EDD March 2013


Pretty exciting eh... Though its my 2nd pregnancy, it's still something new and my tummy is huge la cos my abdominal wall has already been stretched and I am experiencing 'abdominal separation'. Not to mention the pelvic pains from sacroiliac joints are back so soon...


Thanks Neymo... Am looking forward to the trip. I'm attending my graduation there as well as vacation. Hee... Our 2nd time there, we love it there too.. :)

Hello lor3tTa, enjoy your Perth trip :001_302: I was backpacking there with my hubby during my second month of pregnancy. A good place of relaxing before bb arrival :001_302:

Seem like most of us probably are expecting a Prince... Looking forward to Princess as well :Dancing_wub:


Today will start to do some shopping for lit precious :001_302: Very exciting..

Comparing the prices of some baby stuffs in JB and SG. Baby wipes seemed much more cheaper in JB. Anyone could suggest what types of diapers used for new born? My brother-in-law suggested Huggies and Mammy Poko are better than others but slightly expernsive. Any advise, mummies?
Yes I think so

I saw this thread

There is a Spring Baby and Maternity fair at Spring Warehouse 27 sep - 30 sept (10am -10pm). 16 Jalan Kilang, Hoi Hup Building.
Oh forget to add on regarding newborn diapers I think huggies is not bad. Usually around 3 weeks later, they start to change to S Size then you can have a cheaper option like pet pet if your baby is not very sensitive to any brands . Cos pet pet cutting is actually smaller than the usual brands I think .

Apr gal

Agreed tat some brands hv better quality like I heard Mamy Poko absorbency is good n no leakage prob but I think good when bb gets bigger n move alot like when starts crawling. Early days shd not b leakage prob. N it's better to change nappy often during early days as bb skin more sensitive n more comfortable for bb too... :) tats my little tots.

Today will start to do some shopping for lit precious :001_302: Very exciting..

Comparing the prices of some baby stuffs in JB and SG. Baby wipes seemed much more cheaper in JB. Anyone could suggest what types of diapers used for new born? My brother-in-law suggested Huggies and Mammy Poko are better than others but slightly expernsive. Any advise, mummies?


Hey Mummies! Wow.. Hello everyone! There is so many new posts I can't catch up!

Currently i'm 17 weeks pregnant! I went gynae few weeks back most prob will be girl also for number 2! Confirm during detailed scan in Mid Oct.

Neymo, I think diapers are really subjected to babies butt. But April Gal is right for the first few weeks would need to change every 3h, so its ok. Cutting wise huggies newborn is smallest i think, so for small baby still ok. In any case if count by per diaper, NB ones are very expensive! Thank God, my girl is flexible so I just got whatever is on sale for her. Usually I will stock up during baby fair where they have promo like buy $180 huggies get free little tikes toys. I got a BBQ set and cupcake set at home already! Which cost $100 plus each. I did invest in moo moo kow reusable cloth diapers, so in the day my no 1 is still using it now at 18 month cos her butt is small.

Remember there is baby fair at expo next week! I'm gonna go stock up diapers! hehehe..


Agreed tat some brands hv better quality like I heard Mamy Poko absorbency is good n no leakage prob but I think good when bb gets bigger n move alot like when starts crawling. Early days shd not b leakage prob. N it's better to change nappy often during early days as bb skin more sensitive n more comfortable for bb too... :) tats my little tots.

Yes, worry about the rashes caused bb skin is superb sensitive... :err: My CL will be using napkin in the first month and see if I could continue to use napkin until second month.. However will be passing over the bb to nanny on third month and most probably will be using diapers..

Thanks mummies for the precious advices!! :001_302:


I have done most of the bb stuff in JB just now :001_302: Many cutie stuffs that sooooo attempted to buy.. LOL

Will be going to baby fair next week at Expo and compared again the prices.. LOL

For info, the Philips Avent 3 in 1 steam sterilizer in baby fair next week is $135, but in JB Tebrau City is $100. :001_302:

Mummies, any recommendation for baby carrier? I remember there is a quite good brand that recommended by another mummy but I forgot already.


Hello everyone just joined in the forum today.
Found out im pregnant when i came back from honeymoon and I was already 7 weeks. Pretty amazing cause this is my first pregnancy and during my honeymoon i did those water games at the Park in the US.

So worried sometimes that my baby is not doing good cause I missed taking care of myself for my first 7 weeks.

Im now going 16 weeks. This thursday is my check up again. Hope everything is ok.

Oh so concern if we can know the baby's gender by this thursday =P


Welcome Juju!! :001_302:

I also went to Universal Studio to ve those Transformer ride etc during my 8 weeks LOL. As long as you did not encounter any discomfort then it should be fine.

I was told my lit precious gender during my 14 weeks scanning. :001_302: So I guess probably you would be able to know the gender if your bb is cooperative enough :)

where are you having your gynae check?


Hello neymo. Oh this Thursday is my next scan lol. Just can't wait cause its so exciting whenever we do scanning on the baby. Lets see if talking to him or her work or not to be co-operative loLz
wow! so many replies already...

my next scan will be next friday, 12 Oct.. and i'll be 17 weeks by then..
previous scans at 13 weeks and 15 weeks.. cant see gender.. and is making me so anxious!

i wanna go shop for my baby... :Dancing_wub:


wow! so many replies already...

my next scan will be next friday, 12 Oct.. and i'll be 17 weeks by then..
previous scans at 13 weeks and 15 weeks.. cant see gender.. and is making me so anxious!

i wanna go shop for my baby... :Dancing_wub:
My scan will be next Friday Oct 12 as well :001_302: I'll be doing my 20 weeks full detailed scanning that time. (keep my fingers crossed so that everything will sail smooth)

Hopefully next Friday you will be able to see your little precious's gender ya!! :001_302: Talk to him/her one day before the scanning and it really worked for me LOL
My scan will be next Friday Oct 12 as well :001_302: I'll be doing my 20 weeks full detailed scanning that time. (keep my fingers crossed so that everything will sail smooth)

Hopefully next Friday you will be able to see your little precious's gender ya!! :001_302: Talk to him/her one day before the scanning and it really worked for me LOL
i dunno why but somehow i wished mine's a boy.. but my MIL and hub are fine with boy or girl.. and my hub keep saying i shouldnt be bias in case mine's a girl and she gets really angry to know i yearn for a boy.. my hub says it's like "pantang" thing..


You know what, mummy always have a intuition that the gender of the baby in her womb.:001_302:

I could sense the bb of mine is a little boy when I was expecting at second month but somehow I don't want to share with others including my hubby cos don't wish to cause any disappointment. And the gender was revealed at 14 weeks scanning then my hubby and I were over the moon that day LOL

I mean it is good that your hubby and mother-in-law are fine with either boy or girl. So let the nature flows :001_302: Share with us more after your next week scanning ya :001_302:


I got that feel its a boy actually but I don't care much cause as long baby healthy I'm happy lol :) I can feel the little one moving inside sometimes too like butterfly fluttering around Lolz


Hey Juju, i so hoped for a boy in any case whether it's boy or girl, it alright.

Yeah I feel baby moving too.. some stomach tightening at times too. Does anyone start to have difficulty sleeping on back, I had to sleep on my sides now..

Neymo I recommended a baby carrier with waist support. I used Manduca. You can consider beco or ergo as well. I chose manduca as I like it has extendable back, newborn insert, a hood to over baby head and the waist band feels really stable. If there are like 6-7 mummies interested we can organise a spree to bring in from Europe. It would be cheaper. Local cost $250 basic model, we can get like maybe $190.