EDD March 2013


Yes.. don't give up so easily.. although i keep grumble this baby make me very uncomfort & inconvient for my work.. but i still want this BB.. i lost one & i cannot afford to lose again.
Let JIA YU together :)

neymo.. thank you so much for your encouragement!
i've had a good talk with my hubby.. he suggest we go for a break like 2D1N melaka trip.. juz to see things, walk ard.. and he reminded me that baby it's always wat we wanted even during our dating days.. so how can i give up? this is really a wake up call for me.. yes, he really reminded me of our dreams together and now we're realising it together.. i should be doing it with him happily and enjoy the process..

i've decided to keep my baby.. it really hurts me alot if i really were to get rid of him/her..
i wanna show him/her how much mummy and daddy loves him/her.. =D


NeyMo... u got compare both brand.. what the diff & which one is better for us?
Hello Smilem, I was drinking Anmum first as recommended by my sister and it taste good for me. Then I realise the content of EnfaMama is actually similar but lower in fat content (my concern is to have lower fat intake) than Anmum. But it really taste "YUCK" due to less sugar to mask the smell..

I tried one week and eventually get used of the 'yuck" taste already.. If you can stand the taste then could switch to other brands..


Oh ya I think previously someone mentioned bout leg cramps rite? Tis is my major worry as I used to hv frequent leg cramp during my younger days. So now I will usuallygive my legs nitely massage b4 gg to bed then will wear a pair of loose thick socks. If u r not wearing long pants can use blanket to cover so tat yr legs are kept warm.

For dizziness try wearing a pair of socks to whenever possible. Thickness does not matter. Hope it will help.
Yes, Im the one who suffering the leg cramps especially at night.. Thanks for your advise!!

Literature suggested pregnant ladies will have the leg cramps problem when enter second trimester :embarrassed: Will need to reduce the walking pace and time; have a good massage or warm water leg soaking before turn in.. My hubby was waking up to massage my leg but it was just annoying...

Apr gal

Yes, Im the one who suffering the leg cramps especially at night.. Thanks for your advise!!

Literature suggested pregnant ladies will have the leg cramps problem when enter second trimester :embarrassed: Will need to reduce the walking pace and time; have a good massage or warm water leg soaking before turn in.. My hubby was waking up to massage my leg but it was just annoying...
After practicing nitely massage myself, am able to sleep they d nite w/o d irritation n waking up in d middle of d nite... :) hope it will work throughout
Yes.. don't give up so easily.. although i keep grumble this baby make me very uncomfort & inconvient for my work.. but i still want this BB.. i lost one & i cannot afford to lose again.
Let JIA YU together :)
yes, let's jia you together!
now, i dun really bother if my boss angry or wat.. i'll do my job.. and if i think i need to.. i'll go see doc or take leave to rest..
afterall, it's juz a job.. the money of the maternity leave or my salary can never compensate my baby..

to all the mummies in this thread, who might feel discomfort during your pregnancy, let's all jia you together.. for our lovely baby!


New Member
Anyone can recommend on pre-natal yoga or exercise classes? Stopped during my 1sr trimester. Need to start working out. Been very weak and unhealthy & too lazy! :p


New Member
Hi, everyone I'm a FTM! just got matted in June and wham! Got preggy in Jul/Aug. EDDIE is end march so now I'm 13 weeks..
Very excited. Having bad headaches, hungry but no appetite n super tired are my usual problemsg.
Have spotting initially then got bed rest n try not to work OT and dun stress over work.

I'm seeing Dr lim teck beng at mt e. Each visit with scan is about $120 -$150 with my hormones pills send folic acid.
Just did Oscar, results are fine. But now must wait for another month before can see through lil one. Very Kan chiong. Hahaha


Hi EQCM32.. welcome. headaches is common.. perhap can try drink some logan dates water to boost your energy & reduce the headache..

Hi, everyone I'm a FTM! just got matted in June and wham! Got preggy in Jul/Aug. EDDIE is end march so now I'm 13 weeks..
Very excited. Having bad headaches, hungry but no appetite n super tired are my usual problemsg.
Have spotting initially then got bed rest n try not to work OT and dun stress over work.

I'm seeing Dr lim teck beng at mt e. Each visit with scan is about $120 -$150 with my hormones pills send folic acid.
Just did Oscar, results are fine. But now must wait for another month before can see through lil one. Very Kan chiong. Hahaha


Yes, :D (kekek.. i still ve not let my boss know)

yes, let's jia you together!
now, i dun really bother if my boss angry or wat.. i'll do my job.. and if i think i need to.. i'll go see doc or take leave to rest..
afterall, it's juz a job.. the money of the maternity leave or my salary can never compensate my baby..

to all the mummies in this thread, who might feel discomfort during your pregnancy, let's all jia you together.. for our lovely baby!


New Member
yes, let's jia you together!
now, i dont really bother if my boss angry or what.. i'll do my job.. and if i think i need to.. i'll go see doc or take leave to rest..
afterall, it's just a job.. the money of the maternity leave or my salary can never compensate my baby..

to all the mummies in this thread, who might feel discomfort during your pregnancy, let's all jia you together.. for our lovely baby!
Yes! Im a workaholic but because in the initial stage, I have frequent spotting so I scared liao. Took rest/mc whenever need arises.
No choice. Hope they wldnt "sack" me. My hubby n family are insistent that I rest more.
Seems like my immunity will b down too. So all mummies out there must take care!


New Member
Hi all,

I'm currently 16+ wks, EDD 7 Mar 2013. My first baby after trying for nearly 4 years with hubby so very excited and also a bit lost.

Though I'm well into the 2nd trimester still having nausea at night (though start later and not daily anymore) and been having on-and-off headache since week 10. Really looking forward to feeling baby's first kick! :D


Anyone can recommend on pre-natal yoga or exercise classes? Stopped during my 1sr trimester. Need to start working out. Been very weak and unhealthy & too lazy! :p
EQCM32, I am actually looking for pre-natal yoga class too for the ease of labour. :eek: