EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hey mummies! I just saw my gynae, EDD still 24th Sept. Baby is engaged and low, weighing 3.2kg! Hmm gynae wanted to do vaginal examination, but she asked politely, and i told her i not very keen about that .. can wait.. coz confinement lady not ready yet... sigh can't imagine i'm waiting with all the discomfort coz of confinement lady.. Anyway, next tues is my next appointment if i do not go into labor this week.. My doc says she'll definitely do a cervix check next tuesday and advise if its time to induce.. currently baby size still alright, head circumference is 32cm, still can come out.. phew.. she wish to see me in delivery ward the next time instead of clinic though.. what a scary thought! haha meanwhile just gotta monitor the movements of the bb.. at least 10 times a do is fine....

Jiayou mummies! Let's soldier on every waiting day!


Hi mummies.. Do ur babies regurgitate after feed? Mine does.. But after every feed she gave a loud burp, dunno y still regurgitate.. Sighz..

I have been trying to latch and pump.. This morning latch her for 1.5hrs and managed to satisfy her enuff to miss one formula milk feed.. Super happy.. but after a while she started wailing for more and my "reservoir" couldn't replenish in time for her.. So formula again.. Sad!

Well, at least now I'm pumping more and more.. Got 1.5oz finally after a 45min pumping session.. So excitedly fed bb with the EBM only to have het regurgitate half of it out later.. Argh! Waste my precious milk! :'(


New Member
My bb does that do regardless whether we burp him or not. Seen pd she said its due to weak stomach muscle. Recommended friso comfort or enfalac ar. I need to change bb clothes so many times. Even when we sleep at night I have to arm bb with many handkerchief around his neck! Can't sleep well cos I will check on him whenever he moves or make noise.


YUKIYOYO:694485 said:
My bb does that do regardless whether we burp him or not. Seen pd she said its due to weak stomach muscle. Recommended friso comfort or enfalac ar. I need to change bb clothes so many times. Even when we sleep at night I have to arm bb with many handkerchief around his neck! Can't sleep well cos I will check on him whenever he moves or make noise.
I'm giving her enfalac oredi.. Seen PD yest and he said is normal.. He oso said dun let bb lie down all e time.. I carried her todae and she still does that.. Well PD oso said dun add more milk for her, just feed her more frequently.. Yeah! My CL oso put hanky ard her neck.. And she managed to dirty a lot in one day.. I hope she build up her stomach muscles soon!


Hi mummies.. Do ur babies regurgitate after feed? Mine does.. But after every feed she gave a loud burp, dunno y still regurgitate.. Sighz..

I have been trying to latch and pump.. This morning latch her for 1.5hrs and managed to satisfy her enuff to miss one formula milk feed.. Super happy.. but after a while she started wailing for more and my "reservoir" couldn't replenish in time for her.. So formula again.. Sad!

Well, at least now I'm pumping more and more.. Got 1.5oz finally after a 45min pumping session.. So excitedly fed bb with the EBM only to have het regurgitate half of it out later.. Argh! Waste my precious milk! :'(
my baby doesnt regurgitate much, he's drinking ebm and goat's milk.. Lingz it's better to give baby less breastmilk than give baby all formula ya? im experiencing the same boat as you so dont worry you are not alone. after 30 mins of pumping i cna only get 60ml/2 oz of milk every 4 hours.. my baby drinks 90ml/3 oz every 4 hours so 1oz is fm supplement.. im taking lactagreek,fenugreek and the pill that my gynae gave me to stimulate bm but still my supply isnt that much.

@Karry: why dont you ask dr. Roland for induce? so your waiting game would be over :p


how big was ur baby during ur last check? mine was 2.775kg on last friday, kind of nearing my limit alrd.. my gynae said ard 2.8kg got good chance to try normal, but if more than that or even nearing 3kg, must be prepared for emergency c sect too..

sighz.. i wanna see her so bad but i wont lie that i'm sooooooo scared of being in the delivery room!!
Mine estimates 3.7kg already!!! thats why doc say be prepared it will be PAAAAAINFUL.......................


eeneyminey:694411 said:
Haha... For myself bz with bb n #1. Very tired... Unable to pump every 3 hrs as some times bz taking care bb or spending time with #1.

1 week passed... Milk supply seemed abit stagnant...abt 40~50ml per pump (both sides).. :eek:

Wow.. u seems like have a handful of stuffs to do.. dont give up though and hopefully u dont get too stressed up..

Btw.. any mommies planning to do baby shower alrd? any recommendation on venues or catering etc?

I'm thinking whether to invite those colleagues who's pregnant now or whose wife is pregnant now to the baby shower or not. I actually got pantang, i didnt go to baby shower when i'm pregnant and so far i've missed out like 3-4 baby showers. The thing is, i think my colleagues not the pantang kind. I dont feel like inviting them because i do have this pantang but they gave me presents alrd and i feel bad if i dont invite them..

what to do? give cakes to them is it suffice? Fyi, i also gv them presents for their new baby too.. Will that actually suffice too?

Yeap coz my #1 4yo leh... I also dun wan her to b jealous... I dun hv confinement lady... My mil cooks for me...

Having lack of rest.... Coz i take care of bb too... Plus need to latch bb.. Pump.. Entertainment my #1.. Hopefully wont b too stressed out... Hb only took leave last week... Everyday reach home 8+9.. I lost 8kg le... Though im plus size im also kinda shocked!!

For bb shower im not inviting coll coz too many ppl.... But since they give u gifts u can invite them... Let them decide loh
I'm sooo tired of waiting.. Its getting alot more uncomfortable for me, especially when sleeping and still no signs at all... On Saturday I had pains and cramps in my stomach and was so sure that it was a contraction, and the same thing came back after half an hour or so, and I was like yeayyy finally its gonna be baby time.. But it never ever came back after that lol.

My EDD was initially Sept 24th and now its been changed to Sept 22nd, I thought maybe it means baby will come earlier. But nothing! Sighz... Tomorrow morning is my next gynac appointment :) cant wait, hoping he tells me something that I would like to hear..

I can only imagine how much you are waiting to be on leave, the waiting will seem longer when your at home....

Kary! I know how you feel! I am having so much trouble sleeping too, I'm barely getting any sleep. And I have my next gynae appointment tomorrow too!! But mine is in the afternoon at 2.30pm. :)

In fact, I'm still feeling rather normal, with absolutely no cramps or none of the tiniest symptoms of pre labour yet. I still can go fishing with Hubby, and walk for long hours, and do exercise without feeling tired. My baby girl still does extreme Kungfu inside so I doubt she will come out on the 22nd either.
Im starting my countdown... 10 days or less! If no action by 28 sept, will be induced labour... Meanwhile just nua-ing at home... Not much mood to do anything much... Wanna go out, but dunno go where or do what...
Try going for walks by the beach, heading to a manicure/pedicure, and ask the husband to take you out for a nice buffet or high tea! :)
my walking like pointless too.. i was told my other mummy that her doc said must walk like 3-4 hrs a day. i was like, "no wonder i didnt even dilate!!! my long distance walk is only from cityhall - kallang which cost me like 1.5hrs and i only did it on alternate days. sighz"

my cervix i think really saddening, after VE check didnt even have spotting!! ALL other mummies that i've asked all got spotting one, and mine none!! i think my cervix is still completely shut! sighzzz
I had no spotting either. Cervix is shut tight like a prison gate. :/ Shall see what gynae says tomorrow. Hoping that baby can pick up on her weight. MIL and relatives and friends keep commenting that it's not normal that I've gained only about 8kg when other pregnant women gain 20kg, and it's making me insecure. Roarr. :p
Its so nice to know that I'm not the only one getting impatient with waiting for the baby... I try to walk for like an hour everyday, but on days when I go out shopping, I dont walk cos I feel I did enough of walking in the mall itself. But 3 hours like not at all :( then this little walking is definitely no use. Might as well not walk at all :p Hope atleast the baby can come out fast, if they induce... Though I secretly wanna feel all the drama of the water breaking, or bloody mucus plug or contractions at home itself and then the whole rushing to the hospital :D Cant believe i'm waiting to feel all the pain..
Honestly, I'm not sure if all the walking is effective for everybody. Different body systems I guess? I've tried swimming and light jogging and yoga and still making love with the husband, BUT still zero show. Hahaha!


Active Member
Eeneyminey same la my hubby more interested in diablo then... Tell him help massage like end of the world like that lol...

Meltie, engaged! Sounds quite soon.. But not sure.. Some can be engaged for a week.. Mine on my appt was only almost engaged, 2 days later popped out le...

Lingz my bb doesn't really regurgitate milk... She's super strong until my parents struggle to carry her when she throwing temper... She can kick v hard n twist around v forcefully... When I latch her she even do pushups on my tummy/chest lor when she struggles n push w her hands.. No worries though many bb been thru the regurgitate stage n eventually build v strong stomach muscles ^^

Sapphire wow! Ur bb is growing big!! Mine is v active up till delivery... And now also very active ><

Me also not inviting colleagues except those who have came to visit me or shared pressies for bb... Cos too many ppl. Bb shower will be at home over this coming weekend! Two days affair... Will be so shag~ I worry bb wanna latch nonstop when visitors come!


Active Member
Camcam dun envious, every baby here are/will be adorable and healthy!! :D despite the weight ^^

And weight gain is subjective too... Dun worry!!

I'm pumping milk and back aching from all the latching.. Zzz..
Camcam dun envious, every baby here are/will be adorable and healthy!! :D despite the weight ^^

And weight gain is subjective too... Dun worry!!

I'm pumping milk and back aching from all the latching.. Zzz..
Goodness you seem to be either latching or pumping ALL the time! Respect. :)