EDD June 2012 Mummies


Engravedx & dreamalyn - b4 my gynae cme.. I was begging to go toilet.. But they did let me go.. Instead they ask me pee on bed.. They tk some tin for me to pee.. I was like ps ma.. Ask me pee on bed.. Den I told them I cannot I must go toilet.. If nt I can't pee out.. End up they nid to drain out my urine.. -_-" I can't rmb whether I did beg to push ma.. I jus rmb d once gynae rch den check whether my waterbag broke le ma.. End up she c nia , my suddenly broke.. Den she say is time to push.. Ask me make no sound to push.. I jus Erm Erm only also cannot.. -_-" haiz.. Den tk a few push nia .. Den my boy is out lo.. I'm from kkh too.. Under private..


Joey- i also needed to go toilet. The nurse told me i am in too much pain to go, they will help me to extract. Kns. But whn the pee flow out, feel so good. Only the thing they put inside, when taking it out super uncomfortable and abit pain. My waterbag like didnt burst and the midwife put her finger in to burst it at abt 8 or 9cm? Idk whether is she burst or just nice it burst when she checking how dilated i am? After burst it become more pain lor. The feeling v gross leh. All the water leaking down your thigh. My midwife and nurse also tell me make no sound to push, waaaa like gek sai lidat. But sometimes too pain, i will scream out. Then they will nag me say scream also no use, bb wont come out. Save the energy for pushing. Haha. My hubby even more funny. He told me he see me pushing, then unknowingly he himself also pushing. Hahahahaha!!!!! I push till tears spill out sia. No energy to push alr I also try to endure the push as long as i can. Cos i feel like once i take a break, like need to restart again.


Just rmb what my MIL told me just now. She said can't eat chicken for now, and no sesame seed, peanut butter also. Anyone heard of such things? Cos I feel like eating mac now, then i think of her no chicken and sesame seed thing. -,-"
Just now when I am bathing, I experience minor swollen pain down there. Today already 2weeks plus, the wound should heal by now.
anybody still experience minor swollen pain?

Afternoon, my bb vomit out quite a lot of milk ( abt 2 tablespoon), she is on formula feed. Does anyone encounter this on formula? Is it reflux? Only on fm then she vomit, BM she nv vomit.
She only poo once a day when on fm, previously on BM, she poo like 4-5 times a day.
I will also sometimes have slight pain..
FM is harder to disgust, thus ya gal will take longer time to poo. ;)
Just rmb what my MIL told me just now. She said can't eat chicken for now, and no sesame seed, peanut butter also. Anyone heard of such things? Cos I feel like eating mac now, then i think of her no chicken and sesame seed thing. -,-"
My CL also said sannot eat chicken but only the first 10 days, thereafter I told her to cook chicken everyday!!


I heard tat b4.. Mil say 1.. But is due to scare affect d wound if too early eat chicken.. Like only can eat samba chic.. Nvr say is female or male leh.. -_-" .. N kip ask me whether I wans 1/2 boil egg nt... I say is better nt to tk 1/2 boil ba.. As bf ma , den eat those 1/2 raw food nt gd.. Scare gt xi jun..


Yup. No chicken for the first 10 days because it will cause the stitches to be watery an infection.

Baby boy has lots of rashes on the neck. So poor thing. Weather so hot.

Jenni, that's quite young!

For fm now, baby only poos 1 or 2 times each day.


My boy also have rashes at neck area.. O ya , my boy head skull like gt a humb behind .. Is tat normal ? Bcos they jus born nt long ? Skull haven harden yet? Mil nw den tel me lo.. Funny lo .. She find weird when I'm still in hospital.. She must well bb 1 yr old den tel me..


Haha forget abt the chicken things, for me I don like eat chicken so I don eat, the most eat pork...

Hmm it best don anyhow eat, ask what can eat what cannot better... For me, my #2 confinement very gd ger only eat those can eat, what CL cook I eat, my BM slowly increase, after 3 weeks I eat till Sian only eat 1 time maggie my BM like gone... Make me so sian and feel like giving up...


My boy also have rashes at neck area.. O ya , my boy head skull like gt a humb behind .. Is tat normal ? Bcos they jus born nt long ? Skull haven harden yet? Mil nw den tel me lo.. Funny lo .. She find weird when I'm still in hospital.. She must well bb 1 yr old den tel me..
Maybe due to the weather too hot, it ok 1... For baby free sayang the head in circle way to make baby head round old ppl say that, baby slp in Yao LAN will also make their head nice and round...


Just brought bbgirl back from hospital. Tried to latch her on to feed her, but she refuses and kept crying. End up, i had to feed her FM instead. :( seeing her suckle the bottle teat and drinking the milk so happily made me feel so upset. I rly dunno how to make her latch on. I stop her from drinking the FM at abt 10-15ml. Intending to let her rest awhile and try to breastfeed her again 2 hrs later.. She's only 3 days old. I dont mind her not latching on if i can express my milk, but the milk that i express cant even drip into the bottle. So i rly dunno what to do...


Engravedx, the 1st few days it's colostrum, not really milk n only come in min amt.. that's why different to express out...u will have to wait for a few days for the real milk to come....also, must drink green papaya with fish head/pork bones soup... will increase milk supply..

My ger 1st few days din get much milk to drink oso...then kept crying cos she's hungry....I oso very heart pain...

Dun give up, ur milk will come one... n practise make perfect :)
My milk flow nv increase, I so sian. It remain constant. Does anyone know the secret of increase in milk flow?
Blackangel, u bought the scared tea right?
how was it? Is it increase?


Today is the 12th day. Went back to Gynae for checkup and he said my stitches have fully healed. But I still don't dare have big movements. Lol. He also said I have to bring baby too actually which I happily tot don't need.

Ya I enquire about baby's skull last sat because there's a hump. Doctor say its alright. We did sayang the head round and round always.


My milk flow nv increase, I so sian. It remain constant. Does anyone know the secret of increase in milk flow?
Blackangel, u bought the scared tea right?
how was it? Is it increase?
Amazing pig today I went back to pediatrician and gynae today and baby gained only 100g after one week. I was told if my milk flow is low to supplement with more fm. Now I should step up to 60ml of milk. Meanwhile to keep milk supply and to stimulate milk supply, latch or pump every three hours. To increase supply, doc gave me domperidone.

We must keep on perservere on the bf. Don't give up !


Engravedx, the 1st few days it's colostrum, not really milk n only come in min amt.. that's why different to express out...u will have to wait for a few days for the real milk to come....also, must drink green papaya with fish head/pork bones soup... will increase milk supply..

My ger 1st few days din get much milk to drink oso...then kept crying cos she's hungry....I oso very heart pain...

Dun give up, ur milk will come one... n practise make perfect :)
Engravedx, don't give up. I also same like you. Doc say different people different milk supply and production, the milk will come eventually. I also v sian last few days cos only few drops of bf and baby wakes up every hour to bf cos not enough. Already three nights no sleep due to this. Today after see doc I feel so much better. Your problem is common to some. Just wait and it will come.
Amazing pig today I went back to pediatrician and gynae today and baby gained only 100g after one week. I was told if my milk flow is low to supplement with more fm. Now I should step up to 60ml of milk. Meanwhile to keep milk supply and to stimulate milk supply, latch or pump every three hours. To increase supply, doc gave me domperidone.

We must keep on perservere on the bf. Don't give up !
Ur pd give you medicine for increase milk supply? Review after you have taken it.


Can check with Gynea to increase milk too, heard that medical to increase milk work very well... Heard frm my fren...


I'm not giving up. Just now about 1.15pm tried latching her on and she did quite a good job on my right breast. I think I latched her on too long and she didn't want anymore on my left. So hubby coax her to sleep while I rested too. During this time, changed her diaper 3 times continuously. First she pee when I breastfeed her, kept on crying. I felt the dampness on the blanket wrapped arnd her cos my maid did not put the diapers on her properly *angry*. Changed for her and less than 5 mins, could smell her poop already. Asked hubby to check and she did poop a little. He didnt want to change cos it's just a little and she was falling aslp alr, and I was like wth, dirty must change lah. Dont need save cost de lor this kind of things.. So he changed her diaper. I ask him to pass her to me (i was lying on bed) and when I carried her, I heard the sounds of pooping again. HAHAHA. Told him to go and change her AGAIN. Then I coaxed her to sleep and I fell asleep also with her on my chest. Lololol.

Going to wake her up to try and latch on again. Hubby just went to sleep so I got to do it myself. Hope she will be a good girl..

Btw, for the massage u do before breastfeeding, do you do for both sides before starting to breastfeed or do for one side first? Cos I do for one side first (as there will be milk coming out and might dry up there) but when I want to change side, I need to massage the other breast again and she will start crying..