EDD March 2013


Hi all,

I'm currently 16+ wks, EDD 7 Mar 2013. My first baby after trying for nearly 4 years with hubby so very excited and also a bit lost.

Though I'm well into the 2nd trimester still having nausea at night (though start later and not daily anymore) and been having on-and-off headache since week 10. Really looking forward to feeling baby's first kick! :D
Welcome Neuros!! :001_302: I'm also looking forward to my first kick from baby.. currently 17++ weeks. My hubby tells our boy every night :"A Boy, faster grow stronger so you will be able to give a strong kick to mummy and we will know you are healthy inside the womb" LOL

Which gynae are you engaging now? Know the gender already? :001_302:


New Member
EQCM32, I am actually looking for pre-natal yoga class too for the ease of labour. :eek:
I was thinking of doing that too as I used to do yoga regularly before finding out I'm pregnant. But stopped as had on-and-off spotting for almost whole of first trimester. And not sure whether it'd be ok to do even in second trimester onwards due to previous spotting incidents - very scared. But feeling very fat and unfit all couped up at home no exercise.


New Member
Welcome Neuros!! :001_302: I'm also looking forward to my first kick from baby.. currently 17++ weeks. My hubby tells our boy every night :"A Boy, faster grow stronger so you will be able to give a strong kick to mummy and we will know you are healthy inside the womb" LOL

Which gynae are you engaging now? Know the gender already? :001_302:

Hi Neymo! I'll be 17w come Thursday. Don't know gender yet - hoping that baby will be cooperative on Thursday when we go for doctor appointment and "reveal all". Hee...

I'm thinking of changing gynae - going to see a new gynae this Thursday.

I actually quite like my current doc as he's v gentle and detailed plus quite kiasu in that he'll do more rather than less, which we liked cos i was bleeding on and off for almost the whole of the 1st tri (v worrying!). But he's also super super expensive but we just bear w it cos bb more impt. Thing that made me waiver is we suspect he's a bit pro-c-sect cos I never see him go out on ad hoc op etc. n most of his patients r Indonesians n expats? My sils been recommending me to go their gynae for 2nd opinion - will decide after seeing him this Thur.



Hi Neymo! I'll be 17w come Thursday. Don't know gender yet - hoping that baby will be cooperative on Thursday when we go for doctor appointment and "reveal all". Hee...

[/FONT]I'm thinking of changing gynae - going to see a new gynae this Thursday.

I actually quite like my current doc as he's v gentle and detailed plus quite kiasu in that he'll do more rather than less, which we liked cos i was bleeding on and off for almost the whole of the 1st tri (v worrying!). But he's also super super expensive but we just bear w it cos bb more impt. Thing that made me waiver is we suspect he's a bit pro-c-sect cos I never see him go out on ad hoc op etc. n most of his patients r Indonesians n expats? My sils been recommending me to go their gynae for 2nd opinion - will decide after seeing him this Thur.

Hehe...must be very excited when the gender is known ya :001_302:

In fact my hubby also asking me if I would like to change my gynae. The reason is our gynae only see us 6 weeks every time and my hubby always complaining that it takes very long time to see the bb... LOL.. I was telling my hubby that as long as our bb is growing well and it is better dont visit our gynae so frequent especially his charges is quite expensive..

I am actually fine with my current gynae which is pro-natural delivery, that I wish all the time. He is the gynae that answer what you have and wont disclose other things if we do not encounter any problems.. Lets see how thing goes.. 2 more weeks to wait for before our 20 weeks scanning..... Miss the bb so much....:001_302:


I was thinking of doing that too as I used to do yoga regularly before finding out I'm pregnant. But stopped as had on-and-off spotting for almost whole of first trimester. And not sure whether it'd be ok to do even in second trimester onwards due to previous spotting incidents - very scared. But feeling very fat and unfit all couped up at home no exercise.
Im also getting fatter too LOL... only could wear dress but not pant at all... LOL Hmm... I'll share any good pre-natal yoga in this thread once I got the information.:001_302:

Apr gal

Hi Neymo, all tis while u r visiting gynae only on 6weeks basis? I find tat it's a long wait too.from w14 to w20. Before Tis I was on 2weeks basis during 1st tri, then from w10 to w14 was 4weeks basis. But of course I catch a glimpse of il one in w12 during d Oscar scan.

Gg fwd I ubderstand tat gynae will only see me on 4weeks basis if everything is normal. Even after w37. Is tat so wif certain gynae? I tot after w37 will nd to go for weekly visit.

Btw anyone sign u any consultation package wif gynae?


Hi Neymo, all tis while u r visiting gynae only on 6weeks basis? I find tat it's a long wait too.from w14 to w20. Before Tis I was on 2weeks basis during 1st tri, then from w10 to w14 was 4weeks basis. But of course I catch a glimpse of il one in w12 during d Oscar scan.

Gg fwd I ubderstand tat gynae will only see me on 4weeks basis if everything is normal. Even after w37. Is tat so wif certain gynae? I tot after w37 will nd to go for weekly visit.

Btw anyone sign u any consultation package wif gynae?
Hello Apr gal... yes my hubby also think that is toooooooooooooo long for he to see his bb :embarrassed:

Till now I only did 2 visits with my gynae (8wks and 14weeks). The coming one will be 20weeks. So interval visit period is 6weeks.
So far I only have 4 visits (3 gynae visits + 1 oscar scan) at Thomson Medical Centre.

I will check with him what is the regular visit basic next time. Since I do not have any spotting/bleeding issues (Thank God) and any severe discomfort so my gynae dont really schedule for frequent visit so far.

I think after certain weeks then the visit will be very regular :001_302:

My gynae did not have any pre-natal package..


Hi, you can try pre-natal pilates at Options studio.

Stott Pilates Classes and Courses in Singapore at Options Studio, Options-Studio.com

I am intending to try them. Still contemplating and calculating budget. hahaha...

To me i feel Pilates would be more beneficial compared to Yoga since it helps to strengthen the areas that needs to be strong for pregnancy and labour and of cos post natal recovery. I myself am doing gym by myself, since i work in the fitness industry.


Im also getting fatter too LOL... only could wear dress but not pant at all... LOL Hmm... I'll share any good pre-natal yoga in this thread once I got the information.:001_302:


New Member
Hi Neymo! I'll be 17w come Thursday. Don't know gender yet - hoping that baby will be cooperative on Thursday when we go for doctor appointment and "reveal all". Hee...

[/FONT]I'm thinking of changing gynae - going to see a new gynae this Thursday.

I actually quite like my current doc as he's v gentle and detailed plus quite kiasu in that he'll do more rather than less, which we liked cos i was bleeding on and off for almost the whole of the 1st tri (v worrying!). But he's also super super expensive but we just bear w it cos bb more impt. Thing that made me waiver is we suspect he's a bit pro-c-sect cos I never see him go out on ad hoc op etc. n most of his patients r Indonesians n expats? My sils been recommending me to go their gynae for 2nd opinion - will decide after seeing him this Thur.


Is your gynae from Mt E? Mine also handles alot of Indo and expat, but he is nuetral.. so far didnt suggest anything to me... :)
I went to visit my gynae as early as 5weeks (when i 1st missed my period, coz my period is super accurate de) and then saw my lil one for the 1st time! :)
2nd time and 3rd time both took picture. so far, coz of my spotting, went back a couple of times.. I think all in all was 6 times (last being the Oscar & blood test). NExt round must wait for 4 weeks lor... so anxious to see baby again!! haha


New Member

Is your gynae from Mt E? Mine also handles alot of Indo and expat, but he is nuetral.. so far didnt suggest anything to me... :)
I went to visit my gynae as early as 5weeks (when i 1st missed my period, coz my period is super accurate de) and then saw my lil one for the 1st time! :)
2nd time and 3rd time both took picture. so far, coz of my spotting, went back a couple of times.. I think all in all was 6 times (last being the Oscar & blood test). NExt round must wait for 4 weeks lor... so anxious to see baby again!! haha
Hihi! My original gynae's at Paragon, delivers at Mt E... He says it depends on how my pregnancy goes. But I had on-off spotting almost whole of first trimester so he says he leans towards c-sect for me.


NeyMo = your baby is healthy & help u save $$.. tat y no need to go weekly or fornigthly.. it X to see gynae for just 5-10mins costed = $80-$150.. exclude medi.. i so happy tat now i only need to see gynae once a month..lolz.. save $$ but the medicine is X.

Hehe...must be very excited when the gender is known ya :001_302:

In fact my hubby also asking me if I would like to change my gynae. The reason is our gynae only see us 6 weeks every time and my hubby always complaining that it takes very long time to see the bb... LOL.. I was telling my hubby that as long as our bb is growing well and it is better dont visit our gynae so frequent especially his charges is quite expensive..

I am actually fine with my current gynae which is pro-natural delivery, that I wish all the time. He is the gynae that answer what you have and wont disclose other things if we do not encounter any problems.. Lets see how thing goes.. 2 more weeks to wait for before our 20 weeks scanning..... Miss the bb so much....:001_302:
hello mummies,

please, please, please take care and do not do any strenteous exercise/work or walk too much...
i've been having "pulling" discomfort at my abdominal and at the sides of my abdominal for the whole of last week..
until monday, i really feel it's not right that i decided to visit my gynae..

told my boss i'll be gone for half day and will give MC.. visited the gynae and he said that i walked too much or do strenteous work.. and he gave me 3 days MC to rest at home.. but still, when i'm at home, i still have to help my MIL to clean the house.. so almost like no rest.. and the "pulling" discomfort comes again..

so pls, dun be like me.. and rest as much as possible..


Hello Smilem, your visit period (once a month) is desired by my hubby as it is always exciting to know the progress of our bb in womb. Last night my hubby was nagging again and he said wanna ask the gynae to see us like once a month instead of 6weeks once. :001_302: Will talk to gynae during our next visit.

agree with u that consultation is expensive exclude medicine : ( have to tighten our belt from now onwards LOL


Hello purplelicous, pls do take care!! Rest more and you could tell u mother in law that you need rest else the discomfort will disturb you. If u think it is hard to tell her so and you may want to let u hubby to convey the message.

I walk a lot everyday but I ll notice the respond from my body. If I start to have heartburn or short of breath, then I will slow down my pace. I think walking is the minimal exercise that I could do so far. Would like to look for per-natal yoga or other exercise.


Hi Neymo, speaking of prenatal yoga.... Anyone keen in the thread to do pre natal pilates tgt. Either we go to Options studio or see if we can have a place like a studio or function room and engage a freelance instructor. I am thinking of options studio, but also abit shy to go all alone. hee hee..


Im keen in the Pilates! Yes maybe we could go tgt.. :)

Hi Neymo, speaking of prenatal yoga.... Anyone keen in the thread to do pre natal pilates tgt. Either we go to Options studio or see if we can have a place like a studio or function room and engage a freelance instructor. I am thinking of options studio, but also abit shy to go all alone. hee hee..



We could arrange for a time to go tgt. They have 2 branch; Regency House and Bukit Timah

this is the schedule for the pre-natal pilates.
Regency House: Mon 11am, Wed 2pm, Sat 12noon.
Bukit Timah: Mon 530pm, Wed 730pm, Sat 1pm.

Im keen in the Pilates! Yes maybe we could go tgt.. :)