EDD April Mummies


I also can't take veg, it used to be my Fav and I can eat a whole plate. Now I can't take 2 mouthful. I get super hungry after 2-3 hrs but no appetite leh. At night also super hungry then I keep drinking milk from fridge.
Are u ladies showing le? I feel my tummy so bloated and round
hi CWL

i used to love vegg, all kinds.but now i cant take some vegg especially stir fry with osyter sauce,
i totally cant stand it. only take one mouth then nv touch it. i also cant stand the smell of mushrooms.
my hunger still ok, if i hungry i try to eat healthier food and avoid tibits.
my stomach also very bloated and round. but in the morning when i wake up, it's not that obvious.


Hihi, heard tat expecting no.2 will show stomach faster!!! Coz our tummy already soft soft le wahahaha

My stomach also feel bloated! N now feels hard too. These few days I feel extremely tired. I sleep all the way. N I realise one thing is I can't be hungry if not I feel very uncomfortable. Feel like puking de. This feel is damn bad :(

I had pinky discharge again haix. Had push forward my Gynae appt tml from evening to afternoon le. Hope everything will be fine. This no.2 causes me lots of "excitement"


Active Member
I also can't take veg, it used to be my Fav and I can eat a whole plate. Now I can't take 2 mouthful. I get super hungry after 2-3 hrs but no appetite leh. At night also super hungry then I keep drinking milk from fridge.
Are u ladies showing le? I feel my tummy so bloated and round
Hi Cwl,

Ooo my tummy not showing yet.. Abit I think :) for me I also get hungry every 2-3 hrs hours I drink Milo & cereal in the mid of nite. You can imagine my eyes was closing when I m drinking those during wee hours .. Drinking fresh milk and soy milk it's a no no for me .. Feel like piling after drinking even 1 mouth.

My appetite is ok but .. Bb very picky abt food exactly like my hubby. Very sensitive to the taste .. Just one mouthful I can tell whether it's nice or not. Sigh!! That's makes it difficult for me ... I am not used to like that at all.. Not picky I eat anything..

Oh ya , cwl.. Don't worry la .. No need to afraid of being suspect haha preggie is a joy!!! Don't care what people say ... No one will say anything,even nasty people say anything just smile and reply : " it's a blessing from god". U must positive ... Oh ya ur Hubby know abt it ??


Active Member
Hihi, heard tat expecting no.2 will show stomach faster!!! Coz our tummy already soft soft le wahahaha

My stomach also feel bloated! N now feels hard too. These few days I feel extremely tired. I sleep all the way. N I realise one thing is I can't be hungry if not I feel very uncomfortable. Feel like puking de. This feel is damn bad :(

I had pinky discharge again haix. Had push forward my Gynae appt tml from evening to afternoon le. Hope everything will be fine. This no.2 causes me lots of "excitement"
usually #2 show faster cos our tummy have been stretched before ..

try to rest more , walk slowly & don take heavy stuffs wen u have pinky discharge ..

everything will be fine , dont worry =) gd luck for tml's check up !


hi CWL

i used to love vegg, all kinds.but now i cant take some vegg especially stir fry with osyter sauce,
i totally cant stand it. only take one mouth then nv touch it. i also cant stand the smell of mushrooms.
my hunger still ok, if i hungry i try to eat healthier food and avoid tibits.
my stomach also very bloated and round. but in the morning when i wake up, it's not that obvious.
Yalor! How come baby dun like veggie har.. So weird. When I am hungry, it's really super hungry till I can't tahan, it's like my stomach acid inside turning and twisting till I feel like vomiting. Haiz hope this feeling quickly go away.. It's tiring looking for food all the time. Then no appetite some more make it worse.


Active Member
Yalor! How come baby dun like veggie har.. So weird. When I am hungry, it's really super hungry till I can't tahan, it's like my stomach acid inside turning and twisting till I feel like vomiting. Haiz hope this feeling quickly go away.. It's tiring looking for food all the time. Then no appetite some more make it worse.
CWL, Do you take veg when you have ur No.1?

Now I am wondering...what r the difference symptom having a girl & a boy ... :) I am curious. I noticed I have breakout.. pimples.. which is unlikely for the usual me. Don't know what can I do about it.... And do you use any cream for your tummy for scretchmarks?? Which semester can I used that?? haha .. I am very self conscious... on my looks... especially my body haha... very particularly concern on this... hahaa...

When I am hungry .. I have to eat the food within a certain timing.. after maybe 1/2 hr I won't feel like eating anymore.... eeee...


Active Member
CWL, Do you take veg when you have ur No.1?

Now I am wondering...what r the difference symptom having a girl & a boy ... :) I am curious. I noticed I have breakout.. pimples.. which is unlikely for the usual me. Don't know what can I do about it.... And do you use any cream for your tummy for scretchmarks?? Which semester can I used that?? haha .. I am very self conscious... on my looks... especially my body haha... very particularly concern on this... hahaa...

When I am hungry .. I have to eat the food within a certain timing.. after maybe 1/2 hr I won't feel like eating anymore.... eeee...
Sleep Position
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy. Right side? You're pregnant with a girl.

Upset Stomach
Little girls aren’t always sweet. Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter.

Soft or Dry Hands
If your hands are dry during pregnancy, you are having a boy; soft—expect a girl.

Food Cravings
Your favorite pregnancy foods may tell you what sex the baby is. If you’re craving citrus while pregnant, you’re having a girl.

Adult Acne
If altering hormones makes your skin break out, expect a girl.

Graceful or Clumsy Pregnancy
If you feel as though you’re gliding through they day, you’ll have a girl. Stumbling? It’s a boy.

Face Weight Gain
If your face gets fuller, it means you’re having a girl.

Sugar and Spice Food Cravings
Craving salt during pregnancy? Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn means a boy is on the way. Need a little something sweet? Ice cream, chocolate, and candy means you’re having a girl.

Mood Changes
If you’re experiencing pregnant mood swings, expect a baby girl to arrive soon.

High or Low Pregnant Belly
If you’re carrying the baby low on your stomach, expect a boy. If it’s high, you’re having a girl.

Baby Weight
If you’re carrying the baby in front, it’s a boy. Is the baby weight spaced all around your middle? It’s a girl.

Pendulum Test
Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. It swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.

saw this fm web before but how true i donno cos not 100% =) just hope u girls have fun reading and guessing baby's gender =)


Active Member
Sleep Position
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you’ll have a boy. Right side? You're pregnant with a girl.

Upset Stomach
Little girls aren’t always sweet. Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter.

Soft or Dry Hands
If your hands are dry during pregnancy, you are having a boy; soft—expect a girl.

Food Cravings
Your favorite pregnancy foods may tell you what sex the baby is. If you’re craving citrus while pregnant, you’re having a girl.

Adult Acne
If altering hormones makes your skin break out, expect a girl.

Graceful or Clumsy Pregnancy
If you feel as though you’re gliding through they day, you’ll have a girl. Stumbling? It’s a boy.

Face Weight Gain
If your face gets fuller, it means you’re having a girl.

Sugar and Spice Food Cravings
Craving salt during pregnancy? Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn means a boy is on the way. Need a little something sweet? Ice cream, chocolate, and candy means you’re having a girl.

Mood Changes
If you’re experiencing pregnant mood swings, expect a baby girl to arrive soon.

High or Low Pregnant Belly
If you’re carrying the baby low on your stomach, expect a boy. If it’s high, you’re having a girl.

Baby Weight
If you’re carrying the baby in front, it’s a boy. Is the baby weight spaced all around your middle? It’s a girl.

Pendulum Test
Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. It swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.

saw this fm web before but how true i donno cos not 100% =) just hope u girls have fun reading and guessing baby's gender =)
Thanks alot XiaoDaisy.... ! It's fun reading that ! :) Oh ... which semester r u in now?? Everything's fine with u & little one?


congrats everyone!

i'm expecting my #1 so i'm very excited n nervous about everything. had my 1st appointment with my gynae last friday and i asked him lots of questions. :p

i dont really have lots of cravings but i feel so tired n have dizzy spells every now n then especially after heavy meals.. just hope 1st trimester will be over soon..


Yalor! How come baby dun like veggie har.. So weird. When I am hungry, it's really super hungry till I can't tahan, it's like my stomach acid inside turning and twisting till I feel like vomiting. Haiz hope this feeling quickly go away.. It's tiring looking for food all the time. Then no appetite some more make it worse.
hey, i have craving but when i eat the food, i eat a few mouthful then i feel full liao.
but i still manage to finish it tho. very wasteful to waste the food lidat =X


Active Member
Thanks alot XiaoDaisy.... ! It's fun reading that ! :) Oh ... which semester r u in now?? Everything's fine with u & little one?
ur welcome =) i'm in my 15wks with a baby girl !

all is fine with me and baby , just some spotting previously and need to bed rest and now baby kinda low but gynae say will be higher wen baby get bigger

but so far gynae said baby is healthy !!

how bout u ? all ladies here coping well with morning sickness ?

so how the list go? show ur having girl or boy?


so far i do not have any morning sickness (cross my fingers).. only symptoms i have is feel tired very easily n feel giddy.. weird thing is tat i feel like eating more sometimes n dont feel like eating sometimes.. does anyone has the same symptoms?


Active Member
ur welcome =) i'm in my 15wks with a baby girl !

all is fine with me and baby , just some spotting previously and need to bed rest and now baby kinda low but gynae say will be higher wen baby get bigger

but so far gynae said baby is healthy !!

how bout u ? all ladies here coping well with morning sickness ?

so how the list go? show ur having girl or boy?
Hi Xiaodaisy,

Wooooh ... Glad both mum & bb are fine ! Congrats ... baby girl .. :) so sweet. Oh I am in my 7 week 3 days. Still don't know the gender yet. Next wed will be my 2nd gynae visit... hearing the heartbeat... I hope everything will goes well. My 1st visit I saw the little one .. I felt so unbelieveable .. haha .. Pardon me .. It's my No.1 . Haha... My MS not too bad... just feeling nausea at the certain time in the morning and in the evening. I eat alot meals ... about 6 times a day. Now the challenge I am facing are... I disliked the food that I used to love... haha... I can't take veg,pork,chicken, fish... milk. I love beef ... & always craving for coke. What I am having now are food that my hubby love... :)


Active Member
congrats everyone!

i'm expecting my #1 so i'm very excited n nervous about everything. had my 1st appointment with my gynae last friday and i asked him lots of questions. :p

i dont really have lots of cravings but i feel so tired n have dizzy spells every now n then especially after heavy meals.. just hope 1st trimester will be over soon..

Hi Yuzudinga,

Welcome to Motherhood.... :) How many wks r u in?


Active Member
so far i do not have any morning sickness (cross my fingers).. only symptoms i have is feel tired very easily n feel giddy.. weird thing is tat i feel like eating more sometimes n dont feel like eating sometimes.. does anyone has the same symptoms?
its good not to have morning sickness , i didnt had for my #1 & #2 either and the whole pregnancy was a breeze .. =)

in early stage will tend to get tired often so just get more rest for urself and baby =)

its normal for the eating craving , no worries .. as long baby is healthy , everything is fine !

rest well k !


Active Member
Hi Xiaodaisy,

Wooooh ... Glad both mum & bb are fine ! Congrats ... baby girl .. :) so sweet. Oh I am in my 7 week 3 days. Still don't know the gender yet. Next wed will be my 2nd gynae visit... hearing the heartbeat... I hope everything will goes well. My 1st visit I saw the little one .. I felt so unbelieveable .. haha .. Pardon me .. It's my No.1 . Haha... My MS not too bad... just feeling nausea at the certain time in the morning and in the evening. I eat alot meals ... about 6 times a day. Now the challenge I am facing are... I disliked the food that I used to love... haha... I can't take veg,pork,chicken, fish... milk. I love beef ... & always craving for coke. What I am having now are food that my hubby love... :)
Thanks babe !!

no worries , if ur lucky u will get to know the gender by 12wks so 5wks to go !! jiayou !

its unbelievable but it seems so true after u hear the heartbeat rite ? lol its always the exciting part for #1 time mummies to hear the heartbeat !

no worries , i understand how u feel for being #1 time mom , i've been thro the exciting time too !! lol but i'm old mummy now at my #3 baby now lol

tats cute of ur baby as baby making u to take food tat mummy dislike and wat daddy like !! sweet of baby to ask u not to choose food like tat ..


Active Member
thanks dilys! i'm in my 6th week. :)
:) Oh 6th week.. During my 6 weeks... my eating craving went upside down.. My likes become "dislikes" haha .. enjoy the food as much as u can .. before .. its changes suddenly.You will find hard & tiring to look for food that you like...haha


thanks xiaodaisy! i'll try my best to rest well. :)

just to share, i had a nightmare just the nite b4 tat my baby was gone n i was so worried.. i believe it is related to the little bit of blood i found in my discharge last week.. >_< but i told myself since doctor had prescribed the necessary med the rest is up to me coz baby will be stressed if i'm stressed..

i guess its quite normal to get abit paranoid at the start of the pregnancy since its my #1 so i used aromatherapy (lavender) last nite n finally managed to have a good nite sleep. i felt much better today. highly recommended for anyone who is stressed. :)


:) Oh 6th week.. During my 6 weeks... my eating craving went upside down.. My likes become "dislikes" haha .. enjoy the food as much as u can .. before .. its changes suddenly.You will find hard & tiring to look for food that you like...haha
lol.. let's see how things goes from here.. will keep u gals updated. :)