EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Yea I agree the only painful part is the cookin.. For me I normally hated the cooking part after I got married n now with a baby I hate it even more..


Kary, true enough! Will try my best not to have expectations on mil which will make me feel worse. Sometimes, I just wish my flat can come soon and on our own than put up with it. Baby super cranky just now, refuse to sleep after milk. Didn't even have time for lunch and finally she's asleep. Faster finish up my lunch and pumps milk before she might wake up again. Must learn to be independent.

I saw dirt in my baby's nose. So far in and it's like blocking her whole nostril, which I suspect might be causing her crankiness and not able to sleep deeply. But, how to take out?

Meltie, hmm, if ur CL is causing you so much stress, think mayb it's a better choice to terminate her service.


melti, although my cl not Gd but I think urs is worse .. I oso agree wif other mummies u should ask her to leave .. mayb get in a replacement if can if not u b having more stress wif her in ur hse ..


Meltie.. I think if u cant tahan ur cl.. Might as well fire her... Too stress not good for u...

So kary ur pic took fm studio???! Last time i made my #1 i go those photoshop took one.. Coz i nv manage to take it properly... Lol

Today my mil keep nagging when we use e carrier... Haha... No point explaining i feel just 1 ear in 1 ear out..


Rodorsany I took the pic on my own... And then took it to the studio for them to select the one that was suitable and they cut it to te measurements. But if u take a proper pic and don't require too many changes u can crop the pic to the measurements urself, deres a website that allows u to edit to passport size measurements..


Recently, bb likes to pee just wen I'm removing her soiled diaper and before I push a new diaper beneath her buttock.. As a result, she will be all wet and I have to wipe her clean and change her clothes.. Esp hate it wen she pull this stunt on me in the middle of the night.. And just now she got a new stunt! Just wen I'm wiping her bottom, a fresh spurt of explosive poo shot out, staining the changing mat, cot bedsheet, cot rails, my thighs, calves, feet and the floor.. I just went AHHHHHH! And bb looks super satisfied with her explosive poo.. Sighz.. I hate her stunts! In the end gotta tip-toe to the washroom to clean myself, wipe the floor clean and change the sheets.. Sighz.. If she keeps this up, I'm gg bonkers.. :(


hey felicity, hugs hugs.. hope you're feeling better.. i can understand the pain in piles.. actually i dun really check my poop liao.. had mixture of blood and stuff in it... but my piles getting better.. gynae gave me more cream and daflon.. occasionally i'll just try to push it back in like what the nurse in hosp n gynae did.. if not v uncomfy to sit on it.. sigh but it comes out again v soon.. My baby's temperature is always between 36.9 to 37.3degs.. i think its normal.. when its hot in the day, i measure forehead is around 37.1,37.2.. will ventilate room more.. on humid nights, i only swaddle tummy down , leave legs open.. if too hot den i unswaddle... i think if it persists above 37.5deg den its a cause for concern.. that time charlotte was persistently at 38.5deg.. unswaddled her completely still did not go down in half hr.. den we brought her to A&E liao...

Sigh i still putting up w my CL's black face.. attitude leh.... told her to reuse the water that used to heat up milk, to soak my bottles before washing.. coz she used a huge bowl of water to heat up.. she is quite wasteful in water.. always full blast tap and pour water away... told her to reuse since its clean.. but she did not do it.... :/ I am still discussing w hibbynif we shld tahan her for amother week.. confinement ends on 23rd...... shld i terminate her early and try to diy all by myself? currently i am still super tired physically and mentally.. all the things that came n pass since delivery... i have not been able to reat well, build up my body.. my ex CL was saying i need to take more tonics and maybe drink DOM everyday to build back my strength , after confinement its harder to gain back... but den this CL nv do anything.. cook normal food n veg only and it sucks.. anyone got any wine to recommend for us mummies to drink? I'm really worried i have lost my physical strength and canmt really have energy to take care of bb from 2nd mth on... i have seen frens who gave birth and really build back their strength and still going b strong....
I never had confinment food and confinement itself, in tiredlooking after bb alone and doing household chores, so far surviving, i take berry essence everyday and multivit idk if these helps or im just strong lol ;)


Wah i finally get to rest abit.. bb had not slept for more than 15mibs since morning.. latched her every hr.. in between had massage so ask CL give her 60ml.. but she still did not slp.. from 3pm till now latched here n there.. she cry when being put down.. slp for 5mins cry again... i just fed her and did not burp her.. let her slp... hope she doesn't vomit out... now slp quite soundly.. pray she gets some rest!!!! It's been a tiring day... CL lying there while i bz w bb in room.. sighh no choice coz i latching.. sigh i haven't got time to pump for bb's night feed.. only 95ml in fridge.. may have to latch her through the night liaoo..

I'm wondering if i shld get some DOM to drink everyday.. to nourish my body.. they say its crucial for 1st mth as body is quickly recuperating and absorbing all the nutrients.. after that may be v hard to build back the strength liao.. really hope i can be full of vigor again .. and if i'm having a 2nd bb..i'll have the strength to go through all these again.. :p


Hey reiann & lingz, my bb also did that afew times.. yesterday i was latching her.. she pooped and it leaked to my legs... massive poopy mess.. this morn was latching on bed.. asked hubby help me burp her for awhile while i dress up.. she pooped on hubby and it stained our bedsheet! Sigh keep changing bedsheet nowadays..
Last week changed as bb vomited onto my bed while i was burping her.. shld i learn my lesson n not do it on my bed? haha its the most comfy place for me to feed her....

Anyone slping w bb on bed? Just now the massage lady say to make both bb n i relax, maybe can lie diwn to latch and let bb slp w me throughout the day since i'm latching sp frequently... like that bb n i get to rest.. seems ideal but i know bb may just kick up a big fuss n wants to be carried... anyone tried lying position to latch? i have uet to try.. only googled n saw pictures online...


Wah i finally get to rest abit.. bb had not slept for more than 15mibs since morning.. latched her every hr.. in between had massage so ask CL give her 60ml.. but she still did not slp.. from 3pm till now latched here n there.. she cry when being put down.. slp for 5mins cry again... i just fed her and did not burp her.. let her slp... hope she doesn't vomit out... now slp quite soundly.. pray she gets some rest!!!! It's been a tiring day... CL lying there while i bz w bb in room.. sighh no choice coz i latching.. sigh i haven't got time to pump for bb's night feed.. only 95ml in fridge.. may have to latch her through the night liaoo..

I'm wondering if i shld get some DOM to drink everyday.. to nourish my body.. they say its crucial for 1st mth as body is quickly recuperating and absorbing all the nutrients.. after that may be v hard to build back the strength liao.. really hope i can be full of vigor again .. and if i'm having a 2nd bb..i'll have the strength to go through all these again.. :p
i have dome here opened one but still 3/4 as my hubby tastef it lol opened not long ago about 2 weeks. I can pass it to you if you want and some chicken essence if you can drink them cos i cant lol


Who here went for doctor cos if breast lump?! Sowee cant track post as some numbering cannot load..

Me, I went for further chk up due to the lump on my left breast. At the top. Was due to block duct.. The doc aspirated it (using injection to extract the blockage) it subsided but it came back Again. doc says it may return so I jut need to ignore it for now cos I m breastfeeding..

Its also due to the fact that I'd a mini cyst in my breasts before I was pregnant.. So now can't do anything.


Me, I went for further chk up due to the lump on my left breast. At the top. Was due to block duct.. The doc aspirated it (using injection to extract the blockage) it subsided but it came back Again. doc says it may return so I jut need to ignore it for now cos I m breastfeeding..

Its also due to the fact that I'd a mini cyst in my breasts before I was pregnant.. So now can't do anything.
oh no im having lump on left breast too upper one also.. So big niw and bumpy as my breast got smaller...


Hi Meltie, I oso din hav Dom.. In fact I quite hate it.. Plus breastfeeding, so I dun feel like drinking too though prenatal class say 10ml ok.. I oso din drink chicky essence cos not exactly a fan.. My CL oso din cook v nutritious soup for me then.. The most she cooked was papaya soup with fish bone which I truly love! Haha.. Now I'm fine too, maybe cos during confinement I sleep thru the night so more rest? My mum and grandma keep saying confinement food v impt, but I oso dunno how true.. I jus noe the food v heaty cos I got outbreak! :(


Oh ya.. As for latching while lying down.. I tried it cos now need to feed bb at night.. The middle of the night feeds I will bottle feed ebm cos it last longer ~ 3hrs.. If latching she will keep waking up then we will sleep even less.. The feed at 5 or 6am I will latch her lying down.. Even if she wakes up 1hr later for milk again it's oredi morning, I would be more awake.. Haha..

But I suck at latching lying down.. How do u all do it? Cos I tried latching bb after I lie down but the angle of the nipple makes it a bit hard for bb to latch on so she ended up v frustrated.. So I will latch her sitting up, then lie down together.. But sometimes suction will break too then hav to try a few times.. Haha.. Poor bb..