EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Gracecwz- left u now! Just tell u if after contraction for 3 to 4 hr dilution still the same just take epidural, dun like me for 12 hr suffer then take. good luck to u on Friday!!
Congrats Climsp! Hope u make good recovery. Now after hearing ur story n rukia, I might end up c sec too.... So worried.

I already make up my mind to use epi. Hope dun get bad side effects. Baby still kicking madly all day long. Told him if he stay longer also not going to give him good food Liao. So better come out now.


2nd day! Have feed baby in FM! Just try BF surprise to have colostrum! But baby too heavy for me to hold him too long due to my wound. Will try again later or tomolo. Will feed him w/ FM for the time being!


Fanger, try massaging ur breasts including the nipples. U may have blocked ducts..if unsure, call a lactation consultant to check on u.


Congrats Climsp! Hope u make good recovery. Now after hearing ur story n rukia, I might end up c sec too.... So worried.

I already make up my mind to use epi. Hope dun get bad side effects. Baby still kicking madly all day long. Told him if he stay longer also not going to give him good food Liao. So better come out now.
If you want to try natural first, just bear in mind dont try too long. If you find that baby head is high and dilation is too slow, better opt for csect soon. Minimize your suffering and also reduce your delivery cost.

I regret not opting for caect sooner. End up pay for delivery suite and ot cost...


I would like to ask:

I have those dark pigmentations (under the armpit, line along centre of tummy etc) during pregnancy. When will these fade off? Its still so obvious alth i m already 3weeks past delivery.

Its so unsightly!


I would like to ask:

I have those dark pigmentations (under the armpit, line along centre of tummy etc) during pregnancy. When will these fade off? Its still so obvious alth i m already 3weeks past delivery.

Its so unsightly!
I have those too!


Congrats Climsp! Hope u make good recovery. Now after hearing ur story n rukia, I might end up c sec too.... So worried.

I already make up my mind to use epi. Hope dun get bad side effects. Baby still kicking madly all day long. Told him if he stay longer also not going to give him good food Liao. So better come out now.
If you want to try natural first, just bear in mind dont try too long. If you find that baby head is high and dilation is too slow, better opt for csect soon. Minimize your suffering and also reduce your delivery cost.

I regret not opting for caect sooner. End up pay for delivery suite and ot cost...
Hi, where u delivery? I dun know much this bomb will cost me also!


Have try BF again! Baby seem to latch in well but need hubby help. Wanna feed him again at 6 but too much visitors. Baby too hungry no choice FM again! Will try again later.


My bb seem to cry on top of her lungs when we change her diapers. It's like she is angry n telling us we are slow / she don't like us messing with her.

Anyone experience this? I resort to carrying her but sometimes doesn't work n she wld start kicking her legs. She's gonna be one month this weekend and im wondering how I'm gonna cope with her when I take her out to malls for example. She wld be screaming at the mummy's room/toilet when I change her :(


My bb seem to cry on top of her lungs when we change her diapers. It's like she is angry n telling us we are slow / she don't like us messing with her.

Anyone experience this? I resort to carrying her but sometimes doesn't work n she wld start kicking her legs. She's gonna be one month this weekend and im wondering how I'm gonna cope with her when I take her out to malls for example. She wld be screaming at the mummy's room/toilet when I change her :(
My baby is very good at screaming as well. Sometimes really dont know what she wants. And it is not easy to pacify her when she starts her crying... I think i will only dare go out with her if my mum is with me haha
My bb seem to cry on top of her lungs when we change her diapers. It's like she is angry n telling us we are slow / she don't like us messing with her.

Anyone experience this? I resort to carrying her but sometimes doesn't work n she wld start kicking her legs. She's gonna be one month this weekend and im wondering how I'm gonna cope with her when I take her out to malls for example. She wld be screaming at the mummy's room/toilet when I change her :(
My son is like that too. I think all babies are alike in this case. My worry is BFing my son outside. He can be very rough n make noise so I'm afraid he will scare people off!!
Mummies, how long do u take to finish breast feeding by letting ur BB to latch on? I'm taking abt 1.5hrs before he willing to finish. Btw, he is 2 weeks old now. It's so tiring!!!