EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
Ermm lock the computer? Remove one of the connecting cables n keep? Lol...

My nipples r v sore... I wince n cringe each time she started fussing when trying to latch... Sometimes wonder if she chewing or suckling cos the pain really feel like she's treating the nipple like chewing gum!! Over time within the same latch will get better.. Dunno is get used to the pain or she just suckle gentler..


Hey felicity & eeneyminey, my hubby oso was addicted to Diablo 3, worst of all he's gd at it..achieved level 60 and went back to play again to find stuff n trade.. and his resourcefulness got him a bot to play for him and earn coins while he's not playing.. he programmed it very well until one day abt 2 mths ago, he got banned! Lol! Now the game is just a cd sitting at one corner... but he has moved on to other games like world of tanks and some iphone game.. but at least its not taking up his entire attention from bb n me.. :p he's been more guai cleaning n packing up the house..

Hey felicity, really salute u on latching.. hmm but maybe latching too long may not be healthy for ur nipples? :p have u consulted any breastfeeding consultant? i think thomson medical ctr got breastfeeding hotline right? I rem attending Mrs Wong Boh Boi talk and she mentioned its not advisable if bb treats ur nipple as a pacifier.. :p


Me too.. Initially I dun have a problem latching her.. But ever since yesterday she kept fussing.. And super impatient wen trying to suckle.. Dunno y she suddenly couldn't get a good suction.. As a result she kept punching me and pushing away from my breast while wailing her head off.. Super heartache.. And wen she finally latched after multiple tries, her hands kept sweeping her face and pushing against me, sometimes breaking her own suction and then start wailing again.. But if I swaddle her hands, she gets all cranky.. Argh! I dunno how long I can take this.. Realli feel like giving up and jus do full-time pumping! :(
Me too.. Initially I dun have a problem latching her.. But ever since yesterday she kept fussing.. And super impatient wen trying to suckle.. Dunno y she suddenly couldn't get a good suction.. As a result she kept punching me and pushing away from my breast while wailing her head off.. Super heartache.. And wen she finally latched after multiple tries, her hands kept sweeping her face and pushing against me, sometimes breaking her own suction and then start wailing again.. But if I swaddle her hands, she gets all cranky.. Argh! I dunno how long I can take this.. Realli feel like giving up and jus do full-time pumping! :(

lingz.. pls dun give up just yet. try to engaged a lactation consultant. I know wong boh boi is very very good, you can go to tmc on parentcraft centre to approach her. fee wise i'm not sure. otherwise, other mommies from mt a advised that you can also call their lactation consultant hotline and u can talk to them, even for hours, without pay to get some advice from them. of course if you need hands-on, then you might wanna approach them directly.

if until then still no changes, full time expressing also not so bad. the end product is still ur precious bm.. the nutrients still there. and regarding bonding time etc, dont worry, i know many other mummies who do full time pumping still can bond very well with the baby. and it doesnt mean u dun love the baby as much anyway.. so whatever it is, it wont make u less of a mother..
Can someone pls help me! Im flg very stress nw.. My 14th day old baby has not poop for 4 days nw. I have been directly latching him most of the time. Except in the mornings when the massage lady came to massage me and baby crying for milk, i will ask my mum to give formula. So he is given formula once a day. At nite he will wake up every 1-2 hrs for direct latch. Each feed will last abt 1 hr or more. I didnt do much pumping. So far i pump 3x in a day and all i get at each pump is less than 10ml. I feel super stress cuz the elders telling me tat i gt nt enuf milk for my son. Shld give him formula, plain water etc :(


I went for my gynac appointment Dis morning, and as usual the Doc said the baby is Very happy, deres alot of water inside...

He said to induce at this point of time may or may Not be successful, and may end up In c section... He's given me time till oct 1st and changed due date back to the original on sept 24th.. He did say that after oct 1st if he induces then will be successful..

Did any of u mommies who have had ur babies, felt pain or discomfort in ur ass and pelvis at de same time before going into labor? After I came home from the doc when I peed and wiped myself had soo much discharge, not like the regular white watery discharge that I had, but more of a light brownish discharge, this was two hours ago, now I checked again nothing on my pad but still brownish like the type u get at the start of ur menses... But not feeling any contractions or anything.. Cooked lunch too really fast just in case I am in labor ;) but really hoping this is it, cos hubby also took mc today..


Oh and my doc said most of the time the only thing that may help to induce labor naturally is sex and nipple stimulation... So if nothing happens today, thinking of singing Marvin Gaye's 'lets get it on' to hubby tonight ;)


Caramellae:694759 said:
Can someone pls help me! Im flg very stress nw.. My 14th day old baby has not poop for 4 days nw. I have been directly latching him most of the time. Except in the mornings when the massage lady came to massage me and baby crying for milk, i will ask my mum to give formula. So he is given formula once a day. At nite he will wake up every 1-2 hrs for direct latch. Each feed will last abt 1 hr or more. I didnt do much pumping. So far i pump 3x in a day and all i get at each pump is less than 10ml. I feel super stress cuz the elders telling me tat i gt nt enuf milk for my son. Shld give him formula, plain water etc :(
Oh dear.. never poop in 4 days? But if ur boy is satisfied after each feed then by right he should be getting enuff.. So by right do not need to supplement with fm or water oredi I tink.. Tink u better call the lactation consultant or consult PD?


Lizzy - yea I'm seeing him tomorrow, I'm a little scared about being induced but at the same time getting impatient.. And hubby and mum are like let her take her own time and come when she's ready, yea I'm de one pregnant not them and I'm going crazy with de waiting..
Hi Kary... my situation is about the same too!!! everyone around me is like take it slow.. baby don't come out too soon ah... but i'm like please baby come out faster................... Mummy is going crazy..... but now baby really seems to be taking it slow..... haiz......


You shd go and have it checked. Cos maybe the doc or midwife might want to check your cervical dilation and waterbag... so advise to visit the doc immediately and seek his advise... =)


Active Member
Kary! Safe delivery!! :D

Meltie ya I'm feeling so helpless... If I dun latch her, she'll cry until so badly and won't stop until everyone heart pain... She cries when given pacifier as well... I've been latching since 12 noon!! I super tired but every time she fell aslp move her a bit only she cries n needs to be latched again... 5-6 times fell aslp then back to latching already.. I hope she slps, I wanna rest!!

Lingz, same here!! Every latch on is a battle. She wails and pushes and struggles and sometimes obviously v tired but wants to be latched yet keeps pushing n breaking the latch... Each time getting more n more impatient n wailing louder. Thats why each latch takes so long!! especially now she hasn't slept since morning n is super tired n super super cranky (so am I) and cries more than suckle ><


hi all,

I owe all of you my birthing story. which is traumatizing.

so after using a breast pump to stimulate my breasts for two days (just two or three times of 15mins each), my mucous plug came out on friday late night. then I couldn't sleep well as started to get menses like cramping and woke every hour. at 4+am, water bag suddenly broke and I woke with a start, and mine is no leak but a gush. and this gush just kept going throughout the day. really uncomfortable. nobody said anything about having labor andh aving amniotic fluid leaking out like this?!

anyway, took our time, showered, etc, and went to the doc at 9am, and found that I am barely dilated! :( only asked to check into delivery suite at 12 noon. so went for a walk, ate, etc.

at 12 the cramping/contractions definitely got more noticable. like a bad period cramp. really bad. at the delivery suite, I hated being strapped down with the CTG as I can't walk and had to lie on my back. so I asked to walk about.

my obgyn instructed the nurse to give me an enema. did you all get one? I got one - first time in my life and hopefully the last - cos it was horrible. it was SO painful, as the nurse said I have a very small pile, and inserting it hurts, and then having to hold in the liquid hurts, like a really bad stomach ache, but I am to hold it for about 15 minutes but I could only do so for 6+mins. that was horrible. and unexpected. nothing I read told me about enema.

then by 3+pm, the contraction pain got really bad - worse than any period cramps ever. so I asked the nurse to check my dilation, and IT IS STILL 1CM!!!!

ok by then I was like, I'm not going to be stupid and stubborn. I asked for epidural.

before the anesthetist came, another bout of contractions came (by then I was having them every 3-4 mins, each lasting 1 min), and that was painful, I moaned and moaned.. and then the anesthetist came, and ok, seriously? why does NOBODY complain or mention about epidural pain??? huh huh?? cos it hurt, sooooo much. the first two or three injections of local anesthesia were so, so, so painful. dull, slow, torturous pain of it slowly moving down your spine to your tail bone to your butt to your legs... ohhh.. and then the last one. but admittedly my anesthetist was very good and quick, and it was over within 5 mins but it was one of the longest and most excruciatingly painful 5 mins of my life. (the insertion of IV drip was nothing, literally nothing, compared to it. and I was poked three times for the IV drip cos my veins were too tiny)

ok then, after that, no pain. great. with very strong contractions, I only felt a dull pressure. BUT, it was horrid to have your thighs completely numb, and legs all tingly. like pins and needles for hours. by then I was 2cm dilated. so at least it was progressing.

lost track of time.. it was just a very very uncomfortable waiting game.. it went up to 3cm at 8pm I think.. which was so slow.. and I was so disheartened.

also, my baby's heart rate went up to 180s. obgyn afraid it could be an infection, so I was given antibiotics on drip.

but suddenly it went from like 3-4cm to 8-9cm! at about 10+pm. we were all surprised, and glad. by then I was hungry.. grouchy.. and only had water to drink.. so the midwife started preparing me to push.. and then the nausea started. sigh.

at around 11.30pm, the obgyn came, and the action all began. lots of midwives all came in.. and then it was just pushing. ok, pushing is an understatement. two midwives stood by my side and pressed down on my stomach with all their strength. I was trying to push while my obgyn yelled at me. I was nauseous, so nauseous. then I threw up. then obgyn gave me an episiotomy. and also had to use vacuum as baby wasn't descending.

and when she finally came out, I also tore. so not only had an episiotomy, but also tore. good grief. but the baby.. what they all say is true.. the moment you have the baby placed on your chest and you see your baby for the first time, everything else disappeared. it was truly a magical wonderful moment. BUT I'll never forget the pain.

it wasn't all of course. after a while I delivered the placenta which fascinated me. I asked to see it. then the stitching - but really, the epidural worked very well for me. so I didn't feel anything, just the tugging.

after about an hour, when the doctors had left, and we had time to ourselves, I felt very nauseous again, and threw up, and again, and again, and again. so. it really wasn't pleasant.

but hey, I have a wonderful baby girl with us now, all well. she is huge, 3.65kg, and very long (54cm), and I'm trying to breast feed her without my nipples feeling like they're being chewed on.

for those bf moms: after each bf, do your nipples look 'peak'ed? like it's asymmetrical, or that there is a ridge? it seems that my baby isn't latching on properly.. one side is more sucked on that then other I feel. sigh. it hurts.. but I know I'm producing milk. not sure if it's enough.

also, is it so bad to pump and feed from bottle? what is so bad about that??


Active Member
reiann wow.. Glad it's all over!! I got vacuum n the midwives also push down on my bump hard to push the stubborn bb out... Ur bb is really big n long! ^^

After latching I got asymmetrical peaks for my nipples too... I think it's normal as bb supposed to suck in more areola at bottom lip n nipple nearer upper lip, so I guess that caused the asymmetrical shape? But I'm not sure.. It hurts for me too