EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi Meltie, yup she check via vaginal.. Its very uncomfortable and abit of pain. After the check its not painful already.

Purpur, looks like we are same.. 1st and its a boy.. :)


Seems like breastfeeding mummies are all sharing the same set of woes. I haven't been sleeping for more than 4 hours per night since having bb on the 10th. Not sure if I will succumb to supplementing with formula... But I really need some good rest. Some questions i have for mummies: What is the sleeping arrangement for breastfeeding mummies out there? My doc said that EBM kept in fridge will expire in a day. Some books I read says 72 hours. How long are most mummies keeping the EBM in the fridge (normal compartment, not freezer)? I know that we can keep the EBM gotten for that day in the same container with the expiry time first batch as the expiry date for entire container but when you need to use it do you pour the desired amount out from the fridge and keep the unused back?


Seems like breastfeeding mummies are all sharing the same set of woes. I haven't been sleeping for more than 4 hours per night since having bb on the 10th. Not sure if I will succumb to supplementing with formula... But I really need some good rest. Some questions i have for mummies: What is the sleeping arrangement for breastfeeding mummies out there? My doc said that EBM kept in fridge will expire in a day. Some books I read says 72 hours. How long are most mummies keeping the EBM in the fridge (normal compartment, not freezer)? I know that we can keep the EBM gotten for that day in the same container with the expiry time first batch as the expiry date for entire container but when you need to use it do you pour the desired amount out from the fridge and keep the unused back?

Thats y I salute all mum who breastfeed ESP in public. It's getting tiring....
For my case I expressed n put e amount that my bb drinks in a bottle then e excess in another bottle. Eg total I express 150. So I put 100ml in one bottle, 50ml in another bottle. Cos my bb drinks 100ml. So e next time I pump, if 150 again I do e same. So with e 2bottles of 50ml I add them up in a bottle n warm it. I dunno if this is e right way but my rationale is if i take in take out e bottle to pour e amount dunno if there'll b bacteria or wat. Hmm I tot can keep for 2 days in e fridge. For freezer can b 3-6mths?


Oh I hand itchy go print bb pics for bb shower.. Need to wait 10min so now at Mac get a hashbrown n a hot tea.. I hope it's ok? I still dunno if I should consider my confinement 4 weeks (which end ytd) or one mth (30-31 days).. Hmm.. But besides today I'll be home mostly n eating my MIL's cooking.. Plus my mum did make some jars of confinement food for me to bring back..
Erm. Yesterday my baby being five days old -- I went out to takashimaya after the paed visit at the hospital. Went grocery shopping and to taka mall a bit. And I feel absolutely fine. So... Confinement is lliterally rubbish.


I oso wan mcd! Craving for my all-time fav hotcakes now! And roti prata.. And sashimi! 3 more weeks to go! Argh.. I hope confinement ends soon!

Oh ya.. I realise bb fuss more wen I put her on my breastfeeding pillow.. She used to enjoy being on it.. Always snoozing there.. Now I tink wen I put her on it, she couldn't grasp the angle for a good suction so got v impatient with me.. These few times I jus cross craddle her while breastfeeding and she seems to fuss less.. Still struggling but not as fussy as before.. But that means I gotta carry her as long as she suckle.. After each session my back and neck ache so much.. :(
Wjy can't eat sashimi and hot cakes during confinement??? I had lots and lots of sushi yesterday - first time in 9 months. It was gloriously delicious :)


Active Member
Piglim aiyo.. Can ur hubby help talk some sense to her? She's just being very very very hygienic.. Actually my mil also after cooking will not carry bb until she bathe wor..

Lingz, dun worry abt it first, just go ahead!! I'm sure many mummies worried abt this but still end up w nice nice photos.. When u share ur nice photos, I'll be the one regret not taking any!!

Oh uttmama n piglim.. I'm v clueless so I always straight away after pump put in freezer to store.. End up now got bags of milk ranging from 60ml to 110ml, with most 90ml >< so now trying to use by just letting her drink the smaller volume one when I'm at home, then if not enough I still latch >< stupid right? Those bigger volume ones keep for when I'm not around my mil can use..

Reiann nice!! No elders that will nag at u to follow confinement rules? Actually I also dunno the rationale cos in non-Asian countries confinement is not heard of!! I see those non-asian mummies in my instagram, after discharged from hospital next day bring bb go shopping already!! They don't care what they eat also, n nv hear them complain abt here ache there ache... I also dun really care some stuff.. Like my hubby's cousin in law saw me at tmc in slippers n keep asking me why I nv wear socks?! But my feet dun feel cold wat lol... She say must wear socks throughout confinement :O serious?! My bathing water is half boiled herbal water n half tap water to mix till just nice warmth for me.. I cannot tahan water too hot!


Active Member
Anyway my mil... I dunno to laugh or cry.. Today keep telling bb she looks so nice today, but she's dressing her up like a boy >< cos today she bathed her (previously during confinement everyday I bathe her myself) n changed her into a romper passed down from sil's son! >< plus her hair so messy cos normally after I bathed her I will smooth her hair out... Mil nv do her hair curls up all over after all the rubbing from the towel and stays that way ><

Then mil also already decided what she will wear for bb shower over next two days!! She just told me she picked two sets already, for sat n sun.. ><

The nice thing is she does all the chores for me, cooks and washes baby's nappies etc, and take care of bb also... So all these not big issue I also just close one eye let her be happy ba.. Sigh.


Felicity... If ur mil do all for u nicely n correctly u shld b more than glad right? But if she wants to help in everything but all do wrong (like in my case) that's a big worry.

Hey looks like ur milk supply also not bad aye? ;) bags of storage ;)) my storage only at most can last a week if I start working...

Me measured my waist.. Sigh.. Last time 24... Now 28.. Jamu massage also no use..
I can still wear all my bottoms but not my tops anymore... Just went online shipping n bought a few flare tops.. So at least can cover tummy area. They (massage lady n family members) say must wear girdle wor.. Anyone of u wearing?

I m holding my shower at my parents condo function room on 7th oct cos just TOP mah. I also curious to see... Plus holding at hm is a bad idea for me.. Wait e hse more mess (alrdy messy now) then so small i got 70 ppl how to entertain like tat? Plus i dun want to tire bb out by holding 2 days... ya abit late but no choice cos bro in law flying back to sg only on e 6th. However this sun will just hv a family dinner to celebrate cos traditionally it shld b celebrated before or on actual day not after.

I heard breastfeeding cannot eat sashimi Le.. Read somewhere online.. In fact if breastfeed got a list of things cant eat one... U all sure can eat or not? I hv been dying to eat it!!!!!


hi Piglim.. i think you can eat sashimi after confinement.. if breastfeeding, the only thing we shd hav less is caffeine, and for alcohol if must have we will need to take it a few hours before baby's feed to let time for the alcohol to leave our system... and a no-no is smoking.... thats it liao.. the rest, the guide is to eat in moderation and to observe baby's reaction after our feeding to see if what we eat has any side effects on baby..... no saying if sashimi is forbidden.... =)


Active Member
piglim ya my mil is quite helpful so i really appreciate :)

my supply not so much la heehee.. around 6-7 packets only.. use n replenish, havent been building up...

ouch!! omg my bb suddenly v violent! i latching her then she suddenly bite a few times v hard n keep pulling n tugging... pain!!! if shes gg to do this all the time, then i will seriously consider to stop latching.. feels like she is biting thru n pulling off my nipple. :(


I personally don't believe in confinement. So sashimi and sushi were avoided only during pregnancy cos of higher chances getting food poisoning as will affect pregnant women more.

Sushi especially good oily fish provides great omega and is so damn healthy. What is so bad about it? If anything, I'm producing so much milk such that when bf, my other breast leaks milk like crazy. I have to swap breasts four times. And this is six days post partnum.


Bo bian leh.. I'm stuck at home.. Even if I wan to havoc and eat sashimi oso cannot get out of house.. So shall endure! Hubby promised to bring me out for sashimi buffet once confinement over! Super look forward! :D

Now me having problems with my CL.. Wen I'm inside my room pumping milk, she can just knock on my door and open it without waiting for me to answer.. And insist my girl is looking for me to suckle.. I said there is still 20ml in the fridge can she jus heat it up first? I will provide the balance once I finish pumping.. But no.. She insist my girl wans to latch and by then she started wailing.. Bo bian, took over from CL.. And she just stood there and WATCH me take e pump off my breast and WATCH me latch bb.. I got so frustrated with her for intruding my privacy and told her to go out warm that 20ml.. In the end, bb was too cranky to be latched.. Sighz.. So stormed out and ask her to feed bb that 20ml first.. Balance top up with formula milk.. So irritated with her lor.. So from now on I jus lock my door wen I pump.. :(


Oh ya.. Mummies who are breastfeeding.. Issit normal for ur bb to have very soft yellow stools? Recently wen I latch her, my hand supporting her buttock can feel her passing very strong gas with poo shooting out oso.. And this only started after I start feeding her more breastmilk (either latching or EBM).. Is it normal? My mum kept saying bb got too much wind in her tummy.. Dunno wan to bring her go PD see not.. Issit diarrhoea? :(


Wah lingz... Tats really rude. Think I'll b damn piss if I were u. Lock e door la!

Oh my bb also hv this loud gas n soft yellow stool (with bits of tiny seasame seed size kind)
i tthink all bbs will hv lotsa wind.. Last wed when I took bb to see pd she also says got wind. No medication given one. Her only advice is to hold bb in 45 degree upright position ESP during feeding. My CL massage bb's stomach using e ru yi oil.

Wah reiann! So good ur milk supply sooo much man! I m hoping mine will keep increasing but stagnant at 100-150ml... I read at some forum got this lady one side can pump 300ml!!! Goodness!!! Dunno wat cup size she got man.. Hehe


Just came back from gynae. Shockingly, my bb girl seems to be 3.8kg, where last week was 3.2kg. Gynae worried, arranged to go down for a detail scan tml and if it's really that big, has to go c-sect on Sunday. Really hope she's healthy. Quite worrying for the sudden weight gain.


Oh ya.. Mummies who are breastfeeding.. Issit normal for ur bb to have very soft yellow stools? Recently wen I latch her, my hand supporting her buttock can feel her passing very strong gas with poo shooting out oso.. And this only started after I start feeding her more breastmilk (either latching or EBM).. Is it normal? My mum kept saying bb got too much wind in her tummy.. Dunno wan to bring her go PD see not.. Issit diarrhoea? :(
Its normal. Bright yellow poop is a very sought after poop! Formula feeding mums can only dream of that for their babies. It's not diarrhea. Wind is wind...


Active Member
Yup my bb also hv loud explosive (due to a lot of gas passing out?) poo that's bright yellow with tiny bits... Cos she's like that since after the dark meconium is cleared so I just assumed its ok, although my parents also say a lot of wind cos besides that she will fart n hiccup too.. But isnt it all normal for ppl to fart n hiccup? Lol.. I always wonder what my parents r fussing abt :p


Totally normal for babies to fart and hiccups. Scientifically, they hiccup a lot in first few weeks cos their diaphragm is not fully developed.
Its crazy. Our parents or in laws act like as if they haven't seen or encountered these before!?


Dear all, it's been a while since I posted here. I delivered baby girl on 10th Sept at NUH. After that, it's a whirlwind of taking care of her. I even did not have time to turn on my laptop for a week!
First time mum, the latching was painful. My nipples were sore. I almost gave up. The lactation consultant and mid wife helped me to gain my confidence. Still, the nipple will be sore time to time. I applied medela nipple cream. My girl would latch and frown at first (perhaps from the taste of the cream) but she would continue latching.
Right now, I dont have pump yet, so just latch her. I am waiting for my order of pump to come.

talking about terrible MIL, actually I have more problems with my mum. She kept insisting that she knew everything because she gave birth to 4 children. When my baby cried, she said I should give formula milk even though my breasts were engorged and supply had kicked in. Then she set this and that rules.
I did not have problem with my MIL yet. a bit with my PIL because in the middle of the night he would play the music very loud. Though when I slept I could not hear that, but still when I latched my baby, I wanted quietness.

Now my baby is sleeping, so I will sleep first to regain my strength. lol.