EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


I just came back from check up.. cervix not dilated, baby also not engaged.. sighz..

She seems to be growing well though, gynae said normal size, but i still think it's on the small size.. measuring 2775gr on 37wk6d. but now, i dont really feel sad or anything even if she is small, healthy can alrd. and my gynae seems happy because the baby not so big, so got higher chance of me doing it naturally..

anyway, i'm more concern of my cervix now.. haihh.. gynae said can wait for the baby to be engaged and cervix to open up until edd, but if until edd still no sign, then can try to induce if i still insist want to try normal, or straight away c sect. but she mentioned induce will have higher risk to have emergency c sect coz she got limit. 12 hours of induce, if no progress then c sect alrd..

i'm thinking to go straight c sect if that's the case.. any opinion?
good to hear, eeney! that all is well, and that your baby is still sub 3kg. I WISH my baby is at that weight too!


Eeneyminey, when they induce it means they will break water bag, if within 12 hours you can push baby out, there would be no water inside so you must c sect Liao....

I'm also in the same boat, I already overdue but my bb still not out so doc make me set a date to induce, afraid bb will eat her own poop.

So i pray hard she come out natural soon.


Just came back from gynae checkup. Glad that he did not check for any cervix dilation. Baby weight somehow remains at 3.1kg, but my weight drops. Gynae just said can be anytime..


Hey mummies, my friend was telling me that to treat sore nipples , we can try using own breastmilk or colostrum apply around the nipple... she said it offered more relief than the creams while felt abit sticky or like not v yummy for baby to latch.. not sure if it works! but do try! I haven't got my tube of lanolin yet!

I'm nervous about this waiting game! :p every kick or major movement, i'll be wondering if its time already.. though i still go around shopping and eating.. still got something at the back of my head ... haha or rather in my tummy waiting like a time bomb! haha let's jiayou together!

I still not sure how my MIL will come to support.. i live in a walkup apartment, and she will need to climb 3 storeys to visit.. she may not want.. and she got some arthritis cannot walk much or carry heavy weight.. sigh i'm still wondering if i should quit after maternity to take care of bb myself.. :p But for now, i think most impt is to deliver first! In my heart i can't wait, but i am so afraid of the pain that's gonna come!! gosh.. really praying for smooth delivery!


Yea treating sore nipples with ur own breast milk is also a good solution... I've read that in a lot of places too..

I can't wait to have this baby... Meltie I'm the same like u, sometimes when I feel extra pressure on my pelvis or my stomach tightening, I keep waitin for it to come again so I can term that as a contraction but it never really comes back...

Can't wait for when I'll be running to hospital and den will update all you girls here that I'm finally in labor.. :)

Eeneyminey ur baby is of nice weight for now... Sigh I don't even know how much my baby weighs, the doctor has stopped measuring.. But from the size of my stomach everyone who has seen me recently says its like a 7th month stomach so I'm sure my baby is gonna be teeny tiny little one..


Just came back from gynae checkup. Glad that he did not check for any cervix dilation. Baby weight somehow remains at 3.1kg, but my weight drops. Gynae just said can be anytime..
Erlina my doctor said the babys measurements dont change too much, only keeps adding fat in the last few weeks... And 3.1 kgs is good weight..


hello all,

it's late, but I can't sleep.

I haven't updated you all that I bought a Medela breastpump yesterday - erm, Thursday evening (those of you considering buying a Medela, should check out http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f81/my-beauty-loft-medela-breastpump-3-10-2012-a-59574/index2.html. I think Ris does shopping sprees or buy a whole lot of Medela breastpumps from the US and sells them here, nothing unusual as many women do that so for e.g. a price of a Medela freestyle pump ranges usually in the S$500 price range, but Ris sells it only for $460! no warranty, but I thought, at that price, it'd be worth a try as it's brand new in box and sealed. her price is probably the most competitive of the lot. even a new non discounted one in the US would be about S$420))

oops, got carried away. anyway, bought and picked up the breast pump from her, and I got it so urgently cos I was sick of waiting for labor, and my gynae has already said that nipple stimulation would help, and I read about breastpump helping to stimulate nipples, so I went to get it.

(and of course I also needed a breast pump sooner or later).

that night, I tried it.. pumped my breasts for about 15 minutes. was a very strange feeling, and I'm not that keen on it. I leaked colostrum!! I was overjoyed (cos I remember reading some of you pre-delivery already leaking colostrum).

that was thursday. on friday afternoon I 'pumped' again, at 3pm, and took a nap. went for a nice dinner with husband, came home and took a shower, and went to bed but my husband walked in and said 'your mucus plug is in the shower. it's really gross' -_- I leapt up and hey it is there!!!! it means my cervix is starting to dilate and thin, I think? :D I was overjoyed. it might mean that the breast pump is working, in that stimulating my nipples does trigger the onset of labor!

and I fell asleep.. but before I did I felt mild tummy cramps, but it was nothing unusual as I've been getting it quite often the past week+, but at about 2am I woke from it again, went to bathroom, cleared bowels.. and now still can't sleep. I think they are cramps, but I shall call them discomfort - they were 'stronger' when I was lying down sideways. since I am too excited to sleep, I got up and thought I should share this with those of you very impatient to deliver! maybe a breast pump would help!

I just hope it's the start of something, even if it takes days...


hello all,

it's late, but I can't sleep.

I haven't updated you all that I bought a Medela breastpump yesterday - erm, Thursday evening (those of you considering buying a Medela, should check out http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f81/my-beauty-loft-medela-breastpump-3-10-2012-a-59574/index2.html. I think Ris does shopping sprees or buy a whole lot of Medela breastpumps from the US and sells them here, nothing unusual as many women do that so for e.g. a price of a Medela freestyle pump ranges usually in the S$500 price range, but Ris sells it only for $460! no warranty, but I thought, at that price, it'd be worth a try as it's brand new in box and sealed. her price is probably the most competitive of the lot. even a new non discounted one in the US would be about S$420))

oops, got carried away. anyway, bought and picked up the breast pump from her, and I got it so urgently cos I was sick of waiting for labor, and my gynae has already said that nipple stimulation would help, and I read about breastpump helping to stimulate nipples, so I went to get it.

(and of course I also needed a breast pump sooner or later).

that night, I tried it.. pumped my breasts for about 15 minutes. was a very strange feeling, and I'm not that keen on it. I leaked colostrum!! I was overjoyed (cos I remember reading some of you pre-delivery already leaking colostrum).

that was thursday. on friday afternoon I 'pumped' again, at 3pm, and took a nap. went for a nice dinner with husband, came home and took a shower, and went to bed but my husband walked in and said 'your mucus plug is in the shower. it's really gross' -_- I leapt up and hey it is there!!!! it means my cervix is starting to dilate and thin, I think? :D I was overjoyed. it might mean that the breast pump is working, in that stimulating my nipples does trigger the onset of labor!

and I fell asleep.. but before I did I felt mild tummy cramps, but it was nothing unusual as I've been getting it quite often the past week+, but at about 2am I woke from it again, went to bathroom, cleared bowels.. and now still can't sleep. I think they are cramps, but I shall call them discomfort - they were 'stronger' when I was lying down sideways. since I am too excited to sleep, I got up and thought I should share this with those of you very impatient to deliver! maybe a breast pump would help!

I just hope it's the start of something, even if it takes days...
Err shouldnt you be in hospital now? I had my mucous plug came out and rushed to hospital, found out im 5cm dilated... Ready your bag just in case you feel strong contraction...


Err shouldnt you be in hospital now? I had my mucous plug came out and rushed to hospital, found out im 5cm dilated... Ready your bag just in case you feel strong contraction...
no leh. I've read and heard from gynae etc that mucous plug doesn't mean anything. some women lose their plug 2 weeks or even longer, before their labor...

I felt crampings again at 3am, 4am..
and at 4.45am, a gush! my water bag broke!

preparing to head to hospital soon, but really, hardly any contractions, so I'll just wait till 6am. some of my friends had this before, water bag broke and they waited a bit before heading in. maybe I'm way too excited - but not feeling much (ok I know I'm so going to regret this later).

yay!! :D :D


no leh. I've read and heard from gynae etc that mucous plug doesn't mean anything. some women lose their plug 2 weeks or even longer, before their labor...

I felt crampings again at 3am, 4am..
and at 4.45am, a gush! my water bag broke!

preparing to head to hospital soon, but really, hardly any contractions, so I'll just wait till 6am. some of my friends had this before, water bag broke and they waited a bit before heading in. maybe I'm way too excited - but not feeling much (ok I know I'm so going to regret this later).

yay!! :D :D
I hope your hospital near to your place, loosing too much water could be dangerous... Have a safe delivery ya! Push push push :Dancing_tongue:


felicity:692839 said:
Eeneyminey I didn't buy any formula b4 delivery also.. In TMC mine is fed w similac so now we hv one small tin of similac as my supply like getting low :( yup like Lingz says I think is $1 per bottle.. Is ready to feed formula mix...

Mrsliaw got a lot of milk is a good thing, so envious now!! There was a short while I had leaking too but these two days suddenly supply hit new low... I get v distressed because of this hv been crying since ytd... :( I know it's not good for milk supply.. But dunno why after latching day n night seems to be lesser n feel v sad abt it as I worry bb doesn't have enough.. Now trying to latch n pump the whole day hoping to increase the supply back..
Relax.. Got drink supplements?? Dun b stress ok! U stress will stress bb one


Piglim:692862 said:
Hi mummies

Can chk with u. Do u let ur baby slp in air con room or with fan on or totally nothing?

When baby was discharged I let him slp with no fan or air con but just recently with e fan on cos baby seems to b sweating.
However everytime I breastfeed him in my air con room he slps better n longer.. (also dunno if becos my king size bed more comfy??) Dunno whether I shld start letting him slp in air con room or not.. Some says no Gd. Some says ok cos hospital also air conditioned...

So confused.
Mine slept with me on fan... Dunno leh my il allow on air con but i try to b more kuai la since both me n bb ok with fan..