EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


reiann:696189 said:
yes Lingz! same problem. like, today, the baby has been demanding for milk for on average, 2 hours, sometimes even 1.5hours! arghhh. occasionally 3 hours. few days ago she was more consistently at 3 hours, sometimes 4. sigh. but I can't bear to see her cry and cry, and she's obviously hungry! how??
She jus woke up crying for milk.. Her last feed was 1.5hrs ago.. Sighz.. So latching her now until she falls asleep.. Hopefully this "top-up" can let her last another hr.. well i suppose now we Mus feed on demand right? Bo bian.. jus tat I dunno how much milk she realli needs if I alternate EBM and latching on demand.. maybe 50ml is too little? But she always regurgitate so I dun dare feed her too much too.. Sighz..


Active Member
Kary I just shared a pic in fb grp after seeing ur request ^^ ur husband is great! V supportive! :)

Piglim *hugs* yup she always struggle n push n the first half the time is struggling n very painful... Only later when she's suckling n not making a fuss anymore than I get to type my responses n is typing over one hr on and off as I struggle w her fussing n continue as she settles n suckles.. And ya! They seriously dunno the pain n thinking wasting is ok omg! >< dun be disheartened, press on!! *hugs*

Meltie, what if the replacement lady is good, can request for her to stay?

Reiann my hubby hasn't changed her diapers or nappies b4, so far I'm the only one doing that.. When he found out she pooed he will call out to me to change for her >< and wow! I dun hv enough milk that will leak out when she fusses n struggles n let go...

Erlina congrats in advance, looking forward to ur bb's pic!

Lingz your CL really ><
sometimes I can latch for an hour and then she wants milk again in 30 min!! Literally suck me dry, but why haven't suck away my flabby tummy?!


My girl drinks abt 60ml every 2.5hrs... If i latch her i'll top up with ebm... If not enough will feed her fm...

Lings my supply drop 2 days back... Now coming back to 60~70ml combined per pump.. But by night will dropped to 40~50ml.. Sigh... Ytd i drank a lot of papaya soup... Bb pooed like... Omg need to washed her buttocks at night!!!

Btw today dunno y my bb cant really sleep... Cranky whole day... Cant help feeling fustrated n helpless... At 7pm then finally sleeped.... Dunno y leh she keep crying... Changed diapers feed... Carry her all dun worked...... :(


Rodorsany:696244 said:
My girl drinks abt 60ml every 2.5hrs... If i latch her i'll top up with ebm... If not enough will feed her fm...

Lings my supply drop 2 days back... Now coming back to 60~70ml combined per pump.. But by night will dropped to 40~50ml.. Sigh... Ytd i drank a lot of papaya soup... Bb pooed like... Omg need to washed her buttocks at night!!!

Btw today dunno y my bb cant really sleep... Cranky whole day... Cant help feeling fustrated n helpless... At 7pm then finally sleeped.... Dunno y leh she keep crying... Changed diapers feed... Carry her all dun worked...... :(
Rodorsany.. Wen u latch ur bb, how u noe how much EBM to give her later? Cos I dunno how much she drank wen I latch her direct..

My supply oso drops a little at night.. I jus try to drink more and massage more..

My girl too! She's v cranky these days.. Nvr poo and diapers not wet.. My last resort is to latch her.. She treat me like pacifier.. :( Other times wen even me the human pacifier dun work, I jus carry her tight and walk ard the house and let her listen to her cot musical mobile music to calm her down..

Recently, my girl seems to breathe v heavily.. But wen I check her nose, nothing stuck inside leh.. :(


Mummies thanks for e comfort words. Me feel better Le ;)

oh anw e amount of milk when bb discharged (day3) I was told by e nurse they gave him 30ml so we just stuck with 30ml for e next few days. Then on e 7th day when we were scheduled to visit e pd, she asked us how much we feeding bb so we said 30ml cos tats wat e nurse told us mah. Then pd said "goosh u r under feeding.. Every few days to a week like tat u increase bout 10-15ml.. N if u see ur bb still moving the mouth (looks hungry) then u add more.. So when we returned from e clinic, we gave 40ml. That was every 2-3hrs.. Then 4days later we added to 50ml.. 2weeks 3days onwards he has been drinking 100ml every 3-4hrs. only today at 3wks n 5 days old i reduced to 90ml but at 2.5hrs interval.. Cos lately he spilt up some milk so scare I overfeed. Anw pd says 100ml is more than enuff for a less than 4wks baby so if bb gets hungry n 100ml not enuff just shorten e interval.

I think almost everyone seems to experience bb getting more cranky by wk2. It cld b e wind in the stomach.. Oh as for e milk supply I think will drop one. I also experienced it. Sometimes more sometimes less. Dun keep focusing on e amount bah..


My girl's breathing also heavy nowadays... Same her nose looks clear to me... I will latch more when she is more relaxed...

Today ils mood like super badz... Haiz bb cranky whole house atmosphere no good even my #1 din nap was cranky too... Super stressed..


Lings i roughly gauge by e amt of time she latched on... Then slowly add.. Like she suckle usually 30mins to an hr.. I dun let suckle to long.. Eg if she just suck to sleep i will break e suction... If she's really drinking can feel.. If she still longing i will warm roughly 30ml of ebm.. If no more will use fm. Today at least she drank 1time fm... Still shortage of milk... Haiz

Btw wanna ask u ladies.. Ur menses stopped when.. Mine dunno why suddenly came back then got a bit menses tummyache.... :eek:


Thanks Piglim and Rodorsany! I tink maybe I will increase the feed amt for bb too.. Cos after 50ml she still searching for teat/ nipple.. Wen she is cranky after her feed, I jus carry her and walk ard the house and her mouth will auto turn to try find my nipple even with my clothes on.. So funni! Even funnier is wen hubby carried her todae, she searched for his nipple too! She must be tinking no fish prawn oso good.. Haha.. :D


Oh ya.. Rodorsany.. My menses haven stopped since delivery leh.. Urs stopped in between and came back? I so sianz.. Gynae say this is to compensate for the 9mths with no menses.. Wonder wen issit gonna stop.. Sometimes e flow will be lighter and I will tink it's finally ending onli to have it come back heavy again.. :(


Rodorsany, don't give up on breastfeeding. I think the support from husband really means a lot. If not, I already gave up and gave fm to my daughter due to my mum nagging as reiann's description. It's really frustrating.... Keep saying to give baby's water and fm. But Rodorsany, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If really can't, there's nothing wrong with fm. But if your bm is there, just latch the baby. Baby will learn how to latch (and we learn how to latch properly in the mean time). Last time I kept my baby latching on my right side because my left side was very sore. But right now, I could alternate left and right side.

on the subject on nipple shield, I have pigeon one, but when I put on, my baby did not want to latch. I just took it off, gritted my teeth and let her latch.

meltie and ahwang, enjoy your time with hubby before the arrival of baby. Wish you both a smooth delivery!

Erlina, all the best for your csect!

meltie, don't be frustrated. for confinement, you can order confinement catering... I think newbaby is good (I forgot the correct name).
We're using disposable diapers though at first I wanted to use cloth diapers. but since hospital also used disposable and we found it convenient (imagine if we have to keep changing diaper whenever baby pees or poos!) because we did not need to change as often as cloth diaper. We applied diaper rash cream occasionally.

My husband is very supportive. At night, if I could not handle the baby, I would wake him up and he would help me, especially with the changing of diapers. Sometimes I was so sleepy and tired and he offered to help getting the baby to sleep (though in 30 minutes he would wake me up and we switched).

Felicity, sometimes I wanted to grab my phone while latching my baby but the phone was too far away! lol


meltie: don't vex! will your husband be at home to help you out in the first week? then It hink you can make it. I dont have a CL, only a helper, who is mostly helping with my two dogs and other house work. I have been doing all nightfeeds, diaper change, etc all by myself. husband only helps with diaper change occasionally in the day. I'm tired, but pulling through.

I find that having a CL do all the 'dirty work' like changing diapers etc will only mean that you learn all these later. I find that even though this past week has been crazy, I learn a lot about my baby, about her poop timing and feeding cues, and I'm now much better at managing diaper changes etc. so it isn't all doom and gloom!
Hey Reiann, thanks for your advice! I did think about doing it myself before, but since my colleague recommended me a CL, so i booked her since feb. Hmm my hubby is on scholarship and is studying in NTU, got lessons everyday.. these few weeks got quizzes and tests. He cannot skip school too...unlike work can take leave... sigh, oso dowan to burden him too much... coz its his 3rd yr liao..


Hi meltie, ya looks like c sect is the only way. One thing I find abt wk tan is she don't say or explain much, when I ask she just said do the test, wait and see. This makes me very worried. I then have to google for answer. From my google if bb haven't engage and still very high induce will not help bb to move down. I don't have cl at all, cos I always heard of lots of bad stories abt cl. And some more we bf what can cl do, they can't help us to bf. For meals, I ordered confinement tingkat... Hubby along 2 wks to help at first. Don't worry I think once we r mum we became superwoman. All hardship can endure for sake of our bb. Furthermore, cl only for 1st mth, after that we still need to depend on ourselves. So why not be independent early. Housework let hubby do lor. I think bb comes first one mth no thorough hsework like clean toilet shld be fine. Simple housework like sweep mop floor ask hubby to help?
Hey ahwang, thanks for your encouragement! You're a superwoman! Haha, maybe coz i have been thinking "booked CL liao dun need to worry" , den now few days to my EDD come this kind of news, i getting abit emotional and worried. Was thinking and thinking and felt so unjust and helpless... I totally have no clue how to take care of baby from scratch, all along thought can learn from CL.... =/ Oh well... now maybe gotta see how the replacement CL goes...


Kary I just shared a pic in fb grp after seeing ur request ^^ ur husband is great! V supportive! :)

Piglim *hugs* yup she always struggle n push n the first half the time is struggling n very painful... Only later when she's suckling n not making a fuss anymore than I get to type my responses n is typing over one hr on and off as I struggle w her fussing n continue as she settles n suckles.. And ya! They seriously dunno the pain n thinking wasting is ok omg! >< dun be disheartened, press on!! *hugs*

Meltie, what if the replacement lady is good, can request for her to stay?

Reiann my hubby hasn't changed her diapers or nappies b4, so far I'm the only one doing that.. When he found out she pooed he will call out to me to change for her >< and wow! I dun hv enough milk that will leak out when she fusses n struggles n let go...

Erlina congrats in advance, looking forward to ur bb's pic!

Lingz your CL really ><
sometimes I can latch for an hour and then she wants milk again in 30 min!! Literally suck me dry, but why haven't suck away my flabby tummy?!

Hey felicity, i am not sure how long can the replacement CL stay.. was thinking if she's ok, maybe just use her for the entire month... but not sure the initial auntie will feel she never earn or not coz its she who accepted my job... Maybe I'll check with her again? So sian, at this last min juncture still have to do things that make me so pek chek... i thought everything was smooth going, all systems ready for baby's arrival.... wondering if i am getting pre-natal blues hahaha


Rodorsany, don't give up on breastfeeding. I think the support from husband really means a lot. If not, I already gave up and gave fm to my daughter due to my mum nagging as reiann's description. It's really frustrating.... Keep saying to give baby's water and fm. But Rodorsany, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If really can't, there's nothing wrong with fm. But if your bm is there, just latch the baby. Baby will learn how to latch (and we learn how to latch properly in the mean time). Last time I kept my baby latching on my right side because my left side was very sore. But right now, I could alternate left and right side.

on the subject on nipple shield, I have pigeon one, but when I put on, my baby did not want to latch. I just took it off, gritted my teeth and let her latch.

meltie and ahwang, enjoy your time with hubby before the arrival of baby. Wish you both a smooth delivery!

Erlina, all the best for your csect!

meltie, don't be frustrated. for confinement, you can order confinement catering... I think newbaby is good (I forgot the correct name).
We're using disposable diapers though at first I wanted to use cloth diapers. but since hospital also used disposable and we found it convenient (imagine if we have to keep changing diaper whenever baby pees or poos!) because we did not need to change as often as cloth diaper. We applied diaper rash cream occasionally.

My husband is very supportive. At night, if I could not handle the baby, I would wake him up and he would help me, especially with the changing of diapers. Sometimes I was so sleepy and tired and he offered to help getting the baby to sleep (though in 30 minutes he would wake me up and we switched).

Felicity, sometimes I wanted to grab my phone while latching my baby but the phone was too far away! lol

Thanks tealeaf! Hmm i thought about that, but maybe now abit too late to order? Anyway i said ok to the CL arrangement over the phone... and i feel my bb may come anytime... now feeling some kind of contractions.. wondering if bb is coming... still cannot recognise contractions.. =P hmm was quite troubled earlier... sigh.. my hubby just keep asking me to forget about it and just focus on the baby bah... coz i am still afraid of the needles and pain that i'll need to go through during delivery.. trying to brace myself for it! Pain threshold is low...


Sorry mummies for spamming posts! I dunno how to reply with multiple quotes! Hahaha, so replying one by one 1st time on my hubby's laptop.... normally i use iphone or the app ... but i lazy to keep scrolling up and down...

To all breastfeeding mums! Jiayou! I consulted my colleagues who breastfed for their multiple kids... they all say its not easy and key is to PERSERVERE! It takes afew weeks to get used to it and get the flow going... don't stress yourself, just remember that as long as you tried your best to give ur bb the best, you're already a great mummy! Breastmilk, EBM, FM, etc, all works for babies and make them fat and chubby! =) Can't wait to join you gals to fight together!


Congrats mamadinosaur! We'll wait for ur birth story!!!

Thanks tealeaf... Recently hb seemed so fustrated n night at most help me warmed up ebm or make fm. Better then nothing...

Still pumping away.... Let's all jiayou