EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Seems like we all have an issue with CL.. Is it realli so hard to find a good CL nowadays? Luckily mine is gone oredi.. Though I'm now more tired, at least I dun hav to put up with the CL crap.. Jia you meltie and purpur! A few days more to go! Endure!

Meltie, if it makes u better, my supply oso dropped drastically in week 3.. Tat time I was quite depressed too.. Many told me that it's normal.. I did wat they said, drink lots of fluid, pump regularly and I oso latch bb more to stimulate demand.. After a few days, supply gradually went up though not as much as before.. Now my milk supply still ding dong up and down, sometimes more, sometimes less but at least not as pathetic as in week 3.. U jia you k? And of cos stay happy, if not the more u stress, the less milk u have.. it's a vicious cycle!


kary: chin up. I know how frustrating it is when you're already so tired, so burped the baby shorter than usual, and then she throws up and it's all freaking wasted! and then you have to feed again.. hang in there. just know that if it's so bad now it will get better, then.

meltie and purpur: why do you still tolerate CL?? haha it sounds much worse than training a maid. fire them immediately??

ahwang: don't know how much my baby drinks as I latch on most of the time. but e.g. in the 4-6am feed, my baby only takes one breast and is satisfied, so I pump the other, and it's usually about 3oz, sometimes more. so I gather that she's taking about 3oz at *that feeding. I'm sure it's not the same amt at every feeding. don't worry too much about storage. I de frosted a frozen ebm and as they say, it smells soapy! yuck! I don't think I'll freeze anymore. is it really that good to have a store /supply of ebm??

felicity: I hope you and your baby are well.. take care.


Felicity: hope u r ok.. As for baby temperature, their temperature is generally higher. About 37.5, then u have to start monitoring and sponge the baby. If the temperature doesn't go down and keep increasing, then, prob hav to see pd.

Karen, I also feel rather emo this morning ESP after hubby went back to work and knowing that he only can come back late. Just upset about the whole situation I'm in. My mil is definitely not taking care of me and everytime after I take quite some time to feed and coax baby to sleep, she will just pop into my room and say baby very good, sleep alr. I'm still at my confinement and what I've for my meal yesterday was just a piece of curry chicken that she cooked for whole family with rice for dinner. Lunch was outside fish soup and I cooked my own breakfast. This has been ongoing for a few days. How to not to feel depressed and deprived and of coz will subconsciously affect milk supply. When my mum came down yesterday to visit me, it's the first time after so many weeks that I got to drink chicken herbal soup. Last night when baby had difficult time falling asleep due to bloated tummy, she blamed it straight on the herbal soup that I had. So angry, told her baby has been drinking ebm which was pumped two days ago, didn't even drink today's milk. My mum told me not to touch too much water, but I've to wash my own dishes, bath my own baby. Over the night, I'm waking up now and then to check on baby and feed her, but every morning, she will come in and say baby sleep through the night coz when she wake up, only see all of us sleeping. Sometimes, feel like packing everything and bring baby back to my place. When baby is cranky due to tummy not well or hard to fall asleep at night, she will always blame it on the supernatural stuff. I believe in it, but, cannot everytime baby hard to manage, blame on those kind of thing. It becomes very tiring and taxing. Sometimes, the baby just has slept too much in the day.. From what I heard from all the mummies here, most of u also have some nights that baby super cranky. Sorry to vent my frustration here.


Active Member
Thanks mummies.. Doc says I hv a couple of tears n a few piles all clustered together inside... That's why there's so much blood and pain... Given stool softener again... Among other meds. Didn't bring bb down, I also believe 37.2 is not fever yet for bb, over 37.5 then is cause for concern.

I'm feeling emo too.. I think I'm the only weird one.. Cos mil will be away later till wed.. Tmr I'll be alone to bathe her n prepare my own meals... Too dependent on mil already... N these few days carry bb so much until my arms r really sore n no energy.. Until I carry her I worry I'll drop her :( when alone I'll even worry more. Like wat if I faint n no one at home n no one to take care of bb until hubby comes back at night? Dunno why keep being v paranoid :/

Kary hope u r feeling better. I did hv a drastic dip in milk supply at around week 3... But I was super upset too n w the dip caused me more distress n went down a lot.. Now like lingz will yoyo sometimes more sometimes less... But usually both sides combined around 3oz, also not much.

Erlina can ur mum like make more of her soup n black vinegar dishes etc n leave for u to heat up n eat?


Reiann - thank u!!

Erlina - you know what don't expect anything from ur mil since u already know she doesn't help... I have not been following any confinement rules, Cos right from the start I knew that once my mum leaves me, I will have to do everything by myself.. My hubbyi also went back to work today after a week, and he comes home late sighz, even though he was not of too much physical help he was of a lot of moral support.. And my mil does not do anything to help me, and since I knew that already it doesn't affect me anymore. Only with the dishes I get occasional help, otherwise I do all the household chores and cooking on my own.. If you feel your not getting enough food, just keep drinking milk or milo.. I think the only nourishing food I have is oatmeal porridge for breakfast and I drink milo / plain milk thru the day, my diet is otherwise very regular (plus because i have to cook on my own, and have no time sometimes, i also have alot of fast food) The lactation consultant in the hospital also said you can eat regular normal food, just don't drink alcohol... So don't bother if you think that your not eating right you just need plenty of fluids in you...


erlina , u r not alone my bb oso cranky at nitez .. I think is jus a growing stage for them .. while for ur mil think no choice hav to swallow all ur frustration as u all r living under one roof ..


Thanks mummies.. Doc says I hv a couple of tears n a few piles all clustered together inside... That's why there's so much blood and pain... Given stool softener again... Among other meds. Didn't bring bb down, I also believe 37.2 is not fever yet for bb, over 37.5 then is cause for concern.

I'm feeling emo too.. I think I'm the only weird one.. Cos mil will be away later till wed.. Tmr I'll be alone to bathe her n prepare my own meals... Too dependent on mil already... N these few days carry bb so much until my arms r really sore n no energy.. Until I carry her I worry I'll drop her :( when alone I'll even worry more. Like wat if I faint n no one at home n no one to take care of bb until hubby comes back at night? Dunno why keep being v paranoid :/

Kary hope u r feeling better. I did hv a drastic dip in milk supply at around week 3... But I was super upset too n w the dip caused me more distress n went down a lot.. Now like lingz will yoyo sometimes more sometimes less... But usually both sides combined around 3oz, also not much.

Erlina can ur mum like make more of her soup n black vinegar dishes etc n leave for u to heat up n eat?
Felicity aww I hope you feel better soon... All of us seem to be getting really emotional :( I guess it's normal ... But soo not happening... I sometimes feel so lonely and like I have no help at all. I know when I have to latch I need to do that, but atleast for bottle feeding and burping someone else can, but even that I have to do... I don't even get any attention from my hubby anymore :(

im going back to India for a month in Nov can't wait for that holiday and a break from household chores..


reiann, no choice no helper .. although she is not Gd but at least can help me do laundry wash bottles do little of hse work here n there .. haa .. at least I can nap awhile on n off .. earlier gonna terminate her service but scare e replacement even worse so jus Hold on .. get her fr PEM agency .. :(


I went to buy a sling yesterday hoping to bring bb out in future with the sling.. Just tried with bb but she looked super uncomfy inside and kept fidgeting.. Also, her neck seems at an awkward angle.. Wen I put her down in her cot after multiple attempts with the sling, she's so relieved she actualli smiled at me.. Sobz.. I dunno how to use the sling!


hey felicity, hugs hugs.. hope you're feeling better.. i can understand the pain in piles.. actually i dun really check my poop liao.. had mixture of blood and stuff in it... but my piles getting better.. gynae gave me more cream and daflon.. occasionally i'll just try to push it back in like what the nurse in hosp n gynae did.. if not v uncomfy to sit on it.. sigh but it comes out again v soon.. My baby's temperature is always between 36.9 to 37.3degs.. i think its normal.. when its hot in the day, i measure forehead is around 37.1,37.2.. will ventilate room more.. on humid nights, i only swaddle tummy down , leave legs open.. if too hot den i unswaddle... i think if it persists above 37.5deg den its a cause for concern.. that time charlotte was persistently at 38.5deg.. unswaddled her completely still did not go down in half hr.. den we brought her to A&E liao...

Sigh i still putting up w my CL's black face.. attitude leh.... told her to reuse the water that used to heat up milk, to soak my bottles before washing.. coz she used a huge bowl of water to heat up.. she is quite wasteful in water.. always full blast tap and pour water away... told her to reuse since its clean.. but she did not do it.... :/ I am still discussing w hibbynif we shld tahan her for amother week.. confinement ends on 23rd...... shld i terminate her early and try to diy all by myself? currently i am still super tired physically and mentally.. all the things that came n pass since delivery... i have not been able to reat well, build up my body.. my ex CL was saying i need to take more tonics and maybe drink DOM everyday to build back my strength , after confinement its harder to gain back... but den this CL nv do anything.. cook normal food n veg only and it sucks.. anyone got any wine to recommend for us mummies to drink? I'm really worried i have lost my physical strength and canmt really have energy to take care of bb from 2nd mth on... i have seen frens who gave birth and really build back their strength and still going b strong....


Mummies hang in there... Be it cl or mil... We are mommies... I believe u all can... Now at night i just take care of bb alone... Dun even bother hb... Feel depend on myself better still... Ytd bb also cranky.. Coz hardly sleep in e day... I just latch her to comfort her phew....

Btw i just went polyclinic n had bb 2nd hb jab... Wt gain abt 1.3kg consider good... Jiayou mommies..

Lings u try with bolster first till get e hang... Coz keep trying with bb... Bb pissed off one


lingz: same! I bought a sling weeks ago and tried it with my then-newborn, and it was so awkward. I had tips from a friend but it still didn't really help. I found it also cause her to spit up too, as it's putting her in a very awkward c-shape. I think i'll only use it later, when she's large enough and able to more or less hold her head up so I don't put her in the cradle hold anymore.

so in the meanwhile I bought a manduca.. those soft structured carriers. more expensive.. but so far, it's really fantastic. great for the baby (allows it to have its head upright without pressing down flat on mattress), and she sleeps so quickly in it and nicely. I go out with her now with it, never without!

kary!!! you're going to india! fantastic. I'm going on a holiday in december too with the baby, really not sure how it'd go. hope it goes well for you in november. would you update us how it goes? eg packing for baby, travelling with it (in plane especially), etc? tips and all will be so helpful. seems like not many people travel with babies that young, hence I'm rather clueless..


Reiann - I will let you know what my experience is once I get there.. For now I'm extremely nervous, cos I'm traveling alone with baby, but I've booked on business just so that I get extra special care... But I've been doing a lot of reading up on travelling with an infant and a lot of people say its easier when the baby is really small, plus now most airlines provide that extra care for passengers travelling with infants. *Fingers and toes crossed* If she's a good baby on this trip, then planning another holiday in December after I come back..


heh yes, Kary! that's what I read too - and some of my friends told me the same - that infants when they can't roll/crawl/walk/talk/complain are much easier than older babies/toddlers. I think it'll only be the equalising problem and maybe night feedings/wind/colic etc usual problems, otherwise, when they sleep, young babies can be such angels.

well, good luck, and have fun :) business class sounds awesome. wish I could travel on business class too!

I still haven't got my passport photo of baby done yet! argh.


Sigh! Just bathed came out n saw my bb slping on CL's bed beside her, she lying down w one hand on handphone, one hand on bb... she asked me before if i sllow bb to slp on her bed an i told her NO.. i wanna train bb slp in cot... den sh has done this twice without my permission liao! i just reminded her and told her to put bb back in cot soon.. she says she tried 3 time bb just refuse and cry.. so she is holding her in her bed first den transfer.. sigh what to do w a CL like that?


I swear! babies are real angels when they are asleep :) so peaceful and calm..

Good luck with the passport photo, I had taken soo many pictures right from day 4, and finally one was right but her hair was not done in that picture.. And when u take the picture make sure there's no shadow, a lot of my pics had jus a little shadow but the embassy was not ok with those pics..


Meltie I think u will be better off without a CL... If I were u I would have just fired her, she seems to be causing u more stress.. I'm sure u will do fine on ur own, a lot of us are doing it, you will get the hang of it in no time..


yeah I have to agree with Kary: meltie, if she's causing you more unhappiness.. what is the long term benefit? if she's a helper, than you can slowly teach her what you'd like to do, but even if a helper is reluctant to listen to your instructions and do things your way for MOST things, I'd fire her too. so for a CL, I'd fire her on the spot!

it really , really REALLY isn't that tough to take care of your baby yourself. only the food bit sucks. I have a helper who cooks for me, but she doesn't help with the baby, only for laundry.

you can either get confinement food delivered to you, or you can make batches of food and freeze them, and pop them in microwave (not confinement food). not that I believe in confinement food anyway..

good luck with your CL!

@Kary: passport photo = stress. but yes I really should get this done. will try now. sigh.