EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


jiayou memory and all mummies!! yup the weather hasn't been kind, jiayou all, confinement will be over v soon!!!

memory actually i always got bored latching n came to visit forum.. now is she's finally sleeping in the cot so i can come online using my macbook.. actually i felt bad cos some ppl say dun use phone around the bb cos of radiation, but i always can't help myself and reach out for my phone halfway through latching when she's established a steady latch and i got bored =/

only just now at around 10pm i was coaxing my bb to slp by latching n singing to her but she kept wailing intermittently while latching n my throat got so dry and uncomfortable... then i played this to her using my phone...

Mozart for my Baby - YouTube

this is in my youtube fav list cos i used to play when she's still in the bump. it doesn't always work now that she's out but fortunately today it worked and she stopped crying after a while and i had to play the entire clip at least 2x to make sure she's settled and ready for the cot... i didn't let her watch though, just play the music. can try it n let me know if it helps for ur bb too!! :)
Yup, it gets so humid at nite till i could not get to slp most of the time.. Terrible, yup counting down to it.. By then fan or air con can be used hopefully things will get better..

U did not latch on using slping position? I find that very gd, can gt to rest at the same time.. B4 delivery im like u always hanging on to the hp till my hubby say i ignore him but after delivery i simply gt no time.. was down n alot of things on my mind. Lack of slp n isomnia so on n luckly things get better.. Try to stay positive n less worry ( fingers cross n i hope i can do it)

I have been playing songs to my baby in bump and play it when hes born but like not much effect.. Or that i play too many songs and he get confuse? Haha..

Toking abt radiation i will off wifi connection when at nite hopefully to ease it..

Mreow Mreow

peeing was tough. it was like as if I forgot how to pee. eeps. but it's important that after delivery and all, you have to pee frequently, so that your uterus doesn't get pushed to one side by the bladder. I didn't know about that till the nurse pressed down on my womb area to check and told me to pee immediately! but it took me some time to pee into the bed pan -_-

as for pooping.. I didn't poop for the first two days. think the @$O*&%@ enema got rid of all my poop! but your obgyn should prescribe you stool softeners.. very helpful/useful to make poop softer. it sure felt weird pooping.. like as if it's very delicate.. so I didn't push/bear down while poopig. just took it slowly.

it wasn't painful though. and once I head home I didn't take pain meds anymore. maybe the stitching by my obgyn was super good...

have you not delivered?

Hahahaha, Nope i have not delivered!
Am due in Dec!

Maybe u have a high pain tolerance, thats why u didnt need any pain relief meds!

Mummy Kary2500 said her episiotomy hurts like crazyyy during bowel movement...
Omg. I am experiencing that vicariously through her explanation.....




I've been drinking water.. lots of water :) ice cold, warm, whatever. I also have my fresh smoothies.. very occasional lattes, sometimes fenugreek tea, but basically water. I really defied my mother's and granny's confinement orders! heh.

and I just pumped 3oz both breasts. cos my baby fed earlier and she wants to sleep, woah! I'm going to bed now too. good luck, erlina! take heart - your milk supply will come in :)

I'll just use very hot water to warm up ebm.. not boiling hot, but hot/warm.


Hey ahwang, u're not alone.. my bb also v active in the day.. feeding every now and then... i also dunno how much to feed if i don't latch on... i was so tired in the evening that bb cried almost every hour.. i just fed her Ebm.. initially 40ml, then 60ml, then 70ml.. sigh wasted abit here and there....

I just pumped.. i think i got oversupply.. 280ml combined and i'm super engorged.. but my bb is not drinking much and not helping w the emptying of it.. read alot on proper latching this afternn.. really hope can latch her well... but due to nipple confusion, she is still chewing at my nipple, when i try to put my breast into her mouth, she gags and wanna vomit and pushes herself away... :/

Today jamu lady came to massage for 1st session.. she say i still have blood clots , still swollen.. sigh but she like not jeen to come back coz my house v ulu, inconvenient... She knows her stuff, pressed on certain parts of body and can tell u whats wrong.. she touched bb's legs and say bb digestion gd, no wind.. not sure true or not coz my bb squirms alot..

Anyway was chatting with her during the massage.. sharing w her the struggles at home w bb.. she say my CL not gd, not experienced.. coz a v gd CL can stop bb from crying, expel wind by a single massage on an acupoint, bathe bb fast so that wind will not get in, feed bb well and efficient, wun waste milk and knows how to cook well customised to mummy's body and needs. Also, she says the CL also shld be able to advise latching and positioning (though i nv let her see my breasts). She says a gd CL will let me slp through the night, make my days easier... however, i find myself doubling up the work, measure milk for her, warm up and let her feed .. she's helpless when bb cries and can't really burp baby.. take v long to clean bb... she got longsightedness and cannot see bottle markings... sigh... i got no choice, staying alone, if no CL to cook, i will die of starvation.. i also did not know what to expect of CL.. zzz so tired..

Hey Reiann, i read frm a website about the difference in milk color.. maybe its foremilk and hindmilk imbalance? I'm trying to give my bb a balance as they say drinking too much foremilk will cause more gas in bb due to foremilk having more carbohydrates... hindmilk got the fats that make bb fuller and milk looks thicker too...

Jiayou mums! We'll make it through together! Everyday is a new challenge! Talk to bb , talk to us here!


I am now pumping while bb is beside me grunting and straining to poop (i tink) in her sleep.. Until her face all red.. Poor bb.. She dun use to be like tat.. Poop used to come naturally and easily to her.. Nowadays, she even grunts if it's just passing gas.. Dunno wat happened.. She's on total breastmilk oredi.. Hiah.. And my mum says bb got too much wind in tummy but I just could not burp her no matter wat.. Sighz..

Mreow Mreow

Hey ahwang, u're not alone.. my bb also v active in the day.. feeding every now and then... i also dunno how much to feed if i don't latch on... i was so tired in the evening that bb cried almost every hour.. i just fed her Ebm.. initially 40ml, then 60ml, then 70ml.. sigh wasted abit here and there....

I just pumped.. i think i got oversupply.. 280ml combined and i'm super engorged.. but my bb is not drinking much and not helping w the emptying of it.. read alot on proper latching this afternn.. really hope can latch her well... but due to nipple confusion, she is still chewing at my nipple, when i try to put my breast into her mouth, she gags and wanna vomit and pushes herself away... :/

Today jamu lady came to massage for 1st session.. she say i still have blood clots , still swollen.. sigh but she like not jeen to come back coz my house v ulu, inconvenient... She knows her stuff, pressed on certain parts of body and can tell u whats wrong.. she touched bb's legs and say bb digestion gd, no wind.. not sure true or not coz my bb squirms alot..

Anyway was chatting with her during the massage.. sharing w her the struggles at home w bb.. she say my CL not gd, not experienced.. coz a v gd CL can stop bb from crying, expel wind by a single massage on an acupoint, bathe bb fast so that wind will not get in, feed bb well and efficient, wun waste milk and knows how to cook well customised to mummy's body and needs. Also, she says the CL also shld be able to advise latching and positioning (though i nv let her see my breasts). She says a gd CL will let me slp through the night, make my days easier... however, i find myself doubling up the work, measure milk for her, warm up and let her feed .. she's helpless when bb cries and can't really burp baby.. take v long to clean bb... she got longsightedness and cannot see bottle markings... sigh... i got no choice, staying alone, if no CL to cook, i will die of starvation.. i also did not know what to expect of CL.. zzz so tired..

Hey Reiann, i read frm a website about the difference in milk color.. maybe its foremilk and hindmilk imbalance? I'm trying to give my bb a balance as they say drinking too much foremilk will cause more gas in bb due to foremilk having more carbohydrates... hindmilk got the fats that make bb fuller and milk looks thicker too...

Jiayou mums! We'll make it through together! Everyday is a new challenge! Talk to bb , talk to us here!

Meltie mummy, how did u find ur Jamu lady?
Are her fees expensive?

Sigh, I'm scouting around for 1 now... :(


So tired bb wakes up like every 1 Hr or 30 min to dink since 2am. And warning up ebm takes times and he crying loudly at night so stressful. Still pump in between... After feeding don't wanna slp... Carry and coax him to slp in my arms. Put him back to cot start crying. Are they seeking comfort and attention for 2 wks old? How I hope after the first mth things will get better


Since having bb... No time for myself! No time to slp, take gd bath, do own things watch tv etc etc... everyday 24/7 is bb.... Feel like I'm losing myself and my life...


ahWang u r not alone, Hang in there my bb oso same as urs especially in e nite .. he can nv slp long hrs keep waking like for one hr + for milk sometimes 20 ml / 30 ml n at time can go up to 70 ml .. e timing n volume all screwup .. I think is wat they mention earlier cluster feedings. once after milk put in cot cries again n carry n pat to slp .. really no choice .. :mad:


Haiz .. after fed wif formula, my bb still wan my nipple for sucking then can slp .. no choice gt to intro pacifier .. I m tired of tis .. :eek:


Haiz .. after fed wif formula, my bb still wan my nipple for sucking then can slp .. no choice gt to intro pacifier .. I m tired of tis .. :eek:
Purpur - even I get so tired from my baby constantly sucking that I want to use the pacifier, but just keep gelling myself she's depending on me, why give her the pacifier.. But after two months if she's still like dis I'm gonna giv it to her..

ahwang - I feel exactly the same like u, sometimes so exhausted just sit and cry.. My lunch n dinner is hurried up always cos she finds those times to cry for attention, not had a long relaxing shower since my baby was born.. I never used to go out without lip gloss before, now sometimes I jus hav to rush that there's no time.. But when I keep talkin to ,y baby n she's staring at me n smiling I'm all in love with her..

mreow - chill out for now, don't think too much about episiotomy n all the pain.. You will be able to go through it, and yes you can ask your doc for the poop softener that will help.. I don't kno why my doc didn't give me that, but I'm glad all the pain is gone now :)


Active Member
purpur i tried to intro pacifier cos she wants to suckle to sleep, but she rejected 2 brands of pacifiers already! since like week 2-3 until now, week 7 tomorrow... no choice, she only likes to suckle mummy...

ahwang and kary... yup everything so hurried. my meals i finish in record timing these days. i only shower at night when hubby is home or mother in law help me take care of baby after all the chores and help take care after wiping baby. then even when i wanna blowdry my hair, baby will be wailing, hungry or wanting to latch to sleep... i hope i won't get headache later... have not't been blowdrying my hair since coming back from confinement :(

mreow where r you delivering? i was in Thomson Medical Center and automatically was given poo softener and pain killer etc since delivery... i poo within 24 hours of delivery, i didn't have issue pooing at all. feel sore and maybe some pain every now and then when pooing/peeing, but is tolerable one. dont be too worried k? relax n wait for baby to pop! :)

lingz, my bb was grunting away too next to me this morning... then the moment i pick her up, she burped v loudly. i think it must be v uncomfy... then she was still grunting and using a lot of force... later on poop too... i dunno why it seems so difficult for her nowadays but after that she does feel relief i guess.


Meltie mummy, how did u find ur Jamu lady?
Are her fees expensive?

Sigh, I'm scouting around for 1 now... :(
Hey mreow mreow, though she knows alot, but she talks alot.. she cannotcommit to continuous 7 days massage schedule.. sigh i can pass u contact if u want.. i think she charge depending on location, 1 hr massage $55. I paid for her taxi to take frm busstop outside to my house loh $5.30. She wanted to claim from me.. sigh .. den today msged me say my place bot convenient, not able to make it. :/ Sigh, i'm contacting another lady, she can commit.. i hope to finish the sessions before my confinement ends, so that i still have CL ard to look after bb... after 1st mth, i really dunno how i can manage alone at home w bb...


Hey kary & ahwang! My bb also like that! She's 17 days old today, day 6 at home post discharge... sigh i really gettig very tired too.. guess its a test of motherhood, esp all of us want the best for our babies! I'm still trying to latch properly, but my bb seems like getting more problems.. when i latch her, most of the time she poops durung feeding and she will squirm here n there and look v uncomfy... den when she wanna latch, i push my breast in, she gags and wanna vomit.. i tried putting it not too deep, but she bites, squirms and twists! Grr pain like crazy when she arches herself back and pull.... my nipples are all sore liao... still trying to perservere latching.... :(
Called the glenE Lactation Consultant , they advise me to go down for consult.. $52, where they'll re-teach proper latching and gotta wean off bottle... gotta be on full breastfeed to avoid nipple confusion.. but then i still wanna bottlefeed at night leh... coz its really super tiring for me in the day.. she drinks almost every hourly or 1.5hrs.. once or twice will stretch to 3 hrs... Dunno if its worth me paying consult fee to try and den still compromise w bottle...


Meltie: yes there are those two 'kinds' of milk but won't be unbalanced. It only depends on whether you are allowing baby to latch on one breast long enough before switching breasts. Or pumping - pump long enough. And it's not that there re two kinds of milk. It's actually a transition.. FFrom milk with less fat to more data. That's all.

Lingz: grunting is quite normal! Do a google search and you'll see what I mean..

I can definitely empathize about no time for myself!!


Thanks reiann.. I jus went google and it's called the grunting baby syndrome.. Haha.. Of all the things they teach us at prenatal class, y din they teach this? I hope bb get past this stage very fast.. It pains me to hear her grunt and exert so much strength that her whole face turns red with effort.. Not to mention, disrupt my oredi little sleep too.. Sighz..


Mummies jiayou... Every bb growing stages differ a little here n there.. Take time to explore... Come to think of it.. Our mums did it... Relax... The phrase will pass very soon... Before u knew it its over trust me...


New Member
Hi sep mummies!

Am a sep mummy too.. Have been following this thread and learning a lot from u mummies. First time posting here, sharing my 2 cents worth of baby knowledge I hope!

meltie: I don't really believe in nipple confusion. Have been latching on (sometimes only, cox BB has very bad milk rash on both cheeks and chin. Waiting for face to heal before doing more regular latching), and bottle feeding ebm. No prob for my girl. But am using latex teat as advised by KK lactation consultant as it is softer than silicon teat, so when latch on, BB won't chomp too hard on my nipple. Works for me :)

and as for correct method of latching, i just google online and YouTube.. They have videos and pictures. Quite useful. Also, I find that if I latch on BB before she cries for milk, latching is easier and she won't struggle that much. I'll watch out for her hunger signs (such as timing of feed, sucking of finger, tongue sticking out) and try to feed her earlier before she wails. Sometimes I play lullabies for her to soothe her first...and myself if course :)

i also read online that within 1 week, BB will usually be able to recognize ur milk smell..and will kind of know how to find ur boob and suckle properly. It takes time as BB needs to be taught how to suckle and latch on properly. Hope this helps :)


Baby has lot of rashes on her face. Worried, brought her to see pd. Is some sort of acne due to hormone change. At least has some cream to apply, feel better than waiting for it to recover by itself.

Baby's seem to poo a lot, like every feed, she will poo and lot of gases. Her poo is very watery, wondering whether she's having diarrhoea. She's on both BM and fm. Told my mil she might be having diarrhoea, her shit so watery. Then she straight away asked me fiercely what I eat, must be the food that affect the breast milk. Then was a bit angry coz what I eat is what she cook. Told her that and she just told me she also never cook anything unusual. Really have to be one ear in, one ear out. Told hubby that and glad that he called to make me feel better. Mil also mentioned that she might be having hormonal change coz my hormones change and affect the BM. Aiya, everything also like is my breast milk fault. Haha..

Her pd still say her jaundice looks quite high. Wanted to go on full fm so that her jaundice might be lowered, but hubby is quite supportive of having both BM and fm. Though we can't do much about my mil, at least he is willing to listern to my woes and sympathize me.