EDD June 2012 Mummies


Amazing pig- they have different price.. Cheapest is $7.80 3 choice like marble cake , banana cake , choc cake.. Others will b walnut cake 8.8 .. Fruit cake $9.80.. Without ang gu kue.. N red eggs.. Buy $200 n above get 10% off..

Any mummy still have d mense? Currently I find weird is my actually like stop lo, but when I sit too long , it comes bk again..

I did nt wear bra n place d breast pad on my shirt.. Den some hw go toilet when nid bend dwn , den find tat it drip on d floor.. few drop.. Den I can't bend dwn ma ,so waiting for my hubby to mop d floor when his doinhse cleanin.. Den he ask y my toilet gt white dots on d floor.. Lol.. But some time I try to wear bk my bra .. Scare later lao lao.. Lol
Amazing pig- they have different price.. Cheapest is $7.80 3 choice like marble cake , banana cake , choc cake.. Others will b walnut cake 8.8 .. Fruit cake $9.80.. Without ang gu kue.. N red eggs.. Buy $200 n above get 10% off..

Any mummy still have d mense? Currently I find weird is my actually like stop lo, but when I sit too long , it comes bk again..

I did nt wear bra n place d breast pad on my shirt.. Den some hw go toilet when nid bend dwn , den find tat it drip on d floor.. few drop.. Den I can't bend dwn ma ,so waiting for my hubby to mop d floor when his doinhse cleanin.. Den he ask y my toilet gt white dots on d floor.. Lol.. But some time I try to wear bk my bra .. Scare later lao lao.. Lol
Actually my menses stop at my 10th day but because I massage, my menses came back but not heavy flow...


Mrs Wang and black angel, is your massage lady good? I still shopping for one. Me c sec so after confinement than do. Can pm her name contact and rates?
Mrs Wang and black angel, is your massage lady good? I still shopping for one. Me c sec so after confinement than do. Can pm her name contact and rates?
Hi Catflying - to me she's not bad lah, $40 per session, 1hr session. U can tell her how many sessions u want, I took 7 sessions though.
Will PM u her contacts in a while.
By the way, c-sec must see whether ya wound still pain and etc before she agrees to do massage for u...


MrsWang- I GOT THE SAME THOUGHTS AS YOU! Lololol!!! Later hubby just squeeze the boobs abit, the milk leak out, i think i will LAUGH. Hahahah!!!


Joey- today my 6th day, the flow alr slow down. When I go and pee, can see the colour of pee alr. Then the pad will only have a slight red stain. But will have one clot of blood almost all the time i go pee. Dunno issit ok anot...


I 28th day still got menses leh....

I oso LL have to wear bra n put disposable breast pads....sometimes I dun want to wear bra end up have to change my top oso....dun like the feeling of 2 damp patches on my clothing...:eek:


MrsWang & Blackangel- wow $40 per session like not bad leh. What it includes? My tummy freaking flabby, and I'm alr fat before preggy. Give birth liao tummy still look 6 mths preggy. Hais. Actually didnt want to do massage de. But becos my back and pelvic bones aching super badly, i cant really move cos the bones like "locked". Dunno whether massage can relieve the tension anot..


It's quite cheap as compared to other massages. And it will help in your breastfeeding as well because it helps to clear ducts and engorgement.

I still have menses also. But lil flow. Yellow and brown discharge liao.

My mom called me today and told me specifically not to resume bed activities first. Haha. Of coz won't la. Haven heal yet..
It's quite cheap as compared to other massages. And it will help in your breastfeeding as well because it helps to clear ducts and engorgement.

I still have menses also. But lil flow. Yellow and brown discharge liao.

My mom called me today and told me specifically not to resume bed activities first. Haha. Of coz won't la. Haven heal yet..
MrsWang - ya mum so funny loh...Ahahaha..
anyway although no pain but the thought of resuming bed activities, I a little phobia leh...
what if I tear my stitches??? Haha


My mense actually consider stop le.. If I always rest n stay on bed, I wont have any mense.. But once I kip sitting n do Hse wrk.. My mense will cme bk.. Although nt heavy flow.. Den nxt day b cme stop again..

Lol , I nvr tot of resume of bed activites wif him.. Mayb is b cos he neglect me ba.. That's y totally no feeling lo.. Even heal Liao also won't ba.. Hart dead Liao...


Did any mummy feels like end d confinement early? I kinda feel like end my confinement early.. Cos I tin seen my bk already so painful once I sit too long.. So can consider as future sure pain till die. So must well end .. Den at lease I will feel better..


Me! I keep on have the urge to go out for shopping. Stay at home v boring plus stupid weather make it worse. The only ailment I suffer is backache. Donna is it carry baby too much for breast feeding or bend a lot.i this backache v stick for life.

Black angel and mrs Wang, ur massage lady v cheap. Is it jamu massage plus binding?


Yup. For the binding, it will put jamu first den bind. Den massage will use hot stone also.

I also want end early. But still have so many martell waiting for me. Lol. Now it's only the food. I bath once in 2 days.
Yup. For the binding, it will put jamu first den bind. Den massage will use hot stone also.

I also want end early. But still have so many martell waiting for me. Lol. Now it's only the food. I bath once in 2 days.
Hahaha..I totally don't wish to touch on any DOM or Martell or Ginger wine..
although CL claimed that she will put a bit in my food.
anyway, I read alcohol will reduce milk supply so I very concerned.


I'm so angry right now. -.-" Bb last feed was at about 5pm. She woke up at abt 830pm but not crying. Since alr 3 half hrs, i decided to take my refrigerated 2 oz express breastmilk for her to drink. I did test to see if she is hungry by putting finger to her mouth and she did suckle. I fed her and she only managed to drink 10ml. Nvm, i put her back into cot let her rest awhile first. Abt 915 or 930pm, I try to feed her again. My mum say she help me, ok fine i let her feed. She feed her for quite long and bb mouth got suckle movements, but the milk volume nv seem to go down at all. Mum say teat hole too small, ok fine I get another teat for her. Still continue feed, but volume like nv go down. Mum straight away say me, if bb nv wake up and cry then no need to feed her. Zzz. Her last feed so long ago, plus i did test to see if she hungry, then my fault that she suddenly not interested to drink?? Feed till abt 1020pm, on and off. Finally decide maybe she had enough. The milk left abt 10-20ml. My mum say throw away. I left it on the table, didnt throw cos can still keep awhile more since i took out from fridge and also didnt warm it. After change her diapers, GUESS WHAT? She start crying for milk. Good! Ask me throw away my breastmilk then less than 10mins later she is hungry! AND MY MAID WENT TO THROW MY MILK AWAY ALR. Have to top up formula milk in the end! So damn pissed off!!!!!!!!!!