EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
lingz no worries, the supplementary system is indeed quite troublesome... but that time i was v desparate so buy because my bb total wont suckle when no milk.. nurse said she too smart, no milk might as well conserve energy.. haha.. jiayou oh!! hope ur milk will come in abundance after bb suckles for so long!

yeoymp congrats!! wow with 2-3 pushes? i pushed for an hr, lost count how many times i pushed.. only rem all energy drained! usually subsequent one should be easier right? :)


yeoymp:693454 said:
hello mummies

i`ve delivered my baby boy safely and naturally this morning.story as below:

water bag burst at 11.10pm last nite. quickly wake my husband and daughter up....call my girl's nanny ask if she can help to take care of my girl. then take a quick shower , send my girl to nanny and head to hospital.

reach kkh at 12plus....go straight to delivery suite. nurse checked was 3cm dilated, mild contraction at that time. 2hours later, checked again still 4cm only.
then the nurse advise me to turn sideway so that can encourage baby head go further down....then the real pain started at 3am.....dilatation suddenly go fast by 4.15am i already got the urge to push but gynae hasn't come yet. so the nurse keep press down my leg when i raise up uncontrollable. finally gynae came after 10mins and with 2, 3 push....my boy is out.
Congrats yeoymp! :D


Rodorsany:693462 said:
Lingz dun let her suckle too long! Take it easy keep latching n pumping to stimulate. U can massage ur breast too :)
Yeah.. I din realise I let her suckle for so long.. haha.. we jia you together on our bf journey la! .D


felicity:693464 said:
lingz no worries, the supplementary system is indeed quite troublesome... but that time i was v desparate so buy because my bb total wont suckle when no milk.. nurse said she too smart, no milk might as well conserve energy.. haha.. jiayou oh!! hope ur milk will come in abundance after bb suckles for so long!
Yeah it did! This morning wen I squeeze, I saw more droplets! So happy! Everyday is an improvement! :)



felicity, ya 2nd 1 definitely faster.....my 1st one also push for an hour.

meltie, my boy weight at 3kg..at 39weeks 2days.

mee212, ya...is really what i say last week when u gave birth. :)

the challenge now is to breastfeed!


New Member
hi mummies...when using a pump to express milk, I read it's recommended to be 15mins on each side. but what if after 15mins, there is still milk coming out, do we continue to pump?

another question on EBM...if after warming the milk and bb can't finish, how long can we keep it in room temperature ah?


hi mummies...when using a pump to express milk, I read it's recommended to be 15mins on each side. but what if after 15mins, there is still milk coming out, do we continue to pump?

another question on EBM...if after warming the milk and bb can't finish, how long can we keep it in room temperature ah?
yeah, you should continue.. the aim is to trick the breast to supply whats on demand ;) room temp ebm last 4 hours, fridge with 4 degree celsius last up to 48 hours, regular freezer 30 days, deep freezing 6 mos, iced pack cooler 48 hours. once thawed must consume within 24 hours...


Hi all,

I am new here and just being a mummy one week ago. Anybody can share with mi on baby's breathing when drinking bottle milk? My baby's breathing is making noise while drink milk. Is this normal?


Active Member
Purpur... Soon!! :D

Hi angpq, saw u gotten the ans in the other thread by jesskoo? My bb makes some wheezing noises when feeding too... But now like gg away le :) That thread also reassured me that it's ok.. I think as long as all the time bb is breathing fine n alert when awake, i shall not be too worried ba...


hmm ive been latching for how many days now and thought my milk would be good enough for feeding and storing but when i pumped this morning (cos i gave bb ebm in bottle) i only pumped 60 ml which was i can pumped 1 week ago.. sigh* im taking lactagreek and the other pill my gynae gave me and been drinking lots of water... seems like im still not producing enough milk :(
Why did your doctor say that after 12 hours of inducing you need to go for c section? So many women say they labor for 24 hours and 30 hours right? I wanna get induced next week, gonna speak to my doctor about it when I go for my next check.

I think because of inducing. Not really recommended to let the baby stay inside for too long because might caused fetal distressed. and the chances of going to c sect also higher rather than having normal labour sympthoms. anyway if until edd still not pop out and doc suggest to induce, i might give in to c sect instead. coz by edd my baby will be more than 3kg alrd.. unlikely i can push her out, esp with induce..


Hi ladies wanna check... My girl keeps crying when sucking right breast.... Left ok.. I wonder y.. Posture ok leh... I tasted e milk same taste leh... (my mil says her 2kids refused one side too coz 1 side salty)..

But pump one she drinks!!! Headache.. She latch n cry like i slaughter her?!!! :eek: can latch 1 side only??? she cry i stressed too...