EDD June 2012 Mummies

Mine come with a strap that can strap on the bra and become handsfree. But I nv use. Very troublesome. I rather pump and watch tv.

I pump 5times a day, try to pump 6 times a day so as to achieve supply but very busy.


MAYBE I was using my pump wrongly. Are we supposed to release the suction or just let the nipples be sucked all the way and then maybe release once in awhile? Seriously don't understand how all these breast pumps work. :( Those with duo pumps, you got to hold both the bottles with your hands?


Blackangel - Omg. What is CDA? LOL. I am totally clueless! The hospital didn't tell me anything. I THINK maybe they told my hubby but he probably didn't understand cos he has no clue as well. He left the entire envelope for babybonus in my bag, and I saw it. When he came to hospital to visit me after my delivery (he went home to rest first), I asked him about it and he's like..... "What baby bonus?" ZOMG HAHAHAA.

Anw I haven't even apply for the birth cert. Haven't thought of bb's chinese name yet. *Headache*
Blackangel - Omg. What is CDA? LOL. I am totally clueless! The hospital didn't tell me anything. I THINK maybe they told my hubby but he probably didn't understand cos he has no clue as well. He left the entire envelope for babybonus in my bag, and I saw it. When he came to hospital to visit me after my delivery (he went home to rest first), I asked him about it and he's like..... "What baby bonus?" ZOMG HAHAHAA.

Anw I haven't even apply for the birth cert. Haven't thought of bb's chinese name yet. *Headache*
Hi Engravedx - CDA = Child development account, where you can only open account with OCBC or Standard Chartered.
You put in $ and the govt put in the same as well. The max amt is $6k for first child the govt will put in.
this $ cannot be withdraw out, it is to be used for your children education like infant care, certain jabs and etc.
For example, u put in $1000 then govt will match $1000 at the end of the year, u have up to ya child 6 yrs old to put $6k (but rule is going to change next yr till 12 yrs old)

Baby bonus - is the govt give u $, $4k for first child, will divide equally and bank into ya saving account every 6 months.
When you do admission, ya hospital should gave u all the relevant forms.

As for ya baby birth cert - u have to do it in ICA within 14 calendar days.
later then that, u need to write a letter explaining the delay.
MAYBE I was using my pump wrongly. Are we supposed to release the suction or just let the nipples be sucked all the way and then maybe release once in awhile? Seriously don't understand how all these breast pumps work. :( Those with duo pumps, you got to hold both the bottles with your hands?
You just put ya nipples into the flange and on the pump. Don't on the suction too strong, later u got sore nipples.
normally I pump for about 15 mins then I massage my breast again and pump another 15 mins.


Blackangel- ohhh.. Okok. For CDA i just go ocbc/stanchart then they will know what to do? Any diff between the 2 banks?

Seems like even though on confinement, need to leave the hse very often leh. Lolol. Tmr i still need to bring bb for her jaundice check up as day 7 alr. Wonder how those who dont bathe can bear to go out lidat. ><" i sweat alot! Trying to minimize my bathing to once in 2 days. If not i rly feel like bathing every single day!!

Dreamalyn- normal papaya will do? I ask my mum go buy the ingredients and try to cook! Haha.

Any of you drinking bird nest and chicken essence? Idk if can start to drink alr anot. My fren told me 2 wks later then start birdnest. But i take one btl of chicken essence, fish essence and bird nest every morning. Birdnest is my mum ask me to take. The essence is my mil and mum's colleague both tell me to drink. I hate the essence, taste like oil. Omg. But i will take the bird nest last to remove the taste. Lolol.
Blackangel- ohhh.. Okok. For CDA i just go ocbc/stanchart then they will know what to do? Any diff between the 2 banks?

Seems like even though on confinement, need to leave the hse very often leh. Lolol. Tmr i still need to bring bb for her jaundice check up as day 7 alr. Wonder how those who dont bathe can bear to go out lidat. ><" i sweat alot! Trying to minimize my bathing to once in 2 days. If not i rly feel like bathing every single day!!

Dreamalyn- normal papaya will do? I ask my mum go buy the ingredients and try to cook! Haha.

Any of you drinking bird nest and chicken essence? Idk if can start to drink alr anot. My fren told me 2 wks later then start birdnest. But i take one btl of chicken essence, fish essence and bird nest every morning. Birdnest is my mum ask me to take. The essence is my mil and mum's colleague both tell me to drink. I hate the essence, taste like oil. Omg. But i will take the bird nest last to remove the taste. Lolol.
I did all my application in hospital - one stop service. But I know u can just go to either bank. We pick ocbc because they are local bank plus their cash deposit machine more easily available for us to deposit $ in. ;)

And yes - I'm drinking bird nest and chicken essence everyday... ;)
I cannot tahan chicken essence taste so nv drink. But can drink in the morning.

Engraved, must go settle your child name first then u get the birth cert and Ic then go ocbc settle the CDA account. My husband took 2 days to finish the documentation.
The queue for the birth cert already took 5 hrs to complete. He go in the morning, he say a lot of ppl queuing for Ic. So very long.


Blackangel- i've alr been discharged from hospital. And they dint tell me i can apply all those in hospital, except for the BC within 14 days. :( well, anw since i stay in pasir ris, going ica will be much more nearer than KKH. And i can go to ocbc at white sands. Haha..

And how about baby passport? Anyone know when can start applying? Cos my passport expiration date nearing (in oct). Wanna do tgt with bb's one. If can, when i apply bc do all together even better. Lol..


Amazingpig- omg 5 hours is crazily long! Can watch finish 5 episodes of drama. Haha!! Dont need bring bb along to do bc right? Just the documents will do? Actually can go back hospital to apply right.. Shld be faster? Hmm... But kkh further than ica for me. :((
Hospital charge a few bucks more. And Lavender is nearer to my house then mount A so he go ica do after getting the shifu to calculate the name. Bb can don go. That time my husband alone go. But you must sign on the form. Documents must be in place.

Passport can don do lah if you not intending to travel. Do passport need money Leh.


Amazingpig- hmm.. But bb apply passport can last like 5 or 10 yrs right? Cos i wanna extend my own passport expiry date. Thought of doing tgt then dunid to keep thinking bb passport when expire cos same date. Haha. Maybe i wait till 26 aug to do, cos my hubby's passport expire that date. Easier to rmb if all same!! Lol! But diff year only. :X

The shifu calculate bb name for u, did u like the name? How much did it cost? I still cant decide on my bb's chinese name. My mil did give me a list, the names sound ok but idk the meanings. I wanna ask my dad to give me suggestions, as my dad is a chinese teacher. But i dowan later my in laws "jealous" and will end up causing an "invisible emotional barrier" between my families. Sigh ~~ nice names easy to think, meaningful names hardddd. ><"
I don know the queue for passport and Ic is it the same.
my passport also expired already, bu I nv renew coz not intending to travel already in short term.

I think name ask ur in law better coz follow their surname mah. Ask them whether they got any rules to follow. Eg 2nd character to be the same with fellow cousin.
the cost for calculation of name I think 68 or 88. I forget already.
initially wanted to go you long zi, but too expensive so I go the one at aljunied.
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Ya.. I called mcys. Cda must do in hospital or ica. Good ma like that. Got excuse to go out. Haha. Confinement I went out many times liao. Bathed thrice with washing hair also. If not really go into depression.


I also take 2 chicken essence every morning. Wonder why drink so long haven finish the boxes. Still have 2 more box! Grr. Heard from my Malay massage auntie that bird nest is cooling. So she advised not to drink after birth.
Mrs Wang, I bath 4 times already. First time with da feng ai, the rest is just heater. Very troublesome to cook the da feng every time I go out I must bath, if not the oily scalp is disgusting.
i also start drinking water already. Very thirsty. The red date tea is so sweet that make me so thirsty.
6 more days to full month.

Blackangel, have you decided on the full month thing for ur bb?


Amazingpig- My girl's the first of her generation. Lol. I think my MIL alr starting to get jealous. Cos they are the "nan fang" side mah, and my bbgirl is her first granddaughter, yet stay at my mum's house. She keep on calling me and coming to my house to see bbgirl. Haiyo.. I told my hubby, cos she is somehow disturbing my rest, calling me just to check if I have eaten and whether I feel okay. All these things are not even important things, can just sms, no need call mah. Hais. Hubby said he will tell her to stop, but I'm like, DON'T... Scared cause some misunderstanding between us and become very awkward. For name wise, she actually gave me a suggestion, and said she think of this name becos "EASY TO WRITE", not so much strokes. Cos my hubby chinese name quite alot of strokes and I did mention before to her. Sian. I hear this kind of reason I really sian. LOL.

MrsWang- You mean hospital or bank bah?? Why CDA do at ICA? o_O" Your confinement you go out many times to where? I also feel like going out. But my wounds still hurt. Is it suppose to still hurt at day 6? I feel kinda sore and sometimes the pain stings.. Scared infection though I do clean it up well (you can never be too sure), BUT I DON'T DARE TO CHECK. I damn freaking scared to take a mirror to see down there, scared to see the stitches. Thinking about it alr give me goosebumps. Hahha!! Or maybe becos I never took the painkillers at all.. Not even paracetamol. :\

I really peifu you lah. Bathe so little times only. I can't stand it. I sleep in aircon room, i blow fan, i bathe and wash hair, i rinse my privates after doing business with normal shower hose water (obv will cause my legs to be wet as well).. In all, I'm just doing everything like I normally do. Except my mum makes me wear slippers at home. Haha.
Mrs Wang, I bath 4 times already. First time with da feng ai, the rest is just heater. Very troublesome to cook the da feng every time I go out I must bath, if not the oily scalp is disgusting.
i also start drinking water already. Very thirsty. The red date tea is so sweet that make me so thirsty.
6 more days to full month.

Blackangel, have you decided on the full month thing for ur bb?
Amazingpig - yup! My gal full month is this coming Sat, initially wanted next sat but old ppl said girl full month must be earlier than actual date. I don't know the reason but thinking do it before confinement ends is good so CL can clean up the place.
the full month bash I do it at my own house, ordered Neo gardens for catering and also ordered cup cakes & ang ku kueh from sweetest moments. Red eggs wise, CL said she can handle.
total cost for now about $1k plus.

Initially was thinking of doing it outside, like winebos but they nv reply me.
plus I got no car, troublesome lah.

U? How's the preparation?