EDD June 2012 Mummies


Going for check up later, hope got gd news today like feeling abit cramp cramp, actually I forget the contraction pain haha... How it feel I don rmb le... Jus hope baby faster come out... Donno is coz baby moving or wat, stomach so hard... Every night keep telling my baby it come to come out, if still don come out wan beat backside le... Hehe...


lol jenni... good luck! should be coming out already since june is ending! jiayou!

my boy delivered in thomson was given different brands to choose from. i blur blur.. choose nan. going to change when he's 6 months old to enfapro.


jenni..same here..have been telling baby to quickly come out but no signs yet ...my checkout on fri. if by fri no symptoms,have to choose induce date liao..today already tue ...


jenni..same here..have been telling baby to quickly come out but no signs yet ...my checkout on fri. if by fri no symptoms,have to choose induce date liao..today already tue ...
This Friday due date le, later check up see wat Gynea say, if still no sign I wan ask Gynea can I chose to induce this Friday, cannot ta han le, walk pain slp pain... Really hope can faster go deliver...


Uh.... Maybe u two want to try to have sex/masturbate and have more orgasms? *shy* i think that's what i did that made bb come out earlier. LOL. *shy maximum*


My breasts feel like they're exploding. :'( super pain! I tried expressing out a lil bit but the soreness doesnt totally go away. after 1-2hrs, my breasts are rock hard again. I gave up using the pump, i'm using my hands to massage and express the milk out. But rly tiring leh!!


Omg. Both my nipples just spurted milk out. And i dont know what im supposed to do cos i only have 1 pair of hands. How to collect milk from both side at the same time. -.-" my milk waste!!!


Uh.... Maybe u two want to try to have sex/masturbate and have more orgasms? *shy* i think that's what i did that made bb come out earlier. LOL. *shy maximum*
Jus finish check up, Gynea say not open yet, this sat check again and Monday induce... Hope this few day got sign...


Yah. I had sexual desires but phobia of having sex. Hubby also doesnt want to give, kept saying meimei head is just down thr. So i had to relief myself right. Lololol. I rly think that's the cause for my bb to come earlier. :x


Somehow guys are the ones worrying, I feel. Lol. We stopped when I was in my 5th month because he worry about baby. But I was like.. Nvm, it's safe. But after that, also no mood liao. He accidentally touch until me, I also very sensitive and shun away.


Yay i just expressed 1oz milk total for both sides. Idk if it is good or bad but it is an improvement. Took quite long though cos the flow quite slow. And the sides of my breasts are still sore and hard :(


Jenni - jiayou as long as bb is healthy , no matter is June or July also can .. : )

Engravedx - we stop tat during my 6th or 7th mth.. Nt often .. Mayb jus 1 mth once ba.. His scare too..anw I'm nt into tat so is ok wif me.. Lol

N express more milk slowly slowly will b more 1.. Den ur breast will b soft .. Den won't feel sore.. But once u stop again.. D sore feeling will cme bk.. But nt as pain as previous la.. So no worry.. They say can use cabbage .. But I din use it , my body already very dirty Liao even use herb bath every day also dirty.. So I dun wanna use tis all to make me feel more sticky.. Although it might wrks.. : )


I cant carry my bbgirl cos she press against the breast and it hurts alot. I just fed her the BM and I know she is still hungry. Idk whether to leave her be or top up with FM?


Jenni, like that is July baby le! But it doesn't matter.. Date also nicer.. Most importantly baby healthy and safe!
Ya, at first my edd is 4 July then Gynea change to 29 June, now going to July again haha... Nvm try walk again still have time... The most is 1st July...


Hi all, I have just delivered at 4.03pm after 22 hours in KKH. Bb is healthy n weights 3.095kg. Now super tired n hungry. It's super painful too. Would have opt for c section if I know it's this pain.