EDD Jan 2013


Email, who knows they track your emails and read.
Haha i email my friends too!

2 hours left.
Cannot tahan already.


Active Member
we sometime also suspect they will track our email. but who cares..
as long complete work give us some free time is ok mah. haha..

yah i want to go home..


Active Member
but not wc cheng clinic right?
keke leetham and me same clinic but we diff gynae..
you pay how much for the package ar?


Asphere, i think u mix me up with mybeautyrights ba.
Mine doc clinic in jurong east...n i m going to Mount A for delivery. :)
Last time u n mybeautyright go for detail scan on the same date.


Apshere: I still email my friends as well.

Today I keep visiting the toilet to pee. 1 hour 1 time?

Actually is it true that drink too much water will cause water retention?


Active Member
LeeTham: oh issit? alamak haha aiyo.. haha silly me~~~

Aksoh: that's what ppl always said drink too much water will cause water retention but not so sure coz doesnt happen to me :) and i drink alot of water. in office can take 3L of water then after work another 2 L
max i think 5 L bah..
but i always run toilet to wee wee :D
esp these days my boy keeps pressing on bladder haha..


How can you multi-task with work, forum and whats app.
I already having bad headache now like want to K.O already.
Go home take cab so dizzy!


Active Member
bt timah stop but seem like rain coming again.. sky dark again~~should rain during slping time coz i dun on air con~~ haha then will be cooling ~~ woo hoo.. keke i wanan go pick my son better dun rain ar.. if not cannot drive fast.. keke


Diydee: i am used to multi tasking. So I am okay with it.

Mybeautyrights: that is what I heard also. But why others keep saying drink too much water cause water retention. Anyway my leg is swollen. So ugly.

Asphere: I also need to drink a lot water. I'm used to it. So if no water I will die.


Morning mummies and babies.

I don't know lei. Just out of a sudden my leg swell and I cannot wear my shoes. Hai :( that's why I say my leg ugly. Having a lot of red patches like rashes. Now swell. And my leg is redder than before. Hai hai :(


Active Member

Aksoh: i think maybe you walk too much?? try to rest :D

Cant wait for lunch keke and 530 then i am off for the week woo hoo.


Active Member
yup yup..
today in relax mood. haha..
and i still haven get to eat my bao!!!
btw i heard subway having 1 for 1 wor..


Tat was yesterday for subway.
Wao the gals in the whatsapp chat, their topic getting more n more open. Haha. Later lunch u stroll n read.


Asphere: but my son don't let me sit. He wants to shop. He love me to walk. I can go shopping and he behaves well whole day long. Unlike me sitting down in office. He will punch an kicks.