EDD May 2012 Mummies!


New Member
I think I did not expect taking care of new born can be this tired. I do not have CL, my mum help me with food, washing and bathing of baby, I am taking care of baby round the clock. BF is stressful and painful, esp when my mum keep saying I dun have enof milk for baby, even tell that to relatives...

And yes, kind of frustrated when diff ppl have their way of taking care of baby... My mum keep nagging me for not eating ginger, but i told her baby is having jaundice I shld not be eating too much ginger as I am BF, she dun buy that.

She keep asking me to drink DOM but I told her I am BF shld avoid she also not happy n complaint to my aunties... Etc...

In the beginning, I am taking care of baby alone at night, luckily hubby came to accompany me to stay at my mum hse, but I felt so sorry and bad for him as he got to work next day. I felt so bad that I couldn't take care of him now...
Hi tannie,

I'm also facing some problem.... I have been trying to bf my boy, went to lactation consultant they say i have short nipple, will have to really work with it at this moment i am still struggling to nurse my boy direct to my breast. My CL keep asking me to latch my boy when he cry, I really dont know how to explain to her abt the bf thingy.

As i mention i have short nipple, nw i am pumping every 2-3 hrs to store the milk in the fridge so that it can allow me to have some time slowly to latch him on, i think is going to be difficult.... coz now is feeding baby with bottles as worried when seeing CL using spoon to feed my boy, did not wait for my boy to sip the milk/water from the spoon, eventually just pour it into his mouth. I was so scared that she will choked my boy...

When i try to feed my boy using cup from the hospital, as taught by lactation consultant, CL will say :" you have to pour in if not how he drink?"

I did ask the consultant, She say" mostly CL do not know how to cup feed, and they didnt know they will choke the baby" After hearing this i was so scared, every nw and then i will try to feed myself or watch her feed.

These few days i just cant control myself, i will just cry when i think of taking care of baby and hubby look stress when see me cry, also try to calm me down ask me to relax,..... no one is giving me the boost of confidence.... Hubby will worred baby being overfed, not being burp, having heat rash, asking if baby been sun bath as baby jaundice level have not drop since discharge from hospital.... also worried abt baby vomit after meal.. my boy tends to vomit the milk out when lying on the bed after CL burp him, does this mean CL did not wait for him to burp and put him down to slp?

Mummies do you all feed your little want with water when they hicups?

Do you all use cloth diaper? i have bought cloth diaper for my boy to use. I have told my CL to use it in the day and night can use the disposable one coz if not the cloth diaper will have to change every 2-3hrs.

My CL follow instruction for the 1st 2 day and later on she said" cloth diaper very hot cause baby toi have redness in the buttock"
w she only using in the morning after bath and change 1 insert then later whole day on disposable!!!!
I super pek chek ask her" why not using the cloth diaper" CL say" coz cloth diaper will have a marking at the back after wearing, so she use the disposable" I was like what the... i told CL to show me the line next time when changing... she ignore treated as never heard me...

Somemore feeding time for baby should be a bt 3 -4 hrs apart... My CL happy happy see my boy cry 2 hrs feed then later 3-4 hrs feed, sometime baby not crying 5 hrs feed...... i wanna go crazy!!! only till yesterday see paediatrician test for jaundice, never drop still rasied by little. my hubby instructed CL to feed interval of 3 hrs. Yesterday feed at 2pm later 4.30pm feed again, later 7pm wanted to feed again my hubby told CL to feed at 8pm. CL reply" I thought you say 3 hrs must feed" I tell CL u feed her at 2 and the 4 .30pm she argue back say baby was fed at 1pm, i told her i leave the house for my check up at 2pm and that was the time baby was feeding!!

Wah piang!!! I want to faint..... dont know whether is because of all this thing, today the herbal bath water she boiled almost burned me, the water use to be warm and nice, today i scoop and pour over my body is was burning.... i very scare.. wonder will CL treated my boy with the same water temperature, coz morning bathing i can hear my boy crying....


Don't know about you ladies. I think my bb is going thru a growth spurt at 4 weeks and is drinking milk like water. So I'm trying to keep up with her demand.

I keep checking the freezer and each time I see there are only 2-3 bottles of EBM left when the night before there was 6, I wld get anxious :(

Last night I almost had a meltdown. Baby was fussy so I latched her n she was quiet n sleeping. My sis and husband came home and i went to shower. as usual they wld go and visit the bb room n call her or try to play with her. I was drying myself after shower when my husband came into the toilet to say "bb is crying". I felt frustrated!! Cos it's like all they know is play with the bb and when she cries they tell me she's crying. I felt like I didnt even have a 5 minute breather!

So I kept quiet and dried myself further with a hair dryer. Next my sis comes in and says I shouldn't let my helper handle/carry bb esp since she just finish cooking. Wah I really wanted to cry on the spot but held it back.

Im starting to feel depressed that everyone is always concern about the bb but never about the mother and how much she has to go thru daily to care an feed the baby.

Sigh really feel like gg away somewhere to clear my mind but obviously it's not possible :(

Sorry. Just felt like ranting


Thanks butt8fly. Now my girl tend to be wide awake after feeding n refuse to sleep...
Mummies, does ur newborn sleep immediately after feeding or do u need to pacify them to sleep? She was awake since last nite 4am feed n refuse to sleep no matter, so I Am changing, feeding and pacifying her till 8am... I am so tired...
My bb tend to slp alot during the day, after feeds. Bt at nite, after feeding she will refuse to slp as well. Sigh! So usually i can only catch a nap of 3-4h. So tired plus weather is so hot, i m down with sorethroat n fever


Sorry. Just felt like ranting
Phi milkshake, me oso ranting...

Jus now while I am feeding baby, my mum insisted i stop feeding cause she wana bath baby. after bathing, baby refuse to sleep then she blame me for not feeding her enof...

Now I am waking baby up for feed, she told me not to do that n let baby sleep...

I really hope this one month pass quickly, then I can also move out!
Are u using Medela breast shell? Do they have holes? After collecting u pour them into bottles?
I use Philips shells. The shells comes in 2 types - holes and closed. I used the closed one when collecting milk and yes after collecting I pour into bottles.
Thanks milkshake. That's a good idea. I will take a look at the Philips shell. Maybe can only get it after confinement ler. :)

Heard what u wanna say in ur next post. Sigh perhaps just a matter of time we break down?! Our lives now So routined, feeding-resting-feeding-resting...I feel like I'm a cow :(

Phi milkshake, me oso ranting...

Jus now while I am feeding baby, my mum insisted i stop feeding cause she wana bath baby. after bathing, baby refuse to sleep then she blame me for not feeding her enof...

Now I am waking baby up for feed, she told me not to do that n let baby sleep...

I really hope this one month pass quickly, then I can also move out![/QUOTE]

I too hope this confinement thing can pass quickly. CL gonna leave on 15 June. Reallyyyyyyy looking fwd!!!

Btw, mummies, besides soup n all other nutritious drinks, do u also drink warm/hot plain water??? I do cos very thirsty !!


Baby not out yet! I give up! On epidural now after 12 hr of contractions n onli 4cm! 1 of my leg feel numb also, is that normal??
Baby still super active!


Baby not out yet! I give up! On epidural now after 12 hr of contractions n onli 4cm! 1 of my leg feel numb also, is that normal??
Baby still super active!
Did u managed to talk to your gynae re alternatives? 12 hours is long waiting le. How r u feeling? My CL ever mentioned to me some mummies bcos of the long delivery process, the legs will be swollen n painful. Are ur legs in position for delivery ie bend wif toes downwards since 12 hours ago?


Phi milkshake, me oso ranting...

Jus now while I am feeding baby, my mum insisted i stop feeding cause she wana bath baby. after bathing, baby refuse to sleep then she blame me for not feeding her enof...

Now I am waking baby up for feed, she told me not to do that n let baby sleep...

I really hope this one month pass quickly, then I can also move out![/QUOTE]

I too hope this confinement thing can pass quickly. CL gonna leave on 15 June. Reallyyyyyyy looking fwd!!!

Btw, mummies, besides soup n all other nutritious drinks, do u also drink warm/hot plain water??? I do cos very thirsty !![/QUOTE]

My CL leaving on 7 Jun n already hubby n me will miss having her ard. I also worry tt we will be in a mess taking care of Bb on our own after that. Also need to start to learn how to cook.

I only drink red date longan water, soup, chicken essence n bird nest during this confinement. Yet to drink any plain water so far.


My bb tend to slp alot during the day, after feeds. Bt at nite, after feeding she will refuse to slp as well. Sigh! So usually i can only catch a nap of 3-4h. So tired plus weather is so hot, i m down with sorethroat n fever
Dear Rukia, try to time ur rest time during the day when your Bb sleeps. At least if u need to tk care of her at night, not so tough on you.

At times at night, my Bb gal will refuse to sleep n we Realised data bcos she is still hungry, despite the fact tt she will doze off while latching on. Thus, once we bottle feed her w somemore EBM, she will fall answer after that. Maybe u can try this too


Baby not out yet! I give up! On epidural now after 12 hr of contractions n onli 4cm! 1 of my leg feel numb also, is that normal??
Baby still super active!
I was on epi for 24h. Both legs totally numb and v swollen. At the end went for emerg csect cos dilation v slow, only 7cm after 24h with 2 pills and drip


My bb tend to slp alot during the day, after feeds. Bt at nite, after feeding she will refuse to slp as well. Sigh! So usually i can only catch a nap of 3-4h. So tired plus weather is so hot, i m down with sorethroat n fever
Dear Rukia, try to time ur rest time during the day when your Bb sleeps. At least if u need to tk care of her at night, not so tough on you.

At times at night, my Bb gal will refuse to sleep n we Realised data bcos she is still hungry, despite the fact tt she will doze off while latching on. Thus, once we bottle feed her w somemore EBM, she will fall answer after that. Maybe u can try this too
Sometimes i dont know if my baby is still hungry or just drinking cos we put the bottle in her mouth. There was two incidents whereby she actually threw up the milk w gv her alth she seems hungry. That really gv me a shock


New Member
Hi milkshake,
Do take care of yourself. It's ok for ebm to run low as it is still early now n there is still time for u to build up ur ebm supply. The most imp thing is not to get too stressed up over bf as it will affect the supply as well. Can totally understand ur sentiments, I very often feel tt I'm a cow cum pacifier for my boys. N I got post natal depression for my first one. It's ok for u to go take a 5 min breather and you should. Tell ur hubby tt when the baby cries he can try to soothe the baby too as he is also a parent n he can n
should do participate in the care of the baby.
I tried to to keep everything to myself and try to to everything myself which is why I got post natal depression for my first one... So mummies, do allow others to help if possible and very importantly, get ur hubby to help....


Jiayou, hope ur baby is good and come out soon and not torture mummy for too long...


Was discharged today. Would like to check today 1st day at home and baby keep crying? Why? Baby had drank milk and poop but dunno what's wrong. In hospital, baby didn't cry much. Really dunno what to do.


My boy finally discharged from hospital today after staying in hospital exactly for a week. I alternate breast milk and formula milk each time for him. And I manage to express about 80ml each time. The doctor told us that baby is kinda of small size, mayb follow my genes. So far I lost 6kg since delivery.
However my c sect wound is having infection. Feeling pain and there r blood/ pus flowing out. Hopefully will recover soon. This sat my gynae going to check on my wound again.