EDD April Mummies


Active Member
thanks xiaodaisy! i'll try my best to rest well. :)

just to share, i had a nightmare just the nite b4 tat my baby was gone n i was so worried.. i believe it is related to the little bit of blood i found in my discharge last week.. >_< but i told myself since doctor had prescribed the necessary med the rest is up to me coz baby will be stressed if i'm stressed..

i guess its quite normal to get abit paranoid at the start of the pregnancy since its my #1 so i used aromatherapy (lavender) last nite n finally managed to have a good nite sleep. i felt much better today. highly recommended for anyone who is stressed. :)
sometimes dream turn out to be the opp of it !! no worries abt it as long u dont tink so much

as a chn saying goes - e more u tink , e more u dream of it

cos u worry as its ur #1 so u dream of the worse part ..

just relaxed whenever u can and stay cheerful and positive =) as long ur happy , ur baby will be happy too !!

if ur able to take milk , drink some milk before sleep too .. good for u & baby and helps u to sleep ! =)

sweet dreams tonite !


Active Member
Thanks babe !!

no worries , if ur lucky u will get to know the gender by 12wks so 5wks to go !! jiayou !

its unbelievable but it seems so true after u hear the heartbeat rite ? lol its always the exciting part for #1 time mummies to hear the heartbeat !

no worries , i understand how u feel for being #1 time mom , i've been thro the exciting time too !! lol but i'm old mummy now at my #3 baby now lol

tats cute of ur baby as baby making u to take food tat mummy dislike and wat daddy like !! sweet of baby to ask u not to choose food like tat ..
Haha .. I haven't hear the heartbeat so I still can't imagine what's the feeling like.. :) haha I will share after my 2nd appt. hahah... Wow... #3. Power mum. The 2 boys on your avatar..They are Lovely... :) Wow.. I am having my No.1 . This feelings ... I can't bring myself to imagine.. of having No.2, No.3 .... etc... woooh....

Cute ?? No no i don't think little one its cute... so afraid that bb might be picky when bb come out. Maybe he is a daddy's girl.. haha ... My hubby is very picky when comes to food... His working hazard.... one mouthful he knows that the food is nice or not ... That's one thing .. I am not used to be like that at all. .. comes to food... everything to me its nice...

Now its so stress to think what to eat... nowadays ... abit salty cannot.. abit too sweet .. complain.. haha.. It would be better if little one eats like me...hahah


Active Member
Haha .. I haven't hear the heartbeat so I still can't imagine what's the feeling like.. :) haha I will share after my 2nd appt. hahah... Wow... #3. Power mum. The 2 boys on your avatar..They are Lovely... :) Wow.. I am having my No.1 . This feelings ... I can't bring myself to imagine.. of having No.2, No.3 .... etc... woooh....

Cute ?? No no i don't think little one its cute... so afraid that bb might be picky when bb come out. Maybe he is a daddy's girl.. haha ... My hubby is very picky when comes to food... His working hazard.... one mouthful he knows that the food is nice or not ... That's one thing .. I am not used to be like that at all. .. comes to food... everything to me its nice...

Now its so stress to think what to eat... nowadays ... abit salty cannot.. abit too sweet .. complain.. haha.. It would be better if little one eats like me...hahah
sure , share with us ur happiness after ur 2nd appt !! =)

the avatar quite long alrdy cos now they're in primary sch and cant have gold hair anymore .. lol after u have the first one , u will tink of the 2nd one soon ! lol

cos u will feel 1 baby is lonely and baby need another meimei or didi to play with hehe .. no worry , u will have this stage after giving birth haha

some babies r picky when in mummy tummy but when baby is out as long u let baby eat everything , they wont be picky on food ...

my #1 boy , my mom buy porridge and she always ask them not to put spring onion etc , plain plain stuff and he dont eat vege till now =.=''

my #2 boy , i told mom not to give plain porridge and now he eat veges alot ! he often ask for more veges when coming to noodles food , or more spring onion in porridge or soup type food .. sometimes the stall holders outside is rather surprise as they say kids nowadays dont eat vege ! lol

as long u let baby eat everything , they mostly will just eat and just like u .. everything also is nice =)

lol , ur baby like ur food to be plain and bland .. healthy lor !! haha


New Member
hi CWL

i used to love vegg, all kinds.but now i cant take some vegg especially stir fry with osyter sauce,
i totally cant stand it. only take one mouth then nv touch it. i also cant stand the smell of mushrooms.
my hunger still ok, if i hungry i try to eat healthier food and avoid tibits.
my stomach also very bloated and round. but in the morning when i wake up, it's not that obvious.
No veg? I think that's about the only thing I enjoy. Mine strictly no pork. Beef n chicken are ok. N I hate myself for not eating fish!!! Just wanna puke with the smell. :( I tried n tried n still trying. :(

U having issue with ur business without veg? Try eating fruits n prunes. It helps. :)


Wow now the thread is quite active le.

Hmmm I dunno u all believe it anot. There r ppl mention tat when preg, u will keep dreaming n it's always very weird dreams. But dun worry it won't happen in reality :) coz when I havingy no 1, every nite have dreams, make me very tired the next day as my brain is active in the nite too. Hehe

my appetite also becum smaller le. See food now abit disgusted. But when hungry, muz find food immediately. If not my stomach very uncomfy n will feel like puking.

Having pinky discharge yd too. Later in the afternoon going to see my Gynae le. Hafnt gonez to see him yet wahahaha. Looking forward to it. Hope to see the little one n it's heartbeat


Wow now the thread is quite active le.

Hmmm I dunno u all believe it anot. There r ppl mention tat when preg, u will keep dreaming n it's always very weird dreams. But dun worry it won't happen in reality :) coz when I havingy no 1, every nite have dreams, make me very tired the next day as my brain is active in the nite too. Hehe

my appetite also becum smaller le. See food now abit disgusted. But when hungry, muz find food immediately. If not my stomach very uncomfy n will feel like puking.

Having pinky discharge yd too. Later in the afternoon going to see my Gynae le. Hafnt gonez to see him yet wahahaha. Looking forward to it. Hope to see the little one n it's heartbeat


Active Member
Wow now the thread is quite active le.

Hmmm I dunno u all believe it anot. There r ppl mention tat when preg, u will keep dreaming n it's always very weird dreams. But dun worry it won't happen in reality :) coz when I havingy no 1, every nite have dreams, make me very tired the next day as my brain is active in the nite too. Hehe

my appetite also becum smaller le. See food now abit disgusted. But when hungry, muz find food immediately. If not my stomach very uncomfy n will feel like puking.

Having pinky discharge yd too. Later in the afternoon going to see my Gynae le. Hafnt gonez to see him yet wahahaha. Looking forward to it. Hope to see the little one n it's heartbeat
lol cos march mummy (me) come over to kpo .. haha hope april mummies dont mind =)

i tink dreams are caused maybe when u tink too much but wow u having every nite ! ur brain is really active in nite lol

i oni had it once awhile and mostly wen i wake up , i dont really remember wat exactly i dream of haha

lol food likes and dislikes are quite normal as long when ur hungry and can eat , sometimes i hungry till stomach growling and i still not able to consume any food

update again after u see ur gynae , rest well at the moment as ur having discharge .. =) take care !


haha.. this morning i told my hubby u gals started talking to baby liao n told him i find it weird talking to my tummy.. he started talking to baby n say its fine n not weird at all.. it feels great.. lol.. :001_302:


Active Member
sure , share with us ur happiness after ur 2nd appt !! =)

the avatar quite long alrdy cos now they're in primary sch and cant have gold hair anymore .. lol after u have the first one , u will tink of the 2nd one soon ! lol

cos u will feel 1 baby is lonely and baby need another meimei or didi to play with hehe .. no worry , u will have this stage after giving birth haha

some babies r picky when in mummy tummy but when baby is out as long u let baby eat everything , they wont be picky on food ...

my #1 boy , my mom buy porridge and she always ask them not to put spring onion etc , plain plain stuff and he dont eat vege till now =.=''

my #2 boy , i told mom not to give plain porridge and now he eat veges alot ! he often ask for more veges when coming to noodles food , or more spring onion in porridge or soup type food .. sometimes the stall holders outside is rather surprise as they say kids nowadays dont eat vege ! lol

as long u let baby eat everything , they mostly will just eat and just like u .. everything also is nice =)

lol , ur baby like ur food to be plain and bland .. healthy lor !! haha
Wow.... Gold hair ?? You mean you dye their hair ?


Active Member
haha.. this morning i told my hubby u gals started talking to baby liao n told him i find it weird talking to my tummy.. he started talking to baby n say its fine n not weird at all.. it feels great.. lol.. :001_302:
Hi Yuzudinga,

Its builds the bonding ... between u & bb. I believe bb will recongnise our voices. Haha every nite my hubby will talk to bb... i also dont know what is he mumbling abt... haha ... as for me I will tell bb what I am going to eat ..then ... I will ask bb like the food or not. When I don't feel like puking after eating that particular food .. I will tell bb what is the food I just ate. haha.. Very lo so... one thing very important .. I always touch my tummy and tell bb ... Mummy love u ... n be good. My bb i suspect it's a girl... daddy's girl. I don't have discomfort whenever after my hubby talk to bb & whenever my hubby is with me... every nite I sleep my hubby will put his hand on my tummy. The feeling is just unbelievable....


Active Member
Wow.... Gold hair ?? You mean you dye their hair ?
previously , cos i'm a siao mummy haha !!

good to talk to baby cos 'tai jiao' but other den telling my girl not to make me puke , didnt really know what else to say

but my #2 boy talk to my tummy every few hrs .. and he can reply back himself =.=''


Active Member
previously , cos i'm a siao mummy haha !!

good to talk to baby cos 'tai jiao' but other den telling my girl not to make me puke , didnt really know what else to say

but my #2 boy talk to my tummy every few hrs .. and he can reply back himself =.=''
Xiaodaisy ... Your #2 boi so cute ... talk to your tummy.... It's great to have siblings....


previously , cos i'm a siao mummy haha !!

good to talk to baby cos 'tai jiao' but other den telling my girl not to make me puke , didnt really know what else to say

but my #2 boy talk to my tummy every few hrs .. and he can reply back himself =.=''
i also dunno wat to say other then mummy love u n must be guai..
hehe.. ur #2 so cute ^^


Active Member
my #2 will start the day with

'gd morning meimei'' and he kiss my tummy den he will act a more tiny voice ''gd morning korkor , muack'' =.=''

goes to brush up and come back ask ''meimei , r u hungry?'' den he reply himself again ''yes korkor , i want eat ****'' watever he tink to buy me tat day

few hours , he will come with my pregnancy medicine and say ''meimei , time to eat medicine to make u bigger''

few hours , come ask ''meimei , wat u doing'' =.=''

den again ''meimei , r u sleeping''

keep on and on , whole day like tat haha !!

worse den me and hubby , hubby only talk to baby once per day but he every few hours ..

like playing with dolls , ask question and answer himself haha !


anyone staying in the west? we can probably start planning to go dating at swimming pool together in the 2nd trimester.. lol.. i need something to look forward to else i'll be too lazy to exercise.. ppl say exercise more will make delivery easier n faster.. :)


Active Member
anyone staying in the west? we can probably start planning to go dating at swimming pool together in the 2nd trimester.. lol.. i need something to look forward to else i'll be too lazy to exercise.. ppl say exercise more will make delivery easier n faster.. :)
Sad ... I stay in the east ... I want to try yoga ... in my 2nd trimester....


Active Member
walking can help in delivery too ..

i stay in east too .. lol but my mom's place in yishun and i come over sometimes on wkends or sch holidays =)


Hihi mummies to be,

Went to see Gynae this afternoon. Manage to see the little heartbeat :) very small onli 3mm haha can't determine Edd yet. Going back to see in 3 weeks time :)


i heard tat pilates is more beneficial for pregnant women than yoga but no idea how true.. i was doing yoga at the cc near my place b4 i was pregnant but since i'm still in 1st trimester i have stopped just in case.. then 2nd trimester onwards many back postures cannot do le so no point to continue with my yoga also.. >_<

so now i kinda gave up on attending class since i can go swimming and i understand from doctor tat swimming is a good form of exercise for pregnant women since it doesn't have impact on ur joints.. plus.. as wat another mummy said, its cheaper than going for classes.. lol..