EDD May 2012 Mummies!


I was surprised too when I saw d shop & it was my cousin who told me abt it. Yes I stay nearby.. :)

Didnt know there gt sell milk powder too, will ask my hubby to check it out, thanks!! Miracle25, u staying nearby there?

jus wan to share some cheap lobang for those staying in Sengkang, ther's a chinese medical shop at Rivervale Plaza (near to Fu Hwa), their products are cheaper than NTUC. For my boy's milk powder, it costs $3 cheaper as compared to NTUC. They also sell washing powder/ detergent, shampoo, diapers but not many brands though.


Resting at ward now!! Here my story!!
12.20 - poopoo
12.50. - insert pill
6:00 - start mild contraction
8.20 - 3 cm , broke water bag by gynea
8.25 - on drip
8.30 - more contraction coming
11:30 - injection at butt area to reduce the pain
15:00 - epidural at 4-5 cm dilation.( I give up cos waited too long still the same)
17:00 - still 4-5 cm gynea check crevic too narrow for my boy.no pt continue to wait
17:36 - baby delivery throu csection

My boy really kick his way out even throu csection. 3.59kg baby. All nurses n gynea keeps
tell me baby very chubby n big! I too small build for him to be natural birth. I cry throughout the operation. Super scare! Untill hear his cry I calm down. So happy he got my big eye. And he got hair!! Haha we always feel our boy maybe botak cos both of us are!! He super hungry when hubby push him to ward for me to see! Mouth move non stop. We ask to feed FM 1st, he finish all!


Was discharged today. Would like to check today 1st day at home and baby keep crying? Why? Baby had drank milk and poop but dunno what's wrong. In hospital, baby didn't cry much. Really dunno what to do.
Dear Fanger, try to Swaddle your Bb to create the secured environment. This will typically calm Bb down


Resting at ward now!! Here my story!!
12.20 - poopoo
12.50. - insert pill
6:00 - start mild contraction
8.20 - 3 cm , broke water bag by gynea
8.25 - on drip
8.30 - more contraction coming
11:30 - injection at butt area to reduce the pain
15:00 - epidural at 4-5 cm dilation.( I give up cos waited too long still the same)
17:00 - still 4-5 cm gynea check crevic too narrow for my boy.no pt continue to wait
17:36 - baby delivery throu csection

My boy really kick his way out even throu csection. 3.59kg baby. All nurses n gynea keeps
tell me baby very chubby n big! I too small build for him to be natural birth. I cry throughout the operation. Super scare! Untill hear his cry I calm down. So happy he got my big eye. And he got hair!! Haha we always feel our boy maybe botak cos both of us are!! He super hungry when hubby push him to ward for me to see! Mouth move non stop. We ask to feed FM 1st, he finish all!
Congrats dear Climsp! Finally the long wait is over. Enjoy the bonding wif ur boy.


Yay....baby is out, congrats Climsp! Rest well now. Before long u'll be ranting with us abt many other motherhood stuffs! ;)


Can't sleep! Wonder any mummies got G.D breast feed?? Nurse told hubby 1st 3 day dun feed. But PD say ok to try tomolo. He will check on baby then let us know! Anyway I dun have any milk to feed also! My boy finish the whole bottle of FM on his 1st feed!

Oh my tummy seem flatted after labour! Both MIL n mum say I slim down!! Lol. My total weight gain is 2 kg+


Gracecwz- left u now! Just tell u if after contraction for 3 to 4 hr dilution still the same just take epidural, dun like me for 12 hr suffer then take. good luck to u on Friday!!


Resting at ward now!! Here my story!!
12.20 - poopoo
12.50. - insert pill
6:00 - start mild contraction
8.20 - 3 cm , broke water bag by gynea
8.25 - on drip
8.30 - more contraction coming
11:30 - injection at butt area to reduce the pain
15:00 - epidural at 4-5 cm dilation.( I give up cos waited too long still the same)
17:00 - still 4-5 cm gynea check crevic too narrow for my boy.no pt continue to wait
17:36 - baby delivery throu csection

My boy really kick his way out even throu csection. 3.59kg baby. All nurses n gynea keeps
tell me baby very chubby n big! I too small build for him to be natural birth. I cry throughout the operation. Super scare! Untill hear his cry I calm down. So happy he got my big eye. And he got hair!! Haha we always feel our boy maybe botak cos both of us are!! He super hungry when hubby push him to ward for me to see! Mouth move non stop. We ask to feed FM 1st, he finish all!
Congrats climsp! Finally! Have a good rest!


Gracecwz- left u now! Just tell u if after contraction for 3 to 4 hr dilution still the same just take epidural, dun like me for 12 hr suffer then take. good luck to u on Friday!!
Yap agreed, if decided to take epidural btr take early...


New Member
Hi Tannie

I understand what you are going through, that was what I feel too! Even today I still feel upset and I think sleep and being well rested is extremely important.

Remember that all theses are temporary and you just have to endure till things get better. And once you get into a routine, things will be better!

We are all here for each other and don't keep things to yourself. Listen to soothing music and don't mind what everyone else says. Just say that the doctor or nurse said this and that must be done like that, this will usually shut up others.

I think I did not expect taking care of new born can be this tired. I do not have CL, my mum help me with food, washing and bathing of baby, I am taking care of baby round the clock. BF is stressful and painful, esp when my mum keep saying I dont have enof milk for baby, even tell that to relatives...

And yes, kind of frustrated when diff ppl have their way of taking care of baby... My mum keep nagging me for not eating ginger, but i told her baby is having jaundice I shld not be eating too much ginger as I am BF, she dont buy that.

She keep asking me to drink DOM but I told her I am BF shld avoid she also not happy n complaint to my aunties... Etc...

In the beginning, I am taking care of baby alone at night, luckily hubby came to accompany me to stay at my mum house, but I felt so sorry and bad for him as he got to work next day. I felt so bad that I couldn't take care of him now...


New Member
Dear milkshake

I admire you, I would have broke down on the spot! Don't worry, you are handling things extremely well and I am so proud of you!

Don't worry about not enough milk, your body will always have enough for your baby :)

Try to do something for yourself, like eating a piece of nice cake or a short nap together with baby. These are what kept me sane, and surfing about baby!
Share with hubby your thoughts, it will improve communication and you will feel better after sharing.

remember to take things one step at a time!

dont't know about you ladies. I think my baby is going thru a growth spurt at 4 weeks and is drinking milk like water. So I'm trying to keep up with her demand.

I keep checking the freezer and each time I see there are only 2-3 bottles of EBM left when the night before there was 6, I wld get anxious :(

Last night I almost had a meltdown. Baby was fussy so I latched her n she was quiet n sleeping. My sis and husband came home and i went to shower. as usual they wld go and visit the baby room n call her or try to play with her. I was drying myself after shower when my husband came into the toilet to say "baby is crying". I felt frustrated!! Cos it's like all they know is play with the baby and when she cries they tell me she's crying. I felt like I didnt even have a 5 minute breather!

So I kept quiet and dried myself further with a hair dryer. Next my sis comes in and says I shouldn't let my helper handle/carry baby esp since she just finish cooking. Wah I really wanted to cry on the spot but held it back.

Im starting to feel depressed that everyone is always concern about the baby but never about the mother and how much she has to go thru daily to care an feed the baby.

Sigh really feel like gg away somewhere to clear my mind but obviously it's not possible :(

Sorry. Just felt like ranting


New Member
Dear fanger

Trust your instinct, if baby cries, sometimes, she just want a hug. I often try to talk to my girl. I ask her if she wants milk and after a few mili second, will offer her my breast. This tells her that I am attending to her and calms her down. usually, she wants milk (at 3 Weeks old). Then, watch out for her body gesture if she sucks. You can then recognize if she does a particular gesture like putting hand to mouth when she is hungry.

Other times, my girl will cry because diaper is wet. But she still suckle because my breast calms her down.so after she stops sucking, I will change the diaper. I always try to pacify her and calm her before attending to other needs. This makes me calmer when she is not crying.

My girl also cries when it is too hot, when she don't like to lie in a particular way, or when her hands are pulling her hair!

My family including husband tells me not to hold her too often but I don't care. How can a less than one month baby be too pampered by hugging her? I intend to hold her whole day beside me if I can but the weather is too hot.. So I try to keep in contact with part of her leg or keep stroking her. This calms her too. Even when she is sleeping.

I find that she sleeps better and longer when I hold her. Normally she cries in the day when she wants to change her position. Try to prop her up on your knees, hold her in your arm, or rest her head on either your shoulder or chest or just make sure her back is not sweaty or she does not have too much sunlight in her eyes, or maybe the room is too noisy.

Or she may not feel full and wants just a few more sip of milk. Be patient and smile at her. Babies can feel if you are stress. Just be calm and happy! We have endured so much, it is such a joy to hold our baby in our arms!

Dear Fanger, try to Swaddle your Bb to create the secured environment. This will typically calm Bb down
Last edited:


New Member
Congratulations, climsp!

It is so nice to see our babies finally after so many months! And I am so envious, you gained only 2 KG!

My weight gain was 5kg immediately after delivery. And after breast feeding, now I think I am left with another 3kg. Anyway I am hungry most of the time, so I rather eat more and lose the weight later!

Can't sleep! Wonder any mummies got G.D breast feed?? Nurse told hubby 1st 3 day dun feed. But PD say ok to try tomolo. He will check on baby then let us know! Anyway I dun have any milk to feed also! My boy finish the whole bottle of FM on his 1st feed!

Oh my tummy seem flatted after labour! Both MIL n mum say I slim down!! Lol. My total weight gain is 2 kg+


Wat I mean is 2 kg b4 baby is out. Think I lose weight for pregnancy instead of gain.

Congratulations, climsp!

It is so nice to see our babies finally after so many months! And I am so envious, you gained only 2 KG!

My weight gain was 5kg immediately after delivery. And after breast feeding, now I think I am left with another 3kg. Anyway I am hungry most of the time, so I rather eat more and lose the weight later!

Can't sleep! Wonder any mummies got G.D breast feed?? Nurse told hubby 1st 3 day dun feed. But PD say ok to try tomolo. He will check on baby then let us know! Anyway I dun have any milk to feed also! My boy finish the whole bottle of FM on his 1st feed!

Oh my tummy seem flatted after labour! Both MIL n mum say I slim down!! Lol. My total weight gain is 2 kg+