EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Urghhhh typed a long story n then all gone cos my thumb accidentally pressed on a link..
Thanks all for e well wishes ;) anw here's my birth story..

In my earlier post I said I had a bloody show on sat 9am, went to see gynae at 11 n was told 1cm dilated.. But since no pain go home wait n see. REAL contraction pain starts at 7pm... (I say REAL cos contractions r painful!!!!) but it was like 30 mins interval the 11pm it was 15mins 1am 10 mins n by 2am it was 5 mins.. Initially I wanted to wait awhile cos the pain was still bearable...but then I was worried that if it gets to painful I might hv difficulties walking... So by 230am hubby n I left the Hse.

Upon reaching TMC I was e 1st patient... Nurses kept askin me to to epi but I din want cos I wanted to give it a try... Was on CTG machine n nurses said my contractions were very sharp although I was only. 1.5cm dilated.... By 330am more patients came in, all wanted epi.. N hubby n e nurses asked if I really don't want epi.. NO I said. Cos the pain was bearable.. 530am gynae came over to chk on me cos she had another patient on emergency c sect... Said since I m not takin epi the take a jab on e thigh. So I agree... Felt drowsy after that but cos still feel the contractions... Was 3cm dilated n doc burst my water bag. Was put of drip to induce baby. 630 pain was more tense although I cld still bear it (using mrs Wong deep breathing technique) then hubby warn if i really can't stand better take epi close doesn't want me to suffer. Nurse came in,I was 5cm dilated... Told me now just the start of e pain... It willb triple....

Was still asking hubby to playscissorpaperstone with me cos I really dunno if i shld tk e jab. I know now can tahan... But 3X e pain.... I m not sure....plus I was shaking uncontrollably (not becos i was cold... I also dunno y) so was worried if I decides to take e jab n I shake more will b too dangerous....

So finally at 645 took e jab. It was not painful.. Seriously it only took less than 2mins? Was super drowsy after tat... Legs bait numb but I cld still the contractions.. Slept awhile 930 was 8-9 cm dilated. 1050am was 10cm dilated n e pushing starts... N that was e most tiring part... At one moment I nearly wanted to laugh cos hubby was also "pushin" with me n making e shitting constipated sound... Also vomited in e midst of pushing... Anw.. 1156 baby finally came out!!! Poooof...... By e time baby was out I was already breathless.. Gynae was sewing n stitching... Which I tot had I bear e pain of e contractions... I may not get thru e pain of e stitching... Cos even with e numbness I felt each n every stitch n pull..... So u gals might wanna consider this...

Baby is doing gd n well.. Suckling well but no milk.. Been feeling drowsy but having got chance to rest well with visitors n nurses comin in every hour for blood pressure chk n breast feeding... So tired... No appetite also.. Puke out my lunch n tea... But dinner was a bit better... Hmm e food not very nice Le... But one thing for sure I think e service in TMC is awesome... Nurses r all very nice helpful n friendly ;)

Oh btw pls dun listen to those old wives tale wat drink chicken essence before delivering.. I did just that cos my mum kept saying must drink to boast energy... End up nurse say it not gd cos increase e baby's heartbeat....

Ok very tired....
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wow Piglim, what a story! you're so brave for trying so hard without epi. Congrats for making it through, and that everything went well :) So happy for you. How's the little one? CONGRATS once again!!


Hey Lingz and Kary! My tummy also started itching since start of last week.. keep wondering if its my clothes or if i have any allergy.. I guess its the rapid stretching of my tummy.. put bio oil still no use.. yesterday gotta sleep with the itch, woke up scratching too.. worried it'll trigger more stretchmarks! Sigh, my stretch marks have grown and multiplied! :( Anyone got any remedy for itchy tummies? haha

Kary - Hi^5! Afew more weeks to go for us! My next gynae appt is on tues! Shall see how it goes! Will be doing the swab test too..

Piglim- Wow your story is really detailed! Glad that both baby & you are fine! You've made it!! Proud of ya! Childbirth is surely not easy!


Piglim wow!! U r really brave and with real good will power... After reading your story, and that too soo many hours of contractions I'm thinking even I should go ahead without epi. But have very low tolerance for pain.. I hope by the time my baby plans on coming out I'm highly motivated to go without epi..

Meltie - yayy :) I hav my next appt at 37 weeks.. Did the swab test last week and everything was negative :)


Active Member
Piglim wow! *salutes* n congrats once again!! Isnt it a delight to hv the precious one in your arms? :) happy motherhood!! Share pics too~ ^^

I miss the feeling of being pregnant, w bb kicking inside!! But no I won't turn back time, madly in love w my precious one although she turned me into nothing more than a feeding machine.. Haha...


in hospital now, bled 4:30 and 4cm dilated, waiting for doctor to arrive to decide whether can give birth now or not... dont have major contraction but then agian my 3rd so idk :p


lizzy2101:685455 said:
in hospital now, bled 4:30 and 4cm dilated, waiting for doctor to arrive to decide whether can give birth now or not... dont have major contraction but then agian my 3rd so idk :p
Wow lizzy! Issit yr turn now? But I remember u are due slightly later than me.. And I'm just past 37 weeks.. Mayb cos it's ur 3rd? Jia you jia you! :D


Lingz12:685456 said:
lizzy2101:685455 said:
in hospital now, bled 4:30 and 4cm dilated, waiting for doctor to arrive to decide whether can give birth now or not... dont have major contraction but then agian my 3rd so idk :p
Wow lizzy! Issit yr turn now? But I remember u are due slightly later than me.. And I'm just past 37 weeks.. Mayb cos it's ur 3rd? Jia you jia you! :D
yeah nurse said early cos my 3rd baby, waiting for doctor now to confirm but my mucus plug already came out...


doctor arrived, said im dilated enough to give birth but im havin no contraction so ask me to stay in hospital to monitor me, gave me steroid jab for the baby too.


Active Member
Jiayou lizzy!! Wish u smooth delivery!!!

Wow this thread is getting really exciting!! Many more birth stories coming soon~ :D


felicity:685485 said:
Jiayou lizzy!! Wish u smooth delivery!!!

Wow this thread is getting really exciting!! Many more birth stories coming soon~ :D
well im not giving birth today, i need the steroid to effect till tomorrow so baby no need to incubate. so tom need to induce after 8am cos csnnot discharge me anymore im already 5cm dilated ;-P


Juan:685483 said:
Jia you Lizzy, I remember your due date is 26/27 Sept? I am 28 Sept.
yeah juan sept 27 :D but my mucus plug already burst, good thing water havent so can still have steroid for baby too boost his development. no wonder i cleaned the house up side down was my nesting time :D
Mamadino! I'm the same as you!! Hahaha! Just went for scan today and baby is 2,5kg at week 35. And she was 2.3kg two weeks ago too. And my weight gain is about the same as yours. :) when is your due date?

waw.. you guys really have a good baby weight.. mine only 2.1kg on 33wks 6d.. doc still say normal, now i'm quite worried she will be too small.. but on the other thoughts, smaller one easier to deliver, since i'm not so big size myself..
Piglim.. congrats on your bundle of joy!! You were pusing for more than half n hour?! gosh, that sounds so tough..

lizzy, jia you!!! keep relax and rest well there to prepare yourself for the big day.. hahahaa.. it sounds like gonna be a fast delivery for you since you're already 5mc dilated..

so excited to hear one by one giving birth.. :)

felicity, wahh your milk supply i think really good.. i'm so worried about my milk supply, while others already leaking colostrum, i still have none!! sighz.. hopefully i can stop worrying about this, wanna keep trying to have a positive mind..


meltie:685330 said:
Congrats Piglim!!! Rest well! Share with us when you've settled down!! :) So exciting!

My EDD is 24th Sept and i'm already starting to feel some contractions..! Still not very sure if the tightness are contractions, but it has been bothering me.. haha
Hi meltie.. my edd 26 sept.. i hav some feeling of tightness at my lower ab n sometimes stretched to my pelvis area.. maybe its just our body getting ready?


Active Member
Piglim.. congrats on your bundle of joy!! You were pusing for more than half n hour?! gosh, that sounds so tough..

lizzy, jia you!!! keep relax and rest well there to prepare yourself for the big day.. hahahaa.. it sounds like gonna be a fast delivery for you since you're already 5mc dilated..

so excited to hear one by one giving birth.. :)

felicity, wahh your milk supply i think really good.. i'm so worried about my milk supply, while others already leaking colostrum, i still have none!! sighz.. hopefully i can stop worrying about this, wanna keep trying to have a positive mind..
Don't worry!! I hv no colostrum even one day after delivery... Only kicks in on the second day.. From then on the flow is there.. Just try to let bb suckle n suckle.. That's wat everyone tells me! Now bb loves suckling so much... Like an addict ><

Yea lizzy, all the best n smooth delivery tmr!! Bb will be here soon~ r ur 2 elder children excited?