EDD Jan 2013


wao liao...the whatsapp msgs really very fast lor...i jus went to service customer n had my lunch ... i missed so many msgs !!! trying to catch up with them...really faster then stock market price board.


Tomorrow will be attending the children education course at Thomson - first class is Physical & Mental Preparation. Received sms reminder from ParentCraft Center, it is advisable to wear comfortable pants for lessions 1 to 3 ...

Today just ordered another 2 maternity dress from gmarket .. hope can wear till end of the year.


New Member
Possibility of delivering in Jan 2013

Hi everyone, I'm new to mummysg. My EDD is 27th Dec but have been fluctuating between 27/12/12 and 01/01/13. Decided to drop by here as well.

Since my delivery could be slightly ahead of most mums here, I could share some experience/ purchases as I progress in my pregnancy.

Looking forward to going through my last tri together with other same-stage mummies-to-be!


New Member
hi mummies, where would you suggest i get a new baby cot? not sure if i should go to baby kingdom, robinsons or taka...


Hi Cherm :) are you getting more and more excited like us?

Bigstar: I can't help you. Cause mine is pass down by colleague.


New Member
Hi Cherm! How is it feeling in ur last tri? What have u prepared for urself n bb?
hello cherm, welcome.. you are expecting a boy or a girl?
Hi Cherm :) are you getting more and more excited like us?

Bigstar: I can't help you. Cause mine is pass down by colleague.
Asphere: I am expecting a boy!

LeeTham: What they say about feeling more tired in the last tri is totally true! I am a rather active person (I used to teach PE) and I try to swim and brisk walk throughout my pregnancy. However, the moment I entered my 28th week, I immediately felt the change. I breathe heavily after climbing a flight of steps and cooking is now tiring for me. I'm in my 29th week now and I haven't exercised in 2 weeks. I keep telling myself that the walk to the MRT station earlier on was enough of a workout. Haha.

I only found out about my pregnancy at wk 10 and I flew to US for a planned holiday shortly after. I went crazy shopping for baby stuff cos it's alot cheaper there. I bought a stroller (Bugaboo Cameleon), Bumbo, Brestfriend, Baby Monitor (Motorola), Swaddleme, Desitin (Disper rash prevention cream), Milk bottles (Playtex Drop-ins, Playtex Vent-air), NUK Pacifiers, Baby Carrier (Baby Bjorn), Breast Pump (Medela Freestyle), Sophie (the giraffe), Lamaze toys and cloth books, tons of clothes (mainly onesies ranging from newborn to 12 months). Ok, so I went mad in US. I actually lugged a stroller back. That was in June.

Since returning, I've purchased: Bottle Sterilizer (Medela), Infant car seat to fit onto my stroller (Maxi Cosi), Baby Cot (Mothercare), Bedding (Mothercare) more swaddle cloths (Aden & Anais), Diapers (GOON), shoes, booties, mittens, wash cloths, more toys, Bath Tub, another baby carrier (Hana Wrap), High Chair (Babies r us), tons of stretchmarks prevention cream (Bio Oil and Tummy butter by Palmers), breastpads (moo moo cow), swim pants (Charlie Banana) and a variety of small items like separate detergent for bottles and clothes, cleaning equipment for bottles, nail clipper, nose snorter, etc).

I recently made some online purchases of a few recommended items via Amazon. Will share if you guys are interested. I read alot of overseas blogs and somehow this year, many of the bloggers I follow are also pregnant and are further along than I. I read their reviews and when I'm hooked onto the product, I'll hunt them down.

The list is incomplete, we are still on the hunt for a good mattress for the cot, drying rack, rocking chair, diaper changing station, baby gym, baby mobile, Baby hair and body wash, thermometer, bath thermometer, etc. This is at the top of my head, I'm sure when I go home tonight and step into the nursery, I'll think of something to buy again. Haha.

Aksoh: Definitely! I'm sure you can tell how excited I am!!!


Active Member
wah seh.. cherm, is this your 1st kid?
you really buy alot sia~~~ haha luggage must be overweight?
gosh. now i feel bad for not buying anything for my boy.
anyway i am going to taka and robinson this sun to get tollyjoy and pigeon clothing.
These two brands have better material feel keke..
Did you buy the freestyle accessories from usa?
it is cheaper leh..
do u have any site selling cheap accessories for the freestyles? i need to buy the "cups" lah.. got 1 pair of spares but i need to get more. also i need to buy the bottles too.
I have issue with plastic/ pvc items so after some time i discard and use new ones :D
wasteful but no choice keke.
at least u feel tired during he last trim. i think some of us are already feeling lazy lor~~ everyday hope its friday haha :D


Active Member
haha sometime bah~~ but i guess if every scan show the same then shouldnt be a mistake right?
cannot be so qiao the baby always play trick on us keke...