EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Thanks Felicity and Piglim for the encouragement!

Piglim: I'm so envious of ur milk flow! How long after delivery do u take to reach 100ml per side? Me now 8th day after delivery.. And onli managed to get 40ml combined after a 1hr pumping session.. The pumping session leaves me exhausted.. Combined volume does increase from 10ml to 40ml now.. But the volume remained stagnant since yest.. Sighz.. It is barely enuff for her one feed.. And even after latching her on, I still managed to pump about 30ml.. Means she onli took in 10ml? Sometimes latching oso dunno good anot.. Dun even noe exactly how much she's digesting..

Hmm lingz think I week2 then got 100ml milk flow. Just b patient ya? I rem my day 7 I pumped 30ml combine then slowly 50ml then 60ml...etc.

1hr pumping?!??? How come u pump so long? I m using medela pump n only need to pump 20mins. Dun overstrained ur nipples Le. As long as bb din cry or show mouth movin signs maybe e bb is contented alrdy? If still hungry just supplement with fm. Nothing wrong with that.. U dun wan e bb get to cranky n hungry also right?


wow! just half a day nv check got 2 mummies going into labor! Jiayou camcamwhamwham and Kary! Believing for a painless and smooth delivery!! Kary, i got same EDD as you and you're before me liao! Making me nervous!!

Hey Reiann, thanks for sharing your story with us. U're a brave mummy!! Now you've got ur prize with you! ;) Jiayou on your next challenge!

Wow breastfeeding seems really hard! I really hope my bb can coorperate! I've seen my colleagues and frens do it like so simple.. just latch, pump and feed.. got one fren who did full latch on up till 9mths! She din buy a pump! But i guess most imptly is that bb gets fed and nother is breastmilk, goats milk or formula, as long as its beneficial, thats the most impt thing! Don't let breastfeeding set u back k! My mum told me that she did not breastfeed me at all, last time formula milk was the IN thing, so they tried feeding me S26.. den i rejected it and den moved on to soymilk.. guess thats why i am lactose intolerant now.. actually when i smell milk i feel like puking.. not sure if i can tahan breastfeeding or making formula milk for my bb... haha


hey piglim which medela pump u using? actually i heard from alot of my mummy colleagues that a gd pump helps alot.. all advise me to get medela pump in style( most ex, but most trustable they said). My colleague told me not to waste time and effort to try other pumps.. she tried those manual and those single pumps and it took her super long and not stimulating enough.. Until she started changing to medela pump in style, she pumped in 10-20mins! And flow was good.. pump is strong and the stimulation for the nipples is more..

Personally i have nv used a pump before.. so just hearsay one.. so just sharing what i hear ya?

My fren lent me her single electric plus duo pump as she upgrade to pump in style.. if i got breastmilk and it works, maybe i'll consider getting a better one for faster stimulation? Got another colleague she using single electric only, but can pump more den 200 bags of milk for storage in 3 mths! Summore can donate 20bags to her cousin who had no milk frm the start! i think can only say different ppl different story ..

Tonight is super humid and i'm blowing max fan at my face and still sweating! can't imagine confinement how... aircon gonna drive my bills up! :/


Piglim:695043 said:
Hmm lingz think I week2 then got 100ml milk flow. Just b patient ya? I rem my day 7 I pumped 30ml combine then slowly 50ml then 60ml...etc.

1hr pumping?!??? How come u pump so long? I m using medela pump n only need to pump 20mins. Dun overstrained ur nipples Le. As long as bb din cry or show mouth movin signs maybe e bb is contented alrdy? If still hungry just supplement with fm. Nothing wrong with that.. U dun wan e bb get to cranky n hungry also right?
I'm oso using medela but I always go 2 cycles, each cycle 30min.. Haha.. initially I pumped for 30min but I realised that wen I squeeze there is still milk.. So I went another cycle which increased the combined volume from 20+ ml to 40ml.. I tot better to empty as much as possible so that it will fill up more ma.. Though nipples will be a bit swollen and sore la.. :(

Prob with bb is wen she latch successfully, she will feed and fall asleep on my nursing pillow.. Wen I pick her up and put her down, she will struggle and wail so I latch her back on again.. She can be at it for 1-2hrs (our longest record so far), leaving both of us super tired and sleepy.. Wen she finally sleep I oso dunno whether she's contented or jus tired from latching.. Sighz..


Piglim:695020 said:
I tot I m a terrible mom cos don't know how to handle my bb well...but I m a 1st time mum so can pardon me right? But my mil is worst!!!!! Yet she always insist she's experienced cos she gave birth to 3kids. But that was like 35yrs ago!!!

urgh she doesn't know how to carry my bb.. Bottle feed him took her 1hour plus! Doesn't know how to handle my baby. Help!!! How can I go to work at peace like tat? Now still got CL.. Wait she leaves in few days time.. Haiz.... Baby cry all she know is bb hungry.. Siao one.. Dunno how to chk diapers. Then after tat baby cry she only know how to chk diapers.. Urghhhhh!!!!

I m still trying to stay cool n keep e r/s cordial. Just piss now.
Yeah, keep cool! Ur MIL gg to take care of ur bb after u go back work? Then bo bian, realli have to keep things cordial.. But she seriously needs to brush up her child-caring skills man..

Me having issues with my MIL too.. But at least I'm nt staying with her and she's nt looking after my bb.. In fact, I snapped at her after she calls me every single day of confinement to nag.. After tat not so friendly phone conversation, she left me alone.. No calls from her the past 2 days! Yeah! She Mus b tinking I'm having postnatal blues.. But heck la.. If she keeps calling, I'm seriously gg to have postnatal blues lor..


Yeah, keep cool! Ur MIL gg to take care of ur bb after u go back work? Then bo bian, realli have to keep things cordial.. But she seriously needs to brush up her child-caring skills man..

Me having issues with my MIL too.. But at least I'm nt staying with her and she's nt looking after my bb.. In fact, I snapped at her after she calls me every single day of confinement to nag.. After tat not so friendly phone conversation, she left me alone.. No calls from her the past 2 days! Yeah! She Mus b tinking I'm having postnatal blues.. But heck la.. If she keeps calling, I'm seriously gg to have postnatal blues lor..
Piglim and lingz: heh I totally feel for you! But it's not my mother in law but my own mum. Good grief how do they nag soooooo much?! And just like you MIL my mum can't even carry my baby properly!? I'm worried cos I intend to send my baby to her to take care when I start work...


Hi all breast feeding mummy, I'm already on my 20 days aft delivery but when I express my milk onli manage to get btw 80-100ml for both side. And nw bb drinking 100ml every 2 and a half hourly. Really afraid milk not enough. How? Any tips to share! Tks in advance.


Active Member
I'm super worried w my parents too when they handle my bb but now coming to the last day of confinement n gg back to my hubby n in-laws... I'll miss my parents! Plus new things to worry abt!!

Lingz, same problem!! She's latching all the time n often falls aslp while latching.. Dunno is contented or just simply too tired from all the struggling and suckling... But she doesn't slp v deeply... Ytd I had to go thru the cycle of "latch - sleep - move her - wails - repeat" like over 10 times from noon to 4+ she was super cranky n I was super cranky from the lack of slp since we haven't slept since morning!

I'm using medela freestyle.. Usually pump 15 min tog but milk stops coming out in the first 10 min.. My milk supply still low... Today bb 4 weeks le, but last night I pump only one side 30ml one side 45ml :(

Meltie the weather is killing me too!! I think I can be the water feature at home.. Just stand in one corner.. Perspiration going down my face, neck n back like waterfall!! Bb also perspiring badly, her swaddle and the area on mattress around her head will be damp after she sleeps >< so I wonder how long should I swaddle her? It's getting too hot to swaddle it seems, n I dun use aircon!

Kary n camcam, smooth delivery!! Looking forward to ur birth stories! ^^


Active Member
Jess! Feeding too? My supply also like that after 4 weeks :( so I can't really help u :/ I need help! Maybe cos supply too low so she always not enough so forever latching :(
Hello mummies!! About 4hours since I delivered and I'm still wide awake GOSH.

Anyway, second surprise of the day was when my little girl came out at 3.47kg! Even doctor was shocked cause h expected her to be about 2.8kg only. Now I'm starting to wonder if Dr Koh knows what he's doing. Hahaha!

So water bag was burst at 6pm. But totally ZERO action till 9pm. No contractions no discomfort no Significant dilation. Even the nurses were asking each other if I've been admitted correctly.

But when contractions started at 9pm, they came strong and really fast. And after about an hour plus, doc informe me that I can be ready to push cause I'm fully dilated.

I have to say though, the doctor Jo administered the epidural for me, I was actually keeping the pain under control but he insisted when he saw my face twisted in pain. But anyway he made a slight slip while inserting the epidural, which sent me into instant spasms. That scared me for awhile. :/

But anyway, I was fully numb when baby arrived. Body and legs totally cannot move. And the best part is, BABY CAME OUT AFTER ONLY TWO PUSHES!!

I still look at the doc and nurses and ask "Huh that's it? Don't need to push already?". They just smiled at me.

Looking at baby, everything is worth it though. :)

But I got the worst of the side effects of epidural. My trembling is like a drug addict, and I've been throwing up nonstop although my stomach is empty already. Just gastric juices. :(

And Mount Alvernia is full house tonight. Not even an Available 4-bedded room. So I have to be kept in the Delivery Bay till tomorrow or even till discharge. Sobs. :( hubby can't stay.

Fast and smooth delivery though, now can't wait to play with my little girl. She's so cheeky! She didn't wanna latch on, she kept sticking her tongue out like :p. and she would cock her eyebrows and frown at us. Then when she was whisked off to the nursery, all the other babies sleeping soundly, only she's awake with eyes wide open and her hands waving all over the place. Haha!


Hi all breast feeding mummy, I'm already on my 20 days aft delivery but when I express my milk onli manage to get btw 80-100ml for both side. And nw bb drinking 100ml every 2 and a half hourly. Really afraid milk not enough. How? Any tips to share! Tks in advance.
im pumping 60ml every 3 hours, baby drinks 90ml every 3 hours... so i give fm to balance. jess bb needs to drink 1 oz/30ml per hour why your baby drinks so much? i read is not good. this might explain why.

BabycareAdvice.com Articles: Lactose overload


Active Member
Congrats camcam!! wow!! Sounds incredible... 2 pushes and ur bb aren't exactly small!! U go mummy~ :D hope u no longer throwing up n get some rest soon~ I wanna see bb pics... Sounds super cute!! :D


Camcam congrat! Tat's real fast. It's all worth it. Take care and rest well!

Lizzy, oh is it! I din knw. But bb like every 2.5 hour will cry for milk. Somemore, his Tummy nt full full, he can't fall aslp. So nw 100 ml will make him full den he slp.


Active Member
Wow lizzy n Jess.. I read the link.. Some symptoms really familiar, sound like my bb!
Explosive boo, sleeplessness/wakefulness, constantly hungry >< 3 out of 11 points... Still ok right?

Anyway do ur babies hv explosive poo? When she poos hv like loud explosive fart as the poo shoots out. How frequent is your bb pooing?


Congrats camcamwhambam.. Sounds like an easy labour!! Heh

Im still in the waiting game.. 10days left till EDD. Think baby is comfy inside.. Anyone else in the waiting game??


Congrats camcam! Your baby sounds so cute!! Can't imagine u pushed her out in 2 pushes! Pls have a gd rest and hope the side effects stop soon! Hope they find a proper room for you to rest! If not ur visitors oso v awkward haha..

hey feera, i'm still waiting! EDD on 24th! Its anytime and i'm not having any symptoms.. just feeling very hot and uncomfy .. baby v low.. just woke up to pee.. i think this morning record no. of visits.. 4-5 times?! haha maybe its a sign baby is really really v low.. i hope i can have super fast and smooth delivery like camcam's!


Wow lizzy n Jess.. I read the link.. Some symptoms really familiar, sound like my bb!
Explosive boo, sleeplessness/wakefulness, constantly hungry >< 3 out of 11 points... Still ok right?

Anyway do ur babies hv explosive poo? When she poos hv like loud explosive fart as the poo shoots out. How frequent is your bb pooing?
Camcam congrat! Tat's real fast. It's all worth it. Take care and rest well!

Lizzy, oh is it! I din knw. But bb like every 2.5 hour will cry for milk. Somemore, his Tummy nt full full, he can't fall aslp. So nw 100 ml will make him full den he slp.
yeah happened to my bb's friend. whenever the bb farts it has bits of poos and acidic so baby got this nasty rashes cos every time feed milk even not time yet, the body really dont digest the milk cos new milk is coming.. precautions cos the rashes is so scary lah, better look after the feeding so wont experience it. my baby cry for milk on the dot every hours and drinks 3 oz/30 ml I make sure he'll be like that and not drink excessive milk even if he cries ill let him, cos in the long run both of bb and i will suffer...