EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


camcamwhambam:694608 said:
Oh my. After reading about mummies and their post natal massage experiences, seems like some mummies develop terrible skin conditions or the smell from the jamu affects baby from latching on, I'm giving post natal massage a second thought. :(
Camcamwhambam, personally i would say massage is good as it helps to lossen tight muscles n relieve backache n helps to boost bm... Inconvenient is restriction of movement with e wrap on la... My skin is sensitive henceforth im more rebellious i'll remove by dinner time... No harm trying.. U may wanna use ur own oil too!


Lingz12:694730 said:
Me too.. Initially I dun have a problem latching her.. But ever since yesterday she kept fussing.. And super impatient wen trying to suckle.. Dunno y she suddenly couldn't get a good suction.. As a result she kept punching me and pushing away from my breast while wailing her head off.. Super heartache.. And wen she finally latched after multiple tries, her hands kept sweeping her face and pushing against me, sometimes breaking her own suction and then start wailing again.. But if I swaddle her hands, she gets all cranky.. Argh! I dunno how long I can take this.. Realli feel like giving up and jus do full-time pumping! :(
Same sentiments.... Somehow im.still doing partial bf.. Coz milk not enuff.. There's bb make a fuss when latch.. Hb just made a comment"if she fuss sum more dun let her suck/drink".. Almost immediately she kuai kuai suckle.... Lol


Reiann; wow what a story... Actually I was more stunned by ur previous posting-bout usin e pump to induce ur baby's arrival. It was such a big risk! But anw congrats!

Hmm so how many more mummies we have in e waiting game before this forum becomes a baby forum?

Went to see pd today cos hubby says baby's breathing like very fast. N becos he's having some pimple like rash all over his face n also he vomitted milk twice so far so went to see what's wrong. Pd says everything is ok, gave cream for e pimple n a reflux med. cos some milk flows out when bb is slping.. So will see how. Next week will b his 1mth chk up. Oh n pd says to stop increasing his milk intake (right now is 100ml) n he has gained 1kg alrdy (close to 4kg)

Wah I read some of ur bbs r over 3.5kg.. Wonder how u all handle I m alrdy struggling with his weight. Hehe cos my hands r all skinny n bony.
Hmm I dun see anything wrong with pumping n feeding bb with ebm. I spoon fed n cup fed bb until he was week 3 now then start to bottle feed cos I din want any nipple confusion plus wanted to wait for my milk to b stable before I start bottle feeding. Mayb u gals can try using Tommie tippee bottles. The teats r soft n very much alike to our nipples.

Yes latching n pumping are alot Of hardwork.
My nipples r so soree touch abit (even if I wear my bra) also painful.. So muh So that I forbid hubby to touch. Hahah he was saying... Err so nice I can only sayang ur hair n face.. Down there up there all cannot touch. Hahha n I was complaining bout how ugly my nipples look. Last time still like cute n sexy.(ard 20cent coin) Now it's so swollen n dark n big (larger than a 50cent coin) urgh is this gonna bb permanent? So e next time if pregnant again does that mean it'll upsize again? Goodness I cannot imagine my nipples larger a ping pong ball!


felicity:694870 said:
Lingz, same here!! Every latch on is a battle. She wails and pushes and struggles and sometimes obviously v tired but wants to be latched yet keeps pushing n breaking the latch... Each time getting more n more impatient n wailing louder. Thats why each latch takes so long!! especially now she hasn't slept since morning n is super tired n super super cranky (so am I) and cries more than suckle ><
Sighz.. I realise wen I try to latch her on wen she is super hungry, she will fuss and wail even harder.. I managed to latch her from 230pm to 340pm earlier before she went to sleep.. Then woke up 510pm crying for milk.. But I just couldn't latch her on.. She's crying so hard that her face is all red and she jus rejects me even wen I try to push my nipple and aerola in her mouth.. In the end, I told my CL to prepare fm for her.. Super heartache to see her like tat.. Am I a bad mummy to not perservere? But I realli heartpain seeing her cry like tat.. :(

Btw.. After latching her (that few successful attempts), I squeezed and realised there are still milk left.. Do u all pump to empty the breast after each feed? Or just wait for the next feed? The milk left doesn't result in engorgement la.. I can't believe I wish I got engorged breasts.. Cos at least tat would mean I have abundance of milk.. :(

Breastfeeding is so tough! :(


Thanks Felicity for your reply. It helps to know that other mums also 'suffer' with sore breasts. I thought it was due to incorrect latching. And yes, exactly - I found it strange that more of the aerola is to be exposed near the baby's nose etc. Do your nipples hurt less now? Do you use nipple shield or anything?

I initiallywas reluctant using lanolin nipple cream but now.. after trying using it once it really helps. so will use it, but sparingly..

piglim: hope your baby is fine!


Active Member
Wow... Piglim I seriously wonder how heavy my bb is now... Haven't been to pd since the one on day 5 (is it normal? No one mth appt too!) n no weighing scale at home... I'm getting really bad achy arms from carrying her... I worry end up like my friend whole arm got inflammation cannot move or carry things until do acupuncture :/

Lingz my bb also cry till whole face red n stuff the nipple n areola into her mouth she just continue wailing.. My mum will come n look why cry until like that.. Heartache from her extreme wailing but I will continue to try to latch... Maybe that's why I'm always latching forever... Initially my mum will still suggest give her the bottle instead cos the way she wails not good, keep sucking in air.. Now she just leaves me alone.

I dun pump after each feed cos each feed tires me out way too much to even think abt pumping... I dunno need to empty out or not... I pump once/twice a day or not at all.. Really depends...

Reiann I guess many of us r getting sore nipples from latching :/ I started w nipple shield due to short nipples but my friend who is pro breastfeeding n pro attachment parenting shows me articles that using nipple shield should be last resort so I tried to let her latch without n managed successfully n hv not used for a few days... Although also means more painful nipples when latching ><


Lingz it's recommended tat u empty ur breast after latching. For my case, I normally only latch one side of my breast so e other side will b engorged if don't empty. It's a demand supply thing. If u dun empty ur brain will signal to ur milk duct tat u dun need So much milk (cos ur breast still feel full) so by emptying it u r telling e milk duct to produce more.

For me I alternate e way I feed my baby. First breastfeed, next feeding bottle feed (so while CL is bottle feedin, I pump) then next feeding depending on wat I m doing if I lazy I let CL bottle fed if not I latch. I managed to hv a bit of storage of frozen milk now-preparing the day when I start work which is start of oct 1week only cos got some workshop to attend before I continue the ML then 1 nov start work officially. Dun need to exactly pump 3 hourly.. If u feel sore can delay abit. Sometimes of I m hardworking I pump 4 hourly if not I can even b 6 or 7 hours later. Dont worry bout not being engorged or having enough milk.. Even if few drops also pump. My 1st pump was only 3 teaspoon. After that got 10ml then slowly I try to tell urself I must reach this target or tat target... For me now each side can pump 100 on average e Max only went up to 150ml but that's only when I m super engorged. So with tat, I put 100ml in e freezer (storage bag) then e other 200ml separated into 2bottles for 2 feeding settle.

Dont give up. If u recall my initial posting when I just discharged, I was super upset cos everyone so discouraging. But hubby kept telling dun worry.. E more stress u r e lesser milk u can produce! So b an optimistic mum! Got milk or no milk as long as baby is healthy that's e most important thing right?


Thank you lovely ladies for all your wishes!!!

I went down to the hospital for contractions monitoring and it was like no contractions at all... When I peed again there was Lotsa blood. Then went to my gynac's clinic in the hospital, and he checked my cervix and it hurt like hell... Was just waiting for him to take his fingers out, started crying cos it was horrible. And bled sooo much more after that too. But he said my cervix has opened up about 30% and my water bag is bulging, so he told us to reserve the room, and go home walk as much as I can and then go back to the hospital tonight... Now I can feel pain coming and going, just feeling really uncomfortable everytime it comes...


Active Member
Piglim wow, u hv abundance of milk! Good!! Mine each time pump only around 100ml combined both sides... I can't wait till I can pump 100ml from each side!!

Kary wow, it'll be tonight!! Hv a safe n smooth delivery!! :)


Hi all mummies,

Usually it takes how long for the baby's cord to heal once the stump fall off?
My baby's cord has bit of yellowish fluid after the cord fall off. Does this part of healing period?
Kary! Let's get through this battle together tonight! :)

Hello mummies. I am currently sitting comfortably in the waiting hall of Mount Alvernia with all the nurses debating over whether I am waiting to be admitted. :/

Went for my gynae check this afternoon, and Doc was going to do a normal cervix check but his hand came with a lot of blood and he said he old feel the baby's head. So doctor informed me that I will be seeing my precious by tonight.

He broke my water bag two hours ago to bring on labour. However, I am still not feeling ANYTHING at all. So now I'm waiting for an available delivery room. But the aircon is pretty freezing in here.

Any mummies ever gave birth without feeling strong contractions at all?


Thanks Felicity and Piglim for the encouragement!

Felicity: Ya.. The wailing realli gets to me.. I realli can't bear to see her wail so badly.. Like bad for her lungs.. So after a few attempts to latch her, I will give in and let CL feed her fm.. Sighz.. Dunno issit my milk flow too slow and she got impatient with me so keep rejecting? If this continues, I tink I rather go on full time EBM.. Though that is like my last resort.. I love it wen she latch.. Though a bit sore, but I like doing what onli I can do for her.. I can just watch her latch all day and do nothing else.. But wen she wails at my breast, I'm ready to wave the white flag.. :(

Piglim: I'm so envious of ur milk flow! How long after delivery do u take to reach 100ml per side? Me now 8th day after delivery.. And onli managed to get 40ml combined after a 1hr pumping session.. The pumping session leaves me exhausted.. Combined volume does increase from 10ml to 40ml now.. But the volume remained stagnant since yest.. Sighz.. It is barely enuff for her one feed.. And even after latching her on, I still managed to pump about 30ml.. Means she onli took in 10ml? Sometimes latching oso dunno good anot.. Dun even noe exactly how much she's digesting..


Kary2500:694972 said:
Thank you lovely ladies for all your wishes!!!

I went down to the hospital for contractions monitoring and it was like no contractions at all... When I peed again there was Lotsa blood. Then went to my gynac's clinic in the hospital, and he checked my cervix and it hurt like hell... Was just waiting for him to take his fingers out, started crying cos it was horrible. And bled sooo much more after that too. But he said my cervix has opened up about 30% and my water bag is bulging, so he told us to reserve the room, and go home walk as much as I can and then go back to the hospital tonight... Now I can feel pain coming and going, just feeling really uncomfortable everytime it comes...
Wow! Kary, the day has finally come for u! Wishing u a smooth delivery and do update us! :D


camcamwhambam:694994 said:
Kary! Let's get through this battle together tonight! :)

Hello mummies. I am currently sitting comfortably in the waiting hall of Mount Alvernia with all the nurses debating over whether I am waiting to be admitted. :/

Went for my gynae check this afternoon, and Doc was going to do a normal cervix check but his hand came with a lot of blood and he said he old feel the baby's head. So doctor informed me that I will be seeing my precious by tonight.

He broke my water bag two hours ago to bring on labour. However, I am still not feeling ANYTHING at all. So now I'm waiting for an available delivery room. But the aircon is pretty freezing in here.

Any mummies ever gave birth without feeling strong contractions at all?
Jia you jia you! Keep us updated! :D


Angpq:694992 said:
Hi all mummies,

Usually it takes how long for the baby's cord to heal once the stump fall off?
My baby's cord has bit of yellowish fluid after the cord fall off. Does this part of healing period?
Hi Angpq, after my girl's stump dropped off, PD gave me this powder to sprinkle on the belly button twice a day as it's a bit wet.. Now we still sprinkle twice a day, not sure how long it takes for it to be totally dry..


Hi Angpq, after my girl's stump dropped off, PD gave me this powder to sprinkle on the belly button twice a day as it's a bit wet.. Now we still sprinkle twice a day, not sure how long it takes for it to be totally dry..
Ya. I have the powder too. I also use that, but the cord seem bit wet. I am quite worry about it. Hopefully, it will fully recover soon.


I tot I m a terrible mom cos don't know how to handle my bb well...but I m a 1st time mum so can pardon me right? But my mil is worst!!!!! Yet she always insist she's experienced cos she gave birth to 3kids. But that was like 35yrs ago!!!

urgh she doesn't know how to carry my bb.. Bottle feed him took her 1hour plus! Doesn't know how to handle my baby. Help!!! How can I go to work at peace like tat? Now still got CL.. Wait she leaves in few days time.. Haiz.... Baby cry all she know is bb hungry.. Siao one.. Dunno how to chk diapers. Then after tat baby cry she only know how to chk diapers.. Urghhhhh!!!!

I m still trying to stay cool n keep e r/s cordial. Just piss now.


Lingz12:695002 said:
Thanks Felicity and Piglim for the encouragement!

Felicity: Ya.. The wailing realli gets to me.. I realli can't bear to see her wail so badly.. Like bad for her lungs.. So after a few attempts to latch her, I will give in and let CL feed her fm.. Sighz.. Dunno issit my milk flow too slow and she got impatient with me so keep rejecting? If this continues, I tink I rather go on full time EBM.. Though that is like my last resort.. I love it wen she latch.. Though a bit sore, but I like doing what onli I can do for her.. I can just watch her latch all day and do nothing else.. But wen she wails at my breast, I'm ready to wave the white flag.. :(

Piglim: I'm so envious of ur milk flow! How long after delivery do u take to reach 100ml per side? Me now 8th day after delivery.. And onli managed to get 40ml combined after a 1hr pumping session.. The pumping session leaves me exhausted.. Combined volume does increase from 10ml to 40ml now.. But the volume remained stagnant since yest.. Sighz.. It is barely enuff for her one feed.. And even after latching her on, I still managed to pump about 30ml.. Means she onli took in 10ml? Sometimes latching oso dunno good anot.. Dun even noe exactly how much she's digesting..
Sama sama here... That time bb reject 1side but now both breast she wailed... Felt so helpless.. Like e way she latched n feel so bonded the way bb look at me is just diff.. But wen she refused to latch on i just felt helpless....

Piglim-wah hw i wish i hv e flow... Now i can afford 1~2 feeds of ebm...