EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Am so pissed off with hb.... At 4.30am bb cried for milk.. So i was trying to latch on.. Hb as usual go n make fm as usually bm supply abit on e low side...

Bb fuss.. N was starting to suckle n bb was cranky n making some noise hb just gimme e face.. Aiya let her drink e fm kind.. Really disappoints me alot alot.. I thought he would b supportive.... My #1 dun really take bm coz she dunno how to suckle n she reject milk.. But bb could suckle much better then jie jie :mad: only my #1 very kuai ask me to bf mei mei...

Really at a point wanna give up.. No one seems to really care n just wan convenient.. Hb passed me e e btl n see i feed fm he goes to sleep... Its like e fuss bb makes will disturb whole world's sleep.. But thats wat having bb is like losing sleep... Really fed up...

Feel like chasing him n #1(she wanna sleep with us) to another room n i closed door so hw i feed is my prob!!!!! :mad:


I had my first sleepless night yday after bringing baby home... She just refused to sleep for more than half an hour at a time, and all de time wanted to keep latching.. Soo tiring, also she does not latch from my right for more than five mins at all, all de time on my left.. Was so sleepy and her latching n biting n sucking my nipple was hurting so bad. Was almost on the verge of giving her formula.. But didn't sterilize any bottles so couldnt.. She's been sleeping only from 8:30 and hubby n me too finally got to rest..

And with the confinement rules I'm not following anything.. I showered twice yday, and I feel quite fine.. Actually feel soo much better after a shower. My mum I also saying dont touch cold water don't do this and don't go out, but I'm not gonna follow any rules.. Everythins different now from when they had their babies.

Now just hoping my baby sleeps durin the night time too.. And how do u make baby latch on both sides equally? Soo stressing it is.

Lingz my baby also is all de time farting n really loud ones.. Hiccups too quite a lot.


Active Member
My in laws dressed her up in a floral top n bottom w a gold chain omg she looks like a little auntie >< (rush back to prepare for bb shower, will be back)


Active Member
Ok back v soon cos bb wanna latch again so locking up in room w bb n my phone :p

Tealeaf congrats! Ya I think latching is most terrible n stressful.. :/

Rodorsany, in the middle of the night if bb cries my hubby will demand bb to keep quiet.. Keep telling bb in an impatient tone to wait for mummy quietly (while I go toilet first cos scared latch v long dun get to go)... Alamak will bb listen? Then I latch he goes back to slp.. Bb fuss he will wake up and ask bb why she so naughty make so much noise, n goes back to slp >< to think b4 I deliver her he still say he will do night duty...

Kary keep pressing on! That's wat most of us did I guess... Zzz I need sleep.. Oh I guess farting n hiccups r really normal, v frequent for my bb too
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Haha felicity put pics of ur little aunty... Soo cute.. She's turned one month already. Time sure does fly...

My hubby was really supportive last night, I kept saying lets give her fm but he was like let's just keep trying some more, and he even got me a breast pump yday.. And until 2 - 3 o'clock he kept trying to put baby to sleep. But on Monday he goes back to work den I won't feel like disturbing him..


Dear all, it's been a while since I posted here. I delivered baby girl on 10th Sept at NUH. After that, it's a whirlwind of taking care of her. I even did not have time to turn on my laptop for a week!
First time mum, the latching was painful. My nipples were sore. I almost gave up. The lactation consultant and mid wife helped me to gain my confidence. Still, the nipple will be sore time to time. I applied medela nipple cream. My girl would latch and frown at first (perhaps from the taste of the cream) but she would continue latching.
Right now, I dont have pump yet, so just latch her. I am waiting for my order of pump to come.

talking about terrible mother in law, actually I have more problems with my mum. She kept insisting that she knew everything because she gave birth to 4 children. When my baby cried, she said I should give formula milk even though my breasts were engorged and supply had kicked in. Then she set this and that rules.
I did not have problem with my mother in law yet. a bit with my parent in law because in the middle of the night he would play the music very loud. Though when I slept I could not hear that, but still when I latched my baby, I wanted quietness.

Now my baby is sleeping, so I will sleep first to regain my strength. lol.
congrats tealeaf! I haven't had time to open my laptop, only using my iphone to get on the internet world when I'm breast feeding... IF I don't forget to place it next to me in the first place! ha.

Am so pissed off with husband.... At 4.30am baby cried for milk.. So i was trying to latch on.. husband as usual go n make fm as usually breast milk supply abit on e low side...

baby fuss.. N was starting to suckle n baby was cranky n making some noise husband just gimme e face.. Aiya let her drink e fm kind.. Really disappoints me alot alot.. I thought he would b supportive.... My #1 dont really take breast milk coz she dont know how to suckle n she reject milk.. But baby could suckle much better then jie jie :mad: only my #1 very kuai ask me to bf mei mei...

Really at a point wanna give up.. No one seems to really care n just want convenient.. husband passed me e e btl n see i feed fm he goes to sleep... Its like e fuss baby makes will disturb whole world's sleep.. But thats what having baby is like losing sleep... Really fed up...

Feel like chasing him n #1(she wanna sleep with us) to another room n i closed door so hw i feed is my prob!!!!! :mad:

tealeaf and Rod:
I feel for you. I have a 'terrible' mum in that yes, she nags and commands me to do this and that (all the old confinement bulls+++). She also insisted that I feed FM. she even exclaimed when she picked up my baby when she was 3 days old, "Oh! Your baby feels so light now! Aiyoh sooooo pooooor thing! Feed FM lah! FEED FM!!!!" wtf? seriously. it's like, why can't people just be more supportive of breast feeding? it's like, only my girlfriends who are also new mums understand the importance of breast feeding, and that it is absolutely NORMAL for a baby to lose weight in first week or so, and that it takes time for milk to kick in and baby to latch etc etc. and only they have been giving me the support. I can't believe how our mothers/in laws want us to feed FM. don't they understand that if we all had a chance we'd breast feed 100% cos it IS better for babies? jeez.

/end rant.

tealeaf, Rod and kary: don't give up breast feeding! my nipples are also very sore, especially on day 4, and started to bleed (more like very red, internal bleeding?), and both are 'ridged' (ie one side is 'higher' than the other)/asymmetrical. whenever my baby latches on now, the first 5 seconds hurts! but after a while, it doesn't hurt anymore.

my girlfriend recommended me to get nipple shield (e.g Medela brand), small plastic covers over the entire nipple and aerola with tiny holes on it. apparently it helps her get over her sore nipples. I almost used it, but in the end my nipples hurt less so I'm leaving it for now. but she swears by it. maybe you can look into it?

@Kary: I'm so happy to hear of another mummy who doesn't believe in confinement!! :D yes exactly, I feel so much better after a shower.. I feel good about myself, relaxed, and clean. isn't that what it's supposed to be? being in a good state.. then breast feeding and all that waking up multiple times at night, isn't so bad. I also drink water freely, cold or warm, and have bathed my baby once, and it was a great bonding experience.


Congrats tealeaf! I guess bz are the days ahea as we try to adjust!

Jiayou jiayou all the breastfeeding mummies and with your mums and mils! Gosh i really pray i will have an amiable r/s w them.. i'm not staying w them tho.. but when they visit i really hope they'll let me handle and not inject insensitive comments... i hope my hb will be supportive too! Though he slps like a log.. maybe will not wake up even when bb fusses... hahaa all the worries... but i'm still waiting for my bb to come out!! 2 more days to my EDD liao! Still no symptoms!!


meltie:696120 said:
Congrats tealeaf! I guess bz are the days ahea as we try to adjust!

Jiayou jiayou all the breastfeeding mummies and with your mums and mils! Gosh i really pray i will have an amiable r/s w them.. i'm not staying w them tho.. but when they visit i really hope they'll let me handle and not inject insensitive comments... i hope my hb will be supportive too! Though he slps like a log.. maybe will not wake up even when bb fusses... hahaa all the worries... but i'm still waiting for my bb to come out!! 2 more days to my EDD liao! Still no symptoms!!

Me too meltie, 2 days and Still no symptoms. No dilation and bb not engaged. Did doc ask u do fetal assesment scan to check why bb not engaged? Doc even said induced labor sure fail . I thought induce is to open cervix, seems like Im not encouraged to even try induce, so disappointing.


Seems like we all hv our set of prob.. Dunno y breastfeeding is not encouraged :(( today latch baby n I think I m hving milk flow let down. Bb was choking, fussing n struggling... Hubby was like y not just pump n feed him.. But I really enjoy breastfeeding.. E feeling when bb suckles n look at u is so wonderful n amazing.. Mayb hving too much flow also not a Gd thing :( sighhh hubby was like saying u can't breastfeed like tat he'll only drink e foremilk n not drink ur hind milk.. he cry n fuss will only swallow more air...

Wat shld I do?? :( Really sad..
then mil says breastfeed so le Chey.. N show e not so happy face....

R any of u experiencing e fuss from ur bb? I dunno if it's becos I start bottle feeding him or wat... Now latching is a struggle.
Felicity I dunno how come u can latch n post at e same time. If I latch both my hands need to grab bb.. His head will b struggling, his legs will b kicking n his hands will push me away... He does this when he's bottle fed also..

Think hubby also tired. E first two weeks very encouraging. Tell me don't stop breastfeeding.. N bought me a pump... Then today ask me to express out better. :(
When they bottle feed left 10-20ml they dun try to make bb finish.. I say dun waste it... They Say "nvm la so much milk.. ;(( even if 5ml to me is previous. They all really dunno e pain n hardwork behind breastfeeding...

*crying now* so upset.


hey ahwang, my gynae will start CTG to monitor heartbeat when past EDD.. hmm my girl is engaged so she did not say much.. ask me to do more squats to help her faster come out.. but i getting lazy liao.. hmm i thought induce shld be able to come out? how come can oso fail? Does it mean can only c-sect?

hmm i just spoke to my CL over the phone..i'm so vexed and sad.. i think she's just v irresponsible to agree to work for me yet she can't make it.. she said she mentioned before that she will send eeplacement for afew days if she can't make it in time.. i had problems getting to her at start of the sept, when i finally got her, she say she just started a job .. so i assume is end of mth she ready, so i try my best to wait ... now she says she only available in mid Oct! How can i wait any longer?! and just coz of CL ?!i think i too nice to her.. nv raise my voice and ask her why she agreed in the first place when she can't make it in sept... what if i gave birth 2 weeks ago? Sigh.. now gotta make do w a replacement for 1st 2 weeks den she take over..super mafan to have changes in between.. my hubby say to just cancel her.. but den how am i gonna cope all alone? :( i dunno how to cook and take care of baby and clean house .. no maid and staying w hb alone only...


Hi, just went this morning for fetal scanning to check on the weight of the baby. Indeed, 3.8kg and not engaged yet. So, gynae and sonographer recommend c-sec. Will be doing c-sec tomorrow's morning.. Hopefully, everything goes well..


wow erlina, you're next! C-sect shld be quite fast.. be it any method, as long as bb is healthy , safe and safe for u is the most impt.. :) Congrats in advance!


erlina040:696161 said:
Hi, just went this morning for fetal scanning to check on the weight of the baby. Indeed, 3.8kg and not engaged yet. So, gynae and sonographer recommend c-sec. Will be doing c-sec tomorrow's morning.. Hopefully, everything goes well..
Hi erlina, when is ur Edd and do u have any dilation? Is c sect the only way? Cannot wait for miracle to happen or induce labor? In anycase, wish u have a smooth delivery things will be fine and u can see ur bb soon!


hey ahwang, my gynae will start CTG to monitor heartbeat when past EDD.. hmm my girl is engaged so she did not say much.. ask me to do more squats to help her faster come out.. but i getting lazy liao.. hmm i thought induce shld be able to come out? how come can oso fail? Does it mean can only c-sect?

hmm i just spoke to my CL over the phone..i'm so vexed and sad.. i think she's just v irresponsible to agree to work for me yet she can't make it.. she said she mentioned before that she will send eeplacement for afew days if she can't make it in time.. i had problems getting to her at start of the sept, when i finally got her, she say she just started a job .. so i assume is end of mth she ready, so i try my best to wait ... now she says she only available in mid Oct! How can i wait any longer?! and just coz of CL ?!i think i too nice to her.. nv raise my voice and ask her why she agreed in the first place when she can't make it in sept... what if i gave birth 2 weeks ago? Sigh.. now gotta make do w a replacement for 1st 2 weeks den she take over..super mafan to have changes in between.. my hubby say to just cancel her.. but den how am i gonna cope all alone? :( i dunno how to cook and take care of baby and clean house .. no maid and staying w hb alone only...
meltie: don't vex! will your husband be at home to help you out in the first week? then It hink you can make it. I dont have a CL, only a helper, who is mostly helping with my two dogs and other house work. I have been doing all nightfeeds, diaper change, etc all by myself. husband only helps with diaper change occasionally in the day. I'm tired, but pulling through.

I find that having a CL do all the 'dirty work' like changing diapers etc will only mean that you learn all these later. I find that even though this past week has been crazy, I learn a lot about my baby, about her poop timing and feeding cues, and I'm now much better at managing diaper changes etc. so it isn't all doom and gloom!


meltie:696160 said:
hey ahwang, my gynae will start CTG to monitor heartbeat when past EDD.. hmm my girl is engaged so she did not say much.. ask me to do more squats to help her faster come out.. but i getting lazy liao.. hmm i thought induce shld be able to come out? how come can oso fail? Does it mean can only c-sect?

hmm i just spoke to my CL over the phone..i'm so vexed and sad.. i think she's just v irresponsible to agree to work for me yet she can't make it.. she said she mentioned before that she will send eeplacement for afew days if she can't make it in time.. i had problems getting to her at start of the sept, when i finally got her, she say she just started a job .. so i assume is end of mth she ready, so i try my best to wait ... now she says she only available in mid Oct! How can i wait any longer?! and just coz of CL ?!i think i too nice to her.. nv raise my voice and ask her why she agreed in the first place when she can't make it in sept... what if i gave birth 2 weeks ago? Sigh.. now gotta make do w a replacement for 1st 2 weeks den she take over..super mafan to have changes in between.. my hubby say to just cancel her.. but den how am i gonna cope all alone? :( i dunno how to cook and take care of baby and clean house .. no maid and staying w hb alone only...
Hi meltie, ya looks like c sect is the only way. One thing I find abt wk tan is she don't say or explain much, when I ask she just said do the test, wait and see. This makes me very worried. I then have to google for answer. From my google if bb haven't engage and still very high induce will not help bb to move down. I don't have cl at all, cos I always heard of lots of bad stories abt cl. And some more we bf what can cl do, they can't help us to bf. For meals, I ordered confinement tingkat... Hubby along 2 wks to help at first. Don't worry I think once we r mum we became superwoman. All hardship can endure for sake of our bb. Furthermore, cl only for 1st mth, after that we still need to depend on ourselves. So why not be independent early. Housework let hubby do lor. I think bb comes first one mth no thorough hsework like clean toilet shld be fine. Simple housework like sweep mop floor ask hubby to help?


erlina040:696161 said:
Hi, just went this morning for fetal scanning to check on the weight of the baby. Indeed, 3.8kg and not engaged yet. So, gynae and sonographer recommend c-sec. Will be doing c-sec tomorrow's morning.. Hopefully, everything goes well..
Hey erlina, congrats in advance.. No matter c sect or natural so long both mother n bb safe is more impt! Jiayou...


Seems like we all hv our set of prob.. Dunno y breastfeeding is not encouraged :(( today latch baby n I think I m hving milk flow let down. Bb was choking, fussing n struggling... Hubby was like y not just pump n feed him.. But I really enjoy breastfeeding.. E feeling when bb suckles n look at u is so wonderful n amazing.. Mayb hving too much flow also not a Gd thing :( sighhh hubby was like saying u can't breastfeed like tat he'll only drink e foremilk n not drink ur hind milk.. he cry n fuss will only swallow more air...

Wat shld I do?? :( Really sad..
then mil says breastfeed so le Chey.. N show e not so happy face....

R any of u experiencing e fuss from ur bb? I dunno if it's becos I start bottle feeding him or wat... Now latching is a struggle.
Felicity I dunno how come u can latch n post at e same time. If I latch both my hands need to grab bb.. His head will b struggling, his legs will b kicking n his hands will push me away... He does this when he's bottle fed also..

Think hubby also tired. E first two weeks very encouraging. Tell me don't stop breastfeeding.. N bought me a pump... Then today ask me to express out better. :(
When they bottle feed left 10-20ml they dun try to make bb finish.. I say dun waste it... They Say "nvm la so much milk.. ;(( even if 5ml to me is previous. They all really dunno e pain n hardwork behind breastfeeding...

*crying now* so upset.
piglim: don't be upset!! there's absolutely nothing wrong with bottle feeding breast milk. I actually secretly wish I could do that, but my husband doesn't allow me to as baby is latching fine. but I'm getting frustrated cos my baby is feeding only for about 20 mins each time and then falls asleep and then demanding to be fed again in two hours or less -_- that's too tiring for me. whereas I think feeding her by bottle (even if EBM) can mean that she is fed fuller and thus the interval between feeds is longer! I intend to start EBM bottle feeding in a month's time.. can't wait..

as for struggling, sometimes my baby does that too... and it's not nice cos my milk is leaking out! grar.

and don't worry too much about the fore/hindmilk thing. even though hindmilk has more fats, foremilk is just as important and even if your baby doesn't feed long enough, the foremilk is more than sufficient. they're all the same milk, just with slightly different composition...


My EDD is actually 27th sep.. No dilation and no engagement also.. The gynae did ask me whether I want to try natural birth, but the baby might reach more than 4kg, which can be risky. His recommendation (safest for the child) is to go thru c sec. Baby's head also quite big.. Thanks!! Ya, think will be very fast.. But the recovery will be long.. :)


Piglim, I share ur sentiments! But my problem is my CL.. She is seriously pissing me off.. Everytime bb fuss, she insist bb wan to suckle and push bb to me, treat me like pacifier.. Wen all I have to do is bring bb to room, sit down quietly and gently rock her to sleep.. Then this morning, she fed bb 40ml of EBM at 7am.. And I have another 2 bottles of 50ml EBM in fridge.. 8am, bb fuss and she went to warm the 50ml EBM.. I was like WHAT ARE U DOING? She said bb hungry, wan drink somemore.. Siao.. Her tummy so small, how to take 90ml of milk in 1hr?! I told her off lor.. Then she still say bb just poo, can drink liao.. Cannot finish jiu throw away lor.. I was like, my supply not a lot lor.. Even 5ml throw away I oso heartache lor.. I cannot stand it wen she treat it so lightly.. She see got EBM in fridge she like must finish all asap like tat.. Angry!

Anyway.. Tealeaf, Rodorsany and Kary, dun give up! Let's Ganbatte together! Breastfeeding is realli not easy, but it is rewarding! Im glad my supply is kicking in slowly.. Managed to express more and more each time.. Now combined I got 100ml! *Happy* I'm still expressing more than I latch though.. *not proud* But I find bb seems to drink less while being latched maybe cos she tend to snooze on my breast.. If I jus latch her, she will wan to feed every 30min.. So tiring! EBM at least I noe how much she's drinking and she can usually last 2hrs or more..

Btw.. how much milk are ur bb drinking at 2 wks old? Currently she's drinking 50ml every 2hrs during the day and wake up twice at night for the same amount.. But during the day, sometimes she can fuss for milk after 1.5hrs and I will try to wait till 2hrs before we feed her.. Other times, she can last for 3hrs.. Dunno how her little tummy works..


Piglim, I share ur sentiments! But my problem is my CL.. She is seriously pissing me off.. Everytime bb fuss, she insist bb wan to suckle and push bb to me, treat me like pacifier.. Wen all I have to do is bring bb to room, sit down quietly and gently rock her to sleep.. Then this morning, she fed bb 40ml of EBM at 7am.. And I have another 2 bottles of 50ml EBM in fridge.. 8am, bb fuss and she went to warm the 50ml EBM.. I was like WHAT ARE U DOING? She said bb hungry, wan drink somemore.. Siao.. Her tummy so small, how to take 90ml of milk in 1hr?! I told her off lor.. Then she still say bb just poo, can drink liao.. Cannot finish jiu throw away lor.. I was like, my supply not a lot lor.. Even 5ml throw away I oso heartache lor.. I cannot stand it wen she treat it so lightly.. She see got EBM in fridge she like must finish all asap like tat.. Angry!

Anyway.. Tealeaf, Rodorsany and Kary, dun give up! Let's Ganbatte together! Breastfeeding is realli not easy, but it is rewarding! Im glad my supply is kicking in slowly.. Managed to express more and more each time.. Now combined I got 100ml! *Happy* I'm still expressing more than I latch though.. *not proud* But I find bb seems to drink less while being latched maybe cos she tend to snooze on my breast.. If I jus latch her, she will wan to feed every 30min.. So tiring! EBM at least I noe how much she's drinking and she can usually last 2hrs or more..

Btw.. how much milk are ur bb drinking at 2 wks old? Currently she's drinking 50ml every 2hrs during the day and wake up twice at night for the same amount.. But during the day, sometimes she can fuss for milk after 1.5hrs and I will try to wait till 2hrs before we feed her.. Other times, she can last for 3hrs.. Dunno how her little tummy works..
yes Lingz! same problem. like, today, the baby has been demanding for milk for on average, 2 hours, sometimes even 1.5hours! arghhh. occasionally 3 hours. few days ago she was more consistently at 3 hours, sometimes 4. sigh. but I can't bear to see her cry and cry, and she's obviously hungry! how??