EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Piglimcan give me which doctor and clinic uv been so i can hv appointment too, ty.
She's dr joy lee.

Clinic's Joy Lee Breast and general surgery.
Address is #01-16/17
Mt alvernia medical centre blk B
820 Thomson road
tel 62585893

Did that side of ur breast supply lesser than e other side? Cos mine was like tat...
Dint worry too much could b block duct...
Do make an appointment early so that u won't keep worrying bout it.
She's quite Gd n friendly. Explained alot of things to me n made me feel at else. I even asked her stuff like will my nipples look like this forever cos they r so ugly now, she just smiled and say "they will look alittle better BUT u know, they will still b different previously. Cos they r now used n old. "


Wah soo many postings.. I had been busy lately-to b my buddy's wedding jiemei. Goose waking up at 4am is no joke. Had to pump first before I leave.. Then 4 hrs later again pump at e hotel toilet. Came hm n still hv to take over e duty of taking care my son.. Was soooo exhausted i slpt with my son in my arms after he finished his milk.

Over the wkend my son finally got his botak "hairstyle" we r doing tai mao bi (scholar brush) for him so e haircut was free. The person came to our hse n it was so fun cos she did a Mohawk style first n let us took pics of him before she shaved off everything! But of cos e brush din come cheap.. Costs us abt $300+

Today went to PS mothercare to buy bottle teats for bb. I m usin tommee tippee bottle n has been using the slow flow for 0mth... But until lately we realised bb has been getting hungry fast yet by the time we warm up the milk bb only drinks half n fall aslp.. So I bought the vari flow tests for 0mth +. N surprisingly it works wonder! This vari flow thing work in such a way when bb sucks hard the flow will b strong n when bb begins to feel tired n the suction is weaker the flow will also b smaller.. My son finished drinking in one go n was still sucking after we pull out e empty bottle!!!

But the sad part is recently I realised my boy is hving nipple confusion.. My nipple is alrdy inside his mouth but he was still searching n wailing so loudly at e same time haiz.. I really dunno if I shld just do exclusive bottle feeding or not. But I really enjoy having him in my arms n letting him suckle... Haiz... Wat shld I do? Continue to latch n still let him wail? (he will stop after 10mins of struggling then start to suck cos he'll b tired by then) but I doubt he's full from the feed cos when I pump the amt still e same mayb just 10ml difference.

Anw I read some previous postings bout the storage of milk.
Those who freeze e milk, the antibodies will b gone BUT it is still better than formula. Milk can keep up to 3mths. This is in case ur supply cannot meet the demand of bb in future cos the bb appetite will sure increase one.
Ma's for the ebm warming up n throwing it away.. I have checked with Parentcraft. They say.. Once u take out from the fridge n warm it u can only use it till 2hrs from that time. So if ur bb drinks alittle n so hv alot n if the bb wakes up with e 2hrs, u can still use the milk, just change e water to warm up e milk. Do not keep the milk after 2hrs.
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Lingz - Thank u... I'll go check sometime this week :)

Meltie - My baby was the same as yours today.. She wanted to keep latching, she would fall asleep for barely 10 - 15 minutes and then wake up crying again. Made my nipples super sore today :( and she finally slept at 8:30.. And I have been keeping my baby in between hubby and me in the nights, only cos its easier for me.. Everytime I notice her waking up and stretching I stuff my boob into her mouth and she sucks for a while, sometimes a long time and then falls asleep. Really works for me, I have been able to sleep alot better now and I think she's alot more comfortable with us. She sleeps in her bed only during the day and with us in the nights..

Reiann - I did one set in a photo studio in Parkway Parade and since that was not as per the requirements I did it again in a studio near VFS India office.

I've been changing bedsheets soo many times too, once it was cause I was burping my baby on the bed and she vomitted soo much on me and another time cos she pooed soo much it came out of her diaper and on my bedsheet.. The story of all our lives now lol ...


Active Member
i just tio the poo while changing diaper thingy... i saw poo coming out i quickly take the folded soiled diaper to block... flow out a bit before "shooting" out... so heng just in time and all the poo on the soiled diaper...

meltie, i started bfeeding lying down in bed after my confinement cos back at home has double bed and in the day hubby out for work, so i hv the whole bed and i will feed her lying down and then nap together sometimes. my only worries is if i sleep too deep and suffocate her... but so far so good...


Active Member
lingz haha yea sometimes when lying down she just can't latch on properly and will be v frustrated and become super fussy... then hv to sit up to latch again... but u lihai, i find it difficult to go from sitting to lying down... how to put bb down lying side by side from sitting in my arms without breaking the latch??

yup meltie and kary... bb pooped on my bed and puked on my bed too... plus when latching lying down always leaking down the side, now i rem to always put a hanky below her face...


She's dr joy lee.

Clinic's Joy Lee Breast and general surgery.
Address is #01-16/17
Mt alvernia medical centre blk B
820 Thomson road
tel 62585893

Did that side of ur breast supply lesser than e other side? Cos mine was like tat...
Dint worry too much could b block duct...
Do make an appointment early so that u won't keep worrying bout it.
She's quite Gd n friendly. Explained alot of things to me n made me feel at else. I even asked her stuff like will my nipples look like this forever cos they r so ugly now, she just smiled and say "they will look alittle better BUT u know, they will still b different previously. Cos they r now used n old. "
No actually it produces more milk than the right one.. Ill give her a call, tyvm :)


Sigh! i latched bb at 11pm and she slept soundly .. i pumped out around 12mn.. and told CL that when bb wakes around 2am, i wanna latch her.. coz i only left 95 ml in fridge, better for me to latch before i go to slp, 5am i plan to let her do the feeding... but guess what, i already rush out 1st thing hear bb cry.. but my CL already started warming up the milk liao... i was so frustrated!!!! now i gotta wake up at 5am super engorged to feed .. or 3am to pump and 5am to feed.. don't need to slp liao! grrr!

My hubby n i have more or less decided that we'll tell her that we'll terminate her tml.. she super bo chap today.. just now told her no more longan red date in flaskc she went to fill and i went to kitchen after that and saw drops of longan red dates tracing frm kitchen to table.. and also, the slow cooker was filled with cold water to re-boil again.. whee got taste liao ...

Sigh, she has been lying there on her bed whole day.. talk to her, she just look up.. she did not clwar thw diaper bin and kitchen dustbin as we told her frm 1st day.. den my hubby went to tell her.. she just laid there n acknowledged and went back to rest.. end up my hubby went to clear n throw.. also, she finally made the ginseng black chicken soup for me, but dunno y so diluted and no taste one.. i drank at 9pm.. till now the double boil pot is still sitting unwashed on the table.. in addition, all the pots in the kitchen is still holding the remaining soup and little leftovers.. she can't be bothered to clean up and throw loh.. sigh so dirty ..kitchen floor oso super gross... and she can still lie there and rest whole evening.....

Sorry for the ranting.. i hope i have made a right decision, really attitude matters alot..


Hi meltie, I'm sure you have made a correct decision of terminating her as she is not making ur confinement easier, but tougher. Since u have alr told her explicitly what need to be done, she still can't be bothered and continue her own way, before she decide to stop working, ur should just terminate her to let her know the seriousness. Hope things will be smooth for u after she leave. Definitely will be tough, but hand on to it!

Mreow Mreow

Reiann - I will let you know what my experience is once I get there.. For now I'm extremely nervous, cos I'm traveling alone with baby, but I've booked on business just so that I get extra special care... But I've been doing a lot of reading up on travelling with an infant and a lot of people say its easier when the baby is really small, plus now most airlines provide that extra care for passengers travelling with infants. *Fingers and toes crossed* If she's a good baby on this trip, then planning another holiday in December after I come back..

Hi Kary Mummy!

Good to hear that U are going for a Holiday... A well-deserved trip! :)

Which airline are u flying on? Business class is awesome......
They'll put u infront and fix up a nice nice bassinet for u :)

Yes, most airlines are baby friendly now and the crew will try their utmost best to help u...
I know for sure, Cuz i was in the Airline :)
Now Had to quit due to pregnancy... Heehee


Hi Meltie, ur CL realli sounds horrible! Why she so lazy? Wen she first came u mentioned that she has quick hands and now she becomes like tat.. Tsk tsk.. I'm sure it's e right decision to ask her to leave.. Jia you! :D


hey lizzy, thanks for ur offer on the DOM, hmm how does it taste like? was thinking of asking hubby to buy.. i seldom drink alcohol one.. i also afraid i dun like the taste....

Sigh my hubby still checking w his aunt if she can help out abit if we ask the CL to leave.. still have not broke the news to her..
i really cannot tahan liao.. just now 2plus am bb drank bottle prep by her already told her from now on i wanna latch, 3.30am bb hungry again so i quickly went over n latched her.. 6.10am bb cried, i went over, CL already warmed what she claimed 60ml, i was v angry why she did not wake me up , i checked the bottle n it was 75ml.. she just anyhow give bb... i'm so angry.. told her not to touch my milk (60ml left in fridge), and i need to save for later during massage if bb needs, can bottlefeed her..
Explained to CL why i need to latch her, coz wanna stimulate more milk and already not enough ebm in fridge, need to save up. She claims that i only told her 5plus feed i'll latch, so 6plus she dowan to wake me up since i dd not instruct.. and then i told her that i need to latch or else i'll still wake up to pump anyway, so i need to pump since bottle is fed right... guess wad she said.. she said, 'U nv instruct me , u wanna wake up ur side is ur problem, i wun wake u up if you did not instruct me' But den if there's no milk, she needs to wake me up to latch right?!! Her reply is 'k lo, i'll call u everytime loh..' with a black face... grr ..

Anyway, feel that my ex CL got more heart for bb, more patience.. at least she sits and wait for bb to drink down the milk, slowly pat her to burp and wait for her to slp in her arms.. it takes quite long... but my this CL like wants to go back to her beauty slp, she feed finish, quickly burp and puts bb to slp (can be as fast as 15mins) . I've noticed my bb vomitting more n more.. even suspect got reflux coz she woke up screaming n crying after a feed... I seriously wonder if she did burp my bb properly and let milk go down.. to her its just to get bb fed n back on bed.. totally dun care if bb regurgitate or vomit.. maybe thats why my bb so fast hungry again.. Like just now the 6.10am feed, bb vomitted after bottle, 3 mouthfuls in front of me.. and 10mins later cried, asked CL what happened.. she was changing bb's clothes n said bb vomitted alot...and den she say bb hungry, threw to me to latch... i just pumped finish at that time loh! sigh i still latched bb to slp... CL back in room slping...

I just went to room as bb cried again.. CL in kitchen din bother to come soothe bb.. i went to soothe, carry and coax her to slp... n CL came back to room and ask.. 'baby slp liao ar? ' .. i was wondering its her job leh.... den she went to bathe.. dunno how many times a day! i really dun like her attitude!!

Hope my hubby's aunt can help out w the meals abit in these few days while i survive the last few days oblf confinement.. i think i feel so tired coz i did not rest much.. nv slept thru the night at all.... sigh, and if coz all the worries that cloud my mind.... :/ trying to be positive..


Meltiei think it taste like whisky or cognac im not sure but judging by the smell those 2 alcohol are similar.. Your hubby can get in my place i live bear queenstown mrt so you wont waste money if you dont like it..


And as per CL's job im not sure what the specific help they can give i think more of the baby and mom concern ya? So anything to do with you and the baby is her job so why the black face lol maybe give her bad reviews so her future client wont suffer like you do.. Just a thought :D


Haha i nv tasted whisky or cognac before.. i supposed its quite strong? I stay at buona vista.. hmm u sure u dun wanna take? I need to check w my hubby his schedule..


Haha i nv tasted whisky or cognac before.. i supposed its quite strong? I stay at buona vista.. hmm u sure u dun wanna take? I need to check w my hubby his schedule..
Nope :) im just right down queenstown mrt, stirling st. Ill give you sample of berry essence too (good for confinement) so you can taste and buy if you'll like it. Dome dosage i think take 1 dome cap 2x a day? That was i remember when i was taking it 6 yrs ago.. Do you take chicken essence too? I hv a lot lol or anyone here raking chicken essence? Let me know i have 2 boxes (12 pcs) to give away!


Meltie ur cl really attitude i think worse then our mils.... Duh... If u really dun like can use e dom in food... At least get abit of e nutrients... Thats what I did... I dun drink but I got alot of dom n cognac so add it in food... Like chicken..

Ytd i din really get to pump n latch.coz need to run errands wah bb complained ended need to latch on off fm 7pm till 2am!!! Nipples damn sore... This morning pump almost no milk.. Coz morning i latch her again... 1 hand im happy she wants to b latched e other im so tired coz i couldnt lie dn latch her... Ended up i dozz off... Wanna ask if any of u dozz off ah... Coz i pump n btl feed more then i latch..


Wah so many westerners here... I stay at jurong west but work at commonwealth...

Is berry essence good??!!! I've been force to take chicken essence coz i got a lot!!!!! Meltie if u worried can try e huiji buyaojing.. Not bad no alcohol content.. To.me easier to drink then.chicken essence n dom lol


Wah so many westerners here... I stay at jurong west but work at commonwealth...

Is berry essence good??!!! I've been force to take chicken essence coz i got a lot!!!!! Meltie if u worried can try e huiji buyaojing.. Not bad no alcohol content.. To.me easier to drink then.chicken essence n dom lol
it works for me :D it taste good too! I have pathetic bm supply so dunno how to share much but lately been taking malunggay capasules and bm is a bit better like up 20ml per so i can pump 60 ml in total now ;) giving my son 40% bm 60% goats milk :(


Active Member
I hv huiji waist tonic too but I always forgotten to take regularly!! In fact so far maybe taken 3-5 times >< Dom my mum used for cooking during my confinement cos I want her to boil away the alcohol content first.. My aunt (mum's sis) gave me one bottle n say must take cos a lot of good herbs inside is v good tonic.. I haven't taken on its own b4 though. I dun take chicken essence so all gave away.. Received as gifts too, n birds nest. So now just taking birds nest but also on n off only, not regularly... In fact only taken once >< the only thing I'm drinking a lot now is milo XD

Meltie omg she's horrible!! U paid for her service yet she really doesn't sound like much help.. Think ur hse is hotel or wat?! Get rid of her already!! Hope u can cope well n the aunt can come help u too!!


Eee.. I dun like dom.. Took one small cup and hated it.. Later CL cook chicken with dom and I hate it still.. So CL resorted to cooking chicken in chicken essence.. Haha.. I oso have a lot of chicken essence.. Did not realli drink them everyday.. But they can last till 2014 so is ok.. Keke..