EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hi mummies, may I know which catering are u chose for bb full mth celebration ?
For our frens, we chose Glory Catering which is halal. We hv used Glory for all our previous buffets.
For the relatives, my dad made the orderin so dunno which caterer. We juz pay master ;)
For cakes, sweetest moments.

Btw mummies, For vouchers for frens, besides sweetest moments n bengawan solo, any other recommendations?


Hi mummies, may I know which catering are u chose for bb full mth celebration ?
I jus had bb shower last Sat & we ordered frm Neo Garden. I also signed up for their 2yr membership ($30) & immediately I got a 10% off frm my order. Feedback frm my guests were good for d food. As for me, I feel tat d delivery men were very polite & helpful, they were not jus punctual but very punctual (in fact they came 15 mins earlier than my stated time). We will definitely consider them again for my boy's 1yr old celebration.


jus wan to share some cheap lobang for those staying in Sengkang, ther's a chinese medical shop at Rivervale Plaza (near to Fu Hwa), their products are cheaper than NTUC. For my boy's milk powder, it costs $3 cheaper as compared to NTUC. They also sell washing powder/ detergent, shampoo, diapers but not many brands though.


Hi mummies, thanks for the info.

Mummies, did u all face the problem where all the ppls ard u have their own way to take care of the bb? My mum help me for the confinement, the hubby gt his own pattern n comments a lot, mil also gt comments this n that, I am going get crazy soon. My hubby don't want bb sleep in air con room at night, then my mum said bb keep crying if too hot.

My stitches still pain, n I gt no more energy to settle their complaint, I ask him to find another person to take care of the bb if he gt so much complaint.

I don't like ppl comments this n that when he or she not the one to take care of the bb, they don't know how's the situation like.


Didnt know there gt sell milk powder too, will ask my hubby to check it out, thanks!! Miracle25, u staying nearby there?

jus wan to share some cheap lobang for those staying in Sengkang, ther's a chinese medical shop at Rivervale Plaza (near to Fu Hwa), their products are cheaper than NTUC. For my boy's milk powder, it costs $3 cheaper as compared to NTUC. They also sell washing powder/ detergent, shampoo, diapers but not many brands though.


Relaxing at delivery ward now! Pill inserted!! Hubby ask nurse can he dun see my VJJ!! Hahaha!! Nurse ask him to face the wall!!


Excited for you, Climsp!!!
Jiayou okie!!!! ;)))

I dunno after pill insert need how long... Guessing u shld feel contractions pretty soon? My sis took abt 6-7 hrs to pop after inducing.


I guess it differs from pple to pple. Just remember to try to keep ur body (esp lower pelvic area) relaxed as the contractions progress. Will dilate faster. :)


Hi mummies, thanks for the info.

Mummies, did u all face the problem where all the ppls ard u have their own way to take care of the bb? My mum help me for the confinement, the hubby gt his own pattern n comments a lot, mil also gt comments this n that, I am going get crazy soon. My hubby don't want bb sleep in air con room at night, then my mum said bb keep crying if too hot.

My stitches still pain, n I gt no more energy to settle their complaint, I ask him to find another person to take care of the bb if he gt so much complaint.

I don't like ppl comments this n that when he or she not the one to take care of the bb, they don't know how's the situation like.
I experienced this too. My mum doing confinement for me and she is the traditional kind. My mil is the modern type. Both hv their ways of taking care bb. Plus my mum like to keep repeating things like why cannot give water, why dun use powder... etc make me so pek chek! My husband leh will have his opinions, say slp aircon wait bb too hot, then my mum will say just put in the living room, more airy. Duh!


Oh ya!! For mummies who induce! How long it take?? Nurse say I onli Abit dilated when she insert the pill!
I was put on drip instead of insert pill. My medicine started arnd 12 noon n I only feel severe contraction around 8pm during this period my dilation is only 1 cm... Hope urs will be a faster one! Good luck!

Remember when you are having contraction try breathing air to your stomach instead of holding it. My gynea said if you "gek" the pain like curling up, it will actually hold the baby back.


I switched on air Con n ceiling fan since Day 1. Windows also open le. CL dint say no so I never ask incase she say cannot ;) lol.

Why do you weep? U feeling any unhappiness?
I think I did not expect taking care of new born can be this tired. I do not have CL, my mum help me with food, washing and bathing of baby, I am taking care of baby round the clock. BF is stressful and painful, esp when my mum keep saying I dun have enof milk for baby, even tell that to relatives...

And yes, kind of frustrated when diff ppl have their way of taking care of baby... My mum keep nagging me for not eating ginger, but i told her baby is having jaundice I shld not be eating too much ginger as I am BF, she dun buy that.

She keep asking me to drink DOM but I told her I am BF shld avoid she also not happy n complaint to my aunties... Etc...

In the beginning, I am taking care of baby alone at night, luckily hubby came to accompany me to stay at my mum hse, but I felt so sorry and bad for him as he got to work next day. I felt so bad that I couldn't take care of him now...


Now i wait till my wound getting better,then i will fully take care of my bb, and follow on own way to take care of her.

any mummies try Xin Yi Pin catering? found this on the brochure, gt free cupcake for the full mth buffet, not nice if the food is nice.

I experienced this too. My mum doing confinement for me and she is the traditional kind. My mil is the modern type. Both hv their ways of taking care bb. Plus my mum like to keep repeating things like why cannot give water, why dun use powder... etc make me so pek chek! My husband leh will have his opinions, say slp aircon wait bb too hot, then my mum will say just put in the living room, more airy. Duh!


New Member
Climps, jiayou...should be seeing your little one soon.

Agree, bf is really tough... And you can't really outsource that to anyone. I don't have any confinement lady as well and my mum is helping me out... But night time is just me cos I can't expect my mum to take care of the baby day and night. And with me insisting in latching on all the time to boost my milk supply, there is nothing much she can help out anyways. And since it is bf, these few days it is like just dozing off, and up I am again to feed, and the cycle repeats until morning.
Lucky, I have already talked to my mum before I give birth that I intend to fully bf and because of that there are certain things which might not adhere strictly to confinement rules, like not switching on the air con or fan because the weather is too too hot and bf is really a very sweaty affair. I need to bathe everyday to maintain hygiene standards, but I agreed to wash my hair only once a week. No ginger for the first 2 weeks and no alcohol...
Since all these are already mentioned beforehand, there is a lot less conflicts now but my mum will still nag me for switching on the air con for too long, say it is too cold..... But overall still ok.
It might help to show your mum articles or those books from doctors to show that there is scientific logic behind the things you do. I always use the doc to back me up whenever there is conflict.


I think I did not expect taking care of new born can be this tired. I do not have CL, my mum help me with food, washing and bathing of baby, I am taking care of baby round the clock. BF is stressful and painful, esp when my mum keep saying I dun have enof milk for baby, even tell that to relatives...

And yes, kind of frustrated when diff ppl have their way of taking care of baby... My mum keep nagging me for not eating ginger, but i told her baby is having jaundice I shld not be eating too much ginger as I am BF, she dun buy that.

She keep asking me to drink DOM but I told her I am BF shld avoid she also not happy n complaint to my aunties... Etc...

In the beginning, I am taking care of baby alone at night, luckily hubby came to accompany me to stay at my mum hse, but I felt so sorry and bad for him as he got to work next day. I felt so bad that I couldn't take care of him now...
Dear Tannie, it's good to let off your frustration by crying but always try to maintain a cheerful n positive mindset. This will helps in your own well being.

Believed all mum meant well, same goes for yours. it's def difficult for you to tell ur mum otherwise whenever you 2 hv different opinions. So long you let her said her piece during this one mth juz let her be.

For ginger, if you mum cooks with meat or soup, it's ok. You juz dun eat the ginger itself. My pd told me this when my gal has jaundice. The next time your mum dun believed, juz tell her at the hospital you asked the doctor n this is wat they shared.

Try to remind yourself to drink more fluid, be it red date n longan water or soup. Eat more steamed fish too. It helps in the milk production. Fun let your mum's remarks affect you. Else, can buy either Motherlove or fenugreek from GNC. It will help boost the milk supply. For me, I took fenugreek but only 1 tablet per day (as per the bottle direction) thou the consultant said 3 tablets. Milk supply not alot but since my gal latched on almost every feed, I only need to pump once per day. This expressing typically not alot of supply. I m now thinking to give myself sometime to see if to switch to mother love. My girlfren ate this n get milk supply was alot.

For Dom, ok to take to boost up your health. If not used in cooking n drink by itself, you need to hv at least 2 hours interval before you bf your Bb. Drinking of Dom do help so try to tk if possible. For me, I never fancy chicken essence or Dom but for the sake of seeing thru this confinement, I drink.

Also, you hv an understanding n good hubby who helped you tk care of Bb. Initially during your pregnancy you said your hubby seldom talked to Bb but now he is helping you n also bonding wif the Bb so no need feel bad. It's tiring for your hubby but no doubt he will treasure this process n exp bonding wif your Bb. Once you le health is better n clear the confinement mth, you can tk care of your Bb.

All in all, this one mth will pass by n once you better learn the ropes of a being a mummy (like all of us here), things will def get better. Be strong n jia you ya!!