EDD June 2012 Mummies


Congrats to eve34... Actually natural birth is better den c sec, heAl faster n there won't b a wound on ur tummy.. Already has d dark line , if + d wound scar more ugly ba.. But is worth it all pain , once u heard d bb cryin when ur bb is pop.. Anw rest well : )

Engrave did u eat alot of those food which can increase milk 1? If yes , u can try to stop for 1 to 2 days den continued.. Cos all ur milk stuck in ur breast , can't cme out le.. If still increasing den will b more painful.. Den mean while express as much as u can lo.. Im doing tis way.. Cos tat time my breast really super pain.. Slp also gt pro. Cannot turn to d side n slp.. Cos will pain..
Thank u. Yes once see bb n hear her crying its really worth it. My hubby was very touched wen bb popped out - firstly cos it's a miracle n secondly he also heart pain I suffer so much pain. ;)


Congrats, should be induce rite, my induce will be next Monday if not sign of labour this few days so going to check this sat 1 last time, will still keep on go walking and climbing stairs hope can labour before Monday...
Thank u. I tried walking n climbing stairs but don think they work on me cos I have no dilation at all wen admitted. ;(


Engravedx, gynae also told me intercourse would help but I'm too tired to move at all loh.haha

Eve,congrats! Did you use epidural?

Amazingpig, I rem my younger bro has the same problem when he was a baby. Can't take milk. Must take soybased formula,not cheap
Thank u... Yes I did. Initially I don want to but after 5 hours I only dilated 3 cm n the back pain was killing me I gave up n asked for epidural. Once they put it on me I told myself I was an idiot to not want to use it in the first place hahaha


Eve- i had the same thoughts lah. FIRST thing i told my hubby after i finished pushing: i dont want second one liao. Hahaha. He just smile and laugh at me.

Well, even if u took epidural, so what? You still got the sensation of pushing bb out right? That's the most amazing part abt giving birth! The epidural is only to relieve your contraction pains only. Anyone who is in labor for 22 hrs and dont take epidural, that one I call superwoman. And we're not superwoman. So it's ok de. Somemore yours is induced labor, more pain involved! So just tell yourself you did a good job! ^^


Snowdoll- haiyo, u dun move lah. Open up ur legs and let your hubby do the job. :X actually no need intercourse. As long as got orgasm shld do the trick. I rly think it works though.. But i dint carry bb till 39 wks so im not sure hw u feel right now. Must be rlyyyy tiring. ><"


eve34:664850 said:
No pain no gain mah :)
Thank u but 23 hours is damn long. But once see bb heart aalso melt so it's worth it la ;)
Ya...23hrs very long time.... mine from 2cm dilated to giving birth abt 6hrs only n the contractions pains made me wanna bang wall n die liao....

But once see baby, every pain all forot liao :)


Its funny how every woman right after giving birth will say ' i dun want another baby' but not long after, we are all ready for a second one:)

I think we women are all very amazing and we deserve a clap on our back :eek:


Thank u. I tried walking n climbing stairs but don think they work on me cos I have no dilation at all wen admitted. ;(
Yeah understand, my #1 also induce when no dilite takes super long hrs , Think mine takes longer time then u, i admit morning 9am to induce and deliver on next day 5pm... After put in medical to induce i keep walking here and there still feel the contraction pain... I pain till got to beg my hubby for epidural... Hope this time don need induce as i don wan epidural... Still keep trying to walk and climb stair as much as i can this few days...


Engravedx: super tired & no mood la. haha. U r right..hard to sleep well these days.

Eve: so u have to wait for epidural to wear off then u push? Omg. U r amazing!:)


Engravedx: super tired & no mood la. haha. U r right..hard to sleep well these days.

Eve: so u have to wait for epidural to wear off then u push? Omg. U r amazing!:)
Ya lor, after I pregnant totally no mood, my hubby wan I don wan... Keep querrel abt this... I super tired... Ytd dream of go labour haha... How I wish is really dream come true... Recently keep feeling got lots of discharge jus like abit abit of discharge or water coming out but no sign hai...


I'm so angry. My maid just cooked meesua with pig liver for me, AND THE PIG LIVER IS STILL BLOODY. Like DAMN obviously bloody! I told her, she still can say "huh? Not yet cooked meh? Go cook longer lor." wth it's so obviously bloody and uncooked, she blind or what?! Now i totally no mood to eat + damn disgusted. Dont dare to eat even though she alr cook longer. In the first place I hate pig liver, still gimme this kind of nonsense. Wth!!!!!

And I ask her to make 60ml formula milk for my bb. Guess what? She put 60ml of milk powder and top up with water. Zzzzz end up I wasted more than 20ml of FM. Idk what she thinking lah. Damn angry!
Jenni - jiayou as long as bb is healthy , no matter is June or July also can .. : )

Engravedx - we stop tat during my 6th or 7th mth.. Nt often .. Mayb jus 1 mth once ba.. His scare too..anw I'm nt into tat so is ok wif me.. Lol

N express more milk slowly slowly will b more 1.. Den ur breast will b soft .. Den won't feel sore.. But once u stop again.. D sore feeling will cme bk.. But nt as pain as previous la.. So no worry.. They say can use cabbage .. But I din use it , my body already very dirty Liao even use herb bath every day also dirty.. So I dun wanna use tis all to make me feel more sticky.. Although it might wrks.. : )
Seems like I more KS, ever since I pregnant, stop all sexual activities, now after giving birth, also nv think of that...
Hi all, I have just delivered at 4.03pm after 22 hours in KKH. Bb is healthy n weights 3.095kg. Now super tired n hungry. It's super painful too. Would have opt for c section if I know it's this pain.
Congrats Eve... ;)
yah, sure tired and hungry..but once see our baby, everything is worth it...
Just back from my bb blood test, her jaundice drop from 15 to 11.
Pd say not enough, her weight is not increasing also, pd suspect she is allegic to milk based formula. Cause she vomit fm after feeding a few times already.
Pd suggest to change to soy based formula.
If her jaundice nt good till next week, have to go for the liver test. :(

Heart pain whenever she went for the blood test.
;( Amazingpig - don't worry lah, she will be ok.
I also cannot take cow milk, since young I took goat milk.
did u ask PD whether she can take goat milk?
i know a mummy whereby her baby doesn't even drink milk, not even goat milk or soya bean.
so the baby has to drink Vit oil everyday.
Amazingpig- the electric ones are soooo exp. my mum got me a batt operated one, but i think it sucks cos i always have milk on my aureola after pumping, and some of the milk will be on the suction part of the pump. Super waste my milk!! Somemore batt one I still got to press the lil button for it to release suction, like almost the same as manual leh. That's why if can, i just express thru hand cos can massage also. V v v pain. I realise I massage too hard, the nurse in kkh told me must massage hard cos no pain no gain. But i read online that supposed to be a gentle massage. Omg now idk whether i tore the tissues inside or not. T.T

I cant latch on my bbgirl. Idk how and she always starts crying terribly. So nw i feed her express breastmilk thru bottle and top up with FM. At least she got that lil bit of nutrients from the breastmilk, better than none at all. :((
Latch on is the best way to clear the blocked milk dust in breasts... ;)
if not express by hand also ok...


Engravedx: super tired & no mood la. haha. U r right..hard to sleep well these days.

Eve: so u have to wait for epidural to wear off then u push? Omg. U r amazing!:)
Yes. I waited till the epidural wore off then push. So painful especially the back
Hi mummieS,
Glad that m0St mummieS here haS already given birth.. aS f0r me, ive juz given birth a week ag0.. SleepleSS night haS already Started.. hehe.. but itS w0rth it.. my baby girl w0nt cry even when itS tyme f0r feeding.. S0 i g0tta f0rce feed her.. & She alS0 difficult t0 burp..
S0me mummieS S0 f0rtunate t0 have CL t0 take care 0f mummieS aS well aS baby..
AS f0r me, g0tta d0 all 0n my 0wn.. MIL cann0t help 0ut.. aSk thingS that im unSure all d0nt n0e d0nt n0e.. haiz...
S0 i try t0 Survive 0n my 0wn.. S0mem0re, i 1St tyme mummy.. S0 al0t thingS d0nt n0e.. lucky hubby Still 0n paternity leave.. hiS the 0ne wh0 help me 0ut.. m0nday he Start w0rk lia0.. really dunn0 h0w.. if hiS n0t ar0und..
Btw, my d0ter haS jaundice when She waS at h0me.. after diScharged fr0m h0Spital.. have lia0.. in h0Spital d0nt have.. when t0 PD t0 check her jaundice level.. itS 10.2.. S0 i Sunbathe her & let her bath the chineSe herbS i buy fr0m SinSeh.. S0 h0pe it will diSappear S00n.. :)


Talking abt paternity leave, is every daddy entitled to that or only based on company? My hubby didnt take paternity leave when I gave birth, he took AL!!


Hi mummieS,
Glad that m0St mummieS here haS already given birth.. aS f0r me, ive juz given birth a week ag0.. SleepleSS night haS already Started.. hehe.. but itS w0rth it.. my baby girl w0nt cry even when itS tyme f0r feeding.. S0 i g0tta f0rce feed her.. & She alS0 difficult t0 burp..
S0me mummieS S0 f0rtunate t0 have CL t0 take care 0f mummieS aS well aS baby..
AS f0r me, g0tta d0 all 0n my 0wn.. MIL cann0t help 0ut.. aSk thingS that im unSure all d0nt n0e d0nt n0e.. haiz...
S0 i try t0 Survive 0n my 0wn.. S0mem0re, i 1St tyme mummy.. S0 al0t thingS d0nt n0e.. lucky hubby Still 0n paternity leave.. hiS the 0ne wh0 help me 0ut.. m0nday he Start w0rk lia0.. really dunn0 h0w.. if hiS n0t ar0und..
Btw, my d0ter haS jaundice when She waS at h0me.. after diScharged fr0m h0Spital.. have lia0.. in h0Spital d0nt have.. when t0 PD t0 check her jaundice level.. itS 10.2.. S0 i Sunbathe her & let her bath the chineSe herbS i buy fr0m SinSeh.. S0 h0pe it will diSappear S00n.. :)
Jiayou! Let all mummies work hard together! I also bath my son on the Chinese herbs for jaundice coz sunbath is too troublesome.