EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Thanks rukia!! Hope mine would be so ex!! I stay in 2 bedded now!! But I own the whole room now after roommate discharge yday! for my case if I know i will opt for csection earlier also. My baby's head Abit pointed but will be ok after awhile. His face is super red yday also, hope he is better when I see him later. think if got next baby I will opt for csection earlier at 37week. Btw hubby say baby is seem to be the biggest one in nursery room! omg! I nvr expect I can carry such a big boy also w/ my small bump. Think his build is due to overdue edd.

Ohh for pigmentation, have u try bio oil?? I use it during preg. Mine is very light onli. my collg use oil after labour, mention it help alot also!


All mummies who bf, does your supply decrease during the day? I can usually pump about 60-100ml first thing in the morn now, next pump about 60ml then following one about 40-50ml and night pump about 40-50ml as well. Is this normal? Or sld it be more consistent? Like i sld be getting consistently 60-100ml each time regardless of thw time of day?


For mummies who had csection is it very hard to latch babies by the the side of our body? Forgot wat the position call. I find it very hard to latch when baby is tired n sleepy but hungry, somemore my baby is quite a big boy for me to carry also. I try to latch by carry him infront but wound pain. Hubby decide to FM 1st last nite feed dun wanna stress me. Will try again later when hubby visit me in the morning.

Oh I feel pain at VJJ after each pee is it normal? Cos me is csection? Later going to ask gynea.
Dear Climsp, use football hold to bf your boy. Boy sideways n support using pillows or cushions by the dude if u do no hv any nursing pillow. This position good for mummies wif c sect. Your boy a big boy so soon ur arm muscles wil e stronger from all the cuddling ;)

For me, I off the drip on day 2 n was able to pee wifout any VJJ pain. Check wif ur gynae if ur pain a result of trying for natural birth or c sect. I know the nurses took the volume reading of my first pee. If I recall correctly, need to be at least 200 or 250ml.


Thanks rukia!! Hope mine would be so ex!! I stay in 2 bedded now!! But I own the whole room now after roommate discharge yday! for my case if I know i will opt for csection earlier also. My baby's head Abit pointed but will be ok after awhile. His face is super red yday also, hope he is better when I see him later. think if got next baby I will opt for csection earlier at 37week. Btw hubby say baby is seem to be the biggest one in nursery room! omg! I nvr expect I can carry such a big boy also w/ my small bump. Think his build is due to overdue edd.

Ohh for pigmentation, have u try bio oil?? I use it during preg. Mine is very light onli. my collg use oil after labour, mention it help alot also!
I wanted to downgrade my room but there was no room available except that 1bedder. Haiz.. but most importantly, glad baby is fine..

For my next baby, think i will also opt for csect immediately. Got a phobia of natural birth after this experience.

Didnt know bio oil helps with pigmentation. Ok i go try it later.


I check w/ gynea VJJ pain is normal cos I try to natural birth for 15hr. Later maybe try pump out cos baby need to shine today so tomolo can go back w/ me. Plus today got 2 group of visitors during his feeding.

Rukia- hubby upgrade to 2 bedded cos onli abt a few hundred diff. He want me to rest more, but nvr expect will csection. For natural birth, I just feel sian will be hard to have it next time cos due to cyst oper b4 now got csection, gynea sure dun wan me to be natural. And history of big baby also!!


I will always burp her after each feed but no use... She will continue to fall asleep... Until u put her in cot then she is wide awake..
For my gal, I will also remove her Swaddle to wake her up of I want her to continue feeding. The lactation consultant n CL also taught me to 'tickle' her chin, ear n sole to make her more awake.


Do you all feed your babies plain water? I recall that my PD told me there is no need to. So my hubby and I did tell my mil not to. But today I found out that she still fed my baby plain water behind our back. Sigh!! So I reminded her again, and she still insisted that babies have to take plain water. I think she going to continue feeding her plain water :(

Actually did anyone ask your PD before on the rationale of not feeding plain water before baby is 6 months and start taking solid food?


I check w/ gynea VJJ pain is normal cos I try to natural birth for 15hr. Later maybe try pump out cos baby need to shine today so tomolo can go back w/ me. Plus today got 2 group of visitors during his feeding.

Rukia- hubby upgrade to 2 bedded cos onli abt a few hundred diff. He want me to rest more, but nvr expect will csection. For natural birth, I just feel sian will be hard to have it next time cos due to cyst oper b4 now got csection, gynea sure dun wan me to be natural. And history of big baby also!!
Once C-sect, i think future birth most prob will be c-sect as well. Cos dont want to run the risk of the wound tearing during birth.


Talking about future birth, any mummies out there intend to stop at 1.
Personally, I am an only child and I enjoyed being one. Coupled with the high education expenses and my love to travel round the world, I am persuading hubby to stop at 1.

Once C-sect, i think future birth most prob will be c-sect as well. Cos dont want to run the risk of the wound tearing during birth.


Talking about future birth, any mummies out there intend to stop at 1.
Personally, I am an only child and I enjoyed being one. Coupled with the high education expenses and my love to travel round the world, I am persuading hubby to stop at 1.
I prefer to have two. But thinking of starting the whole process of pregnancy and birth...sometimes I feel abit scare. haha

Not to mention, the cost of having kids in singapore is so high. I calculated, til date, I spent about $11K+ already and still counting!!


Yea buay tahan and we mummies have become pandas ! :p
All my eye creams no use as well. Sometiems i will just daze out when my baby cries at night. Cos I am so tired no energy left to carry her, not to mention, my fingers are still swollen and unable to bend due to water retention. Imagine I still have to wipe her poo off her butt with my unbendable fingers...so painful!


For my gal, I will also remove her Swaddle to wake her up of I want her to continue feeding. The lactation consultant n CL also taught me to 'tickle' her chin, ear n sole to make her more awake.
I tried massaging her cheek which the LC taught me, tickle her, hold her hand... She just ignore n zzz....


Do you all feed your babies plain water? I recall that my PD told me there is no need to. So my hubby and I did tell my mil not to. But today I found out that she still fed my baby plain water behind our back. Sigh!! So I reminded her again, and she still insisted that babies have to take plain water. I think she going to continue feeding her plain water :(

Actually did anyone ask your PD before on the rationale of not feeding plain water before baby is 6 months and start taking solid food?
Cause Breast milk has high water content so it is not necessary.

I asked PD before is it alright to feed water cause my baby keep having hiccup and my mum said baby got jaundice because din drink water, PD said we can feed a little water but it may irritate the stomach n cause vomit of milk. She said she prefer us to feed milk instead of water.


Frankly speaking, I am scare too. In every pregnancy, there is risk to mummies and babies. My gynae explained to me in detail the various cases of birth and the risks involved for natural and c-section birth. I salute her honesty so that I am totally informed, even though she may lose businesses. If something unfortunate happen in 2nd birth, it will be unfair to my elder child. Even if all are safe, my limited resources and attention will be shared and may hinder the pursuit of his dreams.

I prefer to have two. But thinking of starting the whole process of pregnancy and birth...sometimes I feel abit scare. haha

Not to mention, the cost of having kids in singapore is so high. I calculated, til date, I spent about $11K+ already and still counting!!
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Cause Breast milk has high water content so it is not necessary.

I asked PD before is it alright to feed water cause my baby keep having hiccup and my mum said baby got jaundice because din drink water, PD said we can feed a little water but it may irritate the stomach n cause vomit of milk. She said she prefer us to feed milk instead of water.

That's why. I insisted no water. After my mil was found out, she even more blatantly offer my baby water now. Sianz!! Just now suppose to feed baby milk, she told me feed baby water. I told her no, should feed her milk now. If keep on feeding her water, baby wont be getting any nutrients, how to grow like that.


I prefer to have two. But thinking of starting the whole process of pregnancy and birth...sometimes I feel abit scare. haha

Not to mention, the cost of having kids in singapore is so high. I calculated, til date, I spent about $11K+ already and still counting!!
Agreed with Rukia totally, I think one too lonely... But going thru the whole process is scary n costly!
thou got baby bonus but 6k got to match a dollar to dollar...