EDD March 2013


Purple.. .aiyo.. tell your MIL (mother in law) that u not feeling well.. u supose to rest & not take mc to become maid at home

hello mummies,

please, please, please take care and do not do any strenteous exercise/work or walk too much...
i've been having "pulling" discomfort at my abdominal and at the sides of my abdominal for the whole of last week..
until monday, i really feel it's not right that i decided to visit my gynae..

told my boss i'll be gone for half day and will give MC.. visited the gynae and he said that i walked too much or do strenteous work.. and he gave me 3 days MC to rest at home.. but still, when i'm at home, i still have to help my MIL to clean the house.. so almost like no rest.. and the "pulling" discomfort comes again..

so pls, dun be like me.. and rest as much as possible..


Neymo = everytime see gynae's face for less than 20mins = at least $150 exlude medi :(

Hello Smilem, your visit period (once a month) is desired by my hubby as it is always exciting to know the progress of our bb in womb. Last night my hubby was nagging again and he said wanna ask the gynae to see us like once a month instead of 6weeks once. :001_302: Will talk to gynae during our next visit.

agree with u that consultation is expensive exclude medicine : ( have to tighten our belt from now onwards LOL


Im ok with either place, any other mummies ?


We could arrange for a time to go tgt. They have 2 branch; Regency House and Bukit Timah

this is the schedule for the pre-natal pilates.
Regency House: Mon 11am, Wed 2pm, Sat 12noon.
Bukit Timah: Mon 530pm, Wed 730pm, Sat 1pm.


New Member
Hi Purplelicious - I experience the same type of pains too. Apparently it's round ligament pains due to the abdomen stretching and pretty normal. My doc said not to worry just be careful not to overstrain and rest more. Take care and hope you feel better soon!

Pilates - I'm interested too! Will ask doc tomorrow whether it's ok for me to do. Keep me posted what you ladies decide!


Sure neuros... hear from you soon... you must be excited to see the little one tmr :)

Hi Purplelicious - I experience the same type of pains too. Apparently it's round ligament pains due to the abdomen stretching and pretty normal. My doc said not to worry just be careful not to overstrain and rest more. Take care and hope you feel better soon!

Pilates - I'm interested too! Will ask doc tomorrow whether it's ok for me to do. Keep me posted what you ladies decide!


Hi ladies! Will be seeing my gynae later in the afternoon.. Very excited, as usual.. According to my gynae, will be able to tell the gender at this appt..
Am exactly 16 weeks today... ;D


Hi ladies! Will be seeing my gynae later in the afternoon.. Very excited, as usual.. According to my gynae, will be able to tell the gender at this appt..
Am exactly 16 weeks today... ;D
MsSaggi, could really tell your excitement :001_302: Do share with us either your lit precious is Prince or Princess :001_302: To me, seeing baby will always make my day LOL

Then I think we could start to have GENDER SCORE BOARD once more babies' gender are revealed gradually :001_302:
Hi Purplelicious - I experience the same type of pains too. Apparently it's round ligament pains due to the abdomen stretching and pretty normal. My doc said not to worry just be careful not to overstrain and rest more. Take care and hope you feel better soon!

Pilates - I'm interested too! Will ask doc tomorrow whether it's ok for me to do. Keep me posted what you ladies decide!
yes, im feeling better.. though i still feel some "pulling" even after the rest.. i was thinking maybe if it's my baby being too active and moving too much!

you girls are going for pilates? i thought of going for some sort of aqua aerobics which might be more comfortable cuz it's in water.. my friend saw some preggie ladies doing it at yishun swimming pool.. will check out more on it..


Hi Neuros, how did your appt with ur gynae went? :)

Hi Purplelicious - I experience the same type of pains too. Apparently it's round ligament pains due to the abdomen stretching and pretty normal. My doc said not to worry just be careful not to overstrain and rest more. Take care and hope you feel better soon!

Pilates - I'm interested too! Will ask doc tomorrow whether it's ok for me to do. Keep me posted what you ladies decide!


There is a Spring Baby and Maternity fair at Spring Warehouse 27 sep - 30 sept (10am -10pm). 16 Jalan Kilang, Hoi Hup Building.


New Member
Hi Neuros, how did your appt with ur gynae went? :)
Hi I0r3tTa, waited 2 hrs for the gynae (Dr HK Ho)! Apparently he had an emergency op in the morning and 5 mins after we arrived he was called away for delivery. When we finally saw him he was pretty pissed with his nurses n kept complaining that they scheduled too many new cases for that day causing him to be unhappy and the patients to be unhappy. So not very good start. Hahaa... But he seems pretty knowledgable and professional and more reassuring than my original gynae - dismissed some of my original gynae's "scares"/concerns. We're still undecided who to choose.

On a good note though - he confirmed it's a boy!!! :) We're indifferent to the gender but would like to know - easier to buy stuff and think of names. Very happy. Baby very cooperative. I've been telling him to open legs wide wide since the morning of the appt so we can know the gender and he complied, really open very big, can see the little rocket pretty clearly. Hee...

I forgot to ask whether it's ok for me to do pilates though! He commented that my placenta's a bit low but it's pretty common for this stage? Have another appt with him in 2 wks - if we do decide to see him again will ask then. Else I'll probably make an appt with my original gynae and ask him then.

Now the thing is - how to decide who to go with???


Hi I0r3tTa, waited 2 hrs for the gynae (Dr HK Ho)! Apparently he had an emergency op in the morning and 5 mins after we arrived he was called away for delivery. When we finally saw him he was pretty pissed with his nurses n kept complaining that they scheduled too many new cases for that day causing him to be unhappy and the patients to be unhappy. So not very good start. Hahaa... But he seems pretty knowledgable and professional and more reassuring than my original gynae - dismissed some of my original gynae's "scares"/concerns. We're still undecided who to choose.

On a good note though - he confirmed it's a boy!!! :) We're indifferent to the gender but would like to know - easier to buy stuff and think of names. Very happy. Baby very cooperative. I've been telling him to open legs wide wide since the morning of the appt so we can know the gender and he complied, really open very big, can see the little rocket pretty clearly. Hee...

I forgot to ask whether it's ok for me to do pilates though! He commented that my placenta's a bit low but it's pretty common for this stage? Have another appt with him in 2 wks - if we do decide to see him again will ask then. Else I'll probably make an appt with my original gynae and ask him then.

Now the thing is - how to decide who to go with???
Neuros, which gynae you and your hubby think most comfortable to liaise with? And which gynae give you the more confidence level when you have some problems in mind? Then probably you could go to the gynae based on these criteria. Of course, the charge of the gynae could be one of the reason too.

Neuros, congrats to you - A very cooperative little Prince :001_302: And will you be starting do some shopping now? Must be very excited right? LOL

Gender Score Board: :eek:
NeyMO - Boy
Neuros - Boy


Wow neuros, 2hrs sure was a long wait... neymo has a good suggestion,which gynae you feel comfortable with and more confident, you stick with him.

My little one is also most likely be a boy too, saw a little something in between the legs,but my gynae didn't confirm, she say next detail scan at Thomson medical will be able to tell. Haha.. so will have to wait till 24th Oct. I will be traveling to Perth next week :) to have a good break before this 2nd one arrives. Hee hee..


Hello lor3tTa, enjoy your Perth trip :001_302: I was backpacking there with my hubby during my second month of pregnancy. A good place of relaxing before bb arrival :001_302:

Seem like most of us probably are expecting a Prince... Looking forward to Princess as well :Dancing_wub:


My scan at 13w gynae told me high chance is boy, but scan at 16w he says most probably is girl.. Have to wait 20w detailed scan to confirm le.. But from what I can see should be a princess..


Hello Cagnes, you had your gynae within 3-4 weeks time? So good. Mine one is every 6 weeks so far and sometimes really impatient for the waiting time:err: My baby bump seems growing bigger from day to day and hopefully bb inside womb is developing well.

Cagnes, my gynae told us the gender of our little Prince on 14wk. He was so confirm during the scanning and the ultrasound photo could tell the "little rocket" clearly. :001_302: However I always have the feeling of what if he scanned wrongly but I had already shared the gender with most of my family and friends. LOL

Still got two more weeks to have my 20 weeks scanning. Really looking forward to it!! :001_302:


Hehe .. So fast right.. Going to the half mark of pregnancy alrdy.. My bump not obvious yet.. But getting chubby alrdy..