby shower few weeks before delivery for the mummy & her friends. But for my Malay side, like Chinese we have a 'party' after baby safely delivered. So we decide to have it after and combine our cultures. If not before must have then after also must have. Hubby will give out cigars to the men, that's one of his 'tradition' but no alcohol drinks, my grandma kill me! I think all culture same lor... Makan for all, presents for baby, everyone come to see him or her & happy2 lah. :)
Mehmeto - thanks for the link!
Dolphyant - yah my ankle so fat! All footwear that i use before now uncomfortable already. I just wear sandals or slippers now.
Fiong88 - that's what i think too! We'll never know when it'll be on sale again what right. My husband lah... He say Singapore everytime have sale.
Charlotettan - they havent reply me email asking how much... I let u know when they do.


i KLKK (kia lai kia ke) in office a lot (so no choice) , i don't eat a lot ( i still skipping meals :( ) , i can't sleep more since i have to study for test, do projects and do stuff for my dad. I hardly remember to drink water.. sometimes whole day didn't drink a sip also :(

heard someone saying cannot wear the compression socks since already swollen.. only when not swollen then can start to wear.. i washed all my bb's clothes already .. took 4 rounds of washing <3 too many clothes, mattress cover, blankets, towels.. oh.. might need round 5.. forget about quilt <3 haven't wash =3

I used this pureen detergent.. i think liddat spell.. the smell is soooooooo nice.. i keep telling my dad, baby come out is this smell.. =3 xiang xiang =3
Lucky u say! I was thinking of getting the socks!


Lucky u say! I was thinking of getting the socks!
i read from a reply on my FB wall.. i go see what he say..
it's a pressure sock... tt encourage circulations... tt's good to put on before it's tt swollen but now u should NOT put it if the leg have swell tt badly... well it's mainly due to the blood circulations
my swell until very badly.. up to my ankles there also :( so i don't think i can wear now..
hi all, came across this website with really sweet looking cookies. you might want to take a look:

Baked with love | Designer cookies @ affordable prices!
Rabbitmummy - the cookies

thank you ladies..
woah looks nice n cheap :001_302:

gin thye really so traditional!!! woah i thought this kind of shops will not have any online presence..... amazing...
Rabbitmummy - actually not much difference for baby party between my side & hubby side. Just that they usually have a baby shower few weeks before delivery for the mummy & her friends. But for my Malay side, like Chinese we have a 'party' after baby safely delivered. So we decide to have it after and combine our cultures. If not before must have then after also must have. Hubby will give out cigars to the men, that's one of his 'tradition' but no alcohol drinks, my grandma kill me! I think all culture same lor... Makan for all, presents for baby, everyone come to see him or her & happy2 lah. :)
woah cigars? is that a traditional way of things?

hmm i wonder how is my little 1 celebration going to be like.. i seems to look forward that only hehehehee


Hi all! Just came back from kkh.baby weight about 1.6kg now at 30weeks. ^^ doctor says baby rotate le, head now below.

carisella: through u are busy, but for the sake of baby u need to do extra effort le. Water is very important, i went thru website. They says that drinking enough water, helps to renew and expel the current water(old de) in the water bag. Its good for yr baby and yr water level.

Sleeping and eating as well. Dont skip meal. Now at this stage, wadever u take in, baby is takig too. If u dont eat, means u dont let baby eat also... So must jiayou! No time or busy or no appetite also must eat. ^^ :Dancing_wub:


carisella and chocobaby, i only start wearing the socks when my feet got swollen last weekend. so far, it seems to help to reduce the swelling leh. but this sat will be seeing gynae, so will ask him and update you again.

carisella, i think your feet swell is coz of insufficient water plus too much walking. you need to up your water intake, otherwise, you will have bad water retention. water retention may or may not go away even after delivery! Also, it is not good to skip meals. there is research showing that if bb lack of nutrients while in mummy's womb due to mummy skipping meals or on diet, it is likely the bb will face weight problems (obesity) when they are older.

i dread to find out my bb's weight in this sat's visit. really scared gynae tell me bb is super overweight again!

charlotte, maybe can try taking some durians and ice cream. it will definitely help your bb to put on weight.


Rabbitmummy - that's what my husband say the men usually do. But only give to family members & close friends. If not bankrupt ah! Lol... Dont get expensive ones lah, just normal cigars.
Charlottetan - yah try durians! I think it works. Oh n the cookie from the link i shared, is $3.50 each. I think can get cheaper...
carisella and chocobaby, i only start wearing the socks when my feet got swollen last weekend. so far, it seems to help to reduce the swelling leh. but this sat will be seeing gynae, so will ask him and update you again.

carisella, i think your feet swell is coz of insufficient water plus too much walking. you need to up your water intake, otherwise, you will have bad water retention. water retention may or may not go away even after delivery! Also, it is not good to skip meals. there is research showing that if bb lack of nutrients while in mummy's womb due to mummy skipping meals or on diet, it is likely the bb will face weight problems (obesity) when they are older.

i dread to find out my bb's weight in this sat's visit. really scared gynae tell me bb is super overweight again!

charlotte, maybe can try taking some durians and ice cream. it will definitely help your bb to put on weight.
I am dreading next week too… don’t want to go doc scale.. I feel so heavy on his scale…
My baby seems to be growing fast faster and I feel more like harder to walk too..
More lazy to exercise.. even feel like drinking something sweet also trying to resist….
Rabbitmummy - that's what my husband say the men usually do. But only give to family members & close friends. If not bankrupt ah! Lol... Dont get expensive ones lah, just normal cigars.
Charlottetan - yah try durians! I think it works. Oh n the cookie from the link i shared, is $3.50 each. I think can get cheaper...

i want to eat some durians but scared baby gets too big.... :(


Ive been eating durians since 1st trimester! At one point i had them everyday then my last check up, i cant remember baby's weight but it was just right. Now i cut down to 3 times a week.
Ive been eating durians since 1st trimester! At one point i had them everyday then my last check up, i cant remember baby's weight but it was just right. Now i cut down to 3 times a week.

doctor told me to eat durian too.... helps with the weight... she say if my bb continued to b underweight she will give me hospitalisation leave for me to rest at hm=(


If doc thinks that's best then just do it. Just rest & dont over exert urself ok. If u dont really like durians then try other forms of it. Maybe will work too. Durian puffs? I ate not cos of baby's weight, cos i'm greedy! Lol. Just love the taste so much!


Healthy weight:) envy:) my bb at 1390 at 30 weeks....

Charlotte, don't worry... my elder girl was less than 1.2kg at 32 weeks!! Even tinier than your bb right now. She didn't gain much over the subsequent weeks so in the end my gynae gave me hospitalisation leave 1mth before due date to rest at home and let bb grow fatter. True enough it worked, by the time i reached 40 weeks she was 2.7kg. On the small side for EDD baby but still healthy and ok lah...

Right now this current baby is also underweight and behind the weeks in terms of growth. I'm not very worried as the sister came out fine... more worried right now that she hasn't turned head down, don't want to have 2 wounds!! Episiotomy from the 1st pregnancy and c-section this time... =(

Are you drinking those maternal milk like Anmum, Similacmum etc? Those really help to pile on the weight. That time with my elder girl, i drank only fresh milk until gynae said bb is too small, then i switched over to drinking Anmum 2x daily. Think it really helped!