EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hi rukia,

Never mind about the weight gain. If baby is okie thats most important. Butt ache Is very common after sitting too long.. You should use a pillow to support ur tailbone at all times while u are sitting. U can ask u hubby to massage for u to ease the aching of the tailbone.
Hi Dily,

Oic. I only started getting it last week. First started when I took the mrt for quite a distant, and when I tried to get you can you imagine the pain. I think I kind of froze in my half standing half sitting position for awhile cos of the ache..haha

So the next time I shall bring along a pillow to cushion my butt in mrt. Hopefully I wont be photographed and posted on Stomp. :D


lol, mine is a big slit now, hope it wont pop!!

my butt pain will tend to stretch to my thigh. when i sit, sleep or walk too long. sometime will lead to headaches also.

last nite got sudden cramp n pain the whole tummy. so worry going to labour. my mum still joke abt going to give birth soon is it, i give her my stress n worry look.. then she scold baby dun naughty bully mummy. it last abt 20min.
Will the belly button pop for all pregnant woman? Or it depends? I can hardly see my belly button now though.

I got some painful cramps as well. Spoke to my doc but he said could be due to my posture. My pain is usually at the bottom of the belly, so he asked me try not to compress my tummy while sitting. How about yours?


I think the belly button pop varies for different women. A friend of mine is due next week but hers is not showing. Mine looks more like a line now. Only the top is starting to show. What is your EDD rukia?

Will the belly button pop for all pregnant woman? Or it depends? I can hardly see my belly button now though.

I got some painful cramps as well. Spoke to my doc but he said could be due to my posture. My pain is usually at the bottom of the belly, so he asked me try not to compress my tummy while sitting. How about yours?
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I think the belly button pop varies for different women. A friend of mine is due next week but hers is not showing. Mine looks more like a line now. Only the top is starting to show. What is your EDD rukia?
My edd is 19 may. How about you cupcakemum? Cant wait to see my little princess :)


Will the belly button pop for all pregnant woman? Or it depends? I can hardly see my belly button now though.

I got some painful cramps as well. Spoke to my doc but he said could be due to my posture. My pain is usually at the bottom of the belly, so he asked me try not to compress my tummy while sitting. How about yours?
normally is at my left top side very hard n pain, but yday nite is the whole tummy..
hope my belly button wont pop!! hubby keep ask baby to kick it so he can wash my belly button!! if i not wrg it depend on our uterus not whether baby got kick anot.


how many cloth diapers did you get? my mum insisted on buying the whole set while we were at the baby fair so i think i am quite adequately stocked! we have quite abit of covers + inserts liao and i got prefolds previously. AND i also have disposables, LOLLL. i'm still wondering if i should buy 1 or 2 more packs of disposables just in case... heard NB pee and poo alot, esp those on breastmilk :p
I only got 6 instead of the 12 sets cos we don't know if its good.. but we do found out where we can get them at other departmental store if we need to buy more.. my mum told me no need buy so good type, those traditional cloth diaper is good enough but my hubby don't seem like it.. mayb bcos its our 1st child..


I went for my gynae checkup last saturday and my boy has turned head down already. He has been kicking my ribs and making me short of breath at times too.

I've already put on 14.3kg at week 28. But doctor said everything is ok and fine for me, so no worries. Also had my first episode of painful contractions/cramps over the weekend. Lasted 5 mins each for about 3-4 times...and the tummy became hard as a rock. Was worried for a while, but luckily they went away... I guess these were the strongest Braxton Hicks contractions that I have experienced so far.
hi Rzena,

do u excercise? hmm.. so I guess I'm still on the right track? but still worry that I'll have difficulties pushing the baby cos I dun excercise.. only do some stretching in office after sitting for some time.. doing housework at home and had some perspiration..


Hello miracle25,

Yes I do exercise quite a bit. I swim once every 1-2 weeks, and walking is a daily affair for me (maybe because my job is operations in nature) sometimes I even get to walk for about 1-2 hours per day. Housework too...every weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to push properly when the time comes... I have a feeling this is going to be a big baby. :p

hi Rzena,

do u excercise? hmm.. so I guess I'm still on the right track? but still worry that I'll have difficulties pushing the baby cos I dun excercise.. only do some stretching in office after sitting for some time.. doing housework at home and had some perspiration..


Now I have a small inconvenience while standing over the sink. Can't press my tummy to the sink, coz of the belly button and scared press on baby. Wah.... Wash dishes must stand further from the tap leh.... Machiam doing stretching exercises with my arms the whole time. A bit aching leh


Haha... i have the same problem. Also, when I'm sittting, it's uncomfortable to lean forward to eat, write, read etc (my baby kicks me when I lean forward for too long)... sometimes i feel that I need a bib for eating, coz I need to slouch back and bring food to my mouth rather than lean forward to eat. :D

Now I have a small inconvenience while standing over the sink. Can't press my tummy to the sink, coz of the belly button and scared press on baby. Wah.... Wash dishes must stand further from the tap leh.... Machiam doing stretching exercises with my arms the whole time. A bit aching leh


Hello miracle25,

Yes I do exercise quite a bit. I swim once every 1-2 weeks, and walking is a daily affair for me (maybe because my job is operations in nature) sometimes I even get to walk for about 1-2 hours per day. Housework too...every weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to push properly when the time comes... I have a feeling this is going to be a big baby. :p
hi Rzena,

I heard swimming helps alot during pregnancy.. too bad I cant swim.. always feel tired after I reached home after work.. jus dun feel like doing anyting except to sit in front of the TV with my leg massager.. hee...


does anyone feel more thirsty than before? I only feel this in this trimester.. and with the hot weather, its realy hard to control not to drink chilled beverages..


Totally understand what you're going through! Standing away from the tap makes me stretch my arms out more, which results in horrible lower back pain.

Ask hubby to do the dishes haha

Now I have a small inconvenience while standing over the sink. Can't press my tummy to the sink, coz of the belly button and scared press on baby. Wah.... Wash dishes must stand further from the tap leh.... Machiam doing stretching exercises with my arms the whole time. A bit aching leh


Mine 1st may. I'm expecting a little girl and very excited about meeting her too!!!

Hmm just curious... Anyone around here sad at first when u knew u were expecting a girl? To be honest, I was a little disheartened cos my hubby is the eldest son and was hoping for dragon boy. But v soon, I came to terms with it and gradually became v excited and glad about baby girl. Imagine all the clothes and toys I can buy for her! Hehe...

My edd is 19 may. How about you cupcakemum? Cant wait to see my little princess :)


Mine 1st may. I'm expecting a little girl and very excited about meeting her too!!!

Hmm just curious... Anyone around here sad at first when u knew u were expecting a girl? To be honest, I was a little disheartened cos my hubby is the eldest son and was hoping for dragon boy. But v soon, I came to terms with it and gradually became v excited and glad about baby girl. Imagine all the clothes and toys I can buy for her! Hehe...
I was a little dishearten too, same reason, hubby is eldest n wish to have a son and I wish to stop at one due to age... But personally I always prefer girl, seeing those little clothes so adorable. Now can't wait to meet her.


I only got 6 instead of the 12 sets cos we don't know if its good.. but we do found out where we can get them at other departmental store if we need to buy more.. my mum told me no need buy so good type, those traditional cloth diaper is good enough but my hubby don't seem like it.. mayb bcos its our 1st child..
i think for the first month the traditional cloth type is quite good, especially if you have a CL to help you :) my friend passed me a few too, so i just washed and standby. i prefer to use the modern type coz dont need to figure out how to fold etc. and they have cuter prints :p maybe can buy more inserts instead since they take longer to dry. bought any nappy liners?


mine also popped out for some time liao.. hubby also say ugly and looked dirty..
I m 29 weeks this were. Belly yet to pop. Going for my gynae checkup tmr. Brought forward my check a week earlier as my company wants me to travel to South Africa end Mar. By then I would be ard 32 weeks. Anyone hv frens who still travel n fly at this stage? Personally not very keen cos 11 hrs flight n I m rather worried


I read it's unadvisable to fly during 3rd tri. Some airlines might not allow also.

I'm at 31 weeks now and already find it uncomfortable to be seated in a car for too long. It's too confined and can't breathe well with baby and lungs squeezing together. So personally, I would not like to fly anywhere, even if short or long trip. 11hours flight is gonna be quite tough I believe. I think your company should be able to understand that you're preg and let u off. Must think carefully about baby and your safety :)

I m 29 weeks this were. Belly yet to pop. Going for my gynae checkup tmr. Brought forward my check a week earlier as my company wants me to travel to South Africa end Mar. By then I would be ard 32 weeks. Anyone hv frens who still travel n fly at this stage? Personally not very keen cos 11 hrs flight n I m rather worried