EDD May 2012 Mummies!


ya, i will talk to my mother today, already "REN" her attitude for months, now i really cannot take it and explode, i can't sleep at night and my anger cannot go off.

worst the case i will ask my milk help me prepare everything in the morning, then during day time i just need to feed the baby.

btw, my mil said, last time when she was in confinement period, she did bath every day , and wash hair every other day, she bought the herbs to boil n bath n wash hair, the herbs she get it at Toa payoh, she did that for her 3 pregnancy and her other friends also did the same, so far now no any side effect when they grown old, she is ard 55 or 56 this year

I hv heard of mummies giving birth n doing their own confinement with no help. U shd be able to if u want but will be tough on u. Can arrange for confinement meals to be sent to u but gotta take care of ur Bb so may sacrifice ur rest. More importantly, wat messaging it will send to ur mum? Later strain the relationship further.

For me, one reason why I engaged a CL instead of approaching my mum or mil is bcos I know my temper n limits so rather not strain the r/ship.


My hubby cannot take leave, and i think if i wanna get a confinement lady now also not much hope, plus i got a dog at home. @-@


ya, i will talk to my mother today, already "REN" her attitude for months, now i really cannot take it and explode, i can't sleep at night and my anger cannot go off.

worst the case i will ask my milk help me prepare everything in the morning, then during day time i just need to feed the baby.

btw, my mil said, last time when she was in confinement period, she did bath every day , and wash hair every other day, she bought the herbs to boil n bath n wash hair, the herbs she get it at Toa payoh, she did that for her 3 pregnancy and her other friends also did the same, so far now no any side effect when they grown old, she is ard 55 or 56 this year
Could it be ur mum is kan cheong about you? U know parents sometimes too kan cheong , will restrict us this and that. Perhaps u want to talk nicely to her?


Is about my family issue, i go call her now, i cannot hold my anger anymore
Do calm down n talk nicely, cuz it not good for baby when your mood is bad.
Totally understand how you feel, cuz I bth my own mum also. So I've decided long ago I'll rather pay for CL, if money can solve the issue just part w it. I think there should b CL still available cuz some people may cancel last min, maybe you should just try your luck and look around?


New Member
hi all,

I've given birth tis morning at 12.46am!! now resting in d ward waiting for my gynae.. had to induce & wait for d cervix to dilate, contractions come initially still can tahan, when it bcomes more frequent & longer, I surrendered.. pain once cry once.. hubby saw me so suffering also advice me to go for epi earlier at least I fun hav to suffer so much pain..

in d end, aft fully dilated, after at least abt 20 over pushes, gynae suggest to vacuum cos 1st, I'm still having fever & my water broke nearly 24 hrs.. so we agreed & only aft abt 4-5 pushes d baby is out..

now resting liao, will update when I'm feeling better.. to d rest of d mummies, jia you!!


Feeling pain at below this morning. Now week 35. Had checked with gynae from previous appt and he stated coz bb is pressing below already. How to ease the pain? How does contraction feel? Still get confused on what is contraction pain and tummy ache


New Member

I think u might still be able to get a confinement lady... ask around the forum. Just that since it is so last min, cannot be too fussy...
Think it is better to have confinement lady around esp if it's ur first child cos it will be very tiring and so many new things to handle at the same time.

My hubby cannot take leave, and i think if i wanna get a confinement lady now also not much hope, plus i got a dog at home. @-@


Feeling pain at below this morning. Now week 35. Had checked with gynae from previous appt and he stated coz bb is pressing below already. How to ease the pain? How does contraction feel? Still get confused on what is contraction pain and tummy ache
got the same problem as u. i got cramp n B.H also. but baby still very active. going for checkup tomolo, will ask gynea then update here.

btw i very confuse to whether to go my collg wedding next sat.. cos they keeps asking whether me n hubby going..i really dun know how to anw them. i wanna go but if last min i cant how? actually in the 1st place when i told her my EDD is near her wedding, i dun intend to go which is during my 1st trim, when i broke the news to her. but last month she pass me a red card..i also very stun, maybe she feel weird not to give me, or she want AB?? now tat i not feel well, they keeps ask me going anot.. if i go labour earlier b4 her wedding how? if i promised to go? if say not going, but nvr go labour how? actually i quite close w/ her, and both husband n wife n me work together. so it hard to reject, and worry wait halfway i contraction how?? sian!!


got the same problem as you. i got cramp n B.H also. but baby still very active. going for checkup tomolo, will ask gynea then update here.

btw i very confuse to whether to go my collg wedding next sat.. cos they keeps asking whether me n hubby going..i really dont know how to anw them. i wanna go but if last min i cant how? actually in the 1st place when i told her my EDD is near her wedding, i dont intend to go which is during my 1st trim, when i broke the news to her. but last month she pass me a red card..i also very stun, maybe she feel weird not to give me, or she want AB?? now that i not feel well, they keeps ask me going anot.. if i go labour earlier before her wedding how? if i promised to go? if say not going, but never go labour how? actually i quite close w/ her, and both husband n wife n me work together. so it hard to reject, and worry wait halfway i contraction how?? sian!!
I got a friend's wedding near my EDD as well. I told her I am not going when she verbally invited me during my 1st trimester. I told her it is because it is already very near my EDD, and I dont want to risk giving birth halfway through her wedding..haha

Most prob will be giving her an AB although I did not receive any official card from her.

Maybe you can just pass your colleague a token AB and at the same time let her know that although you would really like to attend her wedding, but you are not feeling well these days, and your doctor has also asked you to rest more since it is very near your EDD.

If she is understanding enough, I dont think she will force the issue further.


got the same problem as u. i got cramp n B.H also. but baby still very active. going for checkup tomolo, will ask gynea then update here.

btw i very confuse to whether to go my collg wedding next sat.. cos they keeps asking whether me n hubby going..i really dun know how to anw them. i wanna go but if last min i cant how? actually in the 1st place when i told her my EDD is near her wedding, i dun intend to go which is during my 1st trim, when i broke the news to her. but last month she pass me a red card..i also very stun, maybe she feel weird not to give me, or she want AB?? now tat i not feel well, they keeps ask me going anot.. if i go labour earlier b4 her wedding how? if i promised to go? if say not going, but nvr go labour how? actually i quite close w/ her, and both husband n wife n me work together. so it hard to reject, and worry wait halfway i contraction how?? sian!!
Tomorrow u seeing ur gynae? Perhaps u can let her know that u r unable to attend as advise by your gynae because u need rest. Im sure she will understand. The other time my friend water bag burst after attended my wedding!!


the thing is i quite close w/ her, but pissed by her hubby who keeps ask whether we going anot cos he need to arrange the table sitting, then ask when i go checkup, i mention tomolo morning, he told me to call me after tat.

when i marry i nvr ask guest whether they confirm coming anot, i dun feel good abt it. there sure to be ppl who dun come or come in whole family when u invite 1 only. why keeps asking. somemore is even if there empty tables, they can always dun open n save for other day. i know it cos same place as mine. the table cost ard 600. i dun know how much to give them AB also if nvr go. they invite me n hubby.

even they nvr give me the card i will still give AB as a blessing.


I think its btr that u dun in given ur conditions nw. They shld understand. Jus let them knw early. Since they give u invitation card thn u will hv to give AB.


I have given birth to my baby boy on 20th April (EDD 2nd May).

Here's my experience as first time mummy:

6am: No sign of labor until the waterbag suddenly burst at 6am in the morning. A few hours before, I have a bit of stomache like wanting to poo. Because I got constipation, i did not bother to go to the toilet to try so I continue to sleep (early morning is such good time to sleep). Suddenly, i heard to pop sound and water gushes out. The water keeps flowing for about 45 mins (i think got almost 1 full pail of water). There is no pain at all.

7.30 am: Leakage almost stop. No contraction pain yet
8 am: reach hospital. Still no contraction pain
8.30 am: nurse checked 1 cm dilation
9 am: contraction starts slowly. But baby heartbeat goes above normal range. Gynae instructed to induce
9.45 am -11 am: Pain gets intense. Almost killing me by 10.30 am. 2 cm dilation
11 am: Epidural. Wow.... what a great relief
12pm: 8 cm dilation
1 pm: fully dilated. Nurse teaches me how to push. No success at all
3 pm: Gynae uses vaccumn. At 3.15 pm, my baby arrives
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My advice is to stay home from 37 weeks onwards. The water that gushes out is very bloody and huge quantity. Imagine if I am shopping outside.

I have given birth to my baby boy on 20th April (EDD 2nd May).

Here's my experience as first time mummy:

6am: No sign of labor until the waterbag suddenly burst at 6am in the morning. A few hours before, I have a bit of stomache like wanting to poo. Because I got constipation, i did not bother to go to the toilet to try so I continue to sleep (early morning is such good time to sleep). Suddenly, i heard to pop sound and water gushes out. The water keeps flowing for about 45 mins (i think got almost 1 full pail of water). There is no pain at all.

7.30 am: Leakage almost stop. No contraction pain yet
8 am: reach hospital. Still no contraction pain
8.30 am: nurse checked 1 cm dilation
9 am: contraction starts slowly. But baby heartbeat goes about normal range. Gynae instructed to induce
9.45 am -11 am: Pain gets intense. Almost killing me by 10.30 am. 2 cm dilation
11 am: Epidural. Wow.... what a great relief
12pm: 8 cm dilation
1 pm: fully dilated. Nurse teaches me how to push. No success at all
3 pm: Gynae uses vaccumn. At 3.15 pm, my baby arrives


Smurfete, congrates!
Rest well n get well soon!

I tot water bag burst only leakage of water, din knw its so much of water....


smurfete - congrat!! ur labour seem fast.. hope mine also fast fast....
btw when ur waterbag burst, baby still moving or sleep? cos my boy always super active. scared confuse contraction w/ his painful kicks


the thing is i quite close w/ her, but pissed by her hubby who keeps ask whether we going anot cos he need to arrange the table sitting, then ask when i go checkup, i mention tomolo morning, he told me to call me after that.

when i marry i never ask guest whether they confirm coming anot, i dont feel good about it. there sure to be ppl who dont come or come in whole family when you invite 1 only. why keeps asking. somemore is even if there empty tables, they can always dont open n save for other day. i know it cos same place as mine. the table cost around 600. i dont know how much to give them AB also if never go. they invite me n hubby.

even they never give me the card i will still give AB as a blessing.
Sounds like he is pushing cos he doesnt want to lougi on the table. Guess you just have to be firm and tell him that you cant attend.

Last time my friends who did not attend my wedding just gave about $40-60. I guess that is the usual rate?