EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Not only lactose intolerant, I'm coconut milk sensitive. Will LS.. I really miss laksa....
For the sake of BB muz tahan. Jia you! I love laksa too but now I limit myself 1 bowl per mth. My col were saying tt my diet is so much healthier now tt I m pregnant. Hee, I m so counting down to delivery so tt I can indulge again. Drool *•*


I love chilled milo too! But can't drink now, untill recover from the stomach flu! Just back from hospital, hubby lausai got blood! Lucky no big deal! now we realli scare to eat outside food! Think I have to start cooking at home!! For the time being! I wanna spend a happy CNY!! S
Got many event n dinner coming this 2 weeks, n also detail this Friday!!


Active Member
I love chilled milo too! But can't drink now, untill recover from the stomach flu! Just back from hospital, hubby lausai got blood! Lucky no big deal! now we realli scare to eat outside food! Think I have to start cooking at home!! For the time being! I wanna spend a happy CNY!! S
Got many event n dinner coming this 2 weeks, n also detail this Friday!!
Omg!! U n ur hubby got food poisoning huh.. Looks like leh. Got to take care man !!


Just bought pineapple tart on friday, yummy yummy
Ha ha I love pineapple tarts too. Luckily our confinement is not during cny period... I heard cannot eat pineapple tarts... But I will have to resist the temptation of bak zhang....


Ha ha I love pineapple tarts too. Luckily our confinement is not during cny period... I heard cannot eat pineapple tarts... But I will have to resist the temptation of bak zhang....
Huh how come bah zhang can't eat?

I think u gals r so much now discipline than me.

That day I told hubby I have cravings for durian, then immediately after eat I told him.
" baby I wanna eat bak Gua" then he was like fainting... Lol
So few days later he bought bak Gua for me.
N few days ago, I started baking pineapple tarts. Lol

Ok I'm a small eater so most time I just eat a little. But I
Usually crave for sinful stuffs. Nv healthy cravings.


Huh how come bah zhang can't eat?

I think you gals r so much now discipline than me.

That day I told hubby I have cravings for durian, then immediately after eat I told him.
" baby I wanna eat bak Gua" then he was like fainting... Lol
So few days later he bought bak Gua for me.
N few days ago, I started baking pineapple tarts. Lol

Ok I'm a small eater so most time I just eat a little. But I
Usually crave for sinful stuffs. never healthy cravings.
Ha, what cravings you have ;) well, so long you eat in moderation all your cravings guess should be ok ;)
I envy . Till now I dont have any cravings. In fact, I have more cravings when i m not pregnant!! My hubby kept asking me what cravings I have n answer is always no. Hee, maybe He yet to exp buying food to satisfy my carvings n wanna exp it. Hee


Active Member
Ha, what cravings you have ;) well, so long you eat in moderation all your cravings guess should be ok ;)
I envy . Till now I dont have any cravings. In fact, I have more cravings when i m not pregnant!! My hubby kept asking me what cravings I have n answer is always no. Hee, maybe He yet to exp buying food to satisfy my carvings n wanna exp it. Hee

I have no cravings also! Just eat normally. Dont worry u r normal. More craving .. U sometimes will gain more extra unceccessary fats & sugar!!


Ha, what cravings you have ;) well, so long you eat in moderation all your cravings guess should be ok ;)
I envy . Till now I dont have any cravings. In fact, I have more cravings when i m not pregnant!! My hubby kept asking me what cravings I have n answer is always no. Hee, maybe He yet to exp buying food to satisfy my carvings n wanna exp it. Hee
I didn't have any cravings until lately also, I think at some point u will wan to get something maybe not because of pregnant. When I wasn't pregnant I always craving for sushi sashimi, now can't eat



I have no cravings also! Just eat normally. Dont worry u r normal. More craving .. U sometimes will gain more extra unceccessary fats & sugar!!
I don't have craving too and just eat as per normal, sometimes i can just skip lunch during weekends... hmmm...


I am blessed if I can eat normal. Sometimes during weekends (lunch), I tried to fill my stomach for the sake of filling it, then i'll get nausea. Haiz....


any mummies experience Braxton Hicks contractions already?
having it this morning!! very uncomfortable.
got abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping and feeling of baby pushing down.
try to walk ard just now. now feel better!
hey climsp,
i have been having it since the beginning of my 2nd trimester.. i have to agree w u that it is darn uncomfy but u shouldn't feel any pain tho. correct me if im wrong tho. from what i "researched" n read, most of them say its not suppose to hurt or anything like u described just that ur tummy will get hard like a rock at the side of your abs but not lower. hmmm..... did u check w ur doc babe?

like me, if it comes, i will try to breathe deep2 n blow out n just try to relax if im at work. if im at home, lying down on ur side is the best. but recently i realize that only if i dont poop then i got that.. hehehe..

take care ok.. x


Active Member
any mummies experience Braxton Hicks contractions already?
having it this morning!! very uncomfortable.
got abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping and feeling of baby pushing down.
try to walk ard just now. now feel better!

Oh I miss this post of yours!! How are u feeling now? Braxton hicks contractions... U shouldn't be feeling it so soon! The feeling is you feel the pulling down effect at your vaginal. Braxton hicks contractions are known as false labour contractions .. U will feel like as if baby is coming out anytime.

You shouldn't be having now. U should inform your gynae, he will give u some utrogeston to relax the Pulling effect.

Menstrual like cramping if it last 1to 2 mins it's the uterus expanding.


hallooooo ladies.. =))

did my detail scan last fri n its confirm a GIRL!!! hehehe.
everything seems to b ok/normal bt what makes me worry is that she's breech!!! ppl say and i really2 hope that she will turn at a later stage...

adding in..
i bought like 3 tops n 2 bottoms n 2 sets of mittens n bootees n guess what.. i got a good scolding from my aunt !!
she say old2 ppl advise not to get them now cz we wouldnt know what will happen in future.. *knock or touch on wood!!* she say only after the bb is born then can go buy them then i say lah if wait for bb to b born then how to buy cz we cannot go out mah cz of the confinement.. haiz... my aunt also say last time she would buy bb stuffs and hid them under the bed from my grandma.. hahhaha..
i actually post 1 photo of the clothes on fb (thats how she found out), n i told her nvm my grandma got no fb so they she dunno! hahahha..
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