Tips for you..

Sad 33

Menses not yet come after 4 days of medicines and I have migraine first time ever in my life. The migraines last for 4 days le. Went to see Dr Su again. Shme say the medicine she gave me is very heaty this cause migraines. She listen to my pulse, say I not preggy. Likely is my menses just stuck inside cannot come out. Another 4 days of very "pu" medicine. Pray that I wun get headache again... =.= well I did ask her, if headache, can I take western medicine for headache. She say ok to go ahead. Haiz.. 空欢戏一场!
Hi Karennsh,
think of it that u are pu-ing your body now so that baby will have a better environment when it comes along... :)
after pu-ing i think yr body will be more ready for pregnancy?
try to drink more water to counter the heatiness inside your body too!

Hi crystalpink,
i can't help u cos i nvr been to Dr Su before...u got to wait for others' replies. :D


New Member
Hi zaclin29

Im new here. Will see dr su soon after conceiving for 4 months. Having irregular menses.
You were saying you tested positive after 2 months of dr su med as ur hb is not are for the 1st month.
so did ur husband took the month of med while he was a month away?? Cos my hb Oslo away for a month plus. I will see dr su myself first as Chinese med takes time rite?


New Member
Hi Zaclin,
I'm new here, but i've been reading all the story.
I'm quite inspired b
y all the sharing abt Dr Su. I didnt notice that Dr Su is reali that good until i saw this forum.
I've visting Dr Su for 2 time which start early jul, it was recommended by my sister, she often visit her to tiao her body. Therefore, she ask me along to tiao body since i have intention to get pregnant.
i hope i can
share my success story too.
i've been tr
ying for 10mths, before i visited Dr Su, i visited another Sinseh at china town.She quite famous also but abit expensive and need to boil medicine. I find it quite troublesome then i stop to visit.
After i saw Dr Su 1st time, m
y husband and i quite comfortable with her.
So far, she said both of us quite eas
y to tiao, not much problem, just need to bu bu.
Last time, i used to drink fruit juice and Liang Cha ever
yday, but Dr Su said this two drink are prohibited if those who wan to pregnant cos too liang for women.
i'm going to visit her for m
y 3rd this sat.
Good Luck for all....



New Member
Hi Ladies, I did a test this morning and it's positive! Oh! So Dr Su medicine is really good! We ttc for 6 months before visit Dr Su, and yay! After a mth of medicine, no tea, no cold drinks. I got it! Now I gonna do research on which gynea to visit for scan! All the best to all who are trying! Baby dust~~


New Member
I'm so sad... I have been trying to use the OPK and it keeps showing -ve.. My sister try for 3 months then now she is pregnant.. :-(
I feel quite "jue wang" le.. plus recently I don't even want to seduce him cause whenever I do, he reject me :-(
I bought the lubricant was thinking of using but I really have no idea when he wants to do it with me... sigh... now is depend on God le...

I am currently seeing TCM doctor in Zhong Hua Medical Centre... I think maybe I should really go and see Dr. Su... But the thought of keep drinking medicine has make me really really tired and scared le...hmm...


New Member
lavendarbluez: do try to go Dr Su. initially i oso very sian to see her especially when i stay at pasir ris and the clinic at bukit batok. but u see after 1 mth of medicines and trying, i got it! please dun feel jue wang! u will get it de! baby dust to u!~~~


New Member
Hi lavendarbluez,
dont feel 'Jue Wang, always remember " many life's failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they give up"
Continue Jia you every month.

Sad 33

Hi Ladies, I did a test this morning and it's positive! Oh! So Dr Su medicine is really good! We ttc for 6 months before visit Dr Su, and yay! After a mth of medicine, no tea, no cold drinks. I got it! Now I gonna do research on which gynea to visit for scan! All the best to all who are trying! Baby dust~~
Congrats Karennsh! Have a happy and blessed pregnancy!

Sad 33

I'm so sad... I have been trying to use the OPK and it keeps showing -ve.. My sister try for 3 months then now she is pregnant.. :-(
I feel quite "jue wang" le.. plus recently I don't even want to seduce him cause whenever I do, he reject me :-(
I bought the lubricant was thinking of using but I really have no idea when he wants to do it with me... sigh... now is depend on God le...

I am currently seeing TCM doctor in Zhong Hua Medical Centre... I think maybe I should really go and see Dr. Su... But the thought of keep drinking medicine has make me really really tired and scared le...hmm...
Hi Lavendarbluez,
I understd what it is like everyone beside myself is pregnant.... just hang on there and u will if u want to.

Ooh...sounds like your hubby is not aligned to your baby making mission? I think u need to talk to him really....
P:S ovulation is very impt for baby making as the success rate is higher then so both of u need to put in effort during that period of time.


New Member
Hi ladies,

Can share with me the contact of Dr Su ?

Here's the address and contact no.

Fu Nan Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre
Blk 152 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 St.11 #01-266.
Tel : 6896 1618
Physician Su

Operating hours:
Mon: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Tue: 8.30am - 12pm
Wed: 8.30am - 12pm
Thu: Closed
Fri: 8.30am - 12pm / 6-9pm
Sat: 1.30pm - 5pm
Sun: 8.30am - 1Pm


New Member
Hi Lavendarbluez, I understd what it is like everyone beside myself is pregnant.... just hang on there and you will if you want to_Ooh...sounds like your hubby is not aligned to your baby making mission? I think you need to talk to him really.... P:S ovulation is very impt for baby making as the success rate is higher then so both of you need to put in effort during that period of time.
Well, and stress is he never like me eating medication. But sometimes u need to prepared before conceiving especially when I have two miscarriag and have undergo operation as I have been detected stage 1 pre cancerois for cervical cancer. Then now am better I just want to try again. I try to say until I give up. All he say is say he tired la, busy la. Sigh... but I did highloght say if really really I have positive for ovulation strip, he no matter must do lor.


Hi zaclin29

Im new here. Will see dr su soon after conceiving for 4 months. Having irregular menses.
You were saying you tested positive after 2 months of dr su med as ur hb is not are for the 1st month.
so did ur husband took the month of med while he was a month away?? Cos my hb Oslo away for a month plus. I will see dr su myself first as Chinese med takes time rite?
Hi Jaslaw,

Yes my hubby still took the med when he was away.... We went to see Dr Su before he left...
Yup the med will take time to take effect..

Good luck to u!


Hi Zaclin,
I'm new here, but i've been reading all the story.
I'm quite inspired b
y all the sharing abt Dr Su. I didnt notice that Dr Su is reali that good until i saw this forum.
I've visting Dr Su for 2 time which start early jul, it was recommended by my sister, she often visit her to tiao her body. Therefore, she ask me along to tiao body since i have intention to get pregnant.
i hope i can
share my success story too.
i've been tr
ying for 10mths, before i visited Dr Su, i visited another Sinseh at china town.She quite famous also but abit expensive and need to boil medicine. I find it quite troublesome then i stop to visit.
After i saw Dr Su 1st time, m
y husband and i quite comfortable with her.
So far, she said both of us quite eas
y to tiao, not much problem, just need to bu bu.
Last time, i used to drink fruit juice and Liang Cha ever
yday, but Dr Su said this two drink are prohibited if those who wan to pregnant cos too liang for women.
i'm going to visit her for m
y 3rd this sat.
Good Luck for all....

Hi Grace77

good to hear that Dr Su said u and hubby do not have much problem...
my fren went and Dr Su said the same thing and she conceived within the 1st mth...
I hope urs will be that fast too!
Good luck and keep us updated!


Hi Ladies, I did a test this morning and it's positive! Oh! So Dr Su medicine is really good! We ttc for 6 months before visit Dr Su, and yay! After a mth of medicine, no tea, no cold drinks. I got it! Now I gonna do research on which gynea to visit for scan! All the best to all who are trying! Baby dust~~
Ohh mmyy! So happy for u karennsh!!!
Pls do take care of urself and continue to visit Dr Su during these critical period ok especially u have spotting in the beginning...
All the best in yr pregnancy.... :)


I'm so sad... I have been trying to use the OPK and it keeps showing -ve.. My sister try for 3 months then now she is pregnant.. :-(
I feel quite "jue wang" le.. plus recently I don't even want to seduce him cause whenever I do, he reject me :-(
I bought the lubricant was thinking of using but I really have no idea when he wants to do it with me... sigh... now is depend on God le...

I am currently seeing TCM doctor in Zhong Hua Medical Centre... I think maybe I should really go and see Dr. Su... But the thought of keep drinking medicine has make me really really tired and scared le...hmm...
Hi lavendarbluez

no pain no gain!
but u need ur hubby support in this.. otherwise how to BD when the time comes..
I hope he will be as enthusiatic as u to get the work done... :p


Did any of you follow dr Su instruction to drink Dome at night?

Hi micar
Yes i did .. esp the night when i am taking ba zhen ..
Not not so often as it may get alittle heaty..
Did she advise you the same??
Any different u felt after consuming?