EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Reiann my baby was born on sept 20th... I've given her fm like 3 times till now, and I've noticed every time I've given her fm its messed up her digestion.. Till sat she was poopin atleast 4 - 6 times, on sat I went out so had to give her fm n since den it's been just twice a day :( sigh now I got a big tin of fm don't know if I should start her with that or just give her bm..
Felicity and reiann, yeah, the sounds bb made are like grunts and sometimes like she is trying v hard to poo.. I can ignore that but hubby is a light sleeper and he keep waking up as a result.. He got to work the next day ma.. So got no choice except carry bb to make her quiet.. Her grunts are super loud lor.. Sighz..

I'm so tired todae and I tink bb too cos she keep sleeping.. Good oso cos with the lack of sleep I dun tink I can take it if she fuss.. But on the other hand worried tat if she sleep so much now and dun sleep at night then I'm dead meat..

Anyway, u all have any methods tat can make bb burp easily? Finding it v hard to burp bb now, she almost dun burp anymore.. So I keep carrying her hoping to keep the milk down.. But in the midst of her nap, she will suddenly spit out milk.. In fact I jus had sme milk drops on my face cos she jus spit out milk.. And earlier, milk even came out of her nose wen I put her down and she spit milk again.. Scare me to death! Am I overfeeding her? She is drinking 90ml onli.. :(
Lingz, your baby sounds like mine too! Recently, she keep making forceful sounds in her sleep like she's trying to poop, and end up she will spit milk out. I went online to search for articles, and all they said was that baby makes sounds in their sleep that's all. :/ I am so tempted to bring her to a PD, I think I'm getting paranoid.

And I've been mixing in FM to her feed, because I seriously think my milk is not keeping her well nutritioned. My milk supply dropped drastically, and although I'm on Fenugreek and brewer's yeast, it's not increasing much. So tired handling her all by myself and household chores too, hubby another one that doesn't help. And I barely eat nowadays, simply no appetite. So Although I can pump out enough for her feed, I noticed that my milk looks more diluted and lighter in color, so I'm afraid she isn't getting all that she needs.

But the problem is, I don't know why, my girl keeps spitting up the FM. But she's totally fine with breastmilk. :/ and sometimes she spits up large amounts of FM that it scares me. And I try to carry her to keep the milk down too, but sometimes she seems to force it up. Sigh.

As for hubby, I realized many hubbies here not very proactive also. I don't know why, but my hubby seems very "cool" about the whole thing. Since baby born, he will either be in the study room playing computer games or watching porn, or he will keep running out to meet his friends or go supper himself. He just seems to want to stay away all the time. He doesn't bother helping with anything either. I know I can pull through this myself, but I'm afraid that one day I will just snap and leave and never look back. :(

Ohhh and has anybody gone back to Gynae to check on stitches? I made an appointment but I don't think it's very necessary actually. Haha!
My baby also makes a lot of loud sounds in her sleep... Sometimes it sounds like she's struggling to breathe which is scary,.. So today we got the pigeon nose cleaner, but still not used it cos after I read the instructions I was a little nervous to use it.. But yes my mum also suggested that I should suck her nose with my mouth to help clear her nose.

How many times a day is a 19 day old baby supposed to poo? My baby has jus pooped two times yesterday and two times today... And she was on bm the entire day yesterday and today... Sometimes it feels like she's really straining but is not able to poo.. Is there anything we can do to help them poo?
Kary! When my girl was on BM only, she pooped about 7-8 times but in small quantity. Now that I mixed in FM, she poops about 5 times a day but really like a BOMB. A lot of poop and it smells like her daddy's fart. :/
My baby also makes a lot of loud sounds in her sleep... Sometimes it sounds like she's struggling to breathe which is scary,.. So today we got the pigeon nose cleaner, but still not used it cos after I read the instructions I was a little nervous to use it.. But yes my mum also suggested that I should suck her nose with my mouth to help clear her nose.

How many times a day is a 19 day old baby supposed to poo? My baby has jus pooped two times yesterday and two times today... And she was on bm the entire day yesterday and today... Sometimes it feels like she's really straining but is not able to poo.. Is there anything we can do to help them poo?
OH and I read that babies on BM only have a tendency to have difficulty pushing their poo out because it's so well digested and soft and light on the anus so it doesn't come out easily.


Sucumbered to making fm for baby as he bcomes tempermental when he can't latch... :( feeling so demoralized... Already ate fenegreek drank papaya fish soup Lactagreed but nthg much use....


Active Member
My bb rejected the bottle again (w ebm!) so end up having to latch her till slp n that took so long she ended up so tired n cranky.. :(

Yup.. Hubbies r just so not helpful.. My bb was crying like mad last night n mil n I were trying to pacify her n such as she was rejecting the bottle that mil gave her n wailing away.. All the while hubby was eating pomelo n watching tv in the same living room, oblivious to bb crying n us struggling.. Already told him b4 only one bottle feed per day he should feed n bond w bb, he also throw to his mother. Grrrr.. Then last night end up latching n pacifying her to slp from 9+ to 11+ all the while as he happily sleeps in bed next to me and taking up more n more portion of the bed... Grrrrr..

Feel like our hubbies hv the attitude like "my wife can handle the bb herself so no need me to help at all"...

Lingz my bb a lot of time didn't burp also.. I won't persist to pat her after a couple of mins.. Sometimes she sits up immediately burp already dun even need me to burp her.. How I wish that happens everytime!!

Once there's milk spurting out of her nose too!! And it wasnt even after feeding, was after a nap... Scare me!! My friend says is reflux. must be v uncomfortable for her :(


Hi mummies,

I have missed out so many posted. I was busy with my gal's full month celebration last few days.
I also burp my gal by carrying her over my shoulder. Let her sit upright on my hand and her chest face my chest and her face rest on my shoulder. This method help baby to burp faster. My baby is on partial bf n fm, she used to pop once in two days. But recently, she never poo for 2 days and today is the 3rd, hopefully will poo today. Is it ok for baby to poo not often? Shall I bring her to see doctor?

Mreow Mreow


Does ur episiotomy wound hurt alot after delivery?
Am wondering what kind of feeling it is....

Does it sting or hurt when peeing or having big bowel movement?

Am quite worried... :(


Mreow Mreow:702843 said:

Does ur episiotomy wound hurt alot after delivery?
Am wondering what kind of feeling it is....

Does it sting or hurt when peeing or having big bowel movement?

Am quite worried... :(
For me not realli cos I took painkillers.. If u are afraid, lean forward slightly wen u pee.. As for poo, can get stool softener from gynae.. I took and finally had to poo on day 6, it was ok.. :D


Hey nreow mreow,

i think my stitches still ache abit.. piles have relieved alittle.. just feel the whole bottom area abit weak? Was choking and coughed alittle.. felt some weight bearing on the muscles there.. dunno if i sneeze or cough bug time will break or not haha.. so far i pooped since day 3 and drank prune essence , been v gassy and pooped alot.. up to 3 times daily like diarrhoea like that.. piles go in n come out... zzz but digestion wise is gd at least its soft stools...


camcamwhambam:702828 said:
OH and I read that babies on BM only have a tendency to have difficulty pushing their poo out because it's so well digested and soft and light on the anus so it doesn't come out easily.
Wa I din noe this.. Recently I oso find my girl having problems pooing.. She will b super cranky and make loud grunts and face all red.. Even wen latching she will be grunting until I heard and feel her passing gas with explosive poo in her diapers.. Her face will be totally relax after tat unless she has more poo or more gas, which is the case now.. Sighz.. Latched her at 5am while lying down and she release suction ard 20min later.. Then we both snoozed.. Then 615am she cried for milk and I latched her while lying down and she started grunting and breathing v heavily.. So pick her up on breastfeeding pillow and she still grunts and finally pass gas and poo a few times.. It's gonna be a full diaper later..

And while she grunts, she spits out my precious milk.. Argh! Wen will e milk stay in her little stomach? :(


Kary! When my girl was on BM only, she pooped about 7-8 times but in small quantity. Now that I mixed in FM, she poops about 5 times a day but really like a BOMB. A lot of poop and it smells like her daddy's fart. :/
Camcam - yea my baby's poo also smells terrible .. And it's so easy to identify her explosive farts and poo's, and when she does poo it's a lot like really a lot.. I always thought babies on breast milk only, should be able to poo easier than those on fm, didn't know about this..



Does ur episiotomy wound hurt alot after delivery?
Am wondering what kind of feeling it is....

Does it sting or hurt when peeing or having big bowel movement?

Am quite worried... :(
mreow yes the episiotomy wound hurts like crazy when u have a bowel movement... I couldn't crap for about 3 days after delivery and when I did it was painful, even though I was taking pain killers.. When peeing I think it was horrible the first day but then got a little better...


We r all early birds ain't we? Haha since deliver never had a time when I could slp straight from 12-12. I used to b able to do so on Sunday... Now hv to pump latch Check on e baby...


Yeah.. This is onli my second night without CL and I'm oredi longing for uninterrupted sleep.. Haha.. Din realise that feed bb, wash bottle, pump, wash pump parts will take abt 1.5hrs each time.. By the time I lie down to sleep, before I noe it, another cycle begins.. I wonder wen all this will end..


Camcam and Kary:

Why feed fm?? Must stop worrying whether you have enough milk. Your breasts will def produce enough to meet demand if you let baby lartch or you pump. Fm really def does change your baby's digestive system. Stick to all bm. Also, why can't you go out with bottled ebm? That's what I do esp to places w no nursing rooms or that I want to have a long meal. Or when baby gets cranky in the car.

My baby unfortunately is a spitter. So even on 100% bm she still spits. Well today is a brand new day and I intend to burp her patiently and properly after every feed.


Active Member
Sad to say... I haven't got the guts to bring baby out! Although I've been reading up on nursing rooms etc n long for a nice sit down meal in a cafe or restaurant... I just don't have the guts to leave bb at home for long or bring her out to malls :/ *thumbs up for reiann*

I guess once bb comes along... No more chance to slp 12 hours straight unless on vacation without bb or leave bb w ils or parents or babysitter overnight... Sigh.


My girl poos abt 2~3 times... She's on partial bf as milk not enuff...

Anyway i was thinking how u ladies bring ebm... Planning to bring her out on sat... Thinking hw abt to do it... Now trying to pump regularly n latch as much as possible....to increase aft e pathetic drop 3days ago..

Was thinking to standby fm.. In case no room.. Coz planning to go guanyin temple..

Latching outside.. I dunno if i can anot... Will latch her more till she more steady


Roo: it's possible to latch in public. I read that it's legal as long as you try to be discrete. Also, there are malls w super good nursing rooms. Eg paragon! Great diaper changing area too.

As for feeding bm using bottles - veryvery easy. If you have some bm in bottles just make see they're chilled. Put in cooler bag. Go wherever you want. If in a restaurant or cafe you can ask for hot water in bowl aand warm up the bm that way (I dot have a warmer). Then feed.

I agree its easier to go out with the help of a friend or your husband (who must be willing to help!). It can be stressful but I just make sure I pack everything along, and leave home immediately after baby has fed burped and falling asleep...

Felicity: like you I did my research on malls. I particularly like paragon. Not too crowded and with great diaper changing areas etc. nursing room too. Mother Care upstairs etc. go for it!!
especially with your ergo :)


Reiann I used the premix fm from the hosp was too lazy to pump n take ... But now that it's over I think I'll be carrying ebm when I go out, cos with the powder hav to carry water separately and that's gonna be too much for me.

Yea now I've used the nursing room at isetan in Parkway parade and in the airport too.. Went out yday to get my baby's passport done, while she was asleep and hubby and I decided to eat lunch outside since she was still sleeping... Had a nice long lunch, which we should hav cut short cos we hav a baby now. When returning home in the cab she started crying so much, took her out of de car seat cos I thought she was not comfy, but still kept crying so finally took out my nursing cover and fed her in de cab.. Hahaha never done that before.. But yea peace prevailed as soon as my nipple went in to her mouth..