EDD April Mummies


Active Member
Hi Dilys,

Yes.. My 1st.. Kind of nervous and I'm seeing a Gynae this afternoon.. :) I'm still exploring my likes and dislikes and eating patterns that ease my bloatedness etc.. This discomfort just started on last Friday night... My sis suggest that I get some medicine from Gynae to ease the discomfort coz she did the same too.. I just dont't feel like drinking water after meal coz the bloatedness last for at least 5-6 hours.. It's horrifying..

Thanks for the advice and I've tried talking to my baby.. It is a very wonderful feeling... :)
Hi cristae,

How's your visit to the gynae today?? Everything" fine??


New Member
Hi cristae,

How's your visit to the gynae today?? Everything" fine??
I just came back from the Gynae... I'm really excited!!! I'm on my 6th week now and my bb is 4mm.. I heard its heartbeat.. My Hubby and I couldn't help but smile throughout the whole ultrasound experience..

I experienced some light pink discharge last monday and yesterday.. So my OG gave me some hormones pills (Duphaston 10mg) to play safe and something to standby if my heartburn become unbearable... The bill cost me $193.... >.<" So costly...

Next visit is 2 weeks from now...


Hi cristae, tats gd :) can hear heartbeat Liao. Tats early hehe. I hope I can hear mine this week too ;)

Dun worry cristae, the pinky discharge could be the implantation bleeding I had tat 2 weeks ago. But I still went to the 24 hr clinic to double check. But was glad tat my hcg was increasing healthily 


New Member
Hi cristae, tats gd :) can hear heartbeat Liao. Tats early hehe. I hope I can hear mine this week too ;)

Dun worry cristae, the pinky discharge could be the implantation bleeding I had tat 2 weeks ago. But I still went to the 24 hr clinic to double check. But was glad tat my hcg was increasing healthily 
Thank Huafen... :) I had a miscarriage experience when I was 3-4 weeks.. So the Gynae gave me that pills to play safe... Ask the Gynae to let you hear the heartbeat.. It's amazing...


New Member
Oic dun worry stay positive. Tok to ur bb often :) more amazing things will be coming along :)

btw when is ur Edd?
Huafen.... Will talking to baby really help? But the fetus ears are not even functioning. I heard a lot of talking to the fetus too. Curious.
I used to have cramps. N when I touch the tummy telling the fetus to be good, the pain amazing subside! I dun know if it's Xin Li Zhou Yong! Lol.
Tell me more of ur experience! :) would love to know.


Hi angie, may be bb can sense us. N toking out aloud may also allow us to feel better too. Whenever I have any discomfort, I will juz tok to bb n everything seems fine :)

But our mood is very important throughout the preg so stay positive n happy :)


Active Member
I always believe bb and our mind are together.. As Bb inside u ..whatever things u r facing ... Emotions .. Conversation it will effect the Bb. Talking to baby U can whisper to urself while touching ur tummy even if u r outside. Heard that Bb will be very easier to look after when u delivered.. Bb will listen to u. My Hubby always spend half an hour talking to Bb before I sleeping time.. It's true that I feel comfortable sleeping at night.. I will talk to Bb every now n then anything and everything.. I think it's helps on ur delivering.. Maybe Bb listen to u .. The little one will help u along haha then u don't have to push too hard .. :)


Active Member
I just came back from the Gynae... I'm really excited!!! I'm on my 6th week now and my baby is 4mm.. I heard its heartbeat.. My Hubby and I couldn't help but smile throughout the whole ultrasound experience..

I experienced some light pink discharge last monday and yesterday.. So my OG gave me some hormones pills (Duphaston 10mg) to play safe and something to standby if my heartburn become unbearable... The bill cost me $193.... >.<" So costly
Next visit is 2 weeks from now...
Hi cristae, so happy to hear that !wow .. 6 weeks can hear heartbeat?? My doc told me usually 8 weeks. :) I am going to hear Bb heartbeat next wed I m so excited.. Don't worry so much !!! Be happy :)


Cristae n dilys, when ur Edd?

Today I feeling worst. My stomach feels more bloated, keep feeling like burping n more giddy!! Terrible day! Yd lunch eat chicken rice makes me feel bloated the whole day le. Now I dun dare to eat rice Liao


Active Member
Cristae n dilys, when ur Edd?

Today I feeling worst. My stomach feels more bloated, keep feeling like burping n more giddy!! Terrible day! Yd lunch eat chicken rice makes me feel bloated the whole day le. Now I dun dare to eat rice Liao
Huafen, mine estimated edd is 29 April 2012. Oh try to eat some biscuits and drink Milo. Maybe chicken rice too oily.. Rice makes u feel bloated..!maybe try to take some bee hoon soup. Yesterday I try eating spaghetti and drink some fresh orange juice. I think Bb don't like orange juice.. I puke all out! Then .. I bought a small whip potato (from kfc) to try .. Then seems like Bb like it.

Haha I just ordered 4 med whip potato I think this will be the meals for today. Eat something that you like.. That don't make you puke.. Now everything I eat I will test 1st.. Just like test drive like that) . But I understand our semester hard to predict everyday symptom .. R u working Now ?? When is ur edd ??


Hihi all mummies to be, congrats to all too. I just found out I am expecting my no. 2 last week. Kind of shock n happy at the same time. Shock becoz my no. 1 onli 5 mths old :)

Going to see my Gynae next week. Hope everything will be fine. Now 1st trimster will be tiring n some even experience MS. Enjoy the whole process it's a very wonderful experience :)
Hi! I just seen my gynea yesterday, I am 8 weeks 6 days pregnant le. My no. 1 very small also about 4 months old. Same boat as you! I dun dare tell my colleagues yet Coz I just return work from my maternity leave. Excited and confused at the same time.
Hope I can cope with my pregnancy my baby girl so young now, at night still wake up for feed.


Active Member
Hi! I just seen my gynea yesterday, I am 8 weeks 6 days pregnant le. My no. 1 very small also about 4 months old. Same boat as you! I dun dare tell my colleagues yet Coz I just return work from my maternity leave. Excited and confused at the same time.
Hope I can cope with my pregnancy my baby girl so young now, at night still wake up for feed.

Wow ... You & Huafen.. are power mummy.. Expecting No.2 so fast after No.1 . Wow.. I am having my No.1. Hmm... now the symptom I am having... haha I can't imagine having No.2 . :)Wa.. I can't imagine.. how ur collegues react when they know that you are expecting no.2... after returning from maternity leave... hehe... this reminds me of my ex colleague. I am sure you can cope ... Jia you !!!!


Hi dilys, ya I am working now. Just tested also. Can't really eat rice. Coz today I ate noodle for lunch. Dun feel bloated. N got ppl advise me b4 dun take too much orange juice as may cause phelgm to bb next time. So I never take orange juice.

Hi cwl, congrats! I believe ur bb gal is also an April bb? Do u still breastfeeding? If yes, have to stop le. Try to train ur gal to sleep thru. I am glad tat my bb boy manage to sleep through now so I can have ample of rest. Yr family knows abt it? As long as they r supportive, everything else doesn't matter le :)


Hi dilys, ya I am working now. Just tested also. Can't really eat rice. Coz today I ate noodle for lunch. dont feel bloated. N got ppl advise me before dont take too much orange juice as may cause phelgm to baby next time. So I never take orange juice.

Hi cwl, congrats! I believe your baby gal is also an April baby? Do you still breastfeeding? If yes, have to stop . Try to train your gal to sleep thru. I am glad that my baby boy manage to sleep through now so I can have ample of rest. Yr family knows about it? As long as they r supportive, everything else doesn't matter :)

Hi Dilys and huafen! Yup my baby is born this yr April. I stop breast feeding le Coz supply really low. My girl last feed is abt 7pm then she will sleep at 8.30pm all the way to abt 2.30am. that's why hv to wake up to feed her. I tried waking her up at 11 pm to feed her but she dun want so no choice lor. Right now I still coping well, not sure if my stomach gets bigger in a few months time hehe.. I haven told my family yet, maybe I will wait after my next gynea appointment then break the news to them ba. My colleagues and boss side I still dun dare tell.


Your family and colleagues know le mah?


Oic. My bb used to sleep at the same timing as ur gal. But lately drag till by 10pm, then he will fall asleep. Wake up again around 6plus. Up to him.

My family members know le. Colleagues onli those tat r closer to me I let them know Liao. Bosses will break the news to them when I see my Gynae tml. Hehe think bosses will be in great shock wahahas

so ur no. 2 will be also around the same mth as ur no.1. U didn't join April 2011 forum? I was formerly tat link too. Who knows also a April 2012 mummy too haha


Active Member
Hi dilys, ya I am working now. Just tested also. Can't really eat rice. Coz today I ate noodle for lunch. Dun feel bloated. N got ppl advise me b4 dun take too much orange juice as may cause phelgm to bb next time. So I never take orange juice.

Hi cwl, congrats! I believe ur bb gal is also an April bb? Do u still breastfeeding? If yes, have to stop le. Try to train ur gal to sleep thru. I am glad tat my bb boy manage to sleep through now so I can have ample of rest. Yr family knows abt it? As long as they r supportive, everything else doesn't matter le :)
Hi Huafen,
Glad that you have no prob having noodles... :) Yeah I heard abt the Orange issue... I heard from people that cannot take too much of Orange and Payaya or else bb will give jaundice. But I am taking abit of Orange Juice cos I crave for that... but unfortunately baby don't like. haha my bb like coke. Opps !! I took 2 sips every time i crave for it. Pathetic.. Waiting for the day that I can be back to normal indulging in the whole can of coke... Wooooh....i think my bb is very picky.. sigh.. No veg, pork, chicken for me now...

Usually I sleep on the left side of the bed... then last two nights.. i sleep on the right.. yesterday nite hubby suggested the sleep on the right cos.. bb wont make so much noise.. (haha... he means I don't him wake him up so often due to my hunger). I think bb heard him.. (my hubby) I got difficulty sleeping... feeling discomfort bloatness the whole nigh, feeling hungry tossing around. Yucks.... I realised that we cant praise bb or else ... little one will be very notti.

Whole nite didnt sleep well !!!!


Oic. My bb used to sleep at the same timing as ur gal. But lately drag till by 10pm, then he will fall asleep. Wake up again around 6plus. Up to him.

My family members know le. Colleagues onli those tat r closer to me I let them know Liao. Bosses will break the news to them when I see my Gynae tml. Hehe think bosses will be in great shock wahahas

so ur no. 2 will be also around the same mth as ur no.1. U didn't join April 2011 forum? I was formerly tat link too. Who knows also a April 2012 mummy too haha

Haha! I only read the April 2011 forum but didn't comment Coz that time I haven register. I will find a right time to tell my colleagues and family ba. Right now I just wanna keep it to myself. Luckily my symptom not so bad till need to take MC or leave if not they sure will suspect. Hehez


Hi Huafen,
Glad that you have no prob having noodles... :) Yeah I heard about the Orange issue... I heard from people that cannot take too much of Orange and Payaya or else baby will give jaundice. But I am taking abit of Orange Juice cos I crave for that... but unfortunately baby dont't like. haha my baby like coke. Opps !! I took 2 sips every time i crave for it. Pathetic.. Waiting for the day that I can be back to normal indulging in the whole can of coke... Wooooh....i think my baby is very picky.. sigh.. No veg, pork, chicken for me now...

I also cant take veg now, dont like chicken too. But super hungry till can't tahan but no appetite and no craving. I keep burping a lot too. A lot of gases in my stomach. Are you ladies showing already? I can feel my tummy getting round due to bloating.
Usually I sleep on the left side of the bed... then last two nights.. i sleep on the right.. yesterday nite hubby suggested the sleep on the right cos.. baby wont make so much noise.. (haha... he means I dont't him wake him up so often due to my hunger). I think baby heard him.. (my hubby) I got difficulty sleeping... feeling discomfort bloatness the whole nigh, feeling hungry tossing around. Yucks.... I realised that we cant praise baby or else ... little one will be very notti.

Whole nite didnt sleep well !!!!
I also can't take veg, it used to be my Fav and I can eat a whole plate. Now I can't take 2 mouthful. I get super hungry after 2-3 hrs but no appetite leh. At night also super hungry then I keep drinking milk from fridge.
Are u ladies showing le? I feel my tummy so bloated and round